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Post #101



A shadatalon flew too close, overhead, and was brought down with a stunflash blast. Even as it did so the shadaspirit inside it, a controlling avatar of Shazzasha, attempted to escape only to be vaporised but by an internal element of some kind.

Shazzasha was, in turn, a very powerful avatar of Shadowadis, as had been known by a very few in that region for a long time.

Even as more shadaforms attacked, they now included stocky humanoids of shadanoids of three different sizes; the small were about 1.5 metres tall, the medium ones were about three metres high and the big a massive nine metres so. The small outnumbered the medium that did so the big that were, thankfully, uncommon because all were powerful threats and the bigger they were the more so they were.

Shadascorps came on like battletanks leading the charge, now spitting big spine projectiles. Shadatalons came sweeping through the air like low flying battledrones and then there were the infantry including the goliaths of the few, big, shadanoids. The four armed shadanoids had intrinsic biological devices ending their lower two arms and the upper two arms ended in human like hands. The attackers made no attempt to attack the display domes and even if they had done so, they could not have penetrated those Risengodfolk constructs.

As suddenly as it had started, the major attack ceased, with the enemy making a startling quick retreat; soon they were gone!

The Seekachampions managed to activate, with Celestial assistance, the transshiftment of all of the domes, and their contents, being in many cases cubecanisters of equipment-supplies or large devices; Celestial Mandate-Protocols had allowed for this to happen and Celestials had agreed to it. They faced, then, a great open floor of Sublevel #1.2 as the entities, and related items, went to Seekakeep. So work had to start at once to place structures there be they to fulfill many roles. The results would be a fort, barracks, workshops, workyards, gardenyards, general purpose wallyards, dormitories and much else to serve those living there along with visitors.

Another refugee group arrived at Seekakeep being of 1,733 in number who were destined to travel onwards to the Seekahomelands. There was trouble there for there were a very small number of impostors amongst incoming peoples from a number of locations. They came from the troubled Craterzone based on disintegration craters of the terrible wars fought not very long before the Doomsdays took place but also from the outskirts of the Deadlands.

Secret Subvault #1.2b had in it robogolems, being of the same size as Seekaquester ones, three times bigger medium ones and three times larger than those big ones. They were intrinsically equipped, and had equipment-supplies, to carry out more than militaristic tasks. Very soon a small number of them were assisting in creating the post inside Sublevel #1.2a; that is one big one, three medium ones and nine small ones, relatively speaking.



Sublevel #1.3a had vertically elongated display cones being as 10 rows west-east and the same north-south, the grid holding 100 display cone contained statues or so they appeared to be at first. The Seekachampions soon realised that they were extremely advanced, sophisticated, giant robomecha humanoids of different shapes and appearances. Being robomecha meant they could be used either as mecha or guided remoterobots but not as dumb robots; if need be they could act as more independent type robots.

Sharry, who else, was first to speak. "Shazgodly mobile propaganda that could do more useful tasks if necessary; or at least that is how I see it. Others might state that propaganda is not only useful but necessary which is an argument that has at least some merit. Except that propaganda too easily becomes a matter of creating falsehoods. Better is the use of positive public relations programs."

Shimmy responded. "Which can lead to the use of subtle part truths."

Sharry shrugged. "What else is one supposed to do? There are subjects that one can not afford to share! We could use at least one of these robomecha statues."

Three squads, of Vaultsguards, arrived as solid projections. Vaultsguardfolk, of those who were projected back to Sacred Vault #1, Level #1a, were replacing those still in the Sacred Vaults, still named that because nobody could be bothered changing the name. There were those Vaultsguardfolk who would not project but would remain in the Vaultsguardfolk new home realm where ever it ending up being situated more permanently. With them came replidroid type androids as Vaultsguard Auxiliaries and also battlerobots including service-support ones. More, new, doppelforms were being dispensed by the RRDM along with their adapted gear but some were doing so as service-support individuals; with the squads were separate elements including techies and a field doctor. With them, also, were robocarts full of extra equipment-supplies being mostly supplies.

While leaving that force as a subgarrison, of that sublevel, the taskteam went down to Sublevel #1.3b that had, at first glance, the same as #1.3a as in display coned statues but these turned out to be very powerful Shazdroids of super androids. They would have to be used with great care.

At that moment a whole lot of Vaultsservonet controlled remoterobots, remotedrones and remotedroids arrived in that subvault. It was revealed that Vaultsservonet had already sent such into #1.1a and #1.1c while planning to do so with every sublevel that the Seekataskteam 'cleared'; so it was that a robotic android force arrived in that sublevel, doing so again for security and maintenance reasons. While the Seekachampions were pleased by this effort they knew that they had to increase security, of Level #1b, because of what they were discovering in it, expecting it to get even more problematic.

The EverFollower, now as Harrista in human shape as wearing an armour suit and hoodrobe, as the Seekachampions did, materialised but with him came two other human like EverFollowers and three EverMinions looking generally the same.

Harrista gave a report of what was happening, generally, in Shazzantacca or at least one version of it.


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Posted (edited)

Post #102



Sublevel #1.4a was very like #1.1a with the very same range of mechanisms and cubecanister filled equipment-supplies. There were no threats there so securing it was an almost effortless business.

Sublevel #1.4b was another surprise with a great doppelform doppelclone network-system complete with secondary network-systems, full storage areas, rows of bodycapsule filled doppelformers of more than just bipedal humanoids or even humanoids. This was soon proven to be the source of doppelforms as the former Shazguardfolk. With it was a manufactory able to produce the equipment-supplies for them. How had the supercomputers, in control, known to upgrade their gear just as the Seekachampions had done for them? There was a small base there for others to live-work there as they managed, maintained, repaired and guarded the main network-systems while also attending the needs of them. Plans were soon being made and a skeleton staff was sent to that place at once.

Sublevel #1.5a was much the same as #1.1a but about half the domes had seemed to be empty. Now they were filled with softly glowing, thin rainbow mist, or so was the visual impression. Curled up, seemingly in deep sleep, in them were rainbow coloured dragons, curious plants with legs, amphibious lizards, humanoids including humans, robots, and much else; what they appeared to be was not sure to be what they were. Also, in five of them, were in each a floating, softly glowing, Rainbowsphere.

The filled domes had the same kind of stuff in them as did those of Sublevel #1.1a except everything was rainbow patterned; unlike with the Rainbowspheres, the other rainbow patterned stuff did not glow and the patterns were still.

Sublevels #1.6a and #1.6b were just like #1.3a and #1.3b each had 100, shorter, display cones with much smaller figures in them of robomecha and super androids, the robomecha being in #1.6a and the #1.6b.

Amongst the dome grid, of Sublevel #1.7a there had been a brutal battle. Evidence, including psychic impressions, revealed the startling fact that shadabeasts had been fighting shadowfolk. Supposedly they were on the same side as they both, ultimately, served Shadowadis. Except that the shadabeasts directly served Shazzasha who was a powerful avatar of Shadowadis. Was Shazzasha somehow managing to rebel against Shadowadis when, that was supposed to be impossible, or was there some other explanation?

The battleground was carefully studied, measured, recorded and samples were taken while the dying were placed into care. That included dead shadabeasts that had been abandoned by their shadaspirits.

The domes were filled with amazingly intricate, metallic devices, of often obscure purpose but the battlefield would need to be cleaned up before any of that could be investigated.

Then came a flash of rainbow energies but it was neither as powerful, or as long ranged, as the one that had gone before it.



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Post #103



Seekamind, with the SeekachampionteamA00, were going over the stated quests as previously announced.

Seekamind mindwise spoke. “The Corequest #1 is to discover more about the creation, and nature of, Doomsworld including that which had come before it. Coresubquest #1.1 is to investigate the Doomsdays in a more focused fashion.”

Coresubquest #1.2 is to investigate the rise and fall of the Shaztec Empire.

Coresidequest #1.2.1 is to reach, and investigate, the real versions of the following: the Shadowy Core of Deep Mysteries, the Sacred Chamber of Five Glowing Gates, the Domechamber of 13 Sacred Vaults, the 13 Sacred Vaults, the Sacred Chamber of Entering the Sacred Maze, the Sacred Place of Beastly Animations and the Kings Queens Chamber of Toilet Thrones, the Domechamber of 13 Treasury Vaults, the 13 Treasury Vaults; that some of these have been completed at least to some extent.

Coresidequest #1.2.2 is to reach and investigate the templecity of Shazzantacca. At this time I can not clarify what 'real' means when it comes to the quests information.”

Seekamind went on. “Miscellaneous Quests, that could be changed to other types of quests, in future, are as follows:

Miscelquest #1 Explore, investigate and chart on an ongoing basis new territories.

Miscelquest #2 research data gained by Miscelquest #1 including artefacts and samples.

Miscelquest #3 is to find, contain and keep safe Rainbowspheres, Shadowshards, and Neshintashes though one will probably not run into the last until much later.

Seekamind spoke again after an obvious pause. “Seekaquests are for Seekars only.

Seekaquest #1 is to investigate the True History and Nature of the Seekars.

Seekasubquest #1.1 is to investigate the True History and Nature of the Seekachampions.”

Seekamind spoke yet again, mindwise. “Unfortunately one can not answer any questions as one lacks the knowledge to do so. Hopefully more information will come to us, soon.”



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Post #104



The trouble, in one of Seekakeep's bubblezones, had begun on a small scale with some humans demanding that they have more say in the running of Seekakeep. With their populist, politician, of a leader they had held a rally; not many people attended and only a tiny minority showed any inclination to support them. New type Seekasecurity Seekasecurers rounded them up and Seekasecurity investigated them; they were soon released with a warning not to do it again as there were already public forums available for refugees to speak up in.

Isantok, the foolish and arrogant populist, did not learn his lesson but also Sc13A2 soon gained evidence that he was being secretly influenced by a mysterious individual. They moved through an area of Giftcredit provided dometents being very big ones right down to small ones. There were only three of the very big, double level, dometents that had special uses being a civil service centre, a medical centre and a educational centre; they were about the size of standard, traditional, . They had been upgraded with standard Seekatech as it had come to be called.

Folkies, of all well known kinds, were there in fairly large numbers except for zurzzies. There were mannoids, human variants including humans, some Hordafolk, Faefolk hybrids as full Fae rarely left their own realms, along with androids and robots. Not all the androids were based on standard humans.

Then they could see him, hear him, and were angered by what he spoke and what was on the sign boards held up by his followers. They were pretending no to be xenophobic as in stating that would be best if real humans took charge, of 'purity breeding' making them 'naturally superior' to others.

Except they were not the real Isantok, and his 14 foolish followers, for their corpses had been found in a forest gully after Seekaguard guard dogs had sniffed them out. They had been killed quickly but only after being tortured; the forensics evidence was easy enough to gain to prove that to be true.

Upon seeing the fakes, the Seekachampions raised their triplecarbines and fired death pulsebullets. The targets screamed in hate, agony and became antinatural entities of glistening, translucent, flesh though their stolen gear remained the same. They died but not easily, taking far more to be killed than mortals would have done. As they fell, they dissolved away into a blackish mist that in turn was soon dissipated.

There was only some worry amongst the people in that settlement because a large number of them had psysensed that there was a wrongness about those on the public forum stage. The Seekachampions proclaimed the entities to be dangerous shadamimics while knowing that this was not the real truth.

No, the truth of them 'felt' far closer to home and more terrible than any shadamimics could be.


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Post #105



Sublevel #2.1 was improved but also oddly embellished with some 'rainbow' touches. Energy fields, physical barriers, gave the suboutpost greater protection. There were more structures, mechanisms of different kinds plus general equipment-supplies. There were also more people of which many were not humans. Amongst the latter were rainbowfolk and amongst those were human like rainbowmans.

Sublevel #1.5a had been stripped mostly bare with all the domes being recycled with the materials added to the newly changed suboutpost. The mechanisms, equipment-supplies, were being utilised there and from there had come the rainbowfolk.

Former shadabeasts had returned to existence as new types of rainbowanimals or were they? Shadaspirits had come back as rainbowspirits amazing exotic nature and abilities. They had been brought, from their places of death, to the suboutpost but so had shadowfolk from Sublevel #1.7a to also become rainbowfolk.

Five Rainbowspheres were hidden away in highly secure locations inside the suboutpost but multiple avatars, of them, were active outside of those. Though they sometimes carried out obvious assistance they mostly helped in a more subtle fashion by boosting life around them along with in other ways.

Seekaoutpost01 was now much strengthened.

Sublevel 1.7a remained the same as with the transparent domes still being filled with the same intricate mechanisms of sometimes obscure nature.

Sublevel #1.7b, as a secret sublevel, was filled with subvaults in a range of five interior structures that included service-support network-systems, habitats, workshops, and a good deal else. Thus it was that suboutpost became Seekaoutpost01 based Seekaoutpost01A1 while the new discovery was named Seekaoutpost01B1. The only living entities there were in statuscapsules while androids, and robots, were inactive in their bays.

In the near future Seekars would be transferred to there including Seekaguards, Seekatroopers, Seekaservers and Seekaspecialists amongst others. Another category was emerging as Seekageneralists doing basic general duties and supporting other Seekafactions.

It appeared that only sublevels #1.8a, #1.8b, #1.9a and #1.9b remained to investigate.

STTA3A1 entered Sublevel #1.8a and vanished in a terrible, bizarre, flash of black smokey and burning red energies. They were destroyed or so it seemed to be at the time!


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Post #106



The 'Antiseekars' had first killed some Seekafolk, and then had been destroyed by Seekachampions, in Seekakeep. The term was remembered by the Seekachampions, as to do with the entity Antiadis, and soon adopted by other Seekars.

In the ziggurat, in the Seekawilds, the Seekachampions fought black humanoids who this time had each four arms, two end above ending in hands and the two, lower than that, ending differently as in shadanoids. The right, upper, hand held a flamespitter and the left hand wielded a black spikewhip or a large semiautomatic pistol or a flaserpistol of a thermal intense laser gun; the semiautomatic pistols appeared to reload automatically by some hidden means.

The upper two armed ended in a stabbing, slashing, weapon and a spikeshield. The bizarre, intrinsic, weapon changed shape to extend outwards in a thrusting manner but only briefly and the same would happen with the spike on each spikeshield; they seemed to be more threatening because they were part of the bodies that had much, malignant, power in them.

Even new type Seekatroopers had been thrown back by the crazy, immense, power of the Antiseekars but the Seekachampions kept killing them. It was the fifth time they had encountered the entities and each one had involved more enemies than the one before it. The first one had been only three of the creatures.

Sharry was hurled backwards as a spikewhip struck her energy bodybubble with amazing force. She bounced off a wall, in her tight bodysuit, and hit the attacking creature with a xolaser pulsebeam from her triplecarbine. She launched a rocketshell at it and the creature was destroyed by the blast; this time it staid destroyed.

Sharik, another newly arisen male Seekachampion, had destroyed one enemy that staid that way but another returned, with a shuddering of energy as if defying natural laws to do so. It was moderately damaged, though, and this time Sharik made sure it staid dead with a combination strike of rocketbullets and a rocketshell.

The damned creatures seemed to nearly always come back though they mostly did so with mild or moderate damage; this was not taking place with the few Antiseekars causing trouble in Seekakeep. How the Antiseekars got into either Seekakeep, or the Seekawilds, was a frustrating mystery.

At last the final surviving Antiseekar died and had the good manners to stay that way!

Shimmy spoke. “We Seekachampions, here, all deepsense a background presence of malignant nature that is very much like that emanated by the Antiseekars themselves. I conjecture that it is that 'presence' that has been attempting to bring back the Antiseekars but with mixed results.”


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Post #107



SeekachampionteamA1, as it had become designated as, went further into the ziggurat depths; there they found there storerooms full of neocoal powderbricks, metal ingots of varied kinds, oil preserved timber, cubecanisters filled with different contents and odd items some of them being very surprising in nature. The Seekatroopers had returned to the outer parts, including areas inside it, to help protect it against any exterior threat that might arise.

Shanka spoke. “The 'presence' also made the Antiseekars stronger, faster and more resistant to damage or so I guesstimate. Its our Seekachampion nature that allowed us to deal with them but we may need to step up the use of our special transmortal abilities and even to employ our transcelestial powers.”

Sharry sighed. “If we transform and utilise our transcelestial powers, then we become easier to detect by a range of powerful, dangerous, entities. Also remember there will be other kinds of prices to pay such as higher psyenergy cost . Still, that the Antiseekars even exist in Seekarealms means we have to review just how we have been functioning and even to change them.”

They passed into area filled with strange, black, glistening webbing in which hung long capsules of assorted sizes. Sc13A1 soon detected that there were Antiseekar humanoids in them but they were at various stages of growth. They managed to get the lot transshifted to Seekakeep including something that they had failed to detect before the transfer was made. They did so partly out of ethics but also out of the need to learn more about the Antiseekars that, as far as they knew, were a kind of Antiadis created entity that had never existed before.

Sharry sighed. “The presence feels too much like us Seekachampions for comfort. Its deep evil is near impossible to miss. I get the impression that the hatred is personally aimed at us and is rooted in the depths of our own shrouded history.”

They kept on moving on!


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Post #108



The EverEnforcer, stood and quietly watched as a small army of Reregulators entered the settlement of Anklelusdeep. As hard, deep, exotic crime fighters they were often dealing with extremist cults such as the Shadowcult and the Puritycult. With them came hard mercenary enforcers with lots of experience dealing with exotic threats; the most prominent were the famously infamous Strongborne Mercenaries Cooperative and Ironside Mercenaries Corporation. They came in hybrid-electric armoured vehicles, on horse back, with robots, accompanied by androids and more than that.

An advanced, bulky saucer shaped saucer, of a liftergas airship, had brought them all from the secluded, fortified, citystate of Metroburg. It had come low down, close to the settlement, where it was heavily anchored down. It was a disguised Reregulator aircraft with the authentic treaty regulation symbols show it to be a free trader transporter. It had more than the obvious armour and self defence weaponry. It was very large and hid, within itself, many secrets.

The rainstorm had passed but another was coming from the same direction and promised to be far more powerful. Craterzone Craterfolk would be preparing for torrential downfall and flooding but there were plenty of other settlements out there doing the same; that included seasonal ones of seminodmadic people and temporary ones of nomadic folk.

The EverMind observed what was taking place through an aspect of the EverEye that was one of its direct, dependent, type avatars.


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Post #109


STTA3A1 only partly fought, in that slowly-steadily shifting environment, as both the androids and robots were immobilised. Many types of technologies did not work there as the Seekachampions used exotic, glowing, elemental weapons be they melee or ranged in nature. Both Shazzie and Sagesmart, as zurzzie based trimorphers, fought as powerful zurzzies being much smarter than any normal one.

Shazzie struck a Antiseekar and hurled it backwards but she was thrown backwards even more so due to the impact. She landed, rolled, and came up onto her feet but she was winded. With a shimmering she became a zurzzie based humanoid and a Seekachampion made an exotic elemental weapon appear in her hands; the glowing shortbow produced elemental quasienergy arrows every time she pulled back the bowstring.

The Seekachampions utilised far more powerful elemental weapons as they could do but were grateful for the assistance provided by their two living companions. Sharry used a far stronger elemental shortbow than the one that Shazzie was operating. Shenny fired off a revolver pistol that was not really one as it hurled different types of elemental pulseshells at the enemy.

An Antiseekar cried out. “Antiadis created us while exploiting the deep darkness in yourself that you have left untouched, uncharted and unchallenged. Antiadis is proud to have been given the opportunity to create antibeings to take on the mighty Seekachampions but does not know the identity of the Celestial Faction that commissioned that one to do so as an Anticelestial. It was done through the liaison, negotiator mediator, of the Midadis being one of those most odd Celestials; at least to the Anticelestials they are so.”

Shanda aimed his elemental longsword and from the tip spat a pencil thin beam of focused light as strong as any supertech laser weapon and that Antiseekar perished with out returning; it had already been damaged. “Midadis is useful and not just to any kind of Celestial beings!”

An Antiseekar came back from death though it was moderately damaged. It hurled bolts of destructive energy from its hands. Shotty blasted it with shotgun like elemental weapon and then the entity was gone with out returning.

A Rainbowsphere materialised and began shooting rainbow pulsebeams at Antiseekars that destroyed them at once; none returned! Again and again it did so. There was then a moderately strong flash of rainbow energies.

They were in Sublevel #1.8a with its grid of display domes with most of the domes being filled as those of Sublevel #1.1a had been. Where domes had been black they now showed inside them Rainbowsphere, being one in each but the same went for semitransparent Rainbowglobes and Rainbowballs. As three, in each dome that they were in, where Rainboworbs, globe shaped Rainboweggs and Rainbowcubes.


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Post #110



The Rainbowsphere, floating free in the air, spoke. “Iself am Rainbowishelpis that serves Rainbowisitis that is a prime-avatar of a very sweet rainbow entity of celestial nature! You may call her Rainbowsweetie for accurate convenience and making Shehershe happy which is very important to do otherwise Shehershe just might get sulky.”

Sharls, another new male, had joined with Sharik, Shabre, Shanka, and Shanda as the five males of the Sc13s. “We hastily, and heartily, agree to both call Shehershe by the name of Rainbowsweetie and to do our very best to make Shehershe happy! For we would not like the poor sweetie going all sulky, not at all.”

The voice responded. “Thank you very much! You laid a positive marker that gave Rainbowsweetie the Celestial Mandate-Protocols approval to come to your rescue; that was made easier by your making the Antiseekars weaker for the more there are, in a limited area, the more enhanced they are. You always project a impalpable aura that in this case made it harder for the Antiseekars to return to life.”

Sharry spoke. “Where were we?”

The Rainbowsphere spoke once more. “Iself, as multiple Rainbowspheres as one, can not answer that question because I do not know what the answer is to that question.”

Sharry smiled and a question just flowed out of her mouth, surprising her as it did so. “That was truly a fine response and very much to the point in a most practical manner. Do you know anything about the Disadiskind?”

Rainbowishelpis answered. “Only that they are many that are constantly fluxing and flowing as necessary to the Celestial Patterning of the Celestial Balancing. They are of Primecelestial, Neutralcelestial, Nullcelestial, Procelestial and Anticelestial nature. Except that is Iself have been noting Shadowadis of late that seems to be in big trouble here on-in Doomsworld.”

Shanda asked. “Please tell us more!”

Rainbowishelpis responded. “All Iself knows is that Shadowadis somehow got partly caught here on-in Doomsworld. Now an Doomsworld based entity, known as Shadamaligna to steal away many of its shadabeings being mostly shadabeasts. Shadamaligna is not linked with Malignadis or any other, currently, better known of the Disadiskind. Shadowadis' being trapped may go back to the Doomsdays or even long before that. It is linked with Shehershe's missing CEEETs of Celestial Educational Entertaining Enhancing Toys. Shehershe is Primecelestial in nature! Shehershe is also looking for Hehishe being Shehershe's little brother, so to speak in more mortal terms. Hehimhe is a 'runt' but many such male Celestials are so. Yet this one is special in a fashion unknown to Iself.”

The Seekachampions found themselves being far more concerned, about the future, than they had been but they did their best to hide their emotions.


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