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Post #151


[Two][68.1] [4.1]

Sharry, who was of no number, burped a permababy named Shandy and then a baby named Charles. The former Seekachampions, in Seekahome, had no designations anymore but the informal ones of parents. “Gavag, Chancecis, Marriet and the others found with them in that other Anklelusdeep were returned from death. This time, around, they were not found in Anklelusdeep, either dead or alive. I wonder if we will meet them again and, if yes, what they will be like.”

Shimmy responded, being dressed in the same kind of jumpsuit as Sharry was. Each was individualistic in its friendly warmth of colours and patterns. “All we can do is put aside previously established data and compare it with what has arisen since the fold back transformation took place.”

Shimmy had a sleeping trimorpher wolfdog, wolf-dog hybrid, sleeping up against her and against him another one being female. He was K9herois and she was his sister being K8braveis. As trimorphers they could be more human like wolfdogmans, squatter wolfdognoids, or enhanced wolfdogs in shapeform; yet they could also become far more human thought that was not part of their 'trimorpher' identity. Being returned, from death, had given all 13 Treasury Vaults guarding creatures that and other added abilities.

They were K9guards along with the rest of the K913. There were K1 to K9 as the lowest nine of 13. Above them, in the pyramid hierarchy, were three as K10 to K12. At the very top was K13. The higher they were, in level, the bigger the individuals were and so easily the largest was K13champis.

Except their background story had changed as this time, around, they had been found in the Seekavaults' Treasury Subvaults as they now were. They had been found alive, and well, in a very large communal area where Seekaservonet served their needs, and a few wants, including exercise space.

Sharry frowned softly. “We did not find Shazzie, or the other humans who had been with her or any of the Folkies or other animals or even the fleshgolem Bighappyhuggy; that is in the Seekavaults. Perhaps our people will find them in the current version of the underground Shaztec Zone. Nor have they been found in Newhopecitystate. Decisions have been made and surely celestial forces have been involved as Truecelestial ones or even, of them, Primecelestial ones.”

The Folkies had been the four furkkies and two, bigger, furbbies while the other animals had been two cave ponies plus two, large, packdogs. There had been the single fleshgolem and six Shaztec humans including Shazzie.

Striperra, Catsipaw and Babyrobotsi had ended up in Seekahome along with big housecat named Puddytat, a white hound dog named Rovertat and a fairly big parrot named Parrotytat; all were mostly white. The cyborg baby, Babyrobotsi, was snoozing inside his robotic unit but was very close to Shenny who was keeping an eye on other sleeping Permayoungs along with more children, pets and even others. A LittleChestManif lay at the back of Sharry with a flat tray arrangement on top; on this was a comfy mattress, surrounded by a safety tail, on which slept some permainfants.

The troubled-troublesome five were far less so, now, and also far more at harmony with themselves and others around them. They were sleeping with three K9guards, Catsipaw and the three Tattytats; that is the white housecat, parrot and hound.

A couple of sophisticated simuladroid, type androids, were assisting in the picking up, and putting away, of items and in cleaning. Seekacarers were there, being assisted, as were a couple of informally named Seekaparents. A permatween went off to use a toilet cubicle and soon more were following as if the 'need to do so' had arisen at the same time.


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Posted (edited)

Post #152


[Two][68.2] [4.2]

With a soft shimmering, Shazzie materialised along with Bighappyhuggy the fleshgolem. Shazzie smiled serenely and spoke. “Our group have materialised in Newhopecity along with us two but we two are also here because we missed being here though in a way we never have been. I am now a celestialmortal as you are but not as experienced, or as powerful, or as skilled as you and the Seekachampions are.”

Shimmy smiled. “You are welcome. Unofficially we are Seekaparents. We could adopt both you and Bighappyhuggy to be your mums and dads.”

Bighappyhuggy yawned and then nodded. “Very good good good idea! Lots of mums, and dads, to fuss over us. Me is a special fleshgolem made by tricky genius inventing man named Cornelius Percollius who made me to be a special, friendly, companion who was bad Princess Shazzantie but who is now good Shazzie. Even back as a princess, Shazzie was her informal name and she did treat me okay but later she became very nice to me.”

Shazzie smiled up at the Bighappyhuggy. “You, big sweetie, helped me get nicer. Now you go and sleep with LittleChestManif while I have a talk with Sharry and Shimmy.”

Bighappyhuggy burped and a very small jet of rainbow energies shot out of his mouth. He sighed and patted his belly. “The small Rainbowbaby is stirring in my belly. Her name is Tinzie but there are others with her but they have no names yet.”

The fleshgolem was left to go off to where he lay against LittleChestManif but also on a sloping stack of cushions as provided by the LittleCelestialManif.

Shazzie spoke, after she sat on the damage resistant carpeted floor, there were more than one Shazzantacca; two became Newhopecity but three have become an even bigger, in some ways stranger, version of Shazzantacca. It is now a supertemplecity. Shadowadis is worshipped there but so are the Shazgods as being part of the Shazgodfolk. The Burning Black Smoke Flame is fuelled by Shadowadis' avatar of Shazzasha instead of captive entities as it once was. Shadamaligna is whispered of but is officially non existent so the whispering is very quiet. There is Shaztec Quadaddom of Priestdom, Kingdom, Queendom and Elitesdom but also, outside of those, the Commondom including Shazmilitias, Shazguilds and others arising. That is because the Shazgods are pushing a large scale reformation agenda that has been generally successful with some compromises given into. Some say that the real names, of the Shazgodfolk, are the Hardrisengodfolk, the Sharprisengodfolk and Smartrisenfolk; there may be at least one more whose name is unknown to me.”

Shimmy sighed. “All those three Risengodfolk Factions are known to us and all of them bode no good at all with the Risengods being worse, in general, than the rest of the Risengodfolk who are Risengodfollowers, Risengodservers and Risengodminions. Cornelius Percollius was an associate of Caroline Murphy who confronted us at the CDH, the Centre of Doomsworld History.”

So it was that Shazzie learned about the CDH, its surprise appearance and then the its quick vanishing away. Then the Seekacentre had appeared but had, after a short time, vanished away but emerged again.

Shimmy spoke. “Now Seekacentre is at the edge of Seekahomebase but is now known as Seekahomecentre for there will be, in future, more than one Seekacentre. Only the Lobby Chamber is open, and five subcentres being a museum-gallery, SVR facility, a research-reference library-study, an amusement arcade and a fitness facility. There are service-support networks and other features there just to keep the centre functioning.”

Shazzie went off to sleep next to Bighappyhuggy and against LittleChestManif. The two Seekaparents were soon asleep being bundled up with young Permayoungs.


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Posted (edited)

Post #153


[Two][69.1] [5.1]

Seekaplayerteam01, of 20 Seekaplayers, spread out as they ran across a clearing towards another shelter-barrier that was both an obstacle and that offered some sheltering against enemy attacks. It was a training-testing mission, as in the very first one undertaken by Seekaplayers. They wore PAASTs and carried either triplecarbines or hoopballguns, most having the former rather than the latter.

15 Seekaplayers were enhumans, highly enhanced humans, while five were sophisticated simuladroid androids.

Enemies were third party ones with out there being an opposing playerteam. Pop-up turrets had done just that, hurling rocket-bullets at the Seekaplayers or even advanced rocket-grenades.

Spotting turrets would be attempting to 'mark' them and soon mortar shells would coming in, over, the shelter-barrier. There were also attack-drones, high hovering turret-drones, rail-turrets, remotedroids, landmines and more; amongst those listed ones were surprises yet to be uncovered.

They kept moving until they came upon a resupplying dispenser where they topped up their ammo so as to leave the reserves untouched. That small area was a safe zone but in a timed manner as in the loss of points after a deadline was met.

The arena audience filled about 50% of its capacity but heavily regulated, low key, gambling was very active.

Jhanda, a male Seekaplayer, fired off a hoopballgun at a vertical grey hoop. The grey ones were biggest, the copper smaller, the silver even smaller and the smallest were the golden ones as possible scores increased as the size decreased but also with the colour changes. The grey hoopball shot through the hoop, scoring this time 40 points plus a high bonus of 30 making it 70. A bonus could be one, two, three or none. The hoopball survived, as the one, so could be retrieved by any team player.

Jhessy fired a pulselaser pulsebeam and struck a silver laser target, targets having the same range of colours and sizes, as the hoops did; the scores were relatively lower because laser targets were relatively easy to strike with lasers. The score was three plus a bonus of one being four. The target went blank and would not become active again until after 10 minutes had passed.

They came upon a fan prize location and were surprised to find there a 20x20x20 cubic centimetre fangiftbox. Inside were 20 self heating cupcans of coffee, a collectable figurine set of three Seekaplayers in PAASTs but with out the helmets, a pointscard worth 100 points and a tea-towel; on the tea-towel was an odd poem of support and mild adoration along with the Seekaplayers' symbol.

The coffee was put away for the next official break and everything was transshifted into Seekainventory which could not be accessed during a game.

More shooting, dodging, running followed along with launching hoopballs through ballhoops, lasering laser targets, blasting hard targets in various ways and triggering off traps before they were reached. Different types of remoteturrets kept attacking along with remotedrones and even remotedroids. They came out of the training-testing mission that trained them and which gave test results to be used by a few with official access to them along with, perhaps, some others.


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Posted (edited)

Post #154


[Two][70.1] [6.1]

Doomsgamegod #3 of 13 On High spoke. “So the fangiftbox came with poisoned coffee in self heating cupcans that were easily detected by the Seekaplayers. The easily decoded message, hidden in the poem on the tea-towel, was both a threat and a warning. Our question is how did such items get past our supposedly top rate security system?”

Doomsgamegod #11 of 13 on High bowed briefly from where he sat onin his own special chair. “Investigations have so far led nowhere except that the gift-box did not go through official networks to reach its destination. An investigation team suspects that an intrusive remoterobot was used being a very small, stealth designed, one. Tracks have been found that no official game device made. 3Dcamera recordings caught what looked to be a small tracked-turret. At the time match supervisors believed it was one of the teething glitches that the arenas having been suffering from.”

Doomsgamegod #1 of 13 was on a slightly higher level than the others as was traditional. “A rogue faction may be attempting to sabotage arena-games. We will send a report to the Doomsworldgamegods as we do not to risk more trouble with them considering what happened last time. Another report will go to High Central Seekacommand.”

Doomsgamegod #13 of 13 On High asked, as was that one's role, a hopefully pertinent question. “What of the news media, academia and others who might be interested?”

Doomsgamegod #1 of 13 On High: “We get clearance, from the Doomsworldgamegods, and have briefings ready to send to all officially listed recipients. Then we wait to see what happens next except for our own, ongoing, investigations that will now go beyond the one taking place in that one games-arena.”

All there bowed in show of accepting the decision.


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Posted (edited)

Post #155


[Two][71.1] [7.1]

In Seekahomecity there were still ongoing investigations in the matter of the crazed mob, the insane leader and his shadowshard tipped, shadowsteel, staff.

Seekasecurity Seekaagents, who worked undercover unlike Seekasecuritors, found a hidden cache in a deeper basement level. There were stolen ration-packs, hand-tools, fuel powderbricks, medications and a few other items of value including some creditlars of mostly silverlars. In the same, big, wall safe they found 15 shadowshards wrapped in treated cloth and then placed in lead lined, steel, lockboxes. The very last was an amazing but disturbing find.

A Seekachampion-taskteam got there ass fast as they could and used hihitech devices to examine the basement; Seekaagents had already carried out more standard forensics on that space.

The secret door had not been discovered by the Seekaagents but Shanda both found and opened it. 10 Seekachampions moved down a crudely lasered tunnel and then found a chamber of horrors. Five, desiccated, corpses lay sprawled across the floor that had been fed of blood, water and liquefied flesh. They were dressed in the hoodrobes of the twisted Seekacult.

Seekacultists believed that imprisoned somewhere were the real Seekagoddessgods and that the current Seekalords were part of a conspiracy against them; thus they were the enemies of the Seekacult. They were considered, by the great number of people, to be a tiny minority of crackpots and that was generally true. Yet, beneath their robes they wore the type of gear typical of petty criminals.

On the floor was an elaborate pentagon, drawn in blood, with strange symbols and on the floor, close to one of the distorted bodies, a large book with a human leather cover. It lay as if it had been dropped.

There was a flash, of rainbow energies, and then the five were alive but sleeping deeply. The lower chamber was more structurally sound than it had been, had improved walls and other surfaces. It had been dotted with rubbish, with broken pieces of furniture, but was now fitted, furnished and even decorated. There were tables, chairs, wall lockers, a wardrobe, a child's wooden rocking horse, a kitchenette and two doors marked 'toilet' and 'showerbath' in turn along with other items.

There were nine more copies, neatly placed in a bookcase that was against a wall, and below that 100 clean, edited, formalised copies of it; there were also 10, small, datacubes but on top of the bookcase. There were also 100 other type items, being 10 sets each of 10 identical ones, but these were in a compartmentalised bookcase.

Out of character, on one wall, was a grim oil painting in a wooden frame. It showed a deathly pale, distorted, figure in a grimy, blood stained, hoodrobe who was confronting five, frightened, young men in stylish hoodrobes. It was standing in the center of the pentagram and they outside it.

The character could have been a male of the Seekachampions except for the distorting effects of damage done, of filth and malignant hatred showing in an extreme grimace.

With a surprise, for the Seekaagents, the painting was revealed to be an animated loop ever changing in a slow-steady fashion.


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Posted (edited)

Post #156


[Two][71.2] [7.2]

Sharry0101 made a gesture, as linked strongly to the Seekagoddess, and now the painting made sounds even as it sped up to be like a video recording in its pace. It soon became clear that the supposed Seekacult, in Seekahomecity, had been a group of young petty criminals who thought it would be clever to make up the cult.

It started again with the young men, drunken and foolish in their behaviour, daring to copy the pentagram onto the floor. They used their own blood which none would do if they had any real knowledge, and experience, with such matters. The pentagram also had mistakes in its making so would not have properly bound any summoned entity anyway, even of the weakest sort; what they had, seemingly, summoned was a both a very malignant and powerful one.

There were 10 wall safes being a top, and bottom, horizontal row each of five of them.

Working that chamber, and the first one above it, only really began at that time.

When the five awoke they were greatly changed, for the better, having paid for their petty crimes and even the darker one of keeping the shadowshards; they had accidentally found both them, and the tome, when burgling a small, isolated, house on the outskirts of
Seekahometown. When the burglars had detected somebody returning home, they had fled the scene.

The Seekachampions had a Seekasecurity Taskteam go to the burgled house but it was no surprise that it had been stripped of anything relevant, to any investigation, and then abandoned. The departed had taken, with them, many items; that is valuables, personal ones that could help identify them, perhaps more exotic ones; this was discovered through obvious gaps on walls, an emptied floor safe and other such forensic details. The only DNA samples found would turn out to be those of visitors or of animals meaning that those dwelling there had somehow managed not to leave any such traces behind them; the same was true of fingerprints.

Or so it appeared to be until loose floorboards were found to conceal a hidden cache of a half drunk bottle of cheap wine, two glossy pornographic magazines, some semilegal herbal cigarettes wrapped in cloth, coinage of creditlars being mostly copperlars, a business card wallet and a small, tight banded, roll of pamphlets.

It was at first a problematic breakthrough but it would, in the longer term, lead to some very fruitful discoveries but also disturbing ones.

As for the five, former petty criminals, they would become top quality Seekaagents.


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Posted (edited)

Post #157


[Two][72.1] [8.1]

Seekamind held a mindwise meeting with Seekaprimesteam0000.

Seekamind: “Much was resolved, thanks to the great metaphysical clash that took place deep in Doomscore itself, but more so a greater resolving process has been instigated that is still unfolding. Billions, of trapped soul entities, were freed from entrapment and are now in Sanctumary as a great transmultidimensional realm; millions are in Safeumary as they need more care and now there is Careumary of deeply confidential nature.”

Seekaprimes as one: “Unfolding as in transformation!?”

Seekamind: “Yes as in continued improvement of stability, increasing accessibility to areas and a few changes going forward from the past along with much else that needs to be more fully comprehended.”

Seekaprimes as one: “Understood and acknowledged!”


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Posted (edited)

Post #158


[Two][72.1] [9.1]

The Seekahomecentre Lobby Chamber was a large, impressive space with fine quality fittings, furnishings, decorative touches and enclosed displays. Display cases dotted the floor space and were in wall alcoves, sometimes filling big ones. The Seekaparents were with a select number of permayoungs and other companions including Shazzie plus Bighappyhuggy whom she was caring for.

A dragonbird was seen flying through the air in a highly secured display bubble hanging from the ceiling above as was a Spitfire aeroplane from OldEarth's World War Two but in its own bubble.

They passed a much smaller model of a massive megaexcavator that were known to trundle over the Great Regenerative Plains ever drawing up regenerating resources.

A deadly Zocyborg zocyborgman model stood in a display box with its 2handcannon that it held with its upper two arms of four. The lower two hands held each a spikeshield that could project a force screen or fire off a blastpulse from its spike.

A children's tricycle had a mannedroid, an accurately looking human android of basic nature, riding it while wearing flowery patterned overalls; the little boy looked very happy as he pedalled madly but somehow remained in the same place.

A hovercar sedan was held in the air by transparent struts as it was, in theory, held up by its electrofanjets. It was a standard kind of vehicle that had been used in the UCC for centuries with its autodriver, safety and other special functions.

They came upon an amazing holographic display, in a large alcove box, of all of the permayoungs, Seekaparents and others who dwelt in Seekahome. Everybody was awake, alert, well behaved, well dressed, happy and otherwise not so realistic. It was a group shot with everybody facing the front as they were intermingled lightly together.

According to the explanation, written out below the display, they were all to be considered special status guests, to Seekacentre, in future. This included privileges of no entrance fees, a free giftbag with every visit, a 50% discount on many items for sale, access to a special Seekacarecentre of a Seekasubcentre, and ones yet to arise.

A CentresHelperManif came to them as a well dressed, lightly immodest, professional woman with silvery skin, hair and part of her eyes; she wore a black minidress, highheel shoes and silken gloves.

She stopped and smiled warmly at the visitors. “Welcome to the Seekacentre, special guests! We hope that you enjoy the holographics and should know that it will, from now on, show up only in the Seekacarecentre for the sake of privacy. I am CentresHelperManif CentresSarisaris. Given the makeup, of your group, I suggest that we go to Seekacarecentre. Please follow me.”

The rest, of the visit, was spent in the Seekacarecentre where the permayoungs, there, enjoyed themselves but so did everybody else. There were games for all mindwise ages, dispensers of free snacks plus drinks, a copy of the big alcove with its holographic display, books of which many were picture ones and so much else to do.

There was a subtle educational element, to so much of it, that this pleased the Seekaparents.


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Posted (edited)

Post #159


[Two][73.1] [10.1]

In Seekahomecity Seekasecurity now had the double chambers, plus the house and other underground areas, as a demioutpost that they kept secure but that they also worked both in and out from; that was the place where the five desiccated bodies had been found. Wall lockers, after the Rainbowflash, turned out to be full of useful equipment-supplies as normally used by both Seekasecuritors and Seekaagents, but also some other items of usefulness.

The 10 wall safes proved to be very resistant to being opened, defying traditional safe cracking methods as well as more advanced technological ones. Seekachampion-Squad0201 had not managed to do so and the reason was that the outer safe doors were bare of any seeming way to open them except for an odd picture-symbol.

Sharry0101 managed to have a Minor Clueling activated. With a soft shimmering a 1x1x1 cubic metre cubecanister materialised on the floor. Inside it soon proved to be 10 books, written in Panglish, about the obscure civilisation of the Deepway Elves; they were identical to one another being each a brief, concise, general history including a chapter on the very phonetic picture-symbol language.

The Deepway Elves had once been close allies of some of the Risengodfolk Factions but most of all to the Wiserisengodfolk of the Seekachampions' past.

Then there were 10, identical, scrolls that were in sealed tubes; they each had the Epic Poems of the Deepway Elf Explorers' Expedition to the Center of the NewEarth.

Then there were 10 disks that each on it one of the picture-symbols as shown on the 10 wall safe doors. Yet Sharry0101 had a 'hunch' that the disks had to be used in a special way when it came to opening the wall safes up.

So it was that she read through one book and one scroll, absorbing all the information with amazing speed and efficiency. Then Sharry0101 meditated in a way of quiet contemplation of that newly acquired knowledge.

The picture-symbols represented the 10 Deepway Elf explorers that had commanded the expeditionary taskforce as one primary, two high, three medium and for low elder-leaders; that is both on the wall safe doors and the disks.

Gavag materialised, as a celestialmortal, and spoke in Panglish. “I thought that you might need my assistance.”

Sharry0101 smiled. “That could well be the sake. I need to take the disk, with the picture-symbol of the primary elder-leader's partner and push it against door #1.”

The disk, that she chose, had the same picture-symbol on it as did door #5. She explained that, being five females and five males, that each of the 10 was partnered with a member of the opposite sex. One found the disk, showing a partner, to push that against the door showing the other partner.

Door #1 opened, sliding upwards into a hidden recess. Out of it she took a street atlas book of Seekahomecity but it was only one of 10 stacked neatly inside the chamber; they were standard except each had notes written down in the notes section but also in page margins. Map locations were marked as in being reference linked to relevant notes. The printed copies had integrated the notes, the marked maps and also some odd doodles opportunistically placed in some empty spaces. The books also had the same title and name of Doctor Stella Annelis Freeman being just inside the front cover of each text.

Sharry0101 flickered through the book, that she held, and then spoke. “Doctor Stella Annelis Freeman was researching a report that a secondary elder-leader, from the expedition, came to live here in Seekahomecity shortly after it officially went from being Seekahometown to Seekahomecity.”


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Posted (edited)

Post #150


[Two][73.2] [10.2]

Gavag shook his head. “That is a very surprising bit of information. What happened to the Deepway Elf Expedition is generally a mystery even to most Celestials but so is what happened to that people after they parted ways with the Risengodfolk that they had been with. It was believed, by most, that they went deep down into the underground depths, of NewEarth, or at least one of them.”

It had become firmly established that the creation, of the NewEarth, had been problematic and that it had resulted in the appearance of other NewEarths. It was also accepted that at least three, of those NewEarths, had somehow become Doomsworld.

Gavag went on. “As you probably know, this address is one of the location that Doctor Stella Annelis Freeman had marked in her Seekahomecity street atlas. It might be easy to start any investigation right here.”

Sharry0101 nodded. “Very convenient an idea! Now for door #2.”

As if responding to their plans, the contents behind that door was a stack of notebooks focused on that location, on what seemed to be a whole hidden area that Seekars had failed totally to detect.

Door #3 opened to 10, adjustable, keyrods of electrum being elegantly beautiful in appearance; they were definitely of Deepway Elfan design and make. Then there were 10 booklets, identical to each other, that had in them key code clues to how to open special doors even with the use of a keyrod.

Door #4 opened to the same as #5 but there were small, noticeable, differences between the two types of keyrod.

Doors #6 to #10 opened to each reveal another surface with a button in its center. Pushing each one, in turn, led to shimmering effects and the materialisation of sets of five doors in different locations. Those, with the pressing on button #1, appeared, in the previously bare wall, across from that which held the safes. Facing them meant that the two, to the left, were outgoing teleport senders while the two, to the right, were teleport receptors; the one, in the middle, led to service-support equipment and interface consoles.

Sharry0101 entered a teleport sender chamber, along with Gavag and three other Seekachampions, to find themselves cable-teleported to a teleport receptor chamber amongst another set of five doors.


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