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Cannot download collections due to constant crashing.


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Using Vortex 1.11.7, latest download straight from Nexus.
Trying to Modify Fallout: New Vegas
This is the specific collection I am trying to download.
For some reason it WILL. NOT. complete the download without crashing.
What I have done:
I have deleted and re-installed Steam, Fallout, and Vortex at least 10 times. I am a premium user.
I have cleaned all relevant files from AppData and from Documents to make sure nothing is left behind.
I have formatted the drive in question, and am not using my C drive or system folders for installation.
BSA redirection is enabled.
Download Channels are set to 1.
I have downloaded .NET 6 and .NET 8 to make sure I have the proper .NET framework.
I have done a deep clean on my PC to remove any registry errors and make sure all drivers are up to date.
I've double checked internet connectivity to make sure I'm not experiencing any other issues.
I've rebooted countless times.

Nothing helps. Every single time I get to around 5% downloaded and it white screen crashes and will not resume or restart the download, resuming the collection download will just make it crash again. This is absolutely infuriating. Anybody have ANY idea how to fix this.

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51 minutes ago, Pickysaurus said:

What is crashing? The game? Vortex? Your PC? 

If it's the game crashing, you'll need to ask the curator of that collection. 

For other issues please provide a screenshot of any errors you see, if possible. 

This is really all I'm seeing, no specific error code or message post-white screen.

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I have the same issue. Vortex whitescreen crash/reboot vortex.

I have tried reinstalling vortex, update/rapair .net, get drivers up to date, and the same with windows updates and messed about with exceptions in windows defender. I have searched every corner of the internet.

It worked fine until last night



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