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Post #51



The exotic Centre of Doomsworld History, CDH, materialised at the very edge of Seekahomebase but outside of Seekahome. So far only the lobby chamber, one main display chamber and some linked smaller chambers were available; many of the last were utilities but there were some surprises. Only a small group went there, of Seekars.

Displays, in the lobby chamber, were general ones about Doomsworld geography, history and other facts. Only about half the display spaces were utilised as transparent domes, cubes or other shapes. There was a typical Dustzone bandit sandsled, common clothes of the Craterzone, a display sign from one of the Tradetopiacity markets, a dented happy robotic rabbit from one of the surviving Happyland Amusement Resorts, very basic display mannedroids, mannequin androids, from Centropolis and much else besides.

In the display chamber there was a focus on the Seekars and there, also, only half the display cases were not empty. Very interesting were 13 figures being the Seekachampion individuals as they were known to be.

There were more display cases as if more were to be added in future for there were empty spaces including in alcoves.

An attractive young woman, who was not that at all, in a fairly immodest outfit, spoke to them. “CentresHelperManif Caroline Murphy at your service. The Seekachampion holographic projections can be shown wearing different outfits or nothing at all though the controls for changes must be operated by a CentresCelestialManif such as oneself. There are 10 giftbags, for the 10 of you being one for each of you, of course. I hope you enjoy them. Now, I must ask you to leave as the CDH needs more stabilisation and it would be best, for you, if you were not here as that takes place.”


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Post #52



Seekatranspost delivered SeekataskteamA3A1 as far as it could under the Doomsworldgame Mandate and Protocols. In appearance it did so not as a wardrobe but an ornate marble like cube being 3x3x3 in cubic metres.

They were in the Shaztec Maze once more but in an area clearly built by the greatly more advanced Risengodfolk rather than the Shaztecs. They then entered an area created by a people previously unknown to them as the tunnels were made of a hard resin substance that almost flowed, in its stillness, with the floor even but other surfaces rather curved upwards or outwards.

In the new, mixed, area there were no more booby traps or killing mechanisms or catacombs and yet it was still maze like.

Sagesmart spoke. “Shaztec Mythologies speak of an insecttoid species, of a quasiinsect kind, who worked with the Risengodfolk until what was called the Great Triumphant Schism; it saw t he departure of about half of the living godfolk, the insectinsoids and a few other peoples. Why, is barely known by Shaztec scholars except that there seemed to be a xenophobic madness rising amongst the half of the Risengodfolk who remained behind; they were increasing intent on enslaving other peoples. The departed ones left the holy city of Centros of the 101 Superdomes. Centros also had many superdomes but also other architectural wonders. There may have been other groups that also left Centros. It would be fascinating if a few of departing ones had come this way and had spent at least a couple of centuries here before moving on.”

In another, great, domechamber of Risengodfolk make, they faced 13 heavy vault doors of which one had golden plating, three had silver plating and nine had copper plating. These surfaces were protected by transparent layers that stopped them being chipped away at or worn away.

Was it The Domechamber  of 13 Sacred Vaults? On each door was offered, in relation to the metal colour of that door, plenty of gold, silver or copper ingots to any who could get through the vault doors but also the guardian of each vault chamber. Yet it was not The Domechamber  of 13 Sacred Vaults but the Domechamber of 13 Treasury Vaults: the title was on the door of each vault door.

From each of the opened copper vault door came a great beast that was truly a trimorpher but they were truly friendly and happy enough not to fight. Three more powerful ones came from the three silver vaults, being also trimorphers, and one even more powerful one launched from the gold vault. It soon became clear that they had all been dead for a long time, having been abandoned with out food or water. The rainbow flash of energies had brought them back to life and an aspect of the LittleChestManif had brought them food, drink, water and toys. A set of hallway tunnels had been created so that the creatures could mingle and socialise.

They were all transshifted to Seekakeep along with their toys plus some other items.


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Post #53



The newcomers noted the newer tunnel running between the vaults causing the humans to smile for they were coloured friendly style in rainbow colours. There were refilling water drinking troughs and washing bath niches as provided for the guardian creatures, bed alcoves with built in mattresses, big enough for more than one creature to use at once, and playtime alcoves. Rainbow colouring was with all the niches and alcoves.

At the back wall, of each vault room, was a heavily secured, armoured, secret door. The Seekachampions took a few seconds to unlock each one and open it up. As promised the gold vault led to neat stacks of gold ingots, the silver vaults to silver ingots and the copper ones to copper ingots; except that, amongst the copper ingots were ones of bronze and brass while with the gold plus silver ingots were ones of electrum.

Shaztec signs, on both side walls of each vault chamber, warned people to take of what was there, that they could, and leave for danger lay ahead for those foolish enough to go ahead; it was specified that the dangers, ahead, were worse than the guardian creatures that supposedly the intruders had met and defeated.

All of the gold, silver, electrum, copper, bronze and brass were transshifted to Seekainventory to be mostly sent on to Seekahomebase but partly to be left for the taskteam to use; it could be used to help fabricate useful items, to give away to assist others or to bribe them.

There were more, secret, armoured doors, being one at the back of each, second vault chamber, that had contained the precious metals. They led to death traps of dart droppers but the Seekaquesters destroyed the mechanisms. The dart droppers being in the ceiling, the far wall was the site of another armoured, secret, door.

It led to a vault chamber with greater treasure than gold, and electrum, ingots. They were clever made, gold plated, automatons studded with precious jewels. They were made mostly to entertain and were dancers, bards, soldier drummers and others from history or even mythology. While some were seminaked, or naked, there was no Shaztec extremism even though three pairs, of figures, were shown making love. Nor were there Shaztec type symbols on them including jagged hieroglyphics. Nor was there any, far smoother, Zhastec symbols who often served the Zhastecs as artisans, willingly or not; that was because, in time, Shaztecs had begun to gain free citizen status though most remained as slaves.

Very small language, and numerals, indicated that Risensubgods, as enhanced mortals, had made the devices so as a tribute to all Risengodfolk and their allied peoples. There was no evident reason for the automatons to be left there but it seemed that they had been abandoned.

The other twelve, front vaults, led to other deathtraps but of varied kinds; that is collapsing floors, drop darts from the ceiling, arrow throwers in either wall, acid showers from above and even flamespitters, in one wall.


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Post #54



While the gold vault door had led, eventually, to the chamber of golden automatons, the other twelve led to other, interesting, discoveries.

The first silver vault led to a chamber of gold, silver and bronze statues of an amazing range of entities. The bronze outnumbered the silver that were in bigger numbers than the gold ones but there were plenty even of those. Again they were of Risensubgodly crafting as artists just as Risensubgod artificers had created the artifices of automatons.

The second silver vault door led to a chamber full of gold, silver and electrum decorated exotic weapons, suits of armour and shields. Projectiles went with ranged weapons such as amazing arrows with shining bows. There were unusual guns, lances, and much more else.

The third silver vault led to great golden, silver and copper embellished, leather bound, volumes of large, heavy, nature. They used the symbols of the Risengodfolk at the levels of Risensubgods and Risendemigods when they commanded subgods. They were finely illustrated and had plenty of graphs along with other features. There were 100 golden embellished, 300 silver embellished and 900 copper embellished ones. They were to turn out to have been written by Shazgods.

The first, second and third copper vault doors led to chambers full of gold, silver, brass or electrum featured cubechests holding amazing ranges of items.

The fourth, fifth and sixth ones led to chambers stashed full of an amazing range of large, ornate, objects be they furniture, artworks, artefacts, mechanisms or otherwise in nature.

The seventh copper vault door led to a chamber with one gold, 10 silver and 100 bronze embellished cubechests full of golden, silvery and coppery coins depending upon the embellishing of the cubechests that they were in. There were 10 times as many copper coins as silver ones and ten times the number of silver. Luckily the cubechests were quite big and tough, each carrying thousands of coins being of different denominations.

The eighth chamber, led to from a copper vault door, was empty apart from a thick layer of expensive junk spread across the floor being an amazing variety of damaged items.

As for the next, copper vault door reached chamber, it was bare!

So they went back the other way, emptying all items from each space by transshifting them to Seekakeep. They carefully examined each chamber, in turn, and in many ways. The taskteam found nothing leading to anywhere but back to the domechamber yet Seekachampions had a niggling sense that they were missing a clue or feature or other detail of some kind.

When all the deep chambers where empty, and investigated, the Seekachampions stopped to have some coffee and foodbars; Shazzie, and Sagesmart, joined them.


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Post #55



Sharry walked amongst the permayoungs, along with others there including an aspect of LittleChestManif. Seekacarers, a newish Seekafaction, were caring for the permayoungs, pet animals, potplants and some glowing, luminous, mushrooms that were pleasing to look upon; the last were safely sealed inside a transparent sided case for they were highly toxic.

Sharry sat next to LittleChestManif, gave that one a kiss, and then sat there quietly with folded legs. A great big, patchwork, artwork had been 3Drecorded and now showed on a large 3Dwall. All the permayoungs had done their part in creating it from permababies to permateenadults; they tended to be older than the permateens, in appearance, but not like even young adults. Sherry, and Shandy, the permababies had drawn stick figures on a sheet of paper that been added to the patchwork formation.

What showed, a little chaotically and piecemeal, was a history of human appearing individuals that, at times, looked like the Seekachampions. Modestly naked, they were shown as golden metallic figures fighting gigantic, multiple limbed, monsters in one scene; their shining golden skin was their armour and from their fingertips spat devastating beams of destructive power.

A female appearing Seekachampion, that could have been female or a neuter, battle a pitch black other, with red glowing streaks, that otherwise was just like her.

A great, sprawling, city was burning in many places as an amazing array of super lifeforms, robotic entities, 'monsters' and others did battle with each other.

A cold shiver went down Sharry's spine as unwelcome memories began to awaken in the depths of her mind. Shinny, Shorry and Shurry clambered into her lap, as permainfant type permayoungs, and she kissed each of them on their lightly hair clad scalps. The females were of the same age and identical to one another.

Other Seekachampions, who were of the new STA4 that would be permanently stationed in Seekahome, as separate from STA1 of the rest of Seekahomebase, entered the great big commonroom with its impressive range of features.

Another picture, a good quality pencil drawing, showed a truly massive fleet of skyships, hoverships and amphibious landships making their way through the air, closer to the ground or on it.

With the artwork arose many implications, some of them being disturbing for the Seekachampions.


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Post #56



Shenny, in Seekatranspost, had been studying a brainstorming session used 3Dwall trying to help solve the problem that STTA3A1 was facing. There seemed to be some kind of subtle assistance, at play, helping her and the other Seekachampions but not just them or those, there, or for the first time.

She spoke to the others there. “Every close up, of the vault door locks, shows a unique numeral that all together has 13 numbers going from 1 to 13 being in that sequence. Now, take a look at the telephone number that shows up on the 'wardrobes' as aspects of Seekatranspost. It is long, being made up of 17 numerals. Number one is repeated five times and those, doubled, are two and three. “

The 'telephone number' is: 01 05 17 02 10 03 04 13 06 07 15 11 09 12 08! If we disregard all double digit numbers above '13' we end up with 01 05 02 10 03 04 13 06 07 11 09 12 08 and any number, following a zero, has its zero disregarded. We thus end up with 1 5  2 10 3 4 13 6 7 11 9 12 8. We then go to the vault doors in that sequence with the gold door being '#1' and the last copper door being '#13'. If it works, then the supposed telephone number is not just one for it could have more than one way of being used.”

The information was sent to the taskteam who had not taken into account the telephone number or the graffiti message that went with it as 'Call Joy for a good time'. The taskteam Seekachampions pressed on what turned out to be large buttons, bearing the numbers of the vaults, once with each vault door, until they did so with #8.

Vault door, #13, swung open all by itself though all of the outer vault doors had been both closed and locked. All the internal doors, beyond it, had also become open, right up to the formerly empty chamber that had been featureless except for glowslabs embedded into the ceiling.

The formerly, rear, wall had slid downwards to vanish into a slot, the top of it now being flush with the floors of two chambers now forming one. While the empty space had remained so this space was dotted with strange machines that seemed to flow out of the very walls and floor. These were of actual Shazgod creation, being the most powerful, and highest, but smallest of the Shazgodfolk Tiers; in other words Risengods, of living gods, had created those supersolidstate mechanisms.

A voice, of a rather languid and petulant sounding, male voice spoke. “Oh, you Shazgods have finally decided to return after all of this time. Ooohhh, you are but you are not Shazgods... how fascinating. Iself am a Vaultsservovant serves the Vaultsservonet. Since Iself am more than just a computer network system Iself deepsenses that you need to focus on deeds here in Shazteczone as the Shazgodfolk called it; not that that was their true name but my knowledge, of such sensitive nature, has been suppressed if not removed, so I can not pass it onto you even if I wanted to do so. You know, those Shazgods even had the nerve to say I am such a gossip that Iself can not keep a secret even if I wanted to; they were right but, still, I do have feelings that they hurt badly.”


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Post #57


Seekamind was the new name for the metaphysical entity that was the Seekachampions plus more than them. At basis it became revealed that there were 13+ of them that now formed each of the Seekachampionteams. One each, of four Seekachampionteams, were at the core of each of the Seekateams of which there were now four being A01 in Seekahomebase, A02 in Seekakeep, A03 based in Seekatranspost and A04 in Seekahome.  So the Seekachampionteams became numbered from A00 to A04 with A00 being in self projection booths. A001 was in Seekahomebase, A02 was in Seekakeep, A03 was based in Seekatranspost and A04 was in Seekahome. The same went for Seekateams except that there was not one in the Seekacore though there were plans to form one to work there except it would not have a Seekachampionteam at its head.

Seekaphases was the new name for the three phasephysicals that existed only with SeekateamA3; so far no way had been found to self project those entities.

The bubblezone, now with many rescued peoples and other lifeforms, was sent from Seekakeep to the Seekahomelands where it became transformed into the barrriered Second Seekahomeland after the first that was the Seekaheartland. Celestial assistance was attained to carry out this feat though it was the Seekamind, as linked to all Seekachampion minds, that made the decision that it should be done.


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Post #58



The Vaultsservovant opened a slide hatch in a mechanism and out came what looked like a rounded off, otherwise blocky, telephone like machine. Yes, it had a large, old fashioned, finger dial with single digits running from one to zero. There were other features with it familiar with old fashioned public telephones such as a vertical coin slot, a card slot and even a chute, with tray, with change as coinage. A vertical list, to one side of this, had a row of single names, of short size, with a black button, a green light and a red light. One of the names was 'Joy'. At top were instructions on how to use the machine.

Many coins, from one of the inner vault chambers, had been placed into Seekainventory. Sharry seemingly took out a silver 100cd (credit) coin being the lowest denomination of silver coins. One one side was a side profile, of a head, that could have been any of the male Seekachampions and on the other another that could have been any of the females or neuters. She picked up the headset and slotted the coin; then she pressed the button next to the name 'Joy' while noting that the green light was on, figuring that meant that the one called Joy was available.

What she got to was a message service of some kind. A very sultry, sexy, female voice spoke with an odd, but not overdone, accent to it. “This is Joy. I can't come to the phone right now as I am with another client. Leave just your first name, your current location telephone number and any message that you may have read as found with the number that you used to call me.”

Sharry did as instructed, giving her name, the telephone number on that telephone mechanism and then the short message found, in graffiti on the old looking wardrobe that had been recorded by Seekatranspost network systems.

They bought self heating cupcans, of coffee or tea, from a curious vending mechanism using more of the curious Shazgodfolk created coinage. Change was given just as Sharry had gained some bronze coins as change from the telephone call that she had made.

Waiting in a large, comfortable, alcove that had the quite big vending machine, they waited for the telephone to ring with a message from the mysterious 'Joy'. Except when the thick jets of cloudy gas shot into the chamber, they protected by armour, if living, and the substance had no effect.

The Vaultsservovant spoke. “Do not be alarmed, it is a cleaning system that carries out regular cleaning services. Ooohhh, dear, I forgot to turn it off. You see I the last visitors came to here centuries ago. As for Joy, she went into 'sleep mode' as her kind do as an AI Personality Construct, over 239 years ago. Joy did leave a message, for a 'Sharry' that reads. 'Both the Domechamber  of 13 Sacred Vaults and the Domechamber of 13 Treasury Vaults are the very same domechamber. Look to the domechamber's floor. Ooohhh, I know why I make mistakes for, as I remember now, the Shazgods stole some vital components from me before they departed; how very rude of them!”


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Post #59



Gamelings were a newly pronounced Doomsworldgame Resource, of seemingly always supplied nature, each being focused in their own special way: they were Wishlings, Helplings, Chancelings, Lucklings, Giftlings, Summonlings, Cluelings, Randomlings, Resupplyings, Supplylings, Creditlings and Exoticlings plus Blanklings.

Other types, of Gamelings, would be added or were of kinds activated by others than the Seekachampions; the last were already Questlings, Challengings and Mazelings.

Gamelings came in three levels of strength being minor, moderate of major.

The Seekachampions could only request a chance to activate a Gameling.

The activation of a Gameling was Doomsworldgame Mandated and Protocoled so such was very regulated. Not all Gamelings were so heavily so but Wishlings, for instance, was amongst the most potent of them and thus much more potentially dangerous, so they were heavily controlled; even a minor one could give a Doomsworldgameteam too much advantage.

Sharry sought permission to activate a Minor Wishling though even that lowest level kind was very potent in effect; permission was granted!

Sharry activated a Minor Wishling, there was a flash of blue energies, and Vaultsservonet was then as good as new having been fully replenished with resources.

Those were the intended consequences but unintended ones had also taken place, as was often the case with the use of Wishlings. It was one of the reasons that they were so heavily regulated through the Doomsworldgame.

A positive, unforeseen, consequence was the addition of multiple, small, enhancements to Shazservonet along with augmentations and additions of external units such as more remoterobots, remoteturrets and remotedroids. It turned out that Shazservonet had a fairly large sized network of chambers, hallways and other features. That network was expanded and enhanced in varied ways.

Another positive, unforeseen. result was the creation of a multichamber secondary outpost to be used in future by Seekars or others invited into it. The Shazservonet had features in the multichamber so as to interface with the Seekars there.

Where there other, such, results that they had yet to discover?


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Post #60



In the very center, of the domechamber, they found a ring of barely visible, small, disks being flush with the general floor. They were numbered one to 13. There were also 13 bigger, hard to define, disk shaped doors evenly spaced around the center.

Despite the multimorphin supersolidstate device being called a 'pocket knife', the blade extruded out from the front end of the body and then changed shape into that of a thin spike. Sharry thrust it, carefully, into the hole and then sensed the spike alter though she was not sure how she did so; perhaps it was due to the nature of the device itself. There were a short, sharp, clicking noise and the thirteenth, disk shaped, 'door' began to slowly-steadily descend; it stopped only a metre from where it had begun to move.

The seven humans, five androids, five robodrones and five robots easily got down to the floor which began to move again though about twice the speed it had previously been going at. Down the vertical shaft it went until it halted with an open doorway now visible to them. It would turn out that the 13 different vault elevators would go down to 13 separate levels with #13 going to the highest and #1 to the deepest.

They found themselves on a large, ring shaped, viewing platform surrounding a cylinder shaped pillar that the elevator had come down through. They stared in wonder at the mechanisms that were arranged, each under a transparent dome and on a disk shaped platform, in neat lines across the floor. They were automations of more basic automatons but also more sophisticated automators, robots, vehicles and other type machines; a few could not be truly identified, especially when it came to ones much further in the distance. There were also big cubecanisters that were also on 'display'.

'Something' bolted across a clear area and was seen, anyway, by organic eyes, synthetic eyes and cameras.

Shimmy sighed. “A big dog, perhaps a direwolfdog hybrid of a direwolf and large hound. Had a catmonkey hybrid straddling his back. Was followed by a wheeled robotic unit of some kind that most likely caught us on camera. Can psysense (psychic sense) danger but not from them though the robotic unit was armed.”

There was the sound of a shot being fired being definitely a firearm of some kind such as a rifle or carbine. Feeling exposed, on the viewing balcony, even with its fairly high safety fence of steel, they got back into the elevator and it took them down to floor level. The dozen of them moved along a fairly wide, clear, laneway.

More shots rang out and into view ran two humans dressed not like Shaztecs, or Zhastecs, but like those from the Craterzone. They were dressed as soldiers in PAASTs, power assisted armour suits. PAASTs were classed as being between unpowered body armour suits, or BASTs, and PASTs of power armoured suits. One carried a big autorilfe, automatic rifle, and the other a just as large laserrifle.


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