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Post #91



A terrible tremor ran through the templecity. Cracks began to appear, and to grow, in the ground and in the buildings. Black smoke back to pour from the breaks in pavement and cobbled areas. Flagstones were blasted up into the air only to come down with a crash. In the distance a temple tower trembled as it began to change.

The EverWanderer came out of the vision trance in his rented apartment of not too shoddy appearance, at least not by local standards. A big cockroach was eating crumbs left for it, and other 'pests' by the EverFolk individual. Sitting on a clean mattress, as provided by himself, he reached out and gently stroked the back of the insect so that it shivered with pleasure.

Holy chants came from a Shazteczator priest of that which was the Shaztec Religion though it was a far from fully united one especially after centuries of trouble. It was early in the morning and so somebody shouted for the religious man to shut up, threatening to shoot him with an arrow. The chanting abruptly stopped!

The cockroach shimmered softly and then raced off to pass on the good news. Soon other cockroaches began to arrive, some with eggs on their backs. The EverWanderer touched each insect, as it arrived, and it vanished away with a soft shimmering as it was transshifted to Seekakeep. Such would end up in large enclosures where they would feed largely on rotten food while producing valuable manure and, when dying, their own bodies would be processed to become valuable biotech products.

He was not surprised when other types, of insects, joined the incoming stream.

He wondered if the vision had been a warning about that particular version of Shazzantacca. He looked out through the window, using a kind of X-ray vision as the curtains were drawn against those who would spy on him. The features, that he saw, were worn down versions of ones as seen ancient pictures, of the templecity, that he had managed to obtain but he suspected that meant little; the other versions, of Shazzantacca could easily have the same even if in different conditions. Was there a 'real' version of the templecity and was he in it if there was one?

He pulled out a highly nutritional travel biscuit so as to provide more crumbs for the insects along now with non inset type critters such as spiders. Those, at Seekakeep, would study some of the creatures that would arrive there, using samples from them but not hurting them. To the Seekars life was sacred and only taken if it was very necessary to do so. The majority of EverFolk had come to have the same belief.



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Posted (edited)

Post #92



It was soon became painfully obvious that the Seekaguards lacked the resources to deal with all the demands being made upon them. Even as 3,850 refugees appeared in one of the secured quarantine bubblezones in Seekakeep, and the rogue mannoid raids continued in the Seekawilds, there were also other duties that the Seekaguards had to carry out.

The SeekachampionsteamA00 were replaced by new type Seekaprimes of SeekaprimeteamA0 so that SeekachampionteamA00 could operate as a separate aspect of Seekamind directly working for the Seekachampions. As once SeekachampionA00 proposed that a focused Medium Wishling be activated to assist the Seekaguards. The idea was rejected by the Doomsworldgamelords who then gave permission for the use of a Helpling, a Giftling and a Summonling. Until that moment the Seekars had not even known there were such entities as the Doomsworldgamelords. Then that decision was overridden by the Doomsworldgamegods being yet another surprise to the Seekars.

The upshot, of all of the decision and counter decision, was that a Wishling, a Helpling, a Giftling, a Summonling were activated, by SeekachampionteamA0, along with a Supplyling and even an Exoticling. Somehow the mixture 'felt' right to the SeekachampionteamA0 and yet they were painfully aware that the consequences might not all as to be hoped for.

Except that a newly named Rainbowling was added, and activated, by the Doomsworldgamegods. This caused a great flash, of rainbow energies, to go through Seekahomeworld and it was so powerful in effect that the results were regulated, for safety reasons, to emerge slowly-steadily. Less so, the other Seekarealms were also effected.

Did the effects flow beyond the boundaries of the Seekarealms? In time it seemed to do so and for a time no Gamelings could be used except Blanklings that led to results so far untried, untested, in nature; except that also went for most of the types of Gamelings.


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Post #93



There came to the Seekahomelands a 12,567 Seekaguards and their 'camp followers' along with a few others to be Seekaguardfolk. In charge were the Seekaguardians of SeekaguardianteamC01 while SeekaguardianteamC00 became embedded in the self projection booth system in Seekacore; that team became bonded to Seekamind. Seekaguard Garrisons were strengthened all through out the Seekarealms including in the Seekawilds.

The Seekasneakers carried out a series of successful contact and capture missions while backed up by Seekaguards. Most, of such missions, were successfully completed by newly created, trained and upgraded Mannoid Militia Units.

SeekachampionteamA01 was replaced by the new Seekaprimes in the form of SeekaprimeteamD01 in commanding Seekahomebase and so SeekachampionteamA01 went out into the Seekawilds to help deal with the troubles there and to find out just what was going on there; they were supported by the new SeekataskforceA01. Just on the edges of the Western Seekahomeland, close to the dimensional barrier that sealed that area from the Seekawilds, a big fortress had appeared. It had materialised as a result of the activation of the many Gamelings. It gained the imaginative name of SeekafortressA01.

Sharry sat behind double 20mm autocannons in the upper, middle, armoured cabin of a armahoverer that shot along the wide, smart paved, road. The hovercraft hoverdrove quite high and quietly so thanks to their electrofanjets. Five such vehicles were in the recon patrol. A minority there were new type Seekascouts and the rest were Seekaguards.

Gavag spoke from where he was using scan-binoculars to sweep the jungle in the slowly-steadily growing sunlight. “A whole network of smart paved roads has materialised through out the Seekawilds but also tunnels for wildlife to go safely under them, if they have to do so, and somehow they know to use them.

Sharry spoke with an odd tone to her voice. “This place reminds me of somewhere that I can not quite remember clearly. Remotedrones reported finding some odd structures in the zone we are now entering.”

It came into view, suddenly, as one moment it was visible only as a barren clearing and the next, as the five machines went through an energy field, they were facing a great structure. The ziggurat shaped building was massive, low hulking, and glittered golden, silvery and coppery in places but mostly of marbled stone effect. The symbols, of the Risengodfolk, could be seen emblazoned on its visible sides.

There were mannoids working there, with crops of corn, wheat, long stem rice, pod vines and fruit trees but also opium poppies. Trouble was they were clearly enslaved being in collars and chains. The creatures, that enslaved them, were hulking six limbed ogres with each having two legs and four arms. They used whips to 'crack the air' above the toiling mannoids of different kinds but not to strike at them directly.


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Post #94



The illusion, of slavery, broke down quickly with the collars, and chains, dropping of the 'slaves' even as they picked up weapons or fled away into underground warrens. The slavers joined them as equals, holding an odd mixture of older type weapons and a few zipdartguns of different sizes being pistols, carbines and rifles. Most held boxbows being repeat firing crossbows, shortbows, javelins, spears, swords and more of the same along with a few muskets; the last were also a mixture of pistols, carbines and rifles. As for the 'slaves' they did not seem at all mistreated and could remove the collars, and chains, if they wanted to while working at a fairly relaxed rate. They had the same mixture of weapons as the ogres did except for the zipdartguns that were in short supply.

Amused, the Seekachampions walked amongst the people as foodbars, flavoured waterjellies, work knives in sheaves, hand-mirrors, basic binoculars, fire-starters, medicines, grooming combs, cool flame candles, long burn candles, zipdarts and more.

A male ogre overseer stood holding a hand-mirror with prideful stewardship. “When we all woke up, the Risengodfolk were not here at all. So we ogres decided to take up the role of the slave masters and the mannoids would be the slaves but not really so. We hoped not to offend the Risengods of the Hardrisen Faction.”

Shanda frowned. “We were once Risengods but not of that brutal faction that we ended up going to war against. We were of the Wiserisen Faction though, looking back on those times through vague memories, I am just not sure how wise we really were. How do you interact with the ziggurat?"

The ogre responded. "As for the great Risen Ziggurat, we can walk on top of it, use its outermost chambers and tunnels, but otherwise it has always been sealed to us. Oh, yes, there is a cave-system beneath it, and out from that, that is part artificial; we use some of the part artificial area that is beneath the ziggurat. Down there dwell we ogres, mannoids along with a few who dwell with us."

Sharry spoke. “Such ziggurats are common amongst the Shaztec people. A very few are almost identical copies to that one. Our faction also built a few of them. The Shaztecs might use them in religious terms but to the Risengodfolk they were power structures, workshops, factories and much else of more of the same ilk.”

So Sharry ended up briefly describing the Shaztecs, and Zhastecs, to the locals along with a few other details. They were enthralled as they had all known only life in, around and beneath, the ziggurat.

With the activation, of the Gamelings, had arisen the ziggurat, or so figured the Seekachampion but had it always existed along with its surrounding, 3D, area? The locals spoke of never being able to go out, through, the energy field bubble so it seemed that the answer was a strongly possible 'yes'. So where had they been?

Seekamind communicated with the Seekachampions. “The materialisation, of the Hardrisen Ziggurat, at this location is no coincidence but, I suspect, linked to the Seekar Quests. We need to examine it, more closely, as soon as we can do so.”

The Seekachampions agreed with the expressed idea, could deepsense a truth behind it that had them carrying out Seekamind's advise.


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Post #95



The Seekachampions went up a great, gentle sloping, rampway and onto a great platform ledge that ran all around the structure. Mannoids were sun drying fruit on big mats and doing the same with amazing bioclay as produced by extruderbeetles along with other, odd, stuffs. More gifts were given out that came from Seekainventory. This now included zipdartguns, zipdarts and related items including kits. With the force field now letting people go through it the Seekachampions figured that the locals might need more advanced weapons to defend themselves with and they knew zipdartguns well; they were to learn that this had already begun with a pride of lions appearing; they were chased off with no felines being killed.

The energy field had been opaque from inside but now one could see clearly the world outside of the Seekawilds of the Seekahomeworld. Another structure loomed in the distance of a mighty replica of the OldEarth's Statue of Liberty except 'she' was very much larger and was a statue-building.

Sharry snorted. “The real Statue of Liberty was put away to keep it preserved while a replica replaced it of much greater size that was also a building of multiple functions. It mostly served tourism be it local, national or international. There was much controversy when it was discovered, by the authorities, that one could look up its robes only to find out that 'she' wore nothing underneath them. Thus arose the unofficial name of the Statue of Libertine arose. When government went looking for the generously paid corporation heads, who had designed it and managed its construction, they got nowhere. Nobody was cheated, taxes were fully paid, but most of the profits had totally vanished. It was the first, but not last, of such expensive tricks to be played out on others. You can tell that it is the Statue of Libertine because of the marks, on the handled tablet, were subtly different than those of the Statue of Liberty. The solution was simple in that people were not allowed to get close enough to look up 'her' robes except for a select few such as those who had to keep the statue maintained.”

They went through open doorways into chambers, hallways and other spaces as used as living-working space, for storage, for much else as its glowslabs were active and in a very few, bigger rooms, so was its sunslabs. In the less common sunchambers plants were growing in big soil trays as the sunslabs went through a light-dark cycle suited to the healthy growth of flora.

All of the slab-doors, known to the Zigguratfolk, were soon proven to be locked even to the Seekachampions. Not all of the accessible areas were accessed by the locals; mostly this was they didn't need to, for their population number was fairly small, but some areas were long whispered to be troubling in nature. The Zigguratfolk no longer knew how to get there, having for centuries hidden the knowledge from themselves. The leaders had even forbidden all to go even close to those areas.

A Helpdrobe materialised and through it came reinforcements of Seekaguards now bolstered by remotedroids, remoterobots and remoteturrets including remotevehicles that could be remotely guided as dumb robots. With them came Seekaservers with their own equipment-supplies, Seekascouts and a few other Seekafactions.

Now with simuladroids, robodrones, and robogolems, the Seekachampions plunged deeper into the accessible areas of the inner ziggurat.


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Post #96

Note: For reasons of greater clarification, and accuracy, have replaced the terms the Sacred Chamber of 13 Vault Doors and the Treasury Chamber of 13 Vault Doors with the following; the Domechamber of 13 Sacred Vaults and the Domechamber of 13 Treasury Vaults.


In Seekahome, Sharry played a ukulele as she sang songs to permababies, permainfants, permakids and even permatweens. The permateens were busy playing pinball machines of fancy flashing colours, 3Dimages and holographic projections. The older permateenadults were pretending to be doing nothing much which meant that the Seekachampions were observing them carefully.

Vargas was sitting next to her with a male permainfant in his lap. Most of the permayoungs were female but there were a few males and neuters. He played a mouth harmonica in accompaniment with Sharry. LittleChestManif was sleeping, in his own way, with a projection of Bighappyhuggy being snuggled up to him, on a sloping pile of cushions as a mattress. A projected Shazzie sat next to the fleshgolem quietly listening to Sharry singing and playing her musical instrument.

Soon the permababies were asleep and then, soon after, the permainfants and permakids. The permatweens lasted a bit longer. The permateens had to be coaxed into going to bed in the big commonroom and the permateenadults took some gentle, firm, threats to do the same.

Shotty examined the 'plans journal' of the permateenadults that was supposed to contain a cleverly coded message hidden inside the open writings. She took seconds to break the code and then she shook her head. “Same old type plot to get access to highly restricted, adult only, SVR programs involving a visit to SinYork. The real ones to watch are the five, troublesome, female permateens.”

She meant Shanya, Shenza, Shimma, Shonta and Shunsa the troubled-troublesome five who had always had to be watched since they, and the other permayoungs, were rescued by the Seekachampions before they gained such a name. They had been Seekars newly materialised in what would become Seekahomeworld but back then it was much smaller and far less evolved. There had been a brutal battle and the Seekachampions, to be, used powers that they had long become reluctant to use. Why they had fought, and defeated, monstrous foes, with assistance, the permayoungs had been safely subconscious as had others being rescued.


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Post #97



Shabre, a male Seekachampion, tapped a solidstate device sitting on the tabletop before him. “The pinball machines seem to have done their job of getting the Troublesome Five to use them as a way of covering up their secretive conversations.”

The computer filtered, audio, recording began of a conversation between the five permatweens.

Shenza: “The 'other' was clear. We can get to the templecity of Shazzantacca but a better version of it than the Seekachampions know of. The 'other' says that we can help there gather up three Rainbowspheres as lost most accidentally on purpose by Shehershe so as to help Hehimhe who accidentally on accident lost them only to have them misused by mad-sad-bad others to cause mad-sad-bad thingies to happen and things to emerge.”

Shimma: “For some reason Shehershe fears to trust the Seekachampions but not because the Seekachampions are mad-sad-bad for they are not so but linked to them is 'something' mad-sad-bad that they maybe probably do not know about.”

Shanya: “So the Seekachampions are not perfect after all!”

Shimma: “They never have said they are perfect so you don't say that!”

Shanya: “Okay, okay, but at least we can gain some kudos while carrying out a good deed. We will need to do a good deal of research on the Shaztecs and on Shazzantacca!”

Shonta: “We will have to get hold of some of those cool triplecarbines.”

Shunsa: “I hope we can get LittleChestManif to help us.”

Shanya: “Oh, I am not sure we should drag the sweetie into our plans. We also have to find the exit point and the transdimensional path that will take us to Shazzantacca so as to avoid the transmultidimensional entrapment that has befuddled the Seekachampions.”

Shunsa: “The 'poor things'.”

The completed recording session was at an end.

Sharry sighed. “We 'poor things' will need to speak with the Troublesome Five about their plans and to reveal what ever important information that they have.”


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Post #98



The EverWanderer rushed along a sidewalk, a footpath beside a cobbled street as part of the oldest quarter of Shazzantacca. Refugees were there to go to the less ancient quarters, of the templecity, created during the height of the hidden Shaztec Empire there. The area, around him and his three EverFollowers, along with three EverMinions, was shivering in a most disturbing manner. A manhole lid, a square flagstone type one, exploded upwards and black smoke broiled out of it, as filled with flashes of bright red energy.

Such phenomena were of the very basis of extreme Shaztecatech and the EverWanderer was starting to question assumptions made about the poorly known history of Shazzantacca and its surrounding Shaztec Zone. Why had the Shaztec Imperial survivors chosen to go there to found a secret sanctuary? Was it a coincidence or were they drawn there and if so, by who-what? Just how long had the Shaztecs known about that place including the smaller, more ancient, city that appeared to have existed even before the rise of the Shaztec Empire.

There were more Zhastecs living-working there than Shaztecs. There were Zhastec type pyramid shaped temples with their stone tiled sides and carved stone gargoyles, zurzzies, naked woman like zarpies with their wings outstretched. The Zhastec buildings were older than those of the original inhabitants but younger than the Shaztec structures concentrated in the rest of the templecity.

So, though it was called the Shaztec Quarter, it was mostly of the mysterious, unnamed, founders. The buildings, of the Lost Founders, were most odd because though they were often inhabited by humans, and other lifeforms with them, they appeared more designed for non human entities. There were statues of what looked like taller, straighter vertical, versions of furbbies and even more savage zurzzies. The former wore mostly civilians but the latter were all of militaristic nature.

His nightmarish trance visioning had begun with a strange shivering running through the templecity but that had been focused mainly in the Shaztec Quarters. Or so it seemed for the greatest distortions began to happen in the distance which could easily have been the Zhastec Quarter.

The EverMentor spoke mindwise to all of the EverFolk there. “One has gained Celestial Mandate-Protocols based permission to assist you in a limited only fashion! The mysterious, feared, fantastical peoples who created the templetown of Lashantorra were the ZsazzasZ of one species and five subspecies. The statues, that you have so far seen, were the furbbie like humanoids of the furbnoids and the zurzzie like zurznoids; they were created, in turn, from furbbies and zurzzies by the nonhuman Risengodfolk of the Zrasagodfolk who had briefly dwelt in the area; their fate was unknown! Folkies, of mannoids and related entities, dwelt with them, often serving them.

They were also eaten by them during ritual orgies of sex, feasting, gaming, gambling, dancing and fighting; those orgies were violent, debauched and extreme in other ways.


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Post #99



The EverMentor aspect mindspoke again. “The Shaztec Empire was served by Folkies through its territories but it has generally been a mystery about where they first originated from. The Shaztecs did not bring them before they came from the north and established their empire here on Desolation Cape as it is now often called. This very place may help explain the origin of the exotic Shaztecatech! You need to find a Zhastec woman named Ursullie'tasa. You will find that you all have some relevant, related, information in your minds.”

A zurznoid statue distorted and became a shadowmimic shaped vaguely like one. It shrieked as it dived from high at a fast walking Zhastec woman holding an infant. It vaporised as a pulsebeam of energy struck at it from a EverMinion triplecarbine. All of them were using the same kind of weapon that were actually energy focusing solid illusions of being the same as the EverWanderer and EverFollowers utilised.

The EverWanderer spoke aloud. “We need the Seekachampions to be here so that we can assist them to complete at least one of their quests. It is not meant for us to do it for them.”

More statues were turning into the shadowmimics that they had always truly been but far from all of them were doing so. The EverWanderer deepsensed that the EverMentor was there, still, but in the 'background' only. That one would only give forth information again if allowed to do so and in a fashion that it was permitted to.

One of the EverFollowers spoke as a woman. “So we need to find a Zhastec woman named Ursullie'tasa of the imperial family that ruled the Zhastec Empire back when it existed, centuries ago.”

The EverWanderer shot another statue even as it proved itself to be a shadowmimic. “Question, just what activated all this to start happening at this time? It is said that Ursullie'tasa is a deep mysteries scholar of much renown who has long researched in the subject of the mysterious peoples. She head up a group called the Mystic Circle of the Wisdom Eye. According to gossip the group mainly exists to help gain resources for her real researches and to keep diverted from them fools who would interfere with them. If nothing else this should be an interesting meeting.”


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Post #100

Note: “Shadabeasts, as mentioned in this story, are shadaformers become shadaforms. Shadabeasts are also created in other ways.


Even as STA3 fought off shadabeast raids, and not just by shadascorps, they continued to go through not only the more obvious sublevels, of Sacred Vault #1, but through the secret ones that appeared more likely to deserve the term 'sacred'.

Shadabeasts, of shadascorps and fairly clumsy, low flying, shadatalons, would race against defenders now bolstered by a garrison of Seekaguards and projected Strongborne Troopers; there were also Seekaservers of many kinds who could, and would, fight if they had to do so. Strongbornes were now projection active, as the same troopers, in both those vaults and in the Seekawilds but a few of them had support skills.

Except that the raiders did not appear in the 'hidden' levels as if some type of shielding was keeping them out as in the interior space as well as the boundaries.

In Sublevel #1.1 there came the first of the Seekatroopers of heavier armour and firepower than Seekaguards who then allowed the Seekaguards to fall back on their main duties; that is defensive, or even defensive aggression, duties based on protecting locations. 1,150 folk had materialised in the Seekahomelands and amongst them had been trained, skilled, experienced Seekatroopers.

They were equipped with some of the small battle vehicles, remote battlerobots, power armour suits, towable machines of miscellaneous types, portable weapons along with equipment-supplies. The Seekatroopers were few in number and were soon busy preparing to send a squad with the SeeekataskteamA3A1 into sublevel #1.2.

Amongst the former blacked out domes, of Sublevel #1.2, fighting took place as Seekatroopers led the drive to clear that sublevel of the enemy. It appeared that the threat was coming from down below and that once a sublevel was fully secured the fighting then shifted down to the next official sublevel. It turned out that in a transmultidimensional sense that each sublevel was 'below and to one side' of the one before it except for #1.1. The sublevels were smaller, dimensional, realms within the bigger one of each vault. The reasons, for this arrangement, had yet to be discovered.

The now transparent domes showed entities floating side a kind of amniotic fluid but not alone as with each was a smaller companion of apparent, mutual comforting purpose. There were also special technologies serving, supporting and protecting them in various ways. They were clones, it was clear, and of a variety of different kind of organisms. A few of them were doppelformers due to become doppelforms. There were bioborgs, as biological cyborgs of hybrids of original type organisms augmented by other types of biologics.

Sharry spoke. “This was our shame that, as supposedly 'wise' Risengods, we did this crime and in shame we mercy killed the suffering experimental entities. The rainbow flash, of energies, has clearly fixed them up and brought them back; why so, well that is just one more example of cryptic Celestial motivation.”


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