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Post #111



Seekamind was in mindwise conference with SeekachampionteamA00.

Seekamind: “The Doomsworldgamequests have emerged haphazardly and have been changed in an almost sporadic fashion. Now they seem to be in their final form that can be added to.”

SeekachampionteamA00 as One: “The Corequest #1 is to discover more about the creation, and nature of, Doomsworld including that which had come before it. Coresubquest #1.1 is to investigate the Doomsdays in a more focused fashion. At a glance the two seem well enough but they are amazing broad in their sweep; just where does one start to achieve any goals, of those two quests, when none are stated.”

Seekamind: “Coresubquest #1.2 may be a help in completing both Corequest #1 and Coresubquest #1.1 though it is not, now, clear how that could be.”

SeekachampionteamA00 as One: “Coresubquest #1.2 is to investigate the rise and fall of the Shaztec Empire. Coresidequest #1.2.1 is to reach, and investigate, the real versions of the following: the Shadowy Core of Deep Mysteries, the Sacred Chamber of Five Glowing Gates, the Domechamber of 13 Sacred Vaults, the 13 Sacred Vaults, the Sacred Chamber of Entering the Sacred Maze, the Sacred Place of Beastly Animations and the Kings Queens Chamber of Toilet Thrones, the Domechamber of 13 Treasury Vaults, the 13 Treasury Vaults; that some of these have been completed at least to some extent. Coresidequest #1.2.2 is to reach and investigate the templecity of Shazzantacca.”

Seekamind: “I has become clear that even those specified locations, already discovered and supposedly fully explored, may need to be reinvestigated.”

SeekachampionteamA00 as One: “When STTA3A1 was in the Sacred Chamber of Entering the Sacred Maze Professor Sagesmart revealed that which was the true entrance of the three using his thorough knowledge of Shaztec ways. Then materialised the LittleJestsManif who sent them in another direction. What if that was not truly the LittleJestsManif at all!? Could it have been an aspect of the darkside LittleFatesManif pretending to an aspect of the LittleJestsManif?”

Seekamind: “I managed to communicate with the LittleHighManif who is standing in for the LittlePrimeManif that has gone missing most likely before the one was replaced by, an impostor of, a LittleAnticelestialManif; the LittleCelestialManifs are wondering if that was what it really was for it did not show all the accurate signs of being one. The LittleHighManif stated that no LittleJestsManif aspect met the taskteam in that chamber. Nor was it an aspect, of the LittleFatesManif, disguised deeply as the LittleJestsManif. Indeed, with Primecelestial assistance, they state that none of their kind were there at that timeplace.”


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Posted (edited)

Post #112



The Primecelestials were at the top centre of Celestials in roles of directing, coordinating and supervising all True Celestials including themselves. They were not Outcast Celestials of Procelestials, Purecelestials, Nullcelestials, Anticelestials or any like them. It was often stated that the Primecelestials were linked, interactively, directly to the Goddessgods but whether this was true, or not, was wide open to conjecture.

Sc13A0 as One: “Remember the disturbing incident of Rattanboy, and Rattangirl, in which Rattanboy turned out to be a shadowmimic but then both ceased to exist in a most astonishing fashion. We Seekachampions were largely fooled though we deepsensed an inkling that there was a 'wrongness' in that situation. We Seekachampions remembered it but none other than you, Seekamind. It that was the same kind of presence, that was also manifested as the fake LittleJestsManif, we are facing a most sublime entity if not more than one of them; that is if the term 'entity' is even applicable.”

Seekamind: “I was not strong, or fully formed, back then to pick up directly what took place but gained, later, the knowledge of it from you. If there was great effort made to send STTA3A1 in the wrong direction, than we may need to check out again the Sacred Chamber of Entering the Sacred Maze. Perhaps it was not the right time to do so back then and it was a positive diversion.”

They went on to discuss, briefly, both the Miscelquests and the Seekaquests but there was not much to communicate about due to a lack of meaningful information.


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Post #113



The EverWanderer had quickly found that the individual, that he was seeking, was gone from their normal residence due to it being attacked but not by shadowmimics. They had been humans had ransacked the but who had, seemingly, not stolen any items of value; not that there were many to find and those were not greatly so meaning that more valuable ones might have been taken. The EverFolk did not deepsense any truth in that last idea. The EverWanderer soon concluded that Ursullie'tasa was a fraud who basically conned people into thinking that she was more than she was. There were some angry, moderately powerful, people after her because she had tricked them into giving her monies that she had then fled with; they were wealthy individuals who could well afford to go without those Shaztec currencies.

Then matters changed when he, and his EverFolk companions, found a secret chamber where real investigating work had been carried out by Ursullie, the real individual behind the fake one of Ursullie'tasa. Ursullie had been looking into the mysterious, strangely named, ZsazzasZ of five species; except that Ursullie had come to question that idea and instead put forward the theory that they were of one species and five subspecies linked to that one and more to it than that.

She had found a tome that had deeply concerned her being titled the First Tongues of ZsazzasZ as best translated. Originally it had been of oral tradition but the account had been written down in a language with similarities to that of the Shaztec Imperials but also the Zhastec Imperials; where they the only ones showing such influence?

The ZsazzasZ were primarily the shadabeings as in shadamans of the one species and six subspecies. The Shadalords were the species and then there were the subspecies of shadacivils, shadaworkers, shadafighters, shadashifters and shadamages.

The ZsazzasZ could manipulate the shapeforms of subspecies that sprang from them but in the tome were hints that it went far further than that; for the Shadalords were created by the Shadagods that were linked directly with a powerful, greatly malignant, entity known as Shadamaligna.

As semispecies, springing further out from the main species and subspecies, were shadanoids, varied types of shadabeasts, and others just hinted at in the tome.

Also only hinted at were shadahybrids of demispecies.

The species, and subspecies, were of the Shadafolk while the semispecies were known as the Shadaminions with them all together being the Shadakind that also included the shadahybrids.

There was much else, in the tome, but it was drenched in mysticism, was often confusing and was heavily coded in places. The EverWanderer easily decoded the code and what that one read was of deep concern. For the term ZsazzasZ meant far more than just the species family but also the warped spiritual based philosophy of the Shadagods of distorted living gods; they had once been Risengods! There were evil intentions there but also the fallen worship of the Shadamaligna that was not new after all but extremely ancient in its existence having had far more than one title.


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Post #114



The EverWanderer did what EverFolk did not often do; he brought forth another aspect of himself as still the EverWanderer; the new one, of himself, remained in that place with one EverFollower and one EverMinion. The reason was that the need to research the other valuable materials, there, that Ursullie had gathered and carefully sorted out. There were books, journal articles, some small artefacts, scrollbooks, scrolls, tablets, handle-tablets and more. The EverFollower would directly assist him while the EverMinion would remain carry out secondary tasks for both of them; first task was to make some herbal tea from resources that were there, in that chamber.

The EverWanderer01 departed and EverWanderer02 remained doing the valuable research. EverWanderer01 was soon moving through Shazzantacca again, with four EverFolk companions, and it was not long before they came upon a most curious battle.

Shadabeasts, squat shadanoid humanoids, and taller shadamans were fighting shadowmimics. So it was largely proven, to EverWanderer, that the appearance of Shadakind had caused the shadowmimics to emerge when they had not bothered to do so with the presence of both Zhastecs and fewer Shaztecs.

Shadafighters were the shadamans with their four arms and natural armour skin below more body-armour. They had more sophisticated weapons than did the more common shadanoids. Of shadabeasts there were shadascorps, shadatalons and shadadragons; the last were either winged flyers or wingless grounders the latter being heavier and stronger than the former. Both spat pulses of flame and spine projectiles.

Ironically as the two sides were so obsessed with destroying each other, people found it easier to escape but did so fairly slowly so as not to attract too much attention from the enemy. EverWanderer's group gave out some small resources to refugees being largely foodbars, waterjellies and medikits along with some extras such as toys to children; in return he gained some small, but generally useful, bits of information from what fleeing people had observed."

How, why, had shadowmimics come to infest the ZsazzasZ Zone that was just part of the Zhastec Quarter? Was it part of some kind of war taking place, indirectly, between Shadowadis and Shadamaligna?

A flight of shadowdragons swept overhead, spitting jets of pale elemental flame that swept away any Shadakind that it struck.

EverWanderer01 found himself drawn down into a underground hallway, through a Zhastec built public structure, and was soon moving along it in the opposite direction as the flow of refugees going the other way. Small handcarts, dogcart and backpacks were common in that big tunnel; it was festooned with Zhastec protective spiritual wards on the walls, floor, and ceiling. So the Zhastecs had planned being able to escape if they had to do so but why? Had they suspected trouble was coming or could do so?


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Post #115



SeekachampionteamA04 changed, in name, to SeekaprimeteamA04; that is those Seekachampions became Seekaprimes while continuing to focus on caring for the permayoungs and also other special specials in Seekahome. As for the troubled-troublesome permatweens, they were confronted and asked what they were truly up to.

Shimmy spoke to Shenza as they all sat around a round meeting table. “The 'other'? What do you deepsense of that one?”

Shenza frowned. “Not much except that, for some inexplicable reason, she reminds me of you Seekachampions. That is she is both the same as you and yet different from you! She spoke of Shehershe who wants to get hold of three Rainbowspheres in a better version of the templecity of Shazzantacca. You were spying on us so why do you ask?”

Sharry smiled. “Just confirming what we heard!”

Shenza nodded. “Okay, then, the 'other' spoke of Shehershe trying to help Hehimhe who accidentally on purpose lost her Rainbowspheres. They were misused by mad-sad-bad others to cause mad-sad-bad thingies to happen and things to emerge. Shehershe fears to trust you Seekachampions but not because you are mad-sad-bad but because you are linked to 'something' mad-sad-bad. You should not have spied on us!”

Shanda sighed heavily. “We know of the mad-sad-bad that is linked to us and that it is more than one that is linked to us being in more than one way. You have always been troubled-troublesome but only because one of the mad-sad-bads is partly in you and linked to through you. You are our clone children created from our genetic material that was stolen but with some darkside additives. We rescued you, and others, from terrible conditions when we arrived at what later became Seekahomeworld as a reward from those that we will not speak of at this moment; it was partly done because we went out of our way to rescue you.”

Sharry spoke again. “She, who contacted you, Shenza may not have been up to any good in doing so. You need to pass onto us all information that you gained from her.”

Shenza shrugged but she was clearly consternated because of what Shanda has said about the rescue of her and others. “We were told to open up a way through the dimensional barriers so as to be guided to the right transmultidimensional junction that would take us to the better version of Shazzantacca.”

Shanka spoke. “In theory it would be impossible for you to achieve that result with the defence security barriers of Seekahomeworld.”

Shenza shrugged. “She was going to give us more instructions but she has not made any contact with me since you spied on me.”

Sharry smiled. “You will do extra chores as punishment but no more than that!”


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Post #116



Shenza frowned. “Punished for what?”

Sharry shook her head and sighed. “For plotting secretly behind our backs and for making plans to sneak away with out permission. Now we know you were also planning to find a way to get through the Seekahomeworld's protective barriers.”

Shenza shook her head, with a troubled expression on her face. “Maybe 'she' did not mean those barriers when she spoke of getting through them. No, she may have been far more deeply buried ones that most Seekars do not even know exists. She 'whispered' to me just then. No, she meant some place known as the Seekanucleus, what ever that is!”

Sharry frowned softly. “What it is not is a place to be messed around with. We have set up a SVR realm based on what we know of Shaztec Templecities; we did so for our own training but you can visit there, if you wish to do so. You may be surprised, even shocked, by what you find there; it will be a good lesson for you to learn. Now, you five will all relax and close your eyes.”

So it was that the information, scant as it was, about the Seekanucleus was removed from the minds of the troubled-troublesome five. If was too dangerous even for them to know even the little that they had learned for they were not great keepers of secrets and could easily pass it on.

Sharry spoke. “It seems that 'she' may have been passing to us an obscure warning through the troubled-troublesome five. It can only mean trouble if the Seekanucleus is involved knowing what is in there.”

Sharls nodded. “Now that the newly materialised version, of SeekachampionteamA04, is available they can do their best to investigate what has come up, if they can find any leads at all.”

Meanwhile, as the SeekaprimeteamA04 they had general duties to attend to such as story time for the younger type permayoungs.


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Post #117


As SeekachampionteamA00 continued to be an aspect of Seekamind, in a semiautonomous fashion, SeekachampionteamA01 went on dealing with troubles in the Seekawilds, SeekachampionteamA02 kept serving in Seekakeep, SeekachampionteamA03 functioned inside the Sacred Vaults and Seekachampionteam A04 plunged downwards into the depths of Seekahomeworld. What of the new SeekachampionteamA05?

The EverWanderer, now in two places, went on searching for the woman named Ursullie while also going through her hidden research chamber's valuable materials. With both were EverFollowers and EverMinions.

The EverEnforcer, at the settlement of Anklelusdeep, was with an army of Reregulators and trusted mercenaries in permacontract to the Reregulators. EverFollowers, EverFighters and EverMinions began to arrive to directly assist the EverEnforcer. The mercenaries included the Strongborne Mercenaries Cooperative and the Ironsides Mercenaries Corporation.

A few of the LittleCelestialManifs were searching for the LittlePrimeManif. The LittleFatesManif who was resting-restoring, in a special place in the LittleCelestialHome. The LittleChestManif had had an aspect in Seekahome but also in more than just there. New kinds, of LittleCelestialManifs, were showing up onin Doomsworld especially since the LittleCelestialManifs had learned of LittleAnticelestialManifs becoming involved with that troubled-troublesome world.


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Post #118



The three Seekachampion Neuters were Jhalas, Jhenna and Jhasie being all as females in identity and many of their features. There were all three with each, and every, Seekachampionteam. Then arose with each Seekachampionteam two more neuters except that these had special roles just outside of each Seekachampionteam. They were Jhosha and Jhurls and they were titled as Seekachampions just as the other 13 were, with the taskteam, gained the title of Seekaheroes or Seekacompanions. A Jhosha, and a Jhurls, emerged with each Seekachampionteam including the one that was an aspect of Seekamind.

So it was that SeekachampionteamA3 entered Sacred Subvault #1,8b with two extra neuters along with five simuladroids, five robogolems and two human companions; the last were the Seekaheroes Shazzie and Sagesmart.

The great, holographic map table (HMT) was able to project upwards-outwards the templecity of Shazzantacca but as it was before matters started to go wrong there. The Shazgodfolk symbol was everywhere on walls, roofs, banners, flags and even held up by statues. The Burning Black Smoke Flames were still going strong, according to a written description on a wall close to the HMT.

Except that the HMT could be adjusted to show a version of Shazzantacca that had suffered damage, even some destruction, from a savage battle having been fought; that is between the Shazgodfolk and forces following Shadowadis.

Through out that hidden sublevel where displays of artefacts and information from Shaztec History but with less of Zhastec History to go with it. It soon became clear that Sacred Sublevel #1.8b had been used as a planning, living-working, area for the Shazgodfolk. They had been planning an invasion of Shazzantacca or was the plan that straight forward; It appeared that no such plot had been carried out.

They found hidden subvaults filled with advanced, exotic, technologies or equipment-supplies related to them.

Which was when they found the extra hidden, secured, subvault that held supersolidstate datacubes of deep coded nature. The Seekachampions focused on decoding while the others took turning keeping guard or resting. After a while the resting turned into sleeping and other tasks were also carried out by those not on guard.


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Post #119



Then 1,816 Seekafolk materialised not in Seekakeep who were already loyal to the Seekaway of the Seekacoda of Seekacodes. At he same time 2,389 did so in the Seekahomelands. Both groups brought with them other lifeforms and much in the way of non living resources.

SeekachampionteamA02 found Antiseekars lurking in an odd black brick fort at the edges of a bubblezone, in Seekakeep, that was not one of the three being normally used. No, this was a surprisingly bleak one where the Antiseekars seemed to be quite at home. Yet, in that place of tough, gnarled, plantlife and confusing patterns of rocky outcrops, the Antiseekars were fighting off fierce dragons. Not all dragons flew, even had wings, so the majority assaulting the low, hulking, fort were charging up a long, wide slope. Only a few were in the sky attacking the fort, from above, with jets of focused elemental flame.

The Antiseekars fought back from semienclosed battlements and from the dome covering much of the fortified structure. The dragons were having great difficulty in getting at their enemies so the new taskteam, of SeekataskteamA02A01, quickly got going with an special assault on a black wall. Realising, quickly, that the newcomers were on their side, the dragons did not strike at them.

Dragon pride tended to be strong but the dinosaur related creatures were soon coming to the Seekars to get themselves rations, medical attention in some cases and even a place to rest. As the robogolems unleashed volleys of advanced rocket-grenades, at a black wall, a Helpdrobe materialised and from it came Seekatroopers, new type Seekasappers as combat engineers, along with Seekaservers to carry out many service-support roles. With them came androids, robots and drones. There were small, armoured vehicles with weapons or other kinds of gear.

The black walls were soon proving to be hard to even mark in any real way as not only was it very hard to damage, it kept regenerating as in self repair. The direct attack, on the wall, ceased.

Sharry grinsmiled as a realisation struck her. Then she gave some instructions for certain, exotic, resources to be provided. Yet they came not from the Helpdrobe but from a suddenly appearing aspect of the LittleChestManif. From then on it would remain with SeekachampionteamA02 though Celestial Mandate-Protocols limited what resources it could provide as in both quantity and type.

Sharry spoke to a matriarchal fighting dragon who had her wings furled up. “Shadowstone is used by many darkside forces. While it has many advantages it also has some odd weaknesses. Soon we will bombard a shadowstone wall with the substance. Why are you dragonfolk attacking the fort?”

Just as Sharry had introduced herself, the dragon was one Esha'Tiatan of Nestingoata who spoke with a very deep voice. “They shot upon our couriers going overhead or close to overhead. They did the same to scouts sent to check them out.”


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Post #120



Sharry responded. “They have always been after us for they are Antiseekars as created by Antiadis, as contracted to do so by a mysterious other, to strike at us.”

The matriarch hissed. “Yes, one has heard of Antiadis of the Anticelestial type Disadiskind! We dragonfolk do not know how we came to be here but know that we were destroyed by the Doomsdays. When we awoke, inside our nestintowers, we found we had been gifted with much background knowledge of us and this bubblezone but also other such as of the Celestial Cosmos.”

Globes were launched at the shadowstone wall, bursting to unleash upon it a terrible acid that soon had a hole melting quickly away in it. As thick as the wall was, as fast as the self repairing was, soon there was a large opening. Through it went the SeekachampionteamA02; the rest of SeekataskteamA02A01 remained outside for the Seekachampions realised that they needed to take on the Antiseekars alone; LittleChestManif did go with them.

Antiseekars attacked, the Seekachampions, in a large chamber and soon the fighting was most brutal. Yet there was no dark, background, presence there and the Antiseekars did not ever return after being destroyed; they were also weaker than those that SeekataskteamA01A01 had fought in the ziggurat in the Seekawilds. So the victory was soon complete as the last of the foe was destroyed. The assistance, of the LittleChestManif, was a subtle boosting support.

As for the shadowstone fort, it was soon repaired of the hole in the wall and through it began to flitter normal ghosts of the former inhabitants. An odd, very pale skinned, albino like human people they were of likely nocturnal leanings for their eyes were overly large and rounded somewhat like those of an owl.

Evidence was soon found of long dead bodies as in skeletal remains, armour, weapons, tools, odd machines, scattered furniture and more. There had been a savage battle there between different variants, of those humans of naturally armoured shadafighters, bulkier multilimbed shadacivils, four armed hulking shadaworkers, oddly skinny-tall shadamages and oddly distorted shadashifters. The most impressive were the Shadalords that were the species of which the other shadamans were in five subspecies to; they were all Shadafolk. Along with the Shadafolk, and Shadaminions, they were together the Shadagodfolk.

There were Shadaminions also there being squat shadanoids, different types of shadabeasts, and others that the Seekachampions did not know the names of.

The symbol of ZsazzasZ was everywhere on walls, on armour, on banners and even on such as cutlery. Then there were also ones of the terrible Shadagods that the Risengodfolk had once fought and defeated in a great raging war but not the Wiserisengods that the Seekachampions had once been; thus  they had only limited knowledge of that terrible, but brief, battle.

The only evidence, of what had fought them, were some heaps of white powdery substance of vampiric nature but why would have Vampirekind attacked Shadakind?


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