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Post #171



Newzantacca was a cleaner, neater, safer, more service-supportive version of Shazzantacca the supertemplecity. It was also smaller and being lightly flooded with refugees from Newzantaccalla the supertemplecitystate. So the expeditionary group dwelt in a temporary encampment while Seekataskteam0201 managed to gain permission to activate a Major Giftling and did so.

Dometents, blankets, backpacks full of useful items, food rationpacks, oil-f@&#!ts, axes, carpentry clawhammers, healing serums, rolls of special bandage, cooking utensils, camp-lamps, coils of rope and more. In sizes the dometents went from small right through to huge in size; the last were as big as circus tents.

As the semienclosed campfire heated up food, drink and water, Shimmy0201 sat with a projected K9herois who slept with his head in her lap. The monotrimorpher, now able to become a human as well as three variations of wolfdog, was also proving to have other special abilities; this was also true of the other dozen of his Wolfdog13 but they were proving to have both general and more individualistic ones.

She spoke to a gnarled looking, aged, man who was over a thousand years old and who had been alive before the Doomsdays took place. Small, loop animated, tattoos dotted his visible arm areas, the rest of him being covered except for his face.

Your name is on what we call the Mystery Tea-Towel List.” She explained the nature of the list, the tea-towel, but not how the tea-towel had come to be with the Seekachampions. “Gordon Geoffrey TLAAS, the TLAAS standing for Teacher Learner of All Arts and Sciences. It was an attempt to get past academic gate keeping but the TLAAS Movement was not popular in Centropia, at least not with the university elites there. You were a prime member of the movement.”

He shrugged. “Now I am but a lowly tattoo artist who mainly does temporary or semipermanent ones that are stationary. So why do you want to talk to me?”

The Seekachampion shrugged. “Because your name is on a list that we obtained through means that I can not mention to you. We gained information stating that you once served as a research scientist for the UCC Ministry of Research Development. You were noted as being a brilliant physicist. You took part in Project Pronounced Active Particles!”

Gordon snorted in disdain. “Name was a fake. We were involved in a Project Solidity Reality that utilised supertech theories and prototype technologies to do a deep analyse of the very 'fabric' of the NewEarth. Turned out there was more than one NewEarth and that none were truly stable though a very few were more so than the others. The UCC was of one such world named NewTerra while the Risengodfolk focused one was NewTopia. Somehow the Doomsdays, how every many of those there were that took place, blended NewEarths into one, bigger, Doomsworld. Or those were our findings until we realised that our world was a kind of blending of those two. We named it NewHubia for want of a better term, especially after we realised that our NewEarth was a transit hub between many of the NewEarths but also with realms outside of them; that is off worlders, out worlders, side worlders and some we found no useful labels for.”

Gordon frowned. “Some great, deadly, exotic, entity attacked the heavily secured, deeply hidden, research complex. Most escaped but many were killed or wounded. The attacker, of deep malignant nature, was driven off but the complex was both largely destroyed and compromised.”

Shimmy0201 gave him an ironic smile.

The man sighed. “Oh very well, we opened a transdimensional gateway, through our arrogance ways of thinking, and through it came the entity.”


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Post #172



Shimmy0201 asked. “Did it go back through the gateway?”

Gordon shook his head. “I am not totally certain but I would say that it did not do so. The complex was abandoned with all resources being saved that could be. There is a good chance that the complex is still there and in the same, sorry, condition that we left it in. Somehow I ended up in Newzantacca though I am not sure how I ended up being here. The site was known as Deep Alpha Development Complex 161661 or DADCo161661, being pronounced as a word ending in numbers.”

Shimmy0201 asked a question as she followed a 'hunch'. “Have you heard of cyborgolems?”

Gordon frowned. “One of the warring factions, in Shazzantaccalla, is known as the Hardlightened and they have become infamous for using not only cyborgolems but shorter cybornoid type humanoids; except that some of those Cybors have escaped from their control, turning upon them or just vanishing away. To learn about what is going on, in Shazzantaccalla, one need but listen to the refugees coming from there but especially from Shazzantacca itself. I gain a small amount of income by gathering information, sorting it and passing it along to another faction along with briefings; that is the monthly journal known as the Lighting of Shadows.”

Soon Gordon departed to his rooms at a local communal residence where one did various tasks as part of one's contract to stay there.

Gordon's name had been in the tea-towel list but so had the name of the journal that he sold information to that was at least partly based there in Newzantacca.

Shimmy0201 soon retired to sleep in a dometent along with K9herois and two of his sisters being K8braveis and K7guardis. The four were a snug fit but were soon all sleeping peacefully, comfortably together.

Somehow it was no surprise, to the Seekachampions there, that Gordon Geoffrey TLAAS had not reached his rooms but had vanished before getting there.


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Post #173



Sharry0101, Shenny0101 and Shanda0101 made their way through a great hallway with cube shaped alcoves dotting the high walls. It seemed that generic items, of Doomsworld, were there including many that were very familiar to the three Seekachampions. Each alcove was full of softly shimmering, sometimes sparkling, energy fields but their contents could be clearly seen.

While they moved the hallway echoed with sound effects, of Doomsworld, and there came smells that also reflected aspects of that world.

Sharry0101 spoke. “Real but not real!”

Shenny0101: “This place reflects the creation...” She shrugged. “Of Doomsworld or are these items of at least one NewEarth that became Doomsworld?”

Robots, androids, kitchen chairs, paintings, wall-racks of laserguns, workbenches, electric runabouts, sculptures, beds, what could have been humans wearing a wide range of outfits, animals, plants, fungi, exotic entities beyond those definitions and much else. A row of zocyborgmans stood across from a large assortment of mannoids. A mysterious machine that looked part torture device, part pleasure machine, faced a row of flush toilets.

A winged dragon slept next to a large nest of eggs while close to it a Tyrannosaurus dinosaur stood proudly ready to fight for her eggs.

They stopped to study a big, wide, alcove with what seemed to be the 15 Seekachampions being dressed in curious fleximetallic jumpsuits, slim boots and transparent bubblehelmets; the jumpsuits were silvery but the boots were black as were pouchbelts dotted with other items such as holstered pistols, sheaved knives and contained rods.

Shanda0101 spoke. “Alive but not so! Us but not us! Most confusing!”

What ever the energy fields were, they were getting in the way of instruments reading what was in the alcoves and yet the three got the impression that there was a far more subtle factor at play, in what was happening to them.

They paused in a non energy field filled alcove with free goods vending machines, water dispensers, doors to service-support cubicles and more. So they drank coffee, ate foodbars and consumed pristine water. In that alcove they realised that they could hear, or smell, nothing outside of the alcove. After using some of the cubicles, they moved on.


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Post #174



Just as quickly as Seekaoutpost01 gained its name it changed to a new one of Seekamary with all of its bubblezones. While Seekamary could serve, as a halfway point to Sanctumary or to Seekaoutkeep, there seemed to be more to its reasons for existing than that. Many of the bubblezones were home realms, in their own right, or becoming so.

In Newzantacca the Seekachampions there were assisted by other Seekars to track down the real Gordon Geoffrey TLAAS to the rooms that the fake one had indicated that he was heading towards. What they found was the sort of residence that a person like Gordon would be expected to live and even work in.

Then they found the very cleverly hidden entrance to a smallish basement chamber. They soon realised that it had held some special, but portable, resources that had been quickly taken away by more than one person. They could have taken some, smaller, items from upramp, but it would take more work to try to work out what, if anything, had been removed from there; there had been no noticeable missing of any items; that is such as paintings taken from walls leaving behind rectangular areas freer of dust than the surrounding wall area.

Sharry0201 checked a softly beeping device that she held. “Some kind of teleportation transportation was used here, perhaps of a phaseshifting kind. The level of technology shown is quite advanced but I doubt that it could get through the bubblezone barriers. Thus it will still be inside Newzantaccalla though perhaps not in Newzantacca itself.”

A large Seekar Envoy Taskforce arrived in Newzantaccalla offering to the templecitystate a chance to be a semiautonomous realm under the overall regulation of the Seekagovernment and broader Seekastate.


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Post #175



Seekamind was now interacting with what were known as the Seekamindars with the term Seekaprimes being only used, now, for those in special command and oversight positions. There were only the 15 Seekamindars.

Seekamind: “Over a trillion soul entities were saved by that great metaphysical battle that was waged in the Doomscore and by other, linked, means. Sanctumary is constantly expanding with the expansion of old bubblezones and the manifestation of new ones. Gaiaumary is expanding in the same fashion but has easily overtaken Sanctumary in size as it is focused on flora, fauna, fungi, fringe and other types of entities as both wildlife and wildfolk.”

All Seekamindars as one: “The transmultidimensional realms, as far as we know, are now Seekahomeworld, Seekamary, Seekaoutkeep, Sanctumary, Safeumary, Smartumary, Gaiaumary, Hubutary and Gamesutary along with the small one of Seekatranspost03.”

That Seekatranspost was the only one yet active that used to be the only one existing but with no number attached. Seekatranspost01 would soon be active but only inside Seekahomeworld while Seekatranspost02 would be going between Seekarealms while focusing mainly on those outside of Seekahomeworld. Seekatranscubes would be heavily relied upon to do much of the secondary work, especially transportation duties.

Seekamind: “We have yet to get fuller understandings of Smartumary, Hubutary and Gamesutary. Seekoutpost01 will soon be founded, and active, in Hubutary that appears to be a 'hub' of activity for many factions involved in the Doomsworldgame of the Doomsgames. The Doomsworldgamegods, and Doomsgamegods, may well have embassies there if not the lords that serve them.”

The meeting went on!


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Post #176



Impressionism, abstraction and other terms could be used for what the three Seekachampions were experiencing as they made their way through a very strange happening but no words seemed even adequate to explain what was happening around them.

Worlds collided, blended, deconstructed, reconstructed, exploded, split asunder, and the same happened with billions of lesser objects, patterns of energy, lifeforms, buildings and much else including those that could not be identified clearly if at all.

Yet they had the impression that a powerful, subtle, force was both protecting and guiding them carefully through the apparent madness.

The Seekachampions lost track of time and entered a kind of semiconscious state of mind.


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Post #177



Sharry0201 felt soft shudders go through the fortified, concrete, building as an enemy cannon shell struck its side but failed to penetrate its thick, reinforced, walls. The Seekars arrival had not pleased all who dwelt in the templecity and a delicate balance of power had been broken; in result a civil struggle had broken out with a few targeting the newcomers though others either ignored them or joined them in a growing alliance. The Seekafolk were assisting local people, were winning favour with them. They were also proving that they were better trained, equipped and supported fighters.

A Seekasecuritor, a uniformed security member of Seekasecurity, came spoke to Sharry0201. “The Antiprotocostis Order has surrendered just as did the Protocostis Order earlier. Seekatroopers, along with allied locals, have now secured 78% of the city. Seekars continue to bring in more resources both the local folk and ourselves who are here. Another Seekaguard Platoon has arrived to help keep secure the occupied areas.”

Sharry0201 turned to the man. “Take a short break in the R&R chamber. You need it!”

The tired Seekar nodded his gratitude before departing to the mentioned destination. Seekasecurity was busy, in Newzantacca, but mostly as undercover Seekaagents. Like all of the Seekars there they were only few in number though reinforcements were constantly arriving.

Seekatranscubes materialised to deliver reinforcements and supplies. They took back wounded locals and those wishing to go with them to Seekaoutkeep; they would most likely return.

Sharry0101 joined four other Seekachampions at a holomaptable showing the templecity of Newzantacca along with the immediate area, of Newzantaccalla, around it. Seekascouts had been checking out the templecitystate, closer to the templecity, as squads; they had spent much of their time learning valuable information from local villagers, townies, priests, farmers and many others.

A small number, of Seekachampions, had managed to activate a Minor Giftling to provide the Order Charitable items to assist them and others through them. The Newzantaccalla Faith was becoming far more moderate, fair and caring than the Shazzantaccalla Religions had been along with being community based.

A Minor Wishling had provided the Order Charitable with a deep well to provide fresh water and had with it a solar powered pump.

Minigamelings came more distinctively into their own category as Minipulselings, Minishieldlings, Minihealings and others as they came to exist. In contrast such as Pulselings, even minor versions of them, became much more powerful. All Seekars, though not all Seekafolk, gained the ability to utilise Minigamelings though under light regulation.

A holographic pin-banner was moved a small distance across hills north of the templecity. A remotedrone had encountered a large, mysterious, force but then had then abruptly ceased to transmit any audio-visuals, or other data.

Sharry0201 frowned. “With a few armoured-armed vehicles but also non military types. Clean burning steamcraft on wheels or tracks or both. This appears to be a protected settler, or refugee, group. There are none of our Seekascouts in the immediate area but we can send a squad to intercept the group. Seekatroopers can also be sent as three squads with the support of other kinds of Seekars. I have a hunch that the unknown faction may be very troublesome so the stronger the intercepting force is, the better.”

Another cannon shell struck the very same wall and, again, had little impact on the concrete barrier.


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Post #178

Follows on directly from previous Post #177.


Sharry0201 whirled and fired off a heavy stunpulsebullet from her fingertips, of her right hand, making the distorting human shudder but not to fall. It was the Seekasecuritor that had earlier on reported to her except he was becoming something else. Two more stunpulsebullets dropped him and then Seekabodyguards were restraining him before taking him off to the secured, quarantine, medical area.

The sounds of stunpulsebullets, being unleashed, were soon joined by those of blastpulsebullets and solid bullets being fired off. Shouts, screams and other sounds of trouble; they were mingled with some that were both strange and disturbing.

What happened there was soon contained but it came to the headquarters that the strange outbreaks were taking place across the templecity and, in a more scattered way, the templecitystate.

Sharry0201 frowned softly. “The deep infestation could not have gotten into the bubblezone, through its bubble-barriers, and so it must have been here before the bubblezone engulfed the templecitystate. There was a Rainbowflash, that went through the area, at that point but perhaps it was not strong enough to deal with all of the infested sleepers. Question is if those infested are here then what else could be hidden away?”

She went on. “The Seekasecuritor that came to me was recruited from the local population and is noted as being a Shaztec.”

The number of incoming Seekar reinforcements increased greatly along with the flow of other types of resources.


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Post #179



Metallic, transparent, ice cubes? They were each 10 cubic metres in dimensions and there were many of them confronting the three Seekachampions. Sharry0101, Shanda0101 and Shenny0101 stopped before where a lightly distorted, young, woman was ensconced in an advanced tech hoverchair.

There were items suspended all around her but none obscured her. Amongst them were a wheelchair, still quite advanced, paraplegic usable sporting goods such as a compound bow, a bookshelf full of books in different languages, computers, painted portraits, small lifeforms such as plants plus animals, bits of clothing and more.

There other such cubes each with a person in them. Many of those where like the Seekachampions in appearance. They were surrounded by varieties of items with some commonalities existing between them; one such were computer hardware.

Other 'cubes' had other human, or human like, individuals in them along with items but there were also ones with other, bigger, lifeforms in them; those were mostly of more known, 'normal', kinds but a few were more fantastical. Then there ones that held robots and other sophisticated machines of which a few were very hard to identify when it came to their nature and purpose.

Sharry0101 spoke. “The lifeforms, the devices, are linked together but at center are the humans that look like we Seekachampions. This is an amazingly important, and decisive, discovery or that is the 'impression' that I gain just by being here. This is not the real place but a reflection of it, as realistic as that is.”

The voice spoke from all directions at once or so it seemed to be. It was quiet but carried easily and was well heard by the three.

You must depart now to absorb what you have learned but at the Seekahomecentre you will find a special subcentre linked to this, recent, experience. You have done very well in showing the courage to come here though it disturbed you more deeply than you were fully aware of at the time; you, and your peoples, will be well rewarded because of it.”

The three Seekachampions felt themselves falling into welcoming, comforting, darkness and would not wake up until they were back in the Seekahomeworld.


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Post #180



The fighting, in Newzantacca, was urban warfare except in the templeparks, and public garden parks, being often of semiwilderness in nature as befitted Shaztec-Zhastec ways. Seekatroopers were active in non secured areas, along with Seekascouts, while secured ones were kept so by Seekaguards and Seekasecuritors; the former dealt with the whole areas, in general, while the latter focused on Seekar locations.

Locals were being recruited into Seekamilitia units.

Sharry0201 spoke to the envoys of the Radical Reformation Alliance of Newzantaccalla, the RRAN. “We Seekars are mandated to do what we do such as in ruling over the whole of Seekamary. That is Celestial Mandate-Protocols as linked to the Celestial Goddessgods.”

A cold eyed woman gave a rather cold smile as if trying a warm version but failing to do so. “Semiautonomous rule is the story going around.”

Sharry0201 frowned softly at the woman. “It is the truth as we are Mandated-Protocoled to do so but only if you locals accept the situation as it is. Otherwise we will be forced to go into hard occupation mode.”

She, who was named Manticory, spoke. “My people are neither Shaztecs or Zhastecs! We are former clonefolk created to be living computers.”

The Seekachampion nodded. “The Icentatici of the Handentici that started out as a codename of a cloning program of projects, one project being the one that produced your people. Each project had its own codename that became the name of its clone product. Not all the projects went as smoothly as did the Icentatici one did.”

The woman nodded. “We have gone out of our way to carefully breed with other human subspecies to reduce our 'coldness' but with only mixed results. Yet I see what you mean when it comes to some of our cousin clone peoples like the crazed ones, the enraged ones and the consciousless ones; we are not like the last thanks to our attempts to change so we call ourselves the coolatatici!”

Sharry0201 nodded. “As in 'cool and groovy'.”

Manticory attempted a warm smile and almost made it. “Yes, as in that OldEarth way of putting matters. The infestation came from the Doomswar. The Icentatici were involved in the research-development of the distortion-infestations known as Pra101a to Pra118b. Our genetically engineered, biological, databanks have us think that it is most likely Pra112c as a successful subvarient of the Pra112 Line.”

Reports came to Sharry0201 through psychic means that Seekamilitia units, being made up of a core of Seekafolk but mostly of locals, were doing increasingly more of the fighting. The last were being given up-training, more equipment, better pay-conditions and service-support than they used to have.

As much as was possible, the infested were knocked out, captured and isolated to be studied by more advanced means. A partial antidote had been created that slowed down the rate of infestation in a victim's body.

The Icentatici made for very good scientists and were soon assisting to work out how to stop the infestations and how to capture infestators for closer study. The main drive was to find a vaccine to stop the bizarre infestation in its tracks.


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