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Post #41



The were vulgar, in their design and decoration, the Royal Toilet Thrones where Shaztec Monarchs had sat nakedly upon as they were punished by the increasing crazy and controlling Shaztec Priestly Elites. The Shaztec Royals had struck back, with the support of the Shazgodfolk, and about half of the Shaztecaholies had been either massacred, had been forced into convict labour or had been forced to flee.

Shazzie frowned. “That, attack on the Shaztecaholies, helped lead to the priestly adoption of the worship of Shazzasha and the great damage done to the Shazgodfolk, to their vanishing away as you have proven that happened. Shaztec history is largely a mystery to most Shaztecs, even to those who would like to know more.”

Shazzie shrugged. “Or so goes what most Shaztecfolk say but Sagesmart says that he is not sure that Shaztec History is ever so straight forward as that because of what he calls all of the hidden historical factors.”

There was a surge of deepsensed danger as picked up by the Seekachampions. They produced UVLGs from their hoodrobes even as the first jet of blackish, oily substance shot up out of the toilets. It was no crude oil as it splashed to the floor for it began to sprout black tentacles from the glistening, black, rubbery skin. The robogolems, robodrones and simuladroids, were firing their own UVLGs just a couple of seconds after the Seekachampions had begun to. Each robot also used a high intensity hand-flamer with great effect, as they drove back the entity. After a short time, the black substance sucked itself backwards, up onto the grand looking toilet thrones, and then down into them.

Sharry spoke calmly, especially for what had just happened. “A Shadowadisser, a powerful full avatar of Shadowadis meaning very bad news for us and most others in this whole, greater, area. I have a very bad feeling that it was coming after us, that it was not just an unlucky coincidence.”

So they moved onwards, at the same pace that they had been going at so far. Soon they were into the main, stone, maze again and trying to look out for active, in good repair, death traps. What they encountered was what they expected to in that place or so it was at first.

Twice more they encountered arrow throwers and destroyed them with the careful use of lasers. A heavy stone slab crashed down, that was a false ceiling. One wall smashed across a hallway and straight into the opposite one. The Seekachampions sensed that those booby traps would trigger before they did.

A swarm of mummiats came fresh out of their coffins and attacked, in a fast shambling fashion; the creatures held clumsily gripped, ceremonial, hand weapons. They were easily dealt with.


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Post #42 🤠



They, the cultists, waged war against each other being supported by allied forces of nonhuman nature. It that immense, domechamber, there were Puritycultists on one side with burninlings entities on their side alongside other types of burninfolk; the Shadowcultists had Shadowfolk of those sorts already confronted by the Seekaquesters but with a few more types added.

The other force was a swirling rainbow effect with the yellow streaks glowing more brightly than the others except the white parts, of the patterning, that were even brighter.

In that Domechamber of Holy Contemplation, the battle raged as the Seekaquesters joined with the third party, on non cultists. Inside, at the edge, of the great swirling 'mass' of energies, and quasienergies. There they did not attack the cultists but the Seekachampions materialised special units that helped energise, stabilise and regenerate the outworlders that were mingled together; the smaller, outworld, entities were linked to the greater ones in a fashion very hard to explain in onworld, mortal, terms.

There was a crazed frenzy to both cultist forces, again influenced by the malignant presence that had driven Puritycultists, and Shadowcultists, against each other in Anklelusdeep. This time, as in the past, it remained hidden but was it really of the Shadowadis as one could speculate it was? It was manipulating the Shadowcult that worshipped Shadowadis through the Shadowgoddessgods that in no way was to be confused with the Celestial Goddessgods of Supreme Celestialhood.

A voice came to them, from the quasiliving energies around them, that spoke in a very nonhuman manner. “Onemany thanks you for your assistance but need you to track down, and rescue, Rainbowspheres as captured, and exploited, by the Shaztec Elites. We can reward you.”

Sharry spoke. “No need to do so! We exist, partly, to carry out such tasks! We would rescue those Rainbowspheres even with out the promise of reward; anyway we are quested to find Rainbowspheres and gain rewards through that Seekaquest.”

The voice responded. “We are grateful!”

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Post #43 😡






Seekars, Seekafolk, Seekachampions, Seekaquesters, Seekaplayers, Seekaservers, Seekacarers and others to be added.

Seekahomeworld, Seekahomelands, Seekahomecity, Seekahomebase, Seekahome being from biggest to smallest and those, from Seekahomelands onward, are inside Seekahomeworld. More to be added.

Seekatranspost, Seekakeep that was once Seekaoutpost Alpha. These are outside of Seekahomeworld. More to be added.




Jhenna N, Shanda M, Shanka M, Sharry F, Shenny F, Shimmy F, Shotty F, Shully F plus more to be added to make up?


Sagesmart M, Shazzie F with more to be added.


TO BE EXPANDED ON AS FACTIONS with more to be added.



Strongborne Mercenary Cooperative






TO BE EXPANDED ON AS LOCATIONS with more to be added.




Craterzone, Cratertowns, Cratercities, Craterburg.



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Post #44 👹



The Domechamber of Sacred Contemplation, that the strange battle was raging in, soon proved far more difficult for the Seekaquesters to leave than they hoped would be the case.

Flaminskulls, that were more than a burning skull but which had beneath, that, a stunted humanoid body with two, folded up legs, two double jointed arms and two flaming wings jutting out from the sides of the head, were most peculiar a type of flaminbeast. They shot through the air along with flaminlings of flaminghosts, flaminghasts and fllamintasms that were opposites-equals to shadowlings of shadowghosts, shadowghasts and shadowtasms.

Large number of shadowlings battled with just as large numbers of flaminlings.

Then came shadowbeasts of shadowfangers, shadowspiners, climbing-digging shadowclawers, toxic acid spitting shadowspitters, winged shadowgliders and shadownoids of squat humanoids using basic melee weapons. Against them were only flaminbeasts of flaminspitters, that spat jets of fire, and flaminnoids that were like the flaminskulls but with out the wings and with out their bodies being 'stunted'. They also wielded basic melee weapons.

Yet the general numbers, of shadowbeasts, were about the same as those of flaminbeasts as was the sheer savagery they displayed as they attacked each other.

Yet they were all suffering much destruction along with the cultists with their guns, launchers, flamethrowers and other weapons. They much more easily dealt harm to the opposing cult but not to that great, celestial, force.

The decision struck the Shadowcultist led forces, and Puritycultist led forces, at about the same time as soon they were retreating in a barely controlled, chaotic, manner. Though many, of them, had been harmed or even killed, it was soon to become clear that they could have been totally destroyed by the celestial entities there; those entities had, apparently, chosen not to do so but also the subtle, malignant, presence had stopped pushing them into making suicidal attacks.

Even as the cultists were gone, the great rainbow entities vanished along with the smaller ones that they had been protecting and caring for.

Sharry shook her head in wonder. “Celestial Reflections, of elemental nature, or at least two kinds of them. It should be impossible for them to exist in a mortal realm which leads to doubts that Doomsworld is only a mortal realm.”

Now that they could view that domechamber more clearly, it became evident that it was an amazing construction of the high immortal Risengodfolk and not just the the mortal Shaztecs. The floor was of a metallic stone like substance while the dome was of a translucent metallic material. The illumination, of that space, came through the dome itself, that glowed lightly so that there were no shadows.

The doorway, that they remembered coming through to get into the domechamber, had vanished away; how would they leave that great space and move on?


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Post #45 😹



The answer was that, for the moment, they would not as there materialised before them, with a soft sparkling shimmer, the LittleServesManif as a man dressed in a late 19th Century clerical outfit. He was raised high, on a platform; he looked away, to the side of, an old fashioned desk. It was wooden with a roller shutter, now rolled up and over, to expose multiple drawers and other features. Like his outfit it was traditional with his the head fitted strap visor, vest with pockets, a buttonshirt and neatly pressed trousers; of course he had large, thick framed, spectacles.

He spoke. “One is the LittleServesManif as I am but one aspect of that one; you could, accurately, call me a LittleServesManif Clerk. Now I have some documents that one of you Seekachampions needs to sign being most likely Sharry. Their cosigning will both authenticate, and authorise, the giving of certain items to you by the LittleChestManif and those items, themselves. I have already signed the documents and now all you have to do is to do the same.”

Sharry smiled. “Of course I will need to study the documents before I sign them.”

The LittleServesManif Clerk frowned softly. “Oneself is very busy with much paperwork to carry out. The documents are straight forward and standard as authorised by the LittleCelestialOffice.”

Sharry shook her head. “I get to study the documents or I do not sign them!”

With a long, dramatic, sigh of patience the clerical entity snapped figures of his right hand. With a sparkling shimmer a small set of documents appeared in mid air so that Sharry could easily grip them. Instead, she let them fall to the floor as if totally disregarding them as being of any importance.

The manifested entity cried out in rage even as, with a distorting effect, he became a filthy, raggedy, version of the clerk. Now that one was a darkside manifestation of the LittleFatesManif. The desk was a part termite eaten wreck that was also filthy.

It is all your fault, all your fault! You should not even be here! You are trespassers, impostors, thieves, con artists...”

Which was when a great flash of rainbow energies flashed through the chamber with the yellow being brighter than most of the colours but the white even more bright than the yellow. The darkside LittleFatesManif cried out in surprise, and fear, but not for very long.


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Post #46 😵‍💫



The SeekateamA1 Seekachampions could psysense that the SeekataskteamA3A1 Seekachampions were okay but could not connect to them except in a vague manner. This was also true for the SeekateamA2 Seekachampions that were in Seekakeep. They were the very same people as they were also the taskteam Seekachampions.

A meeting was held in Seekahomebase of SeekateamA1 Seekachampions along with some Seekaserver advisers and aides. There were security guards there in power armour suits.

Sharry spoke. “They are not in any danger there being no sense of them being threatened. They were in the great Risengodfolk built domechamber after they had witnessed the incredible battle there. They were confronted by a fake LittleServesManif Clerk, the impostor having failed to do any proper homework. LittleServesManifs never ever leave the LittleCelestialHome and LittleServesManif Clerks do not often go outside of the LittleCelestialOffice to any other part of the LittleCelestialHome. That was one way the darkside LittleFatesManif got matters wrong.”

Shanda nodded. “The other was the very unprofessional manner in which the impostor behaved. No LittleServesManif would do so! It is one more example of how the LittleFatesManif, with all of that one's aspects, is quite different from the LittleCelestialManifs that are centered in the LittleCelestialHome. Some, like the LittleChestManif, often work away from the LittleCelestialHome.”

That information had, along with other data, had been flowing to the Seekachampions, outside of those of the taskteam, from those in the taskteam. It was a mixture of what had already been known, with new information,0 that often filled in preexisting gaps in their knowledge about the LittleCelestialManifs.

Yet the primary reason, for the discovering the fraudulent nature, of the fake LittleServesManif Clerk, was linked to spiritual psychic deepsensing that 'something' was wrong about the entity before the Seekachampions that went beyond the eccentric nature of the LittleFatesManif.

At that moment a 3x3x3 metric Helpcube, of a cubecanister type container, materialised on the floor fairly on a clear area of floor in the large meeting chamber. At the same time more of them, with the variations of special contents, materialised in Seekarealms; that was 81 in Seekahomebase, 27 in Seekahome, nine in Seekakeep and three in Seekatranspost.

SeekataskteamA3A1 materialised in Seekatranspost but the biological entities were asleep, on bedmats that had appeared with them, while both the androids and robots were in a semiactive mode. Shazzie, and Sagesmart, were awake in about two hours. The simuladroids were fully active in half that time as were the robogolems. In contrast those five Seekachampions slept for many hours.

Just what had happened to the taskteam and, most of all, to the SeekataskteamA3A1 Seekachampions?


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Post #47



At the archives based research centre, in Seekahomebase, one of the 3x3x3 cubic Helpcubes was opened up and the contents spread out over the tabletops of two large tables.

There was, from the Helpcube, a great deal of research material as books, datacubes, maps, artefacts, accurate copies of artefacts, journals and other items of which some were of quite surprising nature. There would turn out to be two other Helpcubes that were filled with identical content.

A Helpdrobe appeared inside Seekatranspost and from its drawers, display shelves, main doors area and small cupboards could be taken items. Two more Helpdrobes then materialised, identical to the first one in all ways, in Seekakeep and Seekahomebase.

The main research effort continued in Seekahomebase while, in Seekatranspost the focus was on trying to work out what had happened to SeekataskteamA3A1.

Those, in Seekakeep had plenty of other work to do with an unexpected influx of unusual refugees from the underground Shaztec areas relatively close to Anklelusdeep. They were changed Shadowcultists, Shadowfolk, Puritycultists and Burninfolk who were no longer such by name or appearance.

Three aspects, of LittleChestManif, materialised in Seekatranspost, Seekakeep and Seekahomebase being very keen to live with the Seekars as well as to assist them. That one had other aspects elsewhere including always in LittleCelestialHome.

The SeekataskteamA3A1 Seekachampions awoke with a most amazing 'story' to tell and much surprising information to pass on.


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Post #48



The grim sound of battle echoed through that great Doomsgamegodfolk towers complex where living gods, semigods, demigods and subgods, the last as enhanced mortals dwelt. In a big, grand, hallway the Doomsworlddemigod's forces struck against the corrupted and their followers. The overwhelming firepower, of the Doomsworldsubgods was telling as even the true immortal type Doomsgamegods were driven back by them.

The Doomsworlddemigod avatar strode along a hallway in her sparkling armour as projectiles and energy beams deflected, or reflected, harmlessly from it. She was very angry for what had been taking place in that tower complex should never have been able to happen. That it had indicated that there were deeply embedded problems within the Doomsworldgame System; still, Quara'tashen could not afford to jump to conclusions and would not do so.

She passed surrendered Doomsgamesubgods of enhanced mortals who had no real guilt at all for they had not really been aware of the crimes being committed. There were enhanced humans but also human hybrid humanoids. Dogmans, of dog hybrid humans, were security guards along with enhanced dogs of mandogs.

The lower layers, of the local hierarchy, were glad to surrender for they had not been well treated despite their general contract, and more specific subcontracts, stating that this should never happen.

Elsewhere, in the same complex, another Quara'tashen Avatar aimed a glowing, gun, and it spat devastating pulses of energy at malignantly crazed Doomsgamegods and Doomsgamesemigods. Despite their advanced energy shields, and superpower armour suits, they were obliterated as if they were naked.

She deepsensed the background presence of a deeply malignant entity that she defined as Anticelestial but could not quite identify it more deeply than that. She was Demicelestial. From the Doomsworldgodtri downwards, all of the Doomsworldgodfolk were Demicelestial in nature being better able to be active, in mortal realms than full Celestials or Semicelestials.

There was the echoing effect of an explosion as a vehicle shot passed carrying deactivated androids, and robots, that had been part of the defensive effort.

It was at that point that a third Quara'tashen Avatar entered into a heavily secured chamber, without any trouble, only to discover there a very disturbing scene. That is a torture, murder, sacrifice temple site to a loathsome deity that was named but not by any that she knew of.

Just what was Shadamaligna? Was it genuine or just another deceptive front for such as Shadowadis or Malignadis or even Burninadis. All of those kind of entities were most powerful Anticelestials being of the Celestial Shadow or Celestial Bright but not of the Celestial Light. She had a troubling feeling that this deity entity might signify some new kind of threat.


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Post #49



Sharry, of SeekataskteamA3A1, spoke at the meeting table where all of the SeekateamA3 Seekachampions were seated along with a select few others from Seekatranspost. “We five Seekachampions, of the taskteam, awoke to find ourselves confronted by a Doomsworldgodmono being Seventh of Nine of that one's kind. That one was massive, of bronze appearance, sitting behind a great bronze desk. We were surrounded by mist that obscured just how big the chamber was, the floor was like softly glowing, translucent, marble and above was only glowing, white, light. We were seated in comfortable armchairs.”

Shanda spoke. “We were both sleepy, and yet alert, at the very same time. We heard questions and answered them straight forwardly and honestly. Every single one of us was asked the same question, in turn, and then the same would happen with the next question. Yet none of us, five, seem to have any clear recollection of just what those questions, or answers, were.”

Shimmy then said. “After that it was our turn to ask questions, that is Sagesmart and myself, and to get answered, but we have no clear memories of any of that dialogue.”

Jhenna spoke. “We do remember some very pertinent pieces of information that was most surprising to us. The Doomsworldgame has so far five registered teams being the Actionars, the Bravars, the Gloriars, the Majestars and the Rangears. We Seekars are not registered as neither are four other, yet to be identified, teams. Two, all opposing, teams have been announced as the Questars and the Playars but others will be announced whose task will be to make the lives, of the five main teams, more 'interesting'. The Questars will be part of the quests and the Playars will be part of the games.”

Shanka said. “We are being registered and are being sent not only all the resources that we should have gained but all that we have earned but have not been sent. Because we have been wronged, have been victims of a criminal conspiracy, we will gain generous extras and even some special bonuses. More information is being sent to us.”

Sharry frowned softly. “We have been warned that a dark conspiracy has been trying to block our progress but that is not their only goal.”

Shanda spoke. “It seems that Shazzie and Sagesmart were questioned, in the same sort of manner we were, but less intensively and for a shorter time only.”

Shimmy followed on from Shanda. “We are to go on with what we have been doing with SeekataskteamA3A1 returning to the underground Shaztec area close to Anklelusdeep.”




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Post #50



Shazzantacca stretched outwards in all direction as a great templecity that had once been far more so. Step pyramids, spiral cone towers, squat blocks, zigurrats, elegant towerblocks, walled in mansions, strangely adorned temples, fortified forts, raised roadways and so much else festooned that underground metropolis.

The hoodrobed stranger noted that the Risengodfolk made sunslabs, melded high above in the ceiling of the suncavernland, were dimmer than they should have been for it was the middle of the day; such environments had no seasonal changes and their influences on any light-dark cycles.

The Seekars, who had not officially been part of the Doomsworldgame, had been sent firstly to the settlement, of Anklelusdeep, and then downwards into the underground depths. With little knowledge of why they had ended up going there and only some stated quests, the Seekaquesters had managed to help stir up a storm.

He spoke, quietly, as if to himself but such was not the case. “None were supposed to get so far into The Shaztec Secrets Maze as the Seekaquesters have done. Not only that but they have, somehow, managed to be a catalyst for sparking off a string of interesting incidents. The more powerful templecity factions are, for once, not so focused on themselves and each other but on the Seekars. Their interest, in the outsiders, seems to outweigh the actual impact that the Seekars have made on Shazzantacca and its surrounding territories. Why this is so, I have yet to find out.”

There was the distant flash of energies of an energy flashpole going off as part of a priestly ritual ceremony; once there would have been a dozen flashpoles making an even brighter display but electricity supplies had greatly diminished since then.

As he stood on the raised footpath, a couple of warrior priests walked quickly past in overly ornamental armour and with both traditional swords along with monoshotguns, single barrelled shotguns. They might have been in their religious finery but they were discussing where they should go to get lunch; they seemed to be favouring a meatworm noodles dish at an eatery that gave priests a small discount.

The stranger spoke again. “Outsiders appear to be both providing pyrokinetic projectile weapons, and the means to manufacture them locally, apparently for free to multiple factions. I doubt that it is really for free for there is always a price to pay.”

Another voice responded that only he could hear being that of the EverMentor. “The amount of guns, and launchers, is still outnumbered by general type traditional ranged weapons such as bows, blowpipes and slings.”

The EverWanderer heard distant, muffled, sounds of a skirmish taking place. It could have been city faction against faction but, more recently, it was likely to be locals dealing with other kinds of threats.


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