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Better Jumping Mod


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How do I configure this mod to allow sprint jumping, double jumping and customize jump height? It says to configure it in the skse data folder and doesn't have an mcm menu in game.




Alternatively is there a mod which will allow me to accomplish this any easier?

Edited by Blinkybubs
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Go to ...\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins (or the equivalent for non-Steam installations).  Find the BetterJumpingSE.txt.  Copy it, and save as BetterJumpingSE.txt.orig, ignore the warning about changing the file type.  Now that you have a backup, open and edit the values in the BetterJumpingSE.txt to suit your desires.  Descriptions are in the file.

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4 hours ago, Blinkybubs said:

What should I open it? word?  and how do I save the reconfiguration afterwards?

Notepad.  Just double-click on the file in the file explorer, and it should already open in Notepad.

(I'd take a screenshot of where it is, but I'm on Linux; haven't had a Windows machine since my Win7 PC's hard drive died a couple years ago.)

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BetterJumpingSE.dll says it can't be run in dos when I open it in notepad

BetterJumpingSE seems to be the instructions with the values but how do I save it after I alter the values?

Do these pics look like they are where I should be?



Screenshot 2024-06-18 143832.png

Screenshot 2024-06-18 143927.png

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Yah, your SKSE plugins are in the right place.  And the text file is the one you want -- guessing that's either BetterJumpingSE.ini or BetterJumpingSE.txt (though it's hard to tell since you have filename extensions hidden*).  In Notepad, hit Ctrl-S on your keyboard, or File > Save in the menus, to save changes to it.


* Can you show filename extensions?  In the file explorer, go to View > Show > Filename Extensions.  There's usually not much reason to hide those anymore; since sometime in Windows XP or Vista, the file explorer has been smart about not selecting the extension right away when you try to rename a file -- so it's more difficult to change it by mistake.

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