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Creation Club Mods break Starfield in various ways


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A majority of the mods selling on Bethesda are broke and cause issue.

1. Robin Companion breaks "The Well Map and Location Markers plus her quest is broke and modder did not bother to fix her lip sync so npc does not move lips when talks yet sells it anyway.

2. Derek Companion robot talks every 3 seconds repeating same lines making game unplayable. Can't send it away or it disappears forever.

3. The new Neon restaurant breaks Neon Map

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Robin does not break the Well for me, but yes, her quest is borked AF.... and the discord is inaccessible, so no support, for PAID mod. 


Her LipSync is a problem for all custom followers, I believe.... which is why 'Conversion' mods, like Adoring Fan to female, or human female VASCO also do not have LipSync


The Robin thing is BAD though, without a LipSync feature, it is annoying... but with a broken quest and no easy support pathway, she is basically worthless, so there's no way she should even cost 50c. 

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