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Post #22 🐒

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ST13A1, as the basis of STA1, directed the efforts to integrate the newcomers into their new lives into the ever expanding, evolving, TMDHB that was becoming generally known as Seekahomebase. The Seekahomebase turned out to have its own intrinsic intelligence as Seekahomemind. At first it was young and still learning. Yet the living population, of the Seekahomebase, was still relatively small and was soon able to access domechambers with settlements, gardens and other features. At first each of the different newcomer faction tended to stay in their own areas but were soon starting to mingle.

Sharry sat at a circular meeting table with other ST13A1 Officers but also with some smart androids. "Every living person is matched by at least three animals, a dozen plants, one smart android, one smart robot, lots of remotedroids, many more remoterobots and so forth. The mushroom farms are going well and truffles are to be found, growing well, in a forest filled domechamber garden. What are 'emerging' are a new civic centre for all, a cultural centre and special training areas for Seekachampions. The service support networks are expanding and evolving as water, electricity, transportation, communications, security and more."

Shanka took over as second in command Sharry. "All the information, as gained from the past activities of the Sh13A1, has been sorted, archived and researching it has begun. Just like the situation, at Anklelusdeep, the discovering of the truth, of what has gone on there, has proven to be problematic. One reason is that all those, of higher intelligence, who have come from there, or below there, have proven to be of lower status; thus they have have only limited knowledge of what has been taking place, at that location."

A large 3Dwallscreen was showing a flowchart with boxes, arrows, linking lines, lists of keywords and even small illustrations along with plenty of notes. It did not take long to realise, by looking at it, that there were too few actual facts, far more conjecture and a fair few questions.

The neuter, Shurva, as third in command. "The shadowmorpher that appeared in disguise, as the LittleFatesManif but also the LittleFoolsManif, would not have had the ability to do so for celestial beings have celestial safeguards against being so copied; so that shadowbeing must have been 'boosted' and probably 'manipulated' by a more powerful entity."

Sharry frowned. "Yet another point to add to the flowchart as in some information but more questions. Now, to the meeting agenda, who will be secretary?"

There were some symbolic groans of protest as in following an ancient, well established, ritual.

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Post #23 💘


Sandros, the former Shadowcult Shadowcultmaster, turned out to have no memories of passing over the two maps, the notebook, five keys and exotic Shaztech key to the ShzA2. So, of course, he had no knowledge of how he had gained them, to pass on, or who-what had given them to him in the first place. Another hopeful lead had led straight into a dead ending and it seemed, increasingly, that this was not all coincidental; perhaps it was not so at all.

So far they had gained two Giftcubes, a Questcube, three Gamepoints, 2,000 Gamecredit and 6,000 Tradecredit. They had used, or had started using, the Gamecubes. They had spent 1,000gc (Gamecredit) on the Seekahomebase and 500gc on the TMDO that was becoming known, generally, as the Seekaoutpost. Gamecredit, being powerfully effective, had done much good for both locations but now they had only a reserve of 500gc left. They had yet to spend any of the Tradecredit.

Time inside the Seekahomebase and Seekaoutpost, ran twice faster than did time outside of them on Doomsworld. Time had slowly sped up, in both locations, until it had stopped at being twice faster than Doomsworld standard. One still had to keep up with meeting needs, such as getting enough sleep, while inside the two. Yet it still meant that much more could get done, even if that meant such as resting or even healing, in contrast to 'outside'.

Technisans, technical artisans, were busy making a large, to be hovering, physical globe as a general copy of Doomsworld. The three Greater Doomsmoons, and nine Lesser Doomsmoons, were also being made to orbit around the copy of the very large planet. Already the observing Seekachampions could see, appearing, two supercontinents of the six along with one superarchipelago of the four. Four supercontinents ran around the world, horizontally, being interspersed with superarchipelagos. Two more supercontinents were the north, and south, polar ones. Humans mostly existed on Centralia and those, there, knew next to nothing about the other geographical superbodies.

Sharry spoke. "There is a fundamental 'wrongness' about Doomsworld that I suspect goes back before Doomsworld was created by the Doomsdays; no, this is to do, somehow, with the very creation of the NewEarth that became Doomsworld. That means that the 'wrongness' is linked to the risengodfolk being the living gods, semigods, demigods, subgods and godvatars."

A very soft shiver, of an experience that not been had in Seekahomebase before, ran through everything. It was to turn out that the same happened in the Seekahomebase.

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Post #24 😤


The tall, elegant, woman spoke even as the Seekachampions entered the Centre of Questing Clues. The silvery skinned woman wore a silvery, softly sparkling, robe and an odd tunic of softer, silver, material. Her eyes were ashen brown and her teeth were pearly white but her lips were dark silver as was her long, flowing, hair. Her voice was silken in quality. "I am an Assistant Manger of the Questing Clues Centre. Welcome to the Centre of Questing Clues, the CRC as an acronym. This one space, the lobby chamber, is for now the only one open to you but it should prove to be enough for you to interactive with, to begin with. The CRC is a gifting to you from a returning alliance of risengodfolk factions who have become the Gamegodfolk. Iself must point out, at this point, that Iself has been limited in the amount of knowledge that Iself has; do not bother asking me deeper questions of the risengodfolk let alone the Celestials."

She indicated a row of oversized vending machines and then a row of smaller ones being in larger numbers. "Gaining from the vending machines cost tokens that can be gained in a few ways; their are gaming machines that can award one with tokens and-or strips of prize tickets. There are lottery machines that can reward you with those, vouchers, giftboxes and sometimes even odd returns. There are free, and low cost facilities, for you to use and displays to view as you wish. The CQC is parts gaming arcade, museum, art gallery, holographic zoo, vending shop and practical utility. More areas will be added, consecutively, being out from this lobby. Clues will come to you in a variety of ways including in free giftbags and bargain priced prizebags. Tokens, giftbags, prizebags and other items can be bought at the kiosk over there with a copper haired, skinned, Management Assistant. We are advanced, solid holographic, projections."

She passed, to the 10 visitors, a glossy visitor's book each with a 3Dphoto on the cover. It would prove to go over all the information that she had given along with some new items. Then she vanished away with an odd shimmering effect like a disappearing mirage.

They moved through that amazing place past large sculptures, some clearly being replicas such as of the Statue of David of OldEarth, a Statue of Liberty reduced in size, and the Eight Wise Ones from the 23rd Century of the original homeworld of humanity. There was a spiraling spiral of flat strips along which ran toy trains, a water fountains structure with the falling water causing wheels to spin and other movements of devices to happen and even a tall statue of a risengod warrior though it was much smaller than a real one would have been except as an avatar.

There were 3Dwindows, showing very realistic views as if through real windows, of changing landscapes and other scenes.

There were dome covered artefacts, both historical and artistic, from both the OldEarth and Predoomsdays NewEarth.

From a dispensing machine they got 10 visitbags that visitors could only get if they were making their first appearance in the CQC.

There was so much to do, there, and in each visitbag was a tubebottle of QuestCola, a QuestBar pack of five foodbars, a folded up CQC map being bigger than the ones in the booklets that the assistant manager had given them, 10 copper prize tickets and 100 copper tokens along with one, seemingly random, item.

The humans, amongst them, drank and ate the consumables in the visitbags but all the read the booklets, as gained earlier, and looked at the maps of the CQC Lobby that had features on them that the smaller, booklet, maps did not. The random items were three, small, replicas of CQC display items along with three toys, two information booklets focused on aspects of the lobby, a plastic keycard and what looked like a plastic letter opener.

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Post #25 💞


Despite what had already been decided, officially, advanced androids did act as Seekachampions when it was seen as necessary. That was simuladroids but not replidroids that would always be Seekaxiliaries and the same was true of obvious android like duplidroids. Remotedroids would only function inside secured sites as remote guided dumb androids.

Soon a new term would arise as 'Seekars' as the most common term of all. That would include Seekaxiliaries. Seekaservers would cease to be Seekachampions while being Seekars. Seekachampions would be active as Seekaquesters or Seekaplayers. The Seekasystem was still being changed and shaped as it evolved but in future it would mostly be additions that would be made.

At that time the 10 Seekachampions, in the CQC, were six humans and four simuladroids disguised as humans. They stopped at a 3Dwindow that showed an old, rock, wall festooned with Shaztec scenes cut into the surface and small alcoves with statues;  all of the latter were smashed as if by deliberate, directed, force against every one of them. The Shaztec Empire had experienced a massive rebellion, aided by outside forces, and yet not much was known about that period of history.

Five, heavy steel, gridgates dotted that wall being both large and dispersed widely from one another. Skeletal remains littered the area along with rusted metal gear, bits and pieces, indicating that a terrible battle had raged there. Strange burn marks indicated the use of troublesome Shaztec elite technologies but also other exotic forces at work. Then again, the Zanaz traditional enemies of the Shaztec, had been recorded to have used a type of flamethrower back then.

The 3Dwindow switched to a map, of that area, that was almost identical to part of one of the two as provided to the Seekachampions and the five gates were to the five keys as indicated by identical symbols on both the gates and the keys; each key was meant to be used specifically on one of those gates.

While the 3Dwindow went onto show other scenes they were able to gain a 3D printout of the map and another one of the view of the gates. This map had more details than did the 2D one but covered less area. The printouts went into Sharry's giftbag.

Having gained a good first look, at the CQC Lobby, they returned to the main area of Seekahomebase.

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Post #26 👻


STA13A2 was training, and otherwise preparing, to return to the Shaztec underground levels, when they got copies of the 3D printouts of the 3Dwindow map and view of the wall with the five gates. They had already viewed digital copies of the original two maps and the notebook. The keyring, with five keys, and Shaztec exotic key, had been sent to them.

In the big, garden, alcove they held a meeting while sitting on the grass.

Shimmy spoke. "Of STA13A2 only a smaller taskteam will go but the 10 Seekaquesters will be backed up by five Seekaxiliaries."

Shazzy added. "Perhaps we should send 10 Seekaxiliaries but make five of them as replidroids and five as smart robots. I have a sense that the taskteam will need them."

Sharry nodded. "Accepted given the hints at deep threats that could be met, the deeper the taskteam goes."

A light breeze blew and butterflies fluttered through the air. A bird sang and fish flashed scales in the brook that flowed past one side of the group. A small mammal swam along until attracted to the group. Once there it was fed foodbits and generally fussed over. It was a kind of otter but one that had not been found on the OldEarth where otters had first originated from. It fell asleep in Shanka's lap while curled up very comfortably.

The celestial distant avatars materialised with a softest of shimmering being Rainbowisitis as a floating globe with the top half being transparent to show the baby figure's top half. The rainbow pattern, on the hairless baby girl and lower globe, kept swirling in movement with white, and yellow, areas glowing the brightest. There were three spheres of full, flowing, rainbow patterning that was Rainbowisfriendis who was there to assist, protect and even entertain Rainbowisitis. Then there were nine, rainbow patterned, spheres with unmoving patterns  that would turn out to be known as Rainbowishelpis as semicelestial type super robotics. Information came to the minds, of the Seekachampions there, that the same set of avatars had materialised in Seekahomebase along with mortal realm names and some other data.

Rainbowisitis spoke partly through the three Rainbowisfriendis avatars. "Iself am Rainbowisitis and Iself loves you already. Have bad news and good news; you need to find the other CEEETs that make up Ceeetiopsi  but the good news is that Ceeetiopsi, that is in Seekahomebase, is the one primary aspect, three secondary aspects, and six of the nine foundational aspects of that CEEET. You need to find the other three, foundational, aspects of Ceeetiopsi. Iself must stay here, in Seekaoutpost but also in Seekamainbase, but can help you anyway in different ways."

So there was, in both Seekahomebase and Seekaoutpost, flashes of rainbow-yellow-white energies being more to enhance changes already taking place than to make new ones.

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Post #27 😊


Shimna, who used male pronouns despite being a neuter because he was male shaped, fired his triplecarbine at a fast moving turret-drone even as he flew through the air and then landed behind a low, thick, protective barrier. Inside a training maze,  that was part of the new Centre of Training and Practice, the CTP, a taskteam was trying to get far through the maze as they could. It generally looked deceptively easy, with great big hedge walls, white marble features, wide mazeways to go along and basic obstacles to get over; but it was deceptive with different types of turrets, mostly ambushing pop-ups, robots attacking and androids. The maze often made surprise changes, dramatic and sudden. What seemed like solid floor could easily turn out to be a holographic, of the non solid kind, trap.

In his mazesuit he was with the rest of the test of a taskteam from Seekahomebase.

Shenny fired off three slimlong grenadeshells even as she darted up and then dropped behind a barrier. A volley of smartbullets shot through the air, where she had been, and exploded above that but the woman had moved onto a safe distance.

Shanka fired off a mazeball, from his triple barrelled mazegun, and the grey mazeball turned gold as it shot through a grey mazehoop that turned gold; gold through gold meant 3x3 Mazepoints adding up to nine of them. Mazepoints were quite valuable as one could use them to buy from a special list of goods and services; the Seekars has as yet to learn what they were as this was their very first Mazegame Session.

It was ironic to know that the benefits, as it came to training, was also experienced by other Seekachampions but in a secondary fashion.

Combat replidroids came them in mazesuits of light, flexible, armour as the game was a low level difficulty one or so it was supposed to be. They came with their own triplecarbines and with them came more duplidroids with more basic autocarbines (automatic carbines), rocket-grenade launchers or LMGs as light machineguns. The Seekaplayers, since they were now playing one of the games and not carrying out a quest, managed to drop most of them in a few seconds.

A sharp beeping noise sounded, declaring that the Mazegame Session was over. They had earned 23 Mazepoints from getting mazeballs through mazehoops and another 25 Mazepoints for miscellaneous achievements. To their surprise they gained 10 Mazepoints from Seekafans, the first time that the Seekars knew that there were such a thing, a payment of 20 Mazepoints from the Doomsgames Gambling and Entertainment Network, along with eight bonus gifts plus three odd prizes. The DGEN, as linked to the smaller Doomsgames and not the greater Doomsworldgames, had been impressed with them, to at least some degree, and so were their Seekafans. Then they were taxed 10 Gamepoints by the DGEN.

The taskteam went to where they would cash in their Gamepoints and to make other arrangements.

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Post #28 💋

Key for below: (F) Female (M) Male (N) Neuter (FA) Female shaped android (MA) male shaped android (NA) neuter shaped android (HR) humanoid robot (GR) globular robot.

GPMBT Game Patrons Mentors Benefactors Tributetees.

Seekars as all; Seekachampions as Seekaquesters and Seekaplayers. Seekarteamers as all official Seekafactions including Seekaservers that are not Seekachampions.

Seekachampions Team A131 as STA13A becomes both STA13A1 and STA13A2 that are somehow the same individuals being projected into two places at once.

Metaphysicals: Shisha

Phasephysicals: Shzbari, Shzceri, Shzdori.

Physicals as Humans: Sharry (F), Shimmy(F), Shanda (M), Shanka (M), Shisma (N)

Physicals as Androids and Robots: Shizar (FA), Shozin (MA), Shekka (HR), Shimna (GR)

Settlement of Anklelusdeep

Strongborne Mercenary Cooperative

Mercenary Humans: Gavag, male commander. Chancecis, female second in command and Gavag's half sister to the same mother.

Camp Follower Humans: Marriet, mother to Gavag and Chancecis.

Others in Anklelusdeep

Dolphus the twisted mystic

Shadowcult, beneath the settlement, as secret contractors of the SMC.

TMDHB: Transmultidimensional Homebase also named Seekahomebase

---CQC is the Centre of Questing Clues in its own special semiautonomous section inside Seekahomebase

---CTP is the Centre of Training and Practice in its own special semiautonomous section inside Seekahomebase

TMDI: Transmultidimensional Inventory also named Seekaventory

TMDO: Transmultidimensional Outpost also named Seekaoutpost

CEEET named Ceeetiopsi being one of nine Minor CEEETs of 13 CEEETs.

Ceeetiopsi is made up of 13 aspects being one prime, three secondary and nine foundational

Doomsworldgames as greater games and Doomsgames as lesser games.

Notes to be edited, adapted and extended in future.

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Post #29 🤖

Note: have given up on idea of always moving notes ahead of story posts as it has proven to bee too problematic. Will occasionally leave a post vacant to move the notes onward and after they have will fill previously vacated posts with more background writings.


As the taskteam returned from the Gamemaze they brought some surprises with them.

In the training mazes nobody actually suffered death and what was called permadeath meant that an individual Gameplayer was permanently out of that maze session. None had suffered short, medium, or long timeouts either as in temporarily suspended from playing which could take one to the end of the game thus becoming the same, as permadeath, in practice. The rewards were real!

Mazepoints had become 68mp after the DGEN had taken away 10mp as tax. They had been given, free of charge, mazesuits and other Mazegame based items at the start of the very realistic training practice session. They bought 10 highly adjustable mazesuits, 10 mazeguns, five practice mazehoops, 20 mazeballs and related gear. They were left with change of 35mp having gained a small, but significant, beginners discount. Robotcarts carried the goods having also been given out as a seemingly surprise burst of generosity.

The eight bonus gifts were interesting; four were packs of 100 Mazegame related items being collectables, toys, publications and miscellaneous items. The other four were a turret-drone, a pop-up turret, a rail-turret and a wheels-turret that could be studied by Mazeplayers; the last four had with them manuals and other related items such as kits.

All of that made sense, when it came to the Mazegames, but then came the three prizes.

There was a big hulk of a wolfdog, a wolf dog hybrid, that should have looked fierce but who was anything but as he staid very close to a protective Shimmy; his name of K9herois did not go with the reality of his personality.

Then there was a tall, slim, humanoid robot looking like a batman, a late 19th Century, English, gentleman's personal servant; it was no surprise that he was named Batmanbot. He seemed to be caring for a tripod legged robot with a turret head with three eyes dispersed evenly around its sides, each having three lens of a specific type. While Batmanbot was turn out to be rather adult, and sophisticated, See3pio was soon proven to be rather innocent and childlike.

Somehow the three newcomers were soon managing to fit right in with the locals.

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Post #30 👽


So it was newly generated ST13A3 that moved through the celestial flash influenced level. While ST13A1 would remain in Seekahomebase doing background assistance, ST13A2 would stay in Seekaoutpost carrying out more practical service-support duties. ST13A3 would now move about in a smaller, even than the Seekaoutpost, TMDTP or Transmultidimensional Transport Post now also known as the Seekacube because of its outer shape as a cube. They would remain there, at times, though it was usually only 3x3x3 cubic metres as an outer shape; it was nine times bigger inside though growing slowly steadily bigger.

The taskteam was cautious as it went beyond the chamber that the CEEET, as Ceeetiopsi, had been saved in from the shadow entity that later became a palekind one. They passed through empty chambers with rejuvenated fittings, furniture and other items. At first there were a very few chambers of the doppelkind though mostly of doppelfolk as doppelmans. It was impossible to work out how much, when they left, they had taken with them as they must have done; this was because the flash incident has probably replaced multiple items.

So it was they passed along hallways but checked out dining chambers, civil dormitories, military barracks, laboratories, workshops, storerooms usually at least half full of resources, and other facilities being generally basic except when it came to the laboratories and workshops. It was a little haunting to know that, centuries ago, that the location had been very busy.

The skeletal, offwhite, androids looked like something that doppelganger, doppelkind technologies, would create and they were as skeledroids. They attacked with strange offwhite, bony, guns that spat volleys of barbed spines that looked like they were made of bone. The projectiles came hard, and fast, to explode on impact against the projected energy shields of the 10 Seekaquesters and five Seekaxiliaries. Five of the Seekaquesters were humans but the others were advanced androids of simuladroids pretending to be human.

Then, with a soft sparkling shimmer, the attackers vanished away.

Sharry spoke. "Solid holographic projections as worked by a hidden computer network system; it was just a testing of our capacities."

In the next chamber they found loose heaps of purple, jelly like, capsules of semitransparent nature. In them were doppelkind being mostly doppelfolk; that is mainly doppelmans and squatter doppelnoids along with six limbed doppelquads of four legs and two arms; they were vaguely centaur like with the vertical, front, part having the heads and the arms attached to them. There was one doppeltangler, a non doppelfolk type doppelkind, that was visible. Many entities were only partly so.

A voice spoke from a big, offwhite, wall speaker being clearly of doppeltech design and make. "You defended yourself, against the fake skeledroids, but did not attack them so I took a gamble and unlocked the armoured door into that chamber even before you tried to use it."

Shanka nodded. "We noted that the door was unlocked though that would seem to be unlikely given that we are strangers."

The voice spoke again. "Hidden beneath the doppelkind, of doppelfolk and doppelkin, are XARISA Agents and those with them. I am SandaAIove767B, being a supercomputer network-system as you most likely guessed. I hid the XARISA because I somehow deepsensed it was prudent to do so. When a Shadaye entity came into the chamber, it stared hard at the life preserving jelly capsules and then seemed to lose interest; it did not seem at all curious about the doppelkind or doppeltech. I got the impression it was hunting for the XARISA people but, of course, gained no idea why the malignant entity was doing so. If you can take all, of us, to safety including resources, than do so."

It helped to spend a Gamepoint but they managed to transshift all of the jellied doppelkind, the hidden others, and doppeltech to the Seekahomebase; yet they also sent other gear being a mixture of doppelkind, XARISA and some odd items out.

They moved on now being only too aware that there were possibly very dangerous Shadaye in the area.

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