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Mod that removes stamina cost when attacking/drawing bow?


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Hi everyone. Is there a mod that removes the stamina cost when attacking with your melee weapon and drawing your bow? I am trying to make my Oblivion play more like Skyrim because I prefer Skyrim's combat system over Oblivion's. I don't want to install mods that change the combat style to Dark Souls game either because I do not like that combat style. I already found a mod that gets rid of the stamina cost when jumping as well a mod that adds sprinting to my game. Thank you in advance. 

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You can achieve this yourself by modifying the related Game Settings, with this command:

SetNumericGameSetting fMarksmanFatigueBurnPerSecond 0.0

SetNumericGameSetting fMarksmanFatigueBurnPerShot 0.0

You can put those commands in a .bat file you run every time you start the game, or (if you are using a mod that has an .ini file it loads every time you start the game) you can try and put them in that file.

Other than that, you can just create an ESP file in the Construction Set that modifies those game settings.

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