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Post #141



Except that the great, majestic, templecity showed no signs of life at all. There were a few signs of damage, or even destruction and then there were the heaps of skeletal remains that appeared to be mostly human in nature. Worse were the dead bodies preserved in mostly transparent, black jelly capsules, as stuck firmly to the side of buildings or in the glistening, black, webbing that stretched between some structures.

The EverWanderer passed to Sharry a curious, part binoculars, like contraption that ended not in lens but in a cube. Sharry took and directed it to where the EverFolk indicated. In a capsule was Shazzie dressed in what must have once been clean finery.

The EverWanderer spoke. “The corpse of Shazzie as Princess Shazzantie! Now, point the device there at the dead Professor Sagesmart! Over there are the doppelshifters that Seekataskteam0301 encountered in Anklelusdeep.”

Sharry sighed. “As the Seekagoddess I always knew that their story was not as straight forward as they believed it to be but now the truth is coming to me more fully. Shadamaligna had all of them abducted and fed upon their life energies until they died. All were guilty of dark crimes but their suffering meant that, after death, they were able to pass the Celestial Testing by the Celestial Cycling Circles. They showed true remorse and volunteered to return to Doomsworld, in adapted forms, to quietly carry out redemptive workings until the moment was right for them to come forth as their real selves. They were tasked with making reports on we Seekars, to make assessments of us, as angelic avatars of the Goddessgods. It is beyond me to truly comprehend the ways of the Goddessgods but I have always deepsensed only positivity in them all.”

Sharry went on. “This is the timeplace for myself to become fully aware of such matters and to pass on that information. All of them were Shadowcultists who had carried out deep crimes and who were abducted by Shadamaligna's relatively few Shadacultists. They were taken here, to this templecity secretly built by one of the Shazgods' Subfactions of which there were three. Shadamaligna tortured, and interrogated, them to gain information about Shadowadis, the Shadowcult and related subjects.”

A large building exploded open, collapsing as it did so, and a great black spidery creature blasted out of its remnants. The creature glistened black and somehow it was clear it was a truly massive example of shadakind or was the obvious, in this case, true.

Something had escaped from it, that it was attempting to recapture, that soon proved to be a very large Rainbowsphere. The Rainbowsphere zipped around the great being that let out a cry of protest until the Rainbowsphere shot back into the embrace of the creature. The great spidery creature noticeably relaxed as it hugged the Rainbowsphere to itself with two great limbs of armlegs. Then she, for it was a female, began to sing in a strange fashion but also a peaceful one.

Sharry smiled. “That is Shadamaligna and that is what was supposedly stolen from Shadowadis for it is a CEEET of a Celestial Educational Entertainment Enhancement Toy; being High Celestial, in nature, it is extremely powerful. Who did Shadowadis take it from? That was us, the Shazgodfolk Faction that was made up of three subfactions. The smallest was the rather idealistic one of the Gaiagodfolk. There were we Seekagodfolk emerging even than as we adopted that name from the vast, transdimensional, megastarship named the SS Seekar. The third were the ones that went back to using the term of Wiserisengodfolk. The Sacred Vaults were created by both the Seekagodfolk and smaller Gaiagodfolk Subfactions while the Wisengodfolk set out to secretly build what would become known as New Shazzantacca. The surviving Wiserisenngodfolk ended up as refugees in what are now called the Seekavaults. My currently gifted, new, knowledge comes to an end here.”


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Posted (edited)

Post #142



The EverWanderer nodded. “When the timeplace is right, the Seekagoddess gains-regains more knowledge!?”

Sharry turned to him. “Yes, such as when did you truly become lost, EverWanderer? Except you are not the true EverWanderer though still of the EverFolk perhaps being of the EverCursed.”

The EverWanderer selfshifted to become a man in a overly decorative, flashy, hoodrobe dotted with 'bling' of small gems. “Who-what calls us the EverCursed except those who do not comprehend our truth such as the so called EverBlessed.”

Sharry shrugged. “The EverBlessed are 'blessed with the privilege of gaining more redemption' and that is it. You are the EverEnstranger who is always attempting to enstrange yourself from others, others from each other and yourself from your true self. Your very nature has you often working in wary alliance with the EverManipulator, the EverDeceiver and-or others of the EverCursed. This time you have become entangled with another kind of evil as rooted deep into Doomsworld itself. When the GreatEnemy was fleeing from the High Celestials, of the Celestial Cycling Circles, it became trapped in the NewEarth's deep core even as that world was created by the self proclaimed Highrisengodfolk of the Risengods. The other Risengod Factions feared, detested and wanted to be away from them but some malignant power kept them trapped except a very few that seemingly escaped; they did not really do so!”

The EverEnstranger shrugged. “What does all of this cursed truth matter? Truth does no good at all to anybody, anytime, anywhere. Listen to me, all of you, and know the deep bliss of true ignorance.”

Sharry took out one of the other type items that came from the second time the LittleChestManif opened its special side drawer to show 104 objects; later the number was added to to become 200 known of ones. She held up the small hand-mirror, that sparkled softly, and the mirror part expanded outwards. She focused the mirror on the EverEnstranger's eyes.

The EverEnstranger cried out in pain even as he could not look away from the mirror surface that exposed his truth, deep, nature to himself. He was entrapped!

Sharry sighed. “The Mirrors of Self Awareness were created partly to deal with you, EverEnstranger. Now, tell me what you have been up to and you will be free not only of the influence of this Celestial Artefact but of the GreatEnemy.”

So the truth flood out of his mouth in a mixed up volume as the Seekachampionteam quietly took it all in for later analyse. Then the Celestial Entity was gone with a shivering shimmer and was gone from Doomsworld. It would arrive not in freedom but in the EverPrison where it would be punished in a fashion incomprehensible to mortal kind.

Sharry collapsed only to be gently, firmly, caught by the real EverWanderer who materialised out of mid air. He stood, cradling her body, looking most concerned for her.

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Posted (edited)

Post #143



Sharry slept in Seekahome, in the Seekaziggurat, in the Seekavaults, in Shazzantacca and even in Seekacore as linked to Seekamind along within Seekahome.

Gaiacity was cleansed off shadakind and the clean up began!

The Seekavault #1a was found to have no more shadakind there.

The Celestitribeing, of a Celestitribaby, was very protective of Sharry after meeting her deep sleeping self. So it was that Seekataskteam02 remained, for the moment, in the fantastic Rainbowcastle of the amazing Rainbowcastlecity. A Major Rainbowling was activated there to strengthen it in many ways including the enrichment of its resources; the effect much improved the whole citystate of Taskatanna as focused on the city of Taskatannatila. That was happening in the Seekaunderlands.

At the accessible parts, of the Seekaziggurat, peoples were organising well. Arriving groups, of refugees, were now being sent onwards to a large security medical quarantine encampment as set up closer to the Seekahomelands Seekawilds Border. The reasons were that local space had been exhausted and that odd illnesses had been detected amongst refugees of previously non encountered types.

Sharry slept in Seekahome surrounded by permayoungs and pet companions along with other Seekaprimes of former Seekachampions.

Seekakeep was free of Antiseekars and there dragonfolk were being successfully integrated into Seekar society.

Then the other Seekachampions also fell into deep sleep to be cared for by others who also kept them secure as was possible.


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Posted (edited)

Post #144



A great metaphysical battle raged between all of the Risengods, returned, and the 'darkness' that they had supposedly expelled from themselves. They were not alone as there were EverGods, Dragongods, Sciencegods, the Gods of Atheism, and others emerging into prominence.

The battle was not to destroy, or dominate, the swirling bitter darkness but to bring it to a standstill, to stop it from attacking, to create a positive marker so that the Goddessgods could intervene; that is to do so both more carefully and effectively while being allowed to do so by the Celestial Mandate-Protocols.

As existence, itself, was manipulated there in the Doomscore, of the Doomsworld, truths revealed themselves; there had been multiple OldEarths had had been vaporised to become the Vaporisation Zone as analysed by the EverInvestigator.

It was from the vaporisation zone that more than one NewEarth had sprung with one being at 'center' of those NewEarths that then became the Doomsworld; or was it just one NewEarth that had done so but three?

Doomsworldgods came to assist the battle to subdue the DoomsShadow; that is three Doomsworldgodmonos through which flowed energies from the two Doomsgodsduo but also, through them, from the single Doomsworldgodtri.

Then came Retwir of most mysterious nature both created by, and creator of, the whole process that had gone from OldEarths to NewEarths and then the Doomsworld. Then Rhortau and Roedit. Yet it was Retwir that cried out 'Yedeshcralendeshinbralleshin-Batacrallisin-Crydoshincrandalishshinda-sutasutama!

Those 'words' swept out and were enhanced, amplified, by all there apart from the DoomsShadow embedded deeply within the supernatural Doomscore; that being at center of the natural geographical Doomsworldcore.

It was a proclamation of sorrow, apology, guilt, repentance and a great desire to more than just make amends but to call upon the Goddessgods themselves to directly intervene to bring Celestial Justice to the fore.

As through the Doomsworldgame was instigated a Major Wishling and a Major Rainbowling ending with a great sweeping of energies, quasienergies, as the Goddessgods acted with, and through, the activation of those. With the flow of these incredible events came the Celestial Angelic Avatars of who-what had been Shazzie, Sagesmart, Gavag, Marriet, Chancecis and others; some were known by the Seekachampions but the great majority were strangers.



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Posted (edited)

Post #145



Much had changed while much had not but there were also levels, of transformation, that had taken place!

Sharry0101, as Goldstar Captain of SeekachampionteamA0101, rode a robohorse (robotic horse) along the winding, narrow, laneways of the Seekahomecity of Seekacapitalla. Mannoids we common, as guided demicitizens just as there were subcitizens that needed to be protected. Humans were there, also, along with a variation of Humanics to which, as a classification, humans belonged.

Robohorses were normally leased, from the Seekastate, under legal stewardship of special contracts except that Seekaservers had direct stewardship of advanced robots under their care. The Seekachampions wore PAASTs of slim Power Assisted Armour Suits and on their backs were lightly armoured, vertically oblong, solidstate backboxes.

They were aware of the different technological levels in the metropolis with lotech being about as common as midtech but hitech being far less, in quantity, than both of those combined. The Seekachampions were clearly endowed with much hihitech. While the great majority accepted that this was necessary, a small minority did not.

An android pedalled a five wheeled quincycle past her and the other Seekachampions with her, having a single front wheel jutting out from the front of the pedalcraft. In the back where some excited, excitable, mannoids most likely in from the countryside; with their own crafted tradegoods, and copperlar coins, they were looked after by the Seekakeeper who rode with them. They would return home after gaining some nice goodies but also after enjoying entertainments aimed at them as customers.

The 15 Seekachampions lightly chucked some small items at the mannoids who happily caught the gifts; there were useful devices and consumables along with some trinkets that pleased the receivers of the gifts. In return some leaf wrapped foodparcels, small crafted goods and running water polished stones, were gifted back. Mannoids had their sense of pride and so were glad to bee seen as productive and as not dependent on handouts though they were contented to gain items, of more value, than they gave in return; to do so was just common sense acknowledgement of their limitations versus those of the Seekars.

Five women, five men and five female neuters rode robohorses while backing them up were five simuladroids also riding robohorses, five robogolems striding along and five robodrones hoverflying through.

The laneway ended and the 30 units spread out into a big courtyard with the robodrones lifting higher so they got a better view of the area and improved targeting. The shooting, of stunpulseguns, began at once! Humans, in the mob, began to collapse and yet they did not run, or lie down, so as to escape; instead, with bizarre rage, they raced at the Seekachampions and their Seekacompanions.

The tall, angular, man stood holding up the smooth, black, metallic staff with the pulsating red streaked, black, gem at its tip. He wore a hoodrobe of black satin, both expensive and fancy but not practical. His skin was pasty and dotted with small, red, sores but he was very much a mortal human. His face was a grinning grimace of hatred. Then the gem exploded and he died, was dead as he struck the ground. The mob stopped running, attacking, and looked around in a daze as if not knowing where they were, what they had been doing or how they had come to be there.

Sharry0101 frowned. “A Shadowshard as misused by those who definitely have little knowledge of such matters. It is supposedly impossible for anybody, anything, to get past the Seekahomeworld Barriers especially now that they have been greatly strengthened so it is unlikely that the Shadowshard came from there.”


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Posted (edited)

Post #146



The Seekachampions helped the former mobbers as did Seekaresponders of police and medical services. The dead man's body was found to be covered with strange red sores caused by being too close to an unshielded shadowshards. It was easy to discover that the man had been dying, his body slowly-steadily breaking down for the same reason. Any evidence, to do with the make of the staff at its top, had been destroyed when the shadowshard had exploded.

Goldstar Lieutenant Shimmy0103 spoke. “The way that shadowshard suddenly exploded seemed overly convenient to be accidental; it killed the man so he could not be questioned and destroyed any evidence of importance with the staff. Or did it? The metal is shadowsteel as produced by the Shaztecs, the Shadowcult and a few more than that. Its very hard to make, needs exotically rare resources to do so, and there might be stockpiles left in former Shaztec Imperial Territories.”

Sharry0101 picked up the staff, it had been examined for fingerprints and other evidence, and noted the artisan symbols. “Shaztec hieroglyphics, jaggedly done as usual, of the elite Metallurgical Order and of the Metalworkers Order that served them as an echelon. Of excellent production value and worth a small fortune in goldlars or at least in Shaztec gold-bones.”

Of the Seekar Currency there were rare platinumlars, less common goldlars, common silverlars and very common copperlars; they came in the form of metallic coins and flat, rectangular, metallic cards. The Risengods had introduced those extremely hard to forge cards, and coins, as in forgery.

The Seekachampionteam departed, with its Seekacompanions, and returned to Seekahomebase but only after buying goodies from a local market. From stalls they paid for food, toys, books, hats and a few other items. It was partly because of official policy that they did so as they put money into the local economy and helped prop up local employment along with small business.

They stopped at a Order Compassionate Post to pass over a donation of 20 goldlars, 200 silverlars and 200 copperlars as cards-coins. Despite best efforts, the Seekastate found it difficult to keep all fed, housed, and otherwise cared for; this was partly because the situation had started out as not so great and because of the constant trickle of refugees that arrived in the Seekahomeworld. The Order Compassionate, of the Orderhood, was of great help and the Seekars assisted them to do their best.

High above sparkled, a little in places, the citydome that covered Seekahomecity. Another was being constructed as the metropolis was planned to expand.


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Posted (edited)

Post #147



Had there been a changed restart to much of Doomsworld History?

Anklelusdeep was a settlement of the Hardblood Survivalist Clan being a Craterhold of a heavily fortified town. It warriors were renowned for their great fighting abilities and physical fitness but so were others of them. It was said that they did not willingly harm any others but would do so, with great skill, if that was necessary.

Now it was necessary as their springboltguns, a bigger cousin to their springdartguns, hurled powerful metal bolts at the enemy with electric motors humming to draw back the springs after each shot was fired. In the enclosed battlements, and in wall gunports, they operated along with cannons, rocket-grenade launchers, mortals and machineguns.

Puritycultists were laying siege to the ringwall designed to deflect away solid projectiles with its vertical sloping and horizontal the same. Purityfighters, of all sorts, were not having a good time of it as it turned out that they had badly estimated the Hardbloods. Even their magepriests were finding it hard to find solutions to getting even close to the walls. They grouped, to focus energies, and hurled spiritual magic energies at the ringwall only for those energies to be reflected away by the efforts of specialised countermages. The dome, now opaque from the outside, shivered as it was struck by shells, and other projectiles, but it easily held against the onslaught.

An aspect, of the EverEnforcer, stood as a long hoodrobed figure bearing the identity of Stephan Augustus. He had organised the restructuring, of the Hardblood Clan, after a bloody purge of its malignant members, and a great expansion of its resources; that including more than those of military nature. Anklelusdeep had expanded from being a small, lightly fortified, village to a large, heavily fortified, town with much of the protection being hidden.

A flesh-aspect, of the EverWanderer, stood there as a civil fatigues wearing Teresa Farrent Ravensong being an explorer, historian and archaeologist amongst other classifications. The real person had been dying when an aspect, of the EverWanderer, had found her and the two had willingly 'merged together as one'. Celestial Mandate-Protocols had not only allowed this to happen but through such Middle Celestials had brought back others from near death and even death itself. It helped that the attempted massacre had taken place only just over three, local, hours before.

Ravensong spoke as the two examined the stubby black, shadowstone made, base of a tower that had once been much taller. Anklelusdeep had been a borderpost of the dreaded Shaztec Empire but it had been over 2,200 local years since that empire had collapsed after being reduced, in size and power, in a sequence of disasters for it. “There are many, well learned, Sages who believe that the Shaztec Templecity of Shazzantacca exists deep below this surface-subsurface area being at the center of a much diminished version of the Shaztec Empire; the Zhastecs certainly believe so and long to free any of their people still being enslaved by Shaztecs.”

'Subsurface', in this case, meant not so deeply underground as in such as cave-systems closer to the surface or even underground bunkers.

Stephan shook his head, just a little. “Shazzantacca still survives as does what is now the Shaztec Quadaddom but the situation is more complicated than that simplistic vision. The Puritycultist fools do believe in the concept and came to destroy the templecity in the name of the Holy Purifying Flame. This one Purity Army would be destroyed if it tried to seek the Shaztec Quadaddom of Priestdom, Kingdom, Queendom and Elitesdom; the consequences would have led to great regional troubles though Iself do not know what those would be, at least not yet.”


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Posted (edited)

Post #148



The fighting ceased, the small Purity Army starting to withdraw peaceful with the defenders allowing them to do so. The attackers had come expecting much less resistance and would soon be returning to a cleverly hidden Puritycult Stronghold known as PurityDeseslia after one of the living Purityrisengods who still might, or might not, exist. They had come without any large siege equipment or the means to construct it or powerful artillery or anything else of the sort. They had mostly survived with surprisingly few deaths having taken place amongst their number.

Teresa spoke. “The university city, of Centropia, being just south-east of the massive Centropolis, sent the expeditionary taskforce to investigate whispers of another way to get to Shazzantacca that was not even close to Anklelusdeep let alone through it. Despite a large contingent of elite Strongborne Mercenaries, we were decimated in a great, dimly lit, supercavern by white furred, nocturnal, creatures known as morlocks as led by psychic gifted near human variants known as the Eloi of Antarrus. There were big morlocks each with two arms, bigger ones each with four arms and even bigger ones with six arms that must all have had enhanced brain capacity to deal with those extra limbs. The bigger the type, the less numerous they were, the smaller the faster but also weaker; its a pattern often found amongst genetically engineered entities as created by the Risengods.”

Augustus shook his head. “The hedonistic Eloi immortals were supposed to have been destroyed a very long time ago, on one of the OldEarths, when their morlock, human and other slaves rebelled against them including Eloi rejects who had no psychic abilities of any measured value except that was not the truth. Antarrus was the last remnant of a once mighty, but flawed, civilisation known as the Antarrus Collectivity. This may be another 'anomaly' of the kind found only too commonly onin Doomsworld.”

Now there were reformed Eloi, morlocks along with former slaves of Shaztecs, Zhastecs, Doomslanders from the surface and hybrid Eloi, amongst others, that had been transshifted to Seekaoutkeep's SQZ or Secured Quarantine Zone; they would not stay there very long before ending up in the Seekaoutkeep's PIZ, Probationary Immigration Zone.

An exception was the Strongborne Mercenaries who were in the process of returning to the Strongborne Mercenary Cooperative homebased in the city of Metroburg. The SMC had outbases in Centropia, Cratertropolis and Tradetopiacity. The EverEnforcer was one of those, who together, were the only contractors of the SMC.

An avatar of the LittleCelestialChest, as new terms had emerged, came forward as a LittleChestManif. He bustled over and squatted down closer to the two EverFolk. The EverWanderer bent over and rubbed his rounded top and he quivered slightly with pleasure.

The LittleChestManif spoke, with a slightly woody voice. “The LittleCelestialArtisan sends you this gift that will help you detect energies of a wide range of sorts.”

From the LittleCelestialManif sprang a materialisation beam, of energy, and where it struck the ground appeared a wide disk shape.

The LittleChestManif spoke again. “It becomes a balancing tower both above and below the ground. It will be up to you to find a good place to activate it. Somewhere below the apex of the dome should be best.”

The two EverFolk smiled before the EverEnforcer pointed an odd silvery rod at the LittleChestManif and the EverWanderer did the same at the disk. Energy pulses shot out from both rods. The fake LittleChestManif shuddered and became a dull, grey, oblong shape as the a LittleFakerManif and the disk revealed itself to be a powerful bomb. Then both were forcefully dematerialised and sent elsewhere.


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Posted (edited)

Post #149



Security clearance signals came through, authenticating the arrival of the real LittleChestManif, and it materialised. He spoke even as he materialised. “The LittleCelestialPrime has sent a warning that a fake me might come offering to give you a useful up-down tower but it will be a bomb.”

Teresa gave the chest entity a kiss. “Thank you but it came and then we sent it away along with its bomb. LittleAnticelestialFaker tried to trick us through the use of one of its manifestations. Now, sweetie, do you have anything for we EverBlessed to use that will be safe and helpful?”

A real up-down tower base was placed in a best position for safe, effective, use and then projected upwards into the air but also down through the ground in a fashion that hurt nobody. Except that an armamolerat came up, out of the ground, and gave the EverFolk a lecture, of sorts, about 'frightening' underground folk who were just minding their own business when...

The armamolerat ended up sleeping, all curled up, in Teresa's lap as she sat on top of the LittleChestManif. The flexible armour plated mammal had had its fill of waterjellies, foodbars and being otherwise fussed over.

Teresa spoke. “I would like you to come with me, LittleChestManif, to below with my expeditionary group who will be projected so as to be stronger and more secure than they were. With us will be some reformed Eloi, and morlocks, who will guide us through the underground areas that they know of. With us will be Seekachampionteam02. Now that Seekavaults are inside Seekahomeworld, are part of the Seekaunderlands, since the back folding changes to history, there are other Sacred Vaults to be once more located, explored and inventoried.”

A Seekatranscube, out from Seekatranspost03, arrived with a shimmering materialisation. It looked like a cube of a dull grey metallic colourisation; it was, externally, a 3x3x3 cubic metre shape.

Based in Seekatranspost01 was Seekachampionteam03.

Any Seekachampionteam was now made up of 15 Primes superhumans as in super enhanced humans. The Seekacompanions were 15 enhumans as in standard enhanced humans. There were Seekapartners of 30 androids being very human like simuladroids.

Yet others would be chosen, in future, as Seekaxiliaries or specialised Seekar Auxiliaries of such as human like replidroid androids, trimorphers and others.

Then there were multiple type, to be designated at need, Seekaminions. They were more basic type duplidroid androids, chunky robodroids, hulking robogolems, robocarts, robohorses, robohovers, robohoverers, robodrones, robomecha and of others.

Then there were the secretive, hidden, others.

There materialised outside, of the Seekatranscube, Seekachampionsquad0201 being five Seekachampions, five Seekacompanions and 10 Seekapartners. There were no Seekaxiliaries or Seekaminions with them there being none yet of the former, to choose from; nor had any been designated, to the squad, of the latter. So, for now the squad had only 20 members in it. Or so it was visibly for there were, with them, three Seekaphasers who were not openly visible and neither was the ever presence of Seekamind.

Sharry0201 gave LittleChestManif a kiss before talking with him and the two EverFolk.


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Posted (edited)

Post #150


[Two][68.1] [3.1]

A mindwise meeting took place with Seekamind, and Seekaprimeteam00 as an semiautonomous aspect of Seekamind, in mindspace.

Seekamind: “Iself have news to pass onto you. New transmultidimensional realms have been created being Sanctumary, Safeumary, Smartumary, Gaiaumary, Hubutary and Gamesutary.”

Seekaprimeteam00 as one: “Understood and acknowledged.”

Sanctumary is a main sanctuary for multiple lifeforms having escaped from Doomsworld.”

Seekaprimeteam00 as one: “Understood and acknowledged.”

Safeumary is an intensive care sanctuary being inside Sanctumary.”

Seekaprimeteam00 as one: “Understood and acknowledged.”

Gaiaumary is a nature sanctuary linked closely to, but separate from, Sanctumary.”

Seekaprimeteam00 as one: “Understood and acknowledged.”

Hubutary is a hub for all Doomsgameteams to have hubbases at, to gain information, to be part of mediation sessions and much else.”

Seekaprimeteam00 as one: “Understood and acknowledged.”

Gamesutary is where Doomsgameteams are sent as gamers to take part in Doomsgames of SVR, Super Virtual Reality, Gamesets or in 3DFFGs, 3D Face Front Games.”

Seekaprimeteam00 as one: “Understood and acknowledged.”

Seekamind: “Other realms, of the kind, will be arising in future.”

Seekaprimeteam00 as one: “Understood and acknowledged.”

Seekamind: “All such realms will be embedded in the transmultidimensional Doomssphere that is linked to Doomsworld: that inside is also found the transmultidimensional vessel the Seekar within which are found Seekahomeverse of a growing number of Seekarealms of sometimes changing nature and-or designations.”

Seekaprimeteam00 as one: “Understood and acknowledged.”

Seekamind: “It is now confirmed that the Doomsworldgods, the LittleCelestialPrimes and other, to be identified, Truecelestial Entities, are based in Doomssphere. It is also confirmed that many Fallen Celestials are based in the Doomsshadow.”

Seekaprimeteam00 as one: “Understood and acknowledged.”

The mindwise meeting continued!


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