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Post #161


[Two][74.1] [11.1]

Teresa, an aspect of the EverWanderer, travelled in a taskforce from Anklelusdeep, the settlement, along with 24 other EverFolk and Seekataskteam0201; the last had with it five Seekachampions, five Seekacompanions and 10 Seekapartners along with 50 Seekaminions. The last element were Seekaxiliaries of 40 enhanced ponies, five big hounds, five snifferdogs and five 4eyesbirds.

Of the 10 robodrone type Seekaminions, three went out ahead in as stealthy a fashion as was possible. While two were in reserve another two went out to either side and two followed. All hovershifted fairly close to the ground so as not to give themselves away in the uneven landscape of hillocks, gullies and small ridges.

The taskteam passed ancient relics, of advanced warmachines, left over from the Doomswar that took place before the Doomsdays that ended it. They glimmered with odd, disturbing, fields of energy that were linked with what ever superweapon that had destroyed the hulking mechanisms. Amongst the hundreds of hulking robots, and other types of warmachines, were the shapeforms of super power armoured soldiers that also glimmered. There was the tilted banner of the UCAC55, the United Citystates Army Corps Fifty-Five.

It was generally believed that the UCC was splintering before the Doomswar began but that it broke into three general factions during it; that is neutral defensive aggressive, those supporting the Darkside Forces and those the Enlightened Forces. About a quarter of the old UCC population went with either faction but what happened to the others remained a mystery, at least to most.

What had her do so was somewhat of a puzzle to Sharry0201 but she went forth and managed to gain, and activate, a Minor Wishling that was added to by others doing the same with a Minor Rainbowling.

There was a Rainbowflash of energies and the remnants, of the UCAC55, were gone! The Seekachampions knew they had gone to reappear, as machines and supersoldiers, in Seekaoutkeep but would soon become an aspect of the growing, evolving, Seekaforce.

The Seekaforce was the Seekapolice, Seekasecurity, Seekaparamilitary and Seekamilitary along with distinctive special sections. The Seekaparamilitary were mainly the Seekaguards but also the new Seekarangers serving only in the Seekawilds. The Seekamilitary was, so far, the new Seekasoldiers. The specials were the Seekascouts and the Seekatroopers that often would serve with any others in the Seekaforce. Then there were the extreme emergency response Seekaresponders of mixed roles.

Teresa, before she became mingled with an aspect of the EverWanderer, had spoken to a Shaztec, enslaved by the Eloi, who had spoken of a great Rainbowflash, of energies, that had swept through the great, underground, Shaztec Realm including the supertemplecity of Shazzantacca, the supertemplecitystate of Shazzantaccalla and the Shaztec Sacred Zone; this included others either less known or less spoken of though better known of.

There was the Shaztec Sacred Chamber of 13 Divine Entrances to the Labyrinth of Testing, Truths, Troves and Torment. The Shaztec had been a holy warrior priest helping to guard that chamber when a swarm of Eloi led morlocks had attacked. They had been driven off but had taken, with them, captured Shaztecs and Zhastecs. What had driven the Eloilords to carry out such a foolish attack was uncertain; they had suffered heavy losses for the gain of a small number of slaves.

The Shaztec Sacred Chamber of 13 Divine Entrances was very heavily guarded and not just by humans but by shadowkind, mummiats and zombies. In front of each, of the entrances, was a hulking spiritual magic animated clockwork steelgolem.


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Posted (edited)

Post #162


[Two][74.2] [11.2]

Teresa was riding a sturdy pony, well suited to going through that kind of environment. “The most important information, given to me by that former holy guard, was that the big, flashy, well guarded chamber was a false one. The real one is far plainer and relies on being very well hidden though it also had forms of protection; there are very troubling whispers about what that last means. Shaztecs, and Zhastecs, know that the Rainbowflash changed matters but most have no more than a vague impression of what had done so. The knowledge, of it, appears to be fading away from the awareness of most.”

Sharry0201 was riding another enhanced pony next to the other woman. “When it comes to Celestial interventions into mortal realms, when it comes to how they effect most mortals, that is quite normal a result but you know that, don't you?”

Teresa nodded. “I am still getting used to be a celestialmortal and melded with the EverWanderer or at least with an aspect of that one. Timespace refolded, but not neatly so, thanks to the big metaphysical battle and its Rainbowflash aftermath but now it is being resolved, being 'neatened out'.”

The robots were 10 robodrones, five hulking robogolems. five slimmer robodroids, 10 robocarts and 10 roboturrets which were already deployed on top of the robocarts; half of them were weapons equipped but the others were service-support units with special manipulator arms.

Sharry0201 spoke again. “Problematic is that Doomsworld seems to have become more than just a mortal realm in a fashion that is supposedly improbable if not impossible.”

There were saddle-ponies, pack-ponies and five, small, single pony pulled pony-carts. The robocarts could be made to look like pony-carts, complete with ponies, using special holographic projections that even threw accurate shadows.

Even as the forward moving robodrones sent back disturbing first reports, the snifferdogs made low warning sounds that something very disturbing was ahead. The convoy began to prepare for the scene, of carnage, ahead. The stink, of death, came to them on a light breeze that before then had only smelled of local plant life.


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Post #163


[Two][75.1] [12.1]

Sharry0101, Gavag and three other Seekachampions came out of one of five doors inset into a wall, the five being a cabled teleport hub or CdTH with its four CdTBs of booths. The elegantly made chamber stretched into the distance with odd curves to its walls, bowl shaped pools fed by small waterfalls, fountains sprayed water into the air from the centers of those bowls. Greenery was a great strip against one wall where grew groves of trees, clumps of bushes and odd sugar can like plants.

Deep Elves were there tending gardens, including foodgardens, along with mostly podula-goats and dairy cows. Big oranges were being picked from two groves, of trees, and cows were being milked by hand.

Warriors came to confront the Seekachampions but with no sense at all, about them, of hostility. They had flexible metallic armour and carried springdartcarbines equipped with spring-bayonets.

The elegantly graceful Deep Elves were actually elfdwarfs as elf dwarf hybrids with other genetic elements thrown into the mix. As elfdwarfs they were more elf than dwarf just as their hybrid cousins were dwarfelfs being more dwarf than elf.

Then came forward a hoodrobed figure of a matriarch elder who halted before Sharry0101 with a smile and oddly slanted eyes but not as sharply so as were those of full elves. As she drew back her hood she exposed her pointed ears that were less so than those of an elf would have been. “So you are connected to the appearance of that CdTH at the edges of our complex here that is an outer one of our Complexative.”

Sharry0101 shook her head, just a little, in her body armour suit with the helmet visor being transparent. “Greater forces, than myself and my people of the Seekars, were responsible for such taking place. That is Celestial Intervention! There are 10 such CdTHs, of the same exact layout, but we only know the locations of the one that we came from and this one. The other one is in a basement space in Seekahomecity.”

The matriarch nodded, just a little, with her silvery grey hair indicating she was centuries old. “There is 'something' Celestial about all of you.”

Shimmy0101 spoke. “We are all celestialmortals and what of you, your people?”

The other sighed. “We have but a small trace, of the Celestial, in us! We once served the Wiserisengods of the Risengods.”

Sharry0101 nodded. “We were once of them, of the Wisengodfolk.”

The matriarch lost some of her smile. “She will not be pleased to see you, being one of the 10 gifted Wisendemigods sent on an expedition by the Wisengodfolk. Those Deep Elves were betrayed when expected assistance failed to arrive.”

Sharry0101 responded. “Most likely the Wisengodfolk were too busy trying to survive to send any previously promised help. Much, of what happened, remains lost to us but we know there were great troubles.”

The matriarch bowed briefly. “I am Serenala Ono'Tasha. The Wisendemigod sleeps, and heals slowly-steadily, in a glowing alcove that materialised years ago due to some kind of foldbacking of timespace. There are 10 alcove-hubs, of the same design and layout, being of Risengodfolk fashion just as those CdTHs would be.”

Shimmy0101 spoke, briefly, of the great metaphysical battle that had raged with an amazing range of forces being involved. “It ended with powerful Celestial Intervention and much resolution but not a final resolution for that process continues. We are investigating an investigator who sought to learn more about the story that one of the 10 champions ended up here.”


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Post #164


[Two][75.2] [12.2]

Serenala Ono'Tasha spoke. “If you mean one Doctor Stella Annelis Freeman, she came to our home, here, was captured and proven to be a doppelshifter of much experience and skill. At least that is what we assumed she was until she escaped in a fashion that had us questioning that conclusion. Unfortunately she had learned the location of our home, here, and so we waited for trouble to arrive; it never did!”

Sharry0101 frowned softly. “Why did you capture her? Did she cause you trouble?”

Serenala frowned softly, right back. “As was previously ordered, by the sleeping Wisendemigod CrandloOno'Tasha, all strangers were to be captured. No, she caused us no trouble at all, even promising to keep our location a secret except to those she was serving a contract to. As for those who came with her, they were left behind by her and are to be found, comfortably confined, in a chamber not very different from this one. With the last Rainbowflash, that happened, their number was increased being doppelshifters and doppelforms that had started out as doppelformers along with nondoppel followers.”

Sharry0101 nodded. “More of our people will be coming here but as friendly allies; envoys will come from the Seekagovernment Ministry of Liaison Affairs, Department of Diplomatic Affairs. They will come in an envoy taskteam that will include Seekabodyguards, Seekasecuritors, Seekaservers and any others as found necessary.”

Serenala frowned less softly. “I take it that you Seekars would see us as being inside your territories.”

Sharry0101 raised up her hand in a placating manner. “If accepted as a semiautonomous realm, inside the greater Seekahomeworld, you would become one more of many that already exist. Now for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and not the deceptions that your kind seem overly dependent on!”

Serenala nodded. “We are all, here, a mixture of doppelshifters, doppelforms, others including those found abandoned by the Wisendemigod and myself as the only doppelshaper; as you probably know, a doppelshaper is a more powerful cousin of a doppelshifter being much rarer than them.”

Serenala Ono'Tasha was the name that I held while trying to track this place down but I have come to prefer my newer identity. The story that I told you is mostly alike the one recounted to us by a Wisensubgod survivor of the Wisendemigod's savagery when his own people rebelled against his growing madness. He was in a healing alcove but escaped from it, was perhaps rejected by that piece of Risengodtech, and then fled away taking none with him or attempting no more attacks on his, by then, former followers.”

The doppelkind, there, kept their current appearances. There turned out to be nondoppel elfdwarfs amongst them as the animals were not doppelkind. In other spaces were humans, mannoids and others who had willingly joined the Free Complexative.

As promised, the envoy taskteam soon arrived but was soon to be followed by more taskteams.


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Post #165


[Two][76.1] [13.1]

Sharry sat with the very collector's items that had been given to the Seekaplayerteam01 that had not turned out to be dangerous. The cupcans, of coffee, had proven to be poisoned and the poem, on the tea-towel a curse. The pointscard, supposedly with 100 free points, was a fraudulent document easily detected as such. In front of her were those two last items and the three figurines.

Was it a mere whim that had her call for them?

Thakas, a permateen neuter male smiled, longingly, at the figurines. “I could add them to my collection!”

Sharry shook a finger at him. “Firstly I need to investigate the figures that are not part of any official collection and then, if safe, they can be put on display for all to enjoy but you may have copies of all three.”

Display copies would be much larger than the originals.

Which was when one of the figurines became animated, turned towards Sharry, and spoke to her. “Sorry about the poison in the coffee! I knew it would be discovered and, anyway, the antidote was also in the coffee though harder to find than the poison. Look again at the cupcans themselves. Restudy the tea-towel. Do the same with pointscard and even the fangiftbox everything came in. There was a conspiracy aimed against you from the start and though weakened it still exists; it became damaged by the resolution that began with the great metaphysical battle fought, perhaps, at Doomscore and is gathering its strength. At its core is a deep threat, not just to you but to many, and behind it is the deeper threat. Is there a 'deepest threat'? I do not know but it would not surprise me. Oh, yes, one more matter; the first five wall safes respawn with the same items but how long they will do that is not within my knowledge; the five buttons, below that, will lead to new results.”

There was a shimmering effect and a copy of the fangiftbox materialised.

Like the original the fangiftbox there was a 20x20x20 cubic centimetre fangiftbox. Inside were 20 self heating cupcans of coffee, a collectable figurine set of three Seekaplayers in PAASTs but with out the helmets, a pointscard worth 100 points and a tea-towel; on the tea-towel was an odd poem of support and mild adoration along with the Seekaplayers' symbol. Except that this time all items were genuine and there was no poison or antidote involved with the coffee.

The voice spoke again. “A genuine fangiftbox for you to make analytical comparisons with. Must go! Now the figurine will become just that! “

Thakas gave her a puzzled look. “Why were you talking to yourself, Sharry?”

Sharry sighed. “The voice was speaking through me, not from me, meaning that it is somehow linked to me. Puzzling but true!”

Thakas smiled. “Everything about Sharry is a bit puzzling.”

Sharry sighed, gave him an ironic smile and ended up with Thakas, a male shaped neuter, sleeping on her lap.


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Post #166


[Two][77.1] [14.1]

At first it seemed that the Puritycultists, and their allies, had died fighting against the Shadowcultists and their allies but it soon became apparent that they had combined forces to do battle against a third force. They may have started out battling each other but then Eloi warmages, backed by morlocks, had swarmed out of the ground and this time had brought with them bigger fighting creatures.

By working out the time of death for corpses, including those from all three factions, the conclusion was that the battle had taken place in the semidarkness of a long dawntime. These particular Eloi had adapted to living beneath the ground along with morlocks and other entities more comfortable with nocturnal conditions.

There had been Eloi with springdartguns of different sizes but also bigger, springbolt firing, springboltguns along with springballguns hurling explosive springballs.

There came the next discovery that the newcomers had ended up joining with the first two factions to arrive; that is to fight against a force most hard to define.

Except that the remains of giant, rope like, tentacles were more than just a general clue. They had destroyed members of the Shadowcult, Puritycult and Eloiclan factions there. Many bodies were desiccated unnaturally as in a vampiric type feeding of blood, liquefied flesh and auric life energies.

In turn the tentacles had often been destroyed.

Then it was realised that the tentacles themselves were desiccated so had they been also fighting the one foe to all others there?

The interplanetary starprobeship was 'inverted' being of a strange, softly glowing, blueness with everything on it reversed such as symbols and words.

Starprobes had been sent out first and then starprobeships had followed up on any important starprobe discoveries of a range of types that met the right official criteria. Starprobes had sometimes vanished mysteriously but so had a smaller number of starprobeships and smaller starprobeboats. In some, more dangerous, zones the starprobecraft had gone in convoys.

The exposed section, of upper hull, of the craft burned strangely as brightening sunlight fell upon it of early daytime. It had been exposed but by what and when had it taken place? The Inverse Dimensional Realms where natural to those entities that were there but there were those, amongst them, that could not easily adapted to existing in non inverted type dimensional realms.

Sharry0201 requested a Major Wishling to activate and gained a Medium Wishling instead that she utilised. Even as the Seekachampion did so a Medium Wishling was also activated. A Rainbowflash swept through everybody and everything, doing so downwards as well as outwards.

The very big SS Seekaforth0133 was now inside the bubble that covered above ground, as a dome, and below in a more bowl like fashion. The big machine stood on great, unfolded, landing struts.

There had returned many of those who had died but not all. The tentacles were rainbow patterned and helpful but there were also those that had been linked to an Eloiclan, the Shadowcult and the Puritycult. They were now pleased to serve the Seekars, to be part of the Seekafolk. They had gone through Celestial Testing and had passed but the process had also saved them.

So it was that Seekaoutpost01 returned to existence just as it had ceased to do so with the Seekavaults ending up in the Seekaunderlands.


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Post #167

Follows on directly from previous Post #166.


[Two][77.2] [14.2]

A globe shaped base was at the center of the bubblezone and it was dome like above the ground. It was opaque but out from it were four, small, non transparent ones and four transparently protective bubbles; the last were adapted to allow for air flow and other movements through them.

The starprobeship came to be enclosed in its own transparent bubble, the vessel remaining quiet, and still, even to the instruments placed inside the bubble.

It soon turned out that the bubblezone was transmultidimensional being more than one bubblezone in 'parallel' in dimensional realm terms. One of those other parallel bubblezones now enclosed Anklelusdeep and its surrounding territory. There would turn out to be 13 such bubblezones with most being bare except for nature.

Why had this taken place?

The main bubblezone was a halfway step to Seekaoutkeep!

One bubblezone was the same to the supertemplecitystate of Shazzantaccalla!

All of the bubblezones were slowly-steadily expanding 'internally'. They were multipurpose but most of all was their flexibility in being able to help in future, unforeseen, events.

Seekatranspost01 materialised in the newly changed bubblezone of the yet to be named, new, dome-complex. Plans were soon being made for the taskteam to go forward to the bubblezone that was closer to the target supertemplecitystate but also to the true Shaztec Sacred Chamber of 13 Divine Entrances to the Labyrinth of Testing, Truths, Troves and Torment.


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Post #168

To fit in with the standard use of the word 'golem' as a hulking humanoid, robonoids have been renamed as robogolems to go along with such as fleshgolems and new cyborgolems.


A third CdTH gave access to a large basement chamber below a long boarded up research development centre in Seekahomecity. It had been active in Seekahometown but closed down forcefully before the metropolis grew bigger enough to become a city. There were neat lines of concrete vats, strange experimental machines, networks of tubes running overhead through grids that secured them in place.

Sharry0101 frowned hard. “We Seekachampions led the big raid that saw the ending of the Seekabrainiacs, as they called themselves, but we did not find this basement space. The Seekabrainiacs were attempting to create cyborged fleshgolems of enhanced capacity and abilities. Cyborgolems they called them. They were being generously rewarded to create the entities and the technologies behind them. They would then sell on the creatures and related items before destroying the place so as to get rid of all evidence of it having existed. They intended to use the newly gained resources to start a conspiracy to overthrow the Seekagovernment of the time. They were either executed or ended up doing long stints of moderate level convict labour.”

Shimmy0101 frowned. “Just how many chambers did we fail to discover?”

There were four vat chambers, two other kinds of laboratories, a workshop, two dormitories, a kitchen attached to a cafeteria, a security barracks, storerooms, an armoury, a laundry, ablutions, other utilities and more. There were no signs of anybody having been there for a long time until they came to the kitchen!

The group of cyborgolems were not what one would call success stories and with them was a youthful, but elderly, woman in the stained hoodrobe of a Seekabrainiac. She was carefully checking the crooked teeth of a very squat, wide, humanoid and spoke with out looking around.

So, you Seekachampions have caught up with the truth at last. A whole lot of cyborgolems were sold to an unknown third party along with some relevant equipment-supplies and data. Five Seekabrainiac, no longer using that name, went off with the mysterious ones; a few went with them that had served we Seekabrainiacs but others either staid here or returned sneakily to the city proper. You will do no harm to my young friends here.”

Shimmy0101 smiled. “Of course not! Seekahome will welcome them after we have checked them over and the same invitation is given to you and any others, of your group, here. Perhaps we can even help those that you have not mentioned yet.”

The Seekabrainiac sighed. “Rogue rejects of varied levels of threat! We have managed to subdue most of them, to place them in enclosures or even into deepsleepcapsules. A Rainbowflash came through the area, greatly improving the everybody-everything and even the rogues that it engulfed.”

Shanda0101 spoke. “Do you have any idea where the group went that was made up of strangers and a few from this place?”

The other spoke. “I overheard somebody mention the word 'Shazzantaccalla' and then that one was struck heavily for daring to use that term openly. From what little I otherwise picked up there seemed to be a power struggle going on there and one of the factions wanted cyborgolems as soldier-workers. There was a way of getting there but it was one that was going to close soon. I do not think that I have anything else to add of any real relevance.”


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Post #169

Follows on directly from previous Post #168.


The Seekabrainiacs, and cyborgolem rejects were sent to a secured safe quarantine area along with some animals and plants that they had with them. Of course they also took personal property with them or at least Seekafolk took almost everything that had to be carried including smaller lifeforms; electric motocarts were used for this task.

Seekaservers, Seekasecuritors and a few Seekaspecialists came to check the location out more as did more Seekachampions so they became six of them there. There were also Seekacompanions and Seekaminions. Then a LittleChestManif came to keep them company as he trotted along on his four, double jointed, legs.

There was an odd, subtle, sensation that only the Seekachampions picked up even as they walked through a large, largely bare, concrete chamber. Then they, the Seekachampions, saw the glowing door frame and doubledoor set into it. The oddity was that it was out in the open and not inset into any wall. Even they could only see it if looking at its front as walking around it soon proved.

Also only Seekachampions could go through the doors once they were both open and three of them did so while three staid back with the other Seekars there. It was some hours before they were to return after making a strange discovery.


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Post #170



The original, fake, fangiftbox was opened up so as to be spread flat across part of the tabletop. A map had been found there that seemed to be the layout of a large complex either inside a building or underground, the map did not say; there was only some general information and what seemed to be clues.

The original, fake, self-heating cupcans, of coffee, had had their wraparound labels removed to reveal 10 different minimaps that seemed to be linked to aspects of the bigger map.

The fake pointscard had concealed in its false official data five coded passwords with the clue that they were to do with five, hidden, vault doors.

The tea-towel's back was blank until viewed with a black light. Then it showed a list of names but with out any definitions to what they meant, were linked to. While some were clearly that of named locations, others of individuals or groups, a few could not be so easily worked out.

The gained information was shared with a selected list of Seekars including all Seekachampions, of course.


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