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Doomsday level Lag?


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Salutations again, Nexus!

So. The other night, a section of my city had a huge power outage (2400-some people without power). I mention this for a reason. See, since that night, I have tried to play Skyrim AE as I usually do. Everything BEFORE the outage worked flawlessly, I even picked FNIS back up with no trouble.

Now though, since the outage, I've noticed a lag so terrible that you can literally count frames almost. It's seriously bad. Movement on even the title screen options is choppy as all h-e-twin-toothpicks. I even tested another, MUCH smaller game on my Steam library to double-check if something was going on with the Steam client. Even that game lagged all to junk.

I have tried the following things to rule out anything I might have mucked up.
1. Took out FNIS
2. Updated Vortex
3. Hard drive space cleanup (I always do this anyway and keep a good chunk of space free)
4. Full Skyrim re-install.

The lag-to-end-all-lags persists.

My mod list is kept fairly short, comparative to many other players I've encountered.
Here it is.

...The Obvious Ones First...
Official Patches
Unofficial Patches

---The Mod List----
Legacy of the Dragonborn
--CC Patches
--LotD Safehouse Teleport
Immersive College of Winterhold
--Relevant LotD Patch
Skyrim Unique Drinks
Tools of Kagrenac
--Relevant LotD Patch
Aetherium Armour and Weapons
--Relevant LotD Patch
Moon and Star
--Relevant LotD Patch
Realm of Lorkhan
TheWulfPanda's Teleport Spells
--Major Cities
--Towns and Villages
--Faction Teleport
The Choice is Yours
Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions
Frost Resist Provides Warmth
Trinity Restored Karliah Bug Fix
Inigo's Perk Point Book
Saeri's Aetherial Crown
Just No Tails
-And a small mod of my own making

My apologies for the slight text wall. Still getting that "spoiler" bit down.

Anyway, has anyone else been experiencing this? Has something I've got gone weird?

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Were there any Windows or driver updates since the outage?

And have you restarted your PC since booting back up from the outage?  (Either Restart in Windows, or any method that bypasses any "fast boot" option, so it fully restarts.)

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5 minutes ago, AaronOfMpls said:

Were there any Windows or driver updates since the outage?

And have you restarted your PC since booting back up from the outage?  (Either Restart in Windows, or any method that bypasses any "fast boot" option, so it fully restarts.)

I shut down and reboot daily (Shut down at night or for periods longer than 4 hours) and I have automatic updates. I am double checking driver updates to make sure they went through.

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2 hours ago, 7531Leonidas said:

Have you run SFC (System File Checker) for the Windows files?

Can I ask where to find that? After the outage (during which, there was an arc between some of the underground hardline stuff), so I imagine something like that would have an effect somehow.

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Second update: Nope. This thing is still lagging so badly I can count the frames. It's worse than Oldrim! I'm honestly starting to get kind of angry with this. The power outage situation is now entirely dealt with. I didn't get Skyrim to NOT play the bloody thing.

ETA: Eureka! It turns out the outage messed with some driver updates. Ran a clean sweep, did a full update and we're in business.

Note to self, and PSA if it helps: If your power goes out, when it returns, check your drivers and other updates.

Edited by BlueSteelRanger
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11 hours ago, BlueSteelRanger said:

Note to self, and PSA if it helps: If your power goes out, when it returns, check your drivers and other updates.

Yup, there's a reason some of those updates say "Do not turn off your computer" while they're updating. 🙂

Also, if you have a few bucks to spare, and brief outages happen enough...  Consider buying a UPS for your desktop and/or your modem and router, so you have long-enough battery backup to shut things down properly -- or to keep going uninterrupted through a power flicker. ⚡

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