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Post #71



The EverWanderer responded. “If the prince has been replaced he is far from alone. The vanishing, and replacement by infiltrators, has been happening far too many times, recently.”

There was the muffled sound of a shotgun being fired off. The EverWanderer turned his head in time to watch the ticket seller, and door bouncer, slam the armoured metal door closed before putting into place two heavy wooden planks and steel bolts. Then he took out what looked somewhat like a fob watch, being on a fine chain, and studied its three big, and five small, arrows. They were pointing in different directions except two big ones aimed squarely at the door.

He sighed. “My friend, it is time for you to become fully what you truly are.”

Harrista froze, shimmered, and he also wore hoodrobe, now, as an EverFollower. He sniffed the air, softly. “The Seekaquesters, should have in theory, been here by now.”

The EverWanderer responded. “What 'should be' changes with changes in circumstances. They have been helping Shazzie and also teaching, and training, her through experiences they have put her through while protecting her. Professor Sagesmart is also with them. Iself needs you to be sent to be with some of SeekateamA3 in the Sacred Vaults of the Shazgodfolk. They are in Sacred Vault #1. When you arrive there you will return to being Harrista of the Royal Family's Secret Order also known, from ancient times, as the Shaztecahandis.”

The EverFollower nodded. “Why do I have the sense that you are also keeping me safe?”

The EverWanderer responded. “That is only part of the truth. We need to start to really learn the truth, if there is but one, behind what is taking place. Oh, yes, beware of the LittleFatesManif showing up for that LittleCelestialManif appears to be acting even more erratically than normal. Even the LittlePrimeManif can not keep track of him, of late, and that is saying much. Rainbowspheres!?”

The EverFollower arched his eyebrows. “Aaahhh, I see! Do I have time to say my goodbyes and so forth.”

The EverWanderer smiled. “An avatar projection, of yourself, will return to your family, and friends, as Harrista Longreach, to take a long, well earned, break. I have already cleared it with the royal family though a bit of bribery did not hurt. I informed them that you had been of great assistance to me and insisted you be allowed to go on leave; they did not seem to object to the idea.”

The EverFollower gave out a short, soft, laugh. “Shows that they are not fools even if they are far from being fine people.”

Then the EverFollower vanished away with a soft shimmering.


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Posted (edited)

Post #72



The tomes, from the Treasury Vaults, had been written by the Shazgods and even bound by them. They became known, for simplification's sake, as the Shazgodtomes. SeekateamA1's Seekachampions had been going through the tomes and other resources that they had gained from the Helpcubes and other sources. That is SeekachampionA1 had been doing so!

The problem was that the Seekachampions had written the Shazgodtomes, as Shazgods, but they were no longer them having changed in a great way. So they were only slowly-steadily remembering what they had created as they tried to deal with Shazgodly arrogance, hubris, extravagance, over confidence and other faults that showed in the otherwise brilliant writings; it did not help to know that they had once been those very Shazgods and as their memories slowly-steadily returned it became no easier.

SeekahalperteamB00 materialised in the Self Projection Booths, SeekahalperteamB01 in the general Seekahomebase, SeekahalperteamB02 in Seekakeep, SeekahalperteamB03 in Seekatranspost and SeekahalperteamB4 in Seekahome. That meant that all of the Seekateams grew in those Seekarealms as Seekahelpers joined those already there. The Seekahelpers were supportive equals to the Seekachampions. This meant that the Seekachampions, and Alpha Seekateams, could focus more on the Doomsworldgame.


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Posted (edited)

Post #73



Seekakeep shivered as an unknown, aggressive, force struck against the Seekarealm. Alarms rang through out the various zones including bubblezones. It ceased as quickly as it had begun.

With Seekahelpers now in a supportive, the Seekachampions in Seekakeep focused more on the quarantine bubblezones, of which there were now three though one was no yet to be activated fully. The new Seekahelpers made the work, of the Seekateams, easier and more productive.

SeekachampionteamA2 met and made decisions with representatives, there, from SeekahelperteamA2.

Sharry spoke. “We totally failed to identify the aggressive presence but I believe it was testing the defensive capacity of Seekakeep.”

A 3Dwall showed energy patterns coming from scanning, and sensoring, of the exotic attacker. Unfortunately, though they looked impressive they provided no data of any practical use.

Tashra spoke as one of the new Seekahelpers. “At least no damage was done to Seekakeep, at least none that could be detected.”

Suddenly, there was sitting at the meeting table two newcomers but both were somehow familiar.

The aspect, of LittleGuardsManif, was manifested as a woman attired in heavy security body armour including a helmet but with the helmet visor drawn up. She spoke with a slight, odd, drawl to her voice.

The miscreant was trying to find a way to send infiltrators into Seekakeep. That is spies, assassins and saboteurs. Most likely they would be doppelforms, of former doppelformers, who might not even know their true nature. The miscreant is something very new, something very ancient returned with the Doomsdays, that most likely has a newish name.”

The aspect, of the LittleHelpsManif, was a lightly pudgy man wearing a mechanics type coveralls, complete with some oily stains, along with work boots and a toolbelt. “We LittleCelestialManifs only know that because the LittleDreamsManif dreamed a dream of omens and hints from which a gathering of us managed to gain at least some usable, practical, information. Even the LittleChestManif had a contribution, of sorts, to make. The miscreant appears to be stealing doppelforms that would otherwise be going to reinforce the Shazgodfolk in Sacred Vault #1.”

The LittleGuardsManif took over. “We LittleCelestialManifs have been attacked, even infiltrated in a fashion very hard to explain. We need must work together.”


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Posted (edited)

Post #74



Another soft shiver went through Seekakeep! No alarms rang, this time, for everybody had been alerted as could be and needed to be.

Sharry smiled. “There is always a chance that one's perception can be confused, even misled, as in tricked!”

The LittleHelpsManif arched his eyebrows. “Yes, but we need to focus on the practical here and now, to open up the Seekakeep's to allow we LittleCelestialManifs to bring in vital resources and reinforcements.”

An odd flicker went through everything!

The LittleCelestialManifs both stopped and looked around as if seeing what was around them for the first time. They both began to scowl, their faces distorting as they did so. Soon their whole figures were ceasing to look as they had done. Then they flew together and became as one figure.

The darkside aspect, of the LittleFatesManif, cried out in rage as the flickering happened again. It was not the Seekakeep that that one was in. Then he was facing the LittlePrimeManif and many others sitting behind a high raised, half circle, desk. A great beam of light swept, horizontally, from beneath him and up to the ceiling.

The LittleFatesManif froze stiff.

The LittlePrimeManif pronounced. “We have at least one of the 'possessed' aspects of the LittleFatesManif or is that the case for it has always been assumed that it would be impossible to infiltrate any LittleCelestialManif against that one's will. Unless, of course, that one agreed to being possessed but why would that one do so? Hopefully we will learn more with the deep analyse of the captive one.”

The LittleServesManif Adviser there, now spoke. “Perhaps that one was deceived by one that should have been most trustworthy. With some Celestial help we will see.”

The flash of rainbow energies went through everybody-everything. When they had passed, the LittlePrimeManif had become a captive LittleAnticelestialManif unable to do anything but scowl at the LittleCelestialManifs there; then it was dematerialised with a brief flash of rainbow energies.

The LittleFatesManif gave the impression of full healthiness of body, mind and spirit. He spoke. “When the LittlePrimeManif asked me to open myself to him I had no real reason to doubt it when that one spoke of helping me to find a greater balancing. Yet, looking back on the incident, it was a foolish decision. So, where is the real LittlePrimeManif?”

That was a very good question that none, there, seemed to have any real answer to.


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Post #75



The CDH, Centre of Doomsworld History, had not opened up again since the brief visit taken to its lobby chamber and one display room. The Seekachampions had decided to just wait for it to become available again for there seemed to be no ways to get in contact with those inside it.

The 10 giftbags, gained from the CDH, had each contained one thin booklet named a CDH Visitors Guidebook, a separate fold up map of the CDH showing what areas had been open to visiting, a limited random type 3Dpostcard, a small voucher booklet and 10 token coins for later spending in the CDH.

Those were the standard items on the inventory but each had a list randomised item, from a short but growing list, being one out of six choices at first. The list was as follows:

#1 A booklet giving extra information about the CDH. #2 A CDH Badge being round with a glowing bulb at the center and sporting the CDH Logo. #3 A balloon with the CDH Logo. #4 A signed 3Dphotocard of CentresHelperManif Caroline Murphy. #5 A figurine of CentresHelperManif Caroline Murphy. #6 A signed Special Invitation Card by CentresHelperManif Caroline Murphy offering some free extras to the holder of the card. Then there was a chance of gaining, with each giftbag, an item that was not on the inventory list that was found on both sides of any giftbag along with the CDH Logo.

Four giftbags had no extras. One had an interesting history booklet. One had a figurine of a Shaztec Priestess. Another had a 3Dphotocard showing a group of humans, one of them being a younger looking Professor Sagesmart. There was an invitation card to the CDH that had some special offers with it. There was what looked like a short, Shaztec, bonewand. Last of all was a small, hard wooden, Zhastec puzzlebox.

The empty giftbags were placed to one side, having already been carefully examined, and both the inventoried and non listed items were arrayed before Seekachampions.

Sharry spoke. “The 10 official CDH Booklets are identical as are the badges and the balloons; there is some variation with the Caroline Murphy items be it the 3Dphotocards, the figurines or the special invitation cards. The 3Dphotocards have different images of her in a string-bikini to her in the type outfit we met her in person wearing, a black leotard, a soldier's gear, a nightie, a spacesuit and even wrapped only in a rather short bath towel. She looks disturbingly like one of us Seekachampion females or neuters except she is a redhead instead of a blonde. The figurines have the same range of appearances being very realistic.”

She went on. “Then there is the figurine of a Shaztec Priestess that looks like an older version of Shazzie. There is the 3Dphotocard showing a scene of what look like expeditionaries of a general academic sort along with those with them. Sagesmart is with them but looking much younger unless it is not really him at all.”


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Post #76



She went on after a noticeably long pause. “The special invitation card offers the chance to spend the day with Caroline Murphy, a personally signed 3Dphotocard taken with her and a chance to make an unspecified 'request' of her.”

Then she frowned. “The bonewand is a type of crafted artefact linked with dark Shaztec magic. In sharp contrast the Zhastec puzzlebox is an expensive type but one also fairly common amongst crafted goods made by Zhastec Artisans. It is no coincidence that these items were given over to us and we need to keep on studying them carefully.”

They had been gaining a lot of information, from the Shazgodtomes and other sources, about Shaztec ways and, with them, Zhastec ways.

SeekataskteamA3A1 had been going through Sacred Vault #1 with as much care as possible. With them were the Shazguardfolk now upgraded in their gear meaning more than just armour and arms. They had been gaining small amounts of data including from the Shazguardfolk themselves.

The Seekachampions began a discourse that a Seekascribe copied down; Seekascribes were new along with Seekascholars and Seekaclerks.

Shanda: “We need to use instruments to test the giftbags, as a whole, and samples taken from them.”

Seekachampions All: “Agreed!”

Sharry: “We need to research each item and not just each type of item; this is in case one, or more, are different from the others.”

Seekachampions All: 'Agreed!”

Shanka: “We need to focus research efforts on the identity of 'Caroline Murphy' both as a CentresHelperManif and outside of that. We appear to have been provided with leads, and clues, to help us with our quests.”

So the meeting went on until it was agreed that it was time for a break inclusive of coffee.


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Post #77


Sharry stundropped two Vaultsguards as the deeply hidden program conditioning sent them against the Seekaquesters. The Vaultsguardfolk were only under such influences if they were doppelforms and they only attacked the Seekaquesters as they were identified as outsider intruders.

The upgraded weapons, of the Vaultsguards, were being turned against those who had provided them but the Seekaquesters had even more advanced technologies so this fact little mattered. Any difficulty arose from the intention to capture rather than harm the Shazguards.

Two rocketbullets bounced off Sharry's now stiffened, deflecting, hoodrobe. She turned and stundropped another Vaultsguard. The non Vaultsguard type doppelforms, of Vaultsguardfolk, had already been stundropped and placed in secured medicapsules before being transshifted to close bye Seekatranspost. Non doppelform type Shazguardfolk had already been stundropped, encapsulated and sent.

Shanda stood before the RRDM as the Reinforcement Resupply Delivery Mechanism, RFDM as the Return From Death Mechanism, MHRM as the Medical Healing Recovery Mechanism and the TEEM as the Training Exercise Entertainment Mechanism. Yet there were three others that the Shazguardfolk did not seem to even notice.

With Shanda was Vaultsservovant #1 who was dressed as a curious variant of technician plus scientist in a white jumpsuit dotted with colour coded pouch-pockets, pockets and pouches plus other containment features. Knowitalldo was pompously arrogant but brilliant as a technical scientist and technician; in practice the former was more theoretical and the latter was more practical.

Knowitalldo managed to look rather pompous but that was his normal way. “Aaahhh, yes, Iself am sure that Iself can easily solve this dilemma. They are three Shazservomechanisms as is their true, full, name being a kind of servomechanism!”

Shanda smiled to himself. “I did already knew that, thank you! This one, with the inbuilt bodycapsule, as the MHRM and the TEEM have.”

Knowitalldo nodded. “Perhaps also a way to keep a track on the activities of the doppelforms.”

Shanda smiled to the Shazservovant. “Makes sense as a dedicated device. The MHRM could analyse the brain's genetic data, based programming of each subject, to make sure that the Shazguardfolk programming is still fully functioning. If so, what does this mechanism do in the way of examining the Vaultsguardfolk? Perhaps it focuses on auric field studies, on what one might call synthetic psychic readings. That is it could well have picked up on recent Vaultsguardfolk activity and sent a report on that to some other place or perhaps another mechanism, here, was then activated.”


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Post #78



Knowitalldo smile smirked. “Why did the Shazguardfolk except you so easily? Did they deepsense, from the first that they met you, that you were once Shazgods?”

Shanda went to the next, of the mystery mechanisms, and examined it. Like the RRDM it had a big chute ending in a semihard surfaced tray. “It could easily dispense extra reinforcements, and resupplies, except there are small differences between it and the RRDM that convince me that it does not do so. At least not the same kinds of reinforcements, and resupplies, or even reinforcements and resupplies at all that have anything to do with the Vaultsguardfolk.”

The third, and last, of the mystery mechanisms looked like a combination kiosk and terminal being semienclosed as a booth; it had a big control console complete with an ergonomic keyboard with two shallow touch type bowls. A 3Dscreen was up, before, the console. Before its rotating highchair, that was on a single pole, but beneath it, were two foot pedals. By sitting on the chair he soon found that beneath the console was a fold downward, out and upward control wheel with two joystick like devices attached, each having its own double controls; that is one, horizontal, one at front and a thumb pressing button on top.

He nodded. “Testing game set up. There is also a cable attached set of guns. So why are the Shazguardfolk unaware of these last three Shazservomechanisms?”

Knowitalldo sighed dramatically. “Lack of electrical supply but that is improving now but for reasons that even Vaultsservomind finds hard to comprehend. Was it to do with the activation of what you Seekachampions call a Wishling? Vaultsservomind managed to influence Vaultsguardfolk minds so that they would not miss using the devices.”

Shanda shrugged. “The Doomsworldgame has just begun and is still being fully developed in how it functions. That goes for many facets, of the game, including what are known as Gamelings.” He went on to educate, as much as he could, the Shazservovant about the Doomsworldgame but was limited in what he could say because of Seekachampions' own lack of knowledge.”

Even as that discussion went on the Seekachampions stundropped the last of the active Shazguards and transshifted them off to be processed in Seekatranspost.

The RRDM gave an odd beeping sound and two capsules slid down the chute and into the tray; first came a bodycapsule with a naked doppelform of a woman and then came a supplycapsule full of related equipment-supplies. The surprise with the contents, of the latter capsule, was that some of it was upgraded just as the Seekachampions had changed that same Shazguard gear.


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Post #79



Harrista, being also a EverFollower linked to the EverWanderer, dodged a big piece of metal hurled through the air and yet was surprisingly unworried. The five swirling, whirling, black smokey entities had red streaks of energy at their cores, were playing catch and had graciously allowed him to join in.

Deciding it was safer to be fully the EverWanderer, Harrista became replaced with the hoodrobed figure. He deftly caused a bit of machinery, in that great scattered mess of smashed mechanisms and display domes that was one version of Sacred Vault Sublevel #1.1 and not the one that Seekars had ended up in.

There was a transmultidimensional trickiness at play there that needed to be stabilised to make it safer both internally to itself and external for the area around it. He had reported to the EverWanderer who was not surprised by the news but that one never really was. That one had speculated it could be a trap or a way of keeping the Seekaquesters safer or even both. The games being played did not appear to be straight forward or perhaps even logical by the standards of most.

A great battle had been fought in that place, between brutally powerful forces, and had destroyed what ever had been there. Yet there was no psychic impression, or residue, that anything had died as if all had retreated or been rescued or even a mixture of both. Had the clash ended up in stalemate?

The five Smokeyflashies, a translation of their self chosen name, did not seem at all concerned at the change that had happened with the EverFollower. After the game ended 'he' was given the privilege of feeding them some tasty energy and quasienergy being provided through him, from the EverSupporter. Then, like the small children that they were, they had a nap doing so close to the EverFollower as they were comforted by his presence.

With a shimmering materialised an aspect of the LittleChestManif who awakened the five outworld entities briefly but they were not surprised by the newcomer being instead very pleased at his appearance. Soon the LittleCelestialManif was snuggled up with the very exotic young.

The LittleChestManif spoke to the EverFollower, they being familiar to each other as they had met before. “Oneself has been guided to make contact with the Smokeyflashies so as to provide them with company, cuddly comforters, toys, snacks, waterjellies and what ever else that one can provide them with according to Celestial Mandate and Protocols. Except that they never stopped one giving the Smokeyflashies anything they wanted or needed. Oneself does not know where they came from or how they came to be here; I do know that they have suffered and that suffering appears to be linked with the templecity of Shazzantacca and perhaps the Black Smokey Flames."

The EverFollower explained to the LittleChestManif how they were in a lightly unstable transmultidimensional zone and that they need to get to a 'subzone' in it that was where Seekars were.

LittleChestManif got excited. “I am bonded with Seekars and can lead us there. Very good they are, you know!”


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Post #80



The EverFollower nodded. “From what I have been told, yes they are. When the Smokeyflashies have finished their nap, we will have a look around and see what can be salvaged to take with us to that other Sacred Vault 1.1.”

A shrieking sound went through the great chamber. The five smokey entities were awake at once and they were very agitated. The sound of heavy gunfire suddenly came to them being a mixture of autocannons, automatic cannons, and powerful laserguns. To that was added the sound of rockets, of some kind, being used. There came another shriek and the Smokeyflashies became calm again.

A large robotic humanoid stomped towards them being a heavily armoured robot showing many signs of damage and repair. It stopped with an impressive double thudding of big feet before speaking. “SargeGAI at your service. I have just dealt with an attempted intrusion from an unknown location. GAI stands for General Armoured Infantry compromising different elements of which we robots were only one. A GAI Brigade, of the UCCDF, United Citystates of Centralia Defence Force, was sent here for reasons that a mere infantry robot like me was never informed of. As far as I know, except for a very few, the brigade was wiped out by a force I have only a few databank glimpses of as they were damaged by some kind of energy attack.”

The EverFollower spoke. “Who are the other survivors?”

Another large robot showed up but one on tracks. Though it was armoured, with self defence type weapons, it clearly was a service support machine. “I am CorpGAI with a longer official designation but why give it when there is just me doing technical mechanical service support for robots and fixed machines?”

Then came a cluster of robots made from added up parts including one, big, wheeled one with an odd array of very exotic devices attached to a single, large, turret. None of those robots spoke, a few of which turned out to be dumb remoterobots.

SargeGAI spoke. “I do all the firepower but its Zapaflash that truly drives the black, shadowy, tentacles back being unlike the Smokeyflashies though it has the same kind of red flashing flame lights. Different 'personality' types! Then there is that which is inside Zapaflash which is a Rainbowsphere which created Zapaflash and powers her up so she can use her weapons. She does not speak often but, when she does, she always has something amazing to say.”

The EverFollower bowed, gracefully, a half bow thus showing a good deal of respect. “A Rainbowsphere!? I suggest that you all come with me to a better, more secure, place. We can take with us any resources, that you have, or any other companions, of course.”

There were some cats, rats and mice along with some potplants that were taken along with machines and a good deal of salvage. The EverFollower helped this to happen but so did the LittleChestManif along with 'another' there.”


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