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Post #81



Seekacentre opened entrance ways into Seekahomebase and even Seekahome. When a Seekahome based Seekar taskteam went there they were confronted by a CentresHelperManif aspect that knows nothing of any 'Caroline Murphy'. Not only that but he, as in a very formal dressed gentleman, insists that there has never been any genuine Centre of Doomsworld History, CDH, opening in Seekahomebase. Instead Seekacentre will serve all Seekars in a growing number of ways.

There was the very big entrance lobby stretching out before them as a flatter type domechamber with exhibits mostly in display cases but with some hanging from the dome shaped ceiling but high above.

A prehistoric dragon flew, mostly gliding, with wings outstretched being a replica of one from a colonial world of the OldEarthers. They were light of body but powerful enough of muscles, to fly; it had helped that their world had weaker gravity than that of OldEarth itself.

There were thirteen human figures, dressed in curiously metallic, yellow, jumpsuits with boots being five females, five males and three neuters. They were of odd grey skin and were hairless but otherwise could have been the Seekachampions. The jumpsuits were dotted with odd metallic studs and plugin sockets along with other tech. According to the description, as sparse as it was, they were self projection suits, SPSTs.

Sharry spoke. “Could those be the Sc13A0?”

A CentresHelperManif strode, with odd quietness, up to them and shook his pale white head before speaking in Panglish. “The CentresCelestialManifs owe you an apology! Our only self-justification is that Seekacentre is very early in its development and is not yet fully complete in its last foundational stage. You are recorded as visiting a prototype concept scenario known as Centre of Doomsworld History, or CDH.”

He went on. “There is somebody named Caroline Murphy as being a prominent VIP in recorded historical terms. The low gravity world of Mackraprehistoric was where the vast majority of humans, and other colonists, lived in comfortable, healthy, somewhat luxurious, underground structures. For it was surprisingly like the prehistoric ages of OldEarth and none wanted to see it damaged. Projection tourism was a big economic resource, for that world, with tourists going 'phantom projection' form in regulated tourist zones.”

He nodded. “Now to focus down on the specific VIP as previously mentioned. There was a semilegal, semiofficial, research development taskforce known by the codename of 13GeneG31 for largely unknown reasons. One of the supergeniuses, of the original 13 semicloned founders, as in part cloning through a surrogate mother, she was one of the five Murphy Clonesisters. There is reasonable doubts to the authenticity of the official dossiers of the supergeniuses. The research development program, of projects, was known as 13Genesis13. At this time I have no real data to add but in future will be sure to have more to add.”


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Posted (edited)

Post #82



He went on. “The Centre of Doomsday History will be fully formed into existence as a Seekasemicentre on the very edge of Seekacentre but still under the control of the Seekacentre Tricouncil. So will the Centre of Questing Clues, the CQC, though that will not be controlled by the Seekacentre Tricouncil. The reasons behind such decisions have not been provided to us though we are sure that there is good reason behind them. Please take a look around the Seekacentre Main Lobby Chamber. After you depart Seekacentre will be again closed off but for only a short time, even by mortal standards.”

There was a large display alcove dedicated to a general overview of the history of the UCC, the United Citystates of Centralia, that had controlled most of Centralia before the Doomsdays struck. They also had territories, colonies and enclaves beyond the supercontinent proper. The display gave a mixture of Seekar known, partly known and unknown so was of much assistance to them. They bought booklets, 3Dphotocards, 3Dprinted models and other items.

There was a display case full of supersolidstate, multimorphin, objects that were the 10 types that LittleChestManif had passed onto to them along with another 90 but only another 10 were revealed in the 10x10 grid display; that is the known ones were in the top, horizontal row, the newly revealed ones in the horizontal row below that and then the obscured ones were below that.

Sharry spoke. “This confirms our theory that we have been fed clues, all along, towards our questing success but to more than just that. So they were created by the Merchadis as a Celestial Entity of the Celestial Neutrality but we know little about that one as we know very little about others of its ilk.”

Another display case was the same but with 104 items revealed being identical to the ones that LittleChestManif had given to them after his special drawer opened a second time. There were 96 other, revealed, items and below that another 800 that were hidden. The plaque, with that display, explained that the items came from multiple sources and gave a small amount of details of each one that was revealed. The items list numbered 100 but 80% of it was blank of information apart from item numbers.

A guiding presence appeared to be directing them to go to certain displays rather than others. That many displays were not yet ready to be seen, or were empty, helped them because only about 40% were usable meaning there were less to choose from.

The taskteam returned to Seekahome with 20 giftbags, half of them being compensations because of 'mistakes' made earlier by the CentresHelperManif.


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Post #83



The now projected Vaultsguardfolk were starting to return, from being processed, but were soon being named Seekafolk. They wanted to name the Seekachampions as living gods but the Seekachampions insisted they be called by that name instead; they no longer wished to be worshipped even if they were to act as benign, living, deities. The same Seekafolk were now living lives, being also solid projected there, in Seekakeep but would soon be moving on to the Seekahomelands of Seekahomeworld.

Then came the EverFollower, as himself, bringing with himself the aspect of the LittleChestManif, the robots, the animals and the Rainbowsphere along with the five Smokeyflashies.

SeekachampionteamA3 met the newcomers and, somehow, it was natural that Sharry was the one to speak first. “You are one of the EverFolk, once cursed but now blessed by the Goddessgods thanks to the great sacrifices you have made to redeem yourselves.”

What came next was a mutual confession time linked to shared history.

The EverFollower nodded. “Not all of us but most of us, yes! I am an EverFollower who at this time serves the EverWanderer as much as I can keep up with that one. Once the mightiest of the falsely named EverGods, the EverWanderer suffered greatly for daring to try to wage war against the Goddessgods in support of the crazy Regenesis Plan.”

Sharry frowned softly. “We joined the EverGods, as part of the Regenesis, back when we were of the Risengodfolk. Many of us later sought redemption but our path has been far from smooth though we ended up being Celestial, of a sort.”

More immediate concerns were attended to. The Seekachampions were amazed that the Sacred Vaults had been somehow splintered, transmultidimensional fashion, into at least two different realms being the original and a shadowy reflection. Question was, how long ago had that taken place! Had it been the Shazgodfolk who had done the deed? It did not seem probable that they had that kind of power, or technologies, at the time to achieve such a feat.

On the other hand the Rainbowsphere could be a strong indicator of some kind of Celestial Intervention except surely the results, in that case, would have been more stable than they had been?”

The EverFollower spoke of the other Sacred Vault #1.1 and the remnants of a great, powerful and ruthless battle that had taken place there.

He went on speaking. “Given events, as known of, I surmise that the tricky transmultidimensional structuring was created ages ago but more recently strengthened.”

The flash, of rainbow energies, seemed to go through everybody-everything in Sacred Vault #1, perhaps sweeping downwards through all of the sublevels. Did the energies penetrate into other levels of the transmultidimensional splintering?


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Post #84



So Seekaoutpost01 came to exist as a transmultidimensional realm, though a relatively tiny one by the standards of such phenomena. It was 'bigger inside' than was the Seekatranspost but that was not saying much for Seekatranspost was even 'tinier' than was the new Seekaoutpost. It engulfed the domechamber, above, the Treasury Vaults and the Sacred Vaults. It also contained three multidimensional 'layers' but anchored three more to make them stable. The mystery of the original transmultidimensional zone was not yet solved but the problematic nature of it was generally solved.

The original, mutual, confession time had been a medium for the Seekachampions, and EverFollower, to confirm each others' identities in a spiritual psychic fashion. That is, far more had been going on than was easily discernible by others around them except for one there who remained hidden away along with, perhaps, an ever present background presence.

Seekamind had grown stronger but was not a background presence, to the Seekachampions, but an internal one. The Seekaphases only came forth, to act, when it most suited the situation for them to do so for otherwise it was best that they build up and preserve their energy for when-where it could be best used.

It became clearer that Seekamind was very much anchored to the SeekachampionteamA00 that were deeply embedded in a self projection system. The Seekahelpers, of the Seekahelperteams, became of ranks being a director, three coordinators and nine supervisors. Those other Seekars, who served them, would also become known as Seekahelpers. Seekaservers would only serve the Seekateamers from then on. Seekahelpers would be inside the Seekarealms of Seekahomebase, Seekakeep, any new Seekaoutposts as they arose and the Seekatranspost. Or so was the theory for life tends to complicate such straight forward plans

Other changes were coming for the purposes of focusing of efforts including that of the Seekachampions to complete quests and to win upcoming games, the first as Seekaquesters and the last as Seekaplayers.


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Post #85



In the Seekawilds, outside of the Seekahomelands but still inside the constantly expanding-evolving Seekahomeworld, Seekaguards came under attack as savage wildfolk came rushing at them from thick jungle. Where they had come from, how had they come to be there, was a mystery but solving it was put aside for more immediate concerns.

Mannoids were there as the majority as lowbrow animal hybrids with human elements thrown into the mix. Some were clearly more intelligent than others and this showed from how advanced their gear was. Otherwise they were under mammalian, reptilian and other type genetic influences including human.

Seekaguards fired off stunpulses and launched stunflash grenadeshells. Friendly mannoids shot blowpipe darts coated with stun down serum as provided by the Seekaguards. A Seekahelper Scholar was taking digital recordings. There was 'something' wrong with the mannoids that were attacking, a subtle wrongness that was elusive when it came to identifying it.

An ape oriented mannoid fell, dropping his flint-axe as he did so, but was not really harmed at all as he lay, sleeping, on the ground. Then a reptilian one fell followed by a creature that seemed to be part spider with its four arms and four legs. As the last dropped, she let go of her four clubbing stabbing weapons. Some of the rogue mannoids had shortbows while others had stabclubs, stabspears, short throwing spears, blunt clubs, rocks to throw, blowpipes, slings and a very few had basic, steel bladed, shortswords. Then they were all captured and confined, comfortably, in local made cages of sturdy bamboo. One by one they were brought out, in a secured condition, and carefully examined by Seekaguard two field doctors as assisted by medics.

Recently, when the rainbow flash of energies, had swept through the Seekahomeworld, it had expanded out beyond the Seekahomelands and multiple features had been added that had yet to be fully explored. Remotedrones, of basic robotic nature, had been sent out and then Seekaguard Scouts had gone out in squads. The Seekawilds had been found to stretch across forests, including jungles, grassy plains, swamps, lakes, rivers, and a single sea along with other natural geographical features. Yet glimpsed were apparently not so natural features.

The Seekachampions were busy reviewing the way that they, and the Alpha Seekateams, were organised. All six Seekachampionteams were communicating at times, including SeekachampionteamA0 that did so through the Seekamind. Other matters were being discussed such as recently announced changes being made to Doomsworldgame facets. Thus they were in no position to personally investigate the Seekawilds especially as they also had other tasks to carry out.

The rogue mannoids had strange, living, creatures implanted into them and so all of them were transshifted to Seekakeep through a temporarily appearing Helpdrobe of wardrobe like appearance. It also helped provide the Seekaguards with reinforcements and equipment-supplies.


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Post #86



SeekateamA00 came to exist as Seekaservers maintaining the newly named Seekacore that housed an array of supertech network-systems and more general ones. In Seekacore was the self projection system where Sc13A0 were deeply inserted. They formed an aspect of Seekamind.

SeekahelpteamB00 was also in the self projection booths system and STB0 assisted in the upkeep of Seekacore.

SeekateamA1 continued to keep functioning Seekahomebase but it began to also take care of Seekahomecity that, until recently, had been mostly a city in name only. SeekachampionteamA01 acted to serve other Seekachampions in secondary ways but would soon face pressures to take on other tasks.

SeekahelpateamB1 assisted SeekateamA01.

SeekateamA02 kept functioning in Seekakeep with SeekachampionA02  focused on keeping secured quarantine and some research going. Then matters changed as, unexpectedly, groups of people began to arrive there.

SeekateamA4 switched to being largely Seekacarers except for the SeekachampionteamA04 who largely acted as principle Seekacarers despite that. They would do some training practice using SVR, Super Virtual Reality as Seekachampions but so would most Seekachampions. There were also Seekaservers, and Seekaguards, in Seekahome.


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Post #87



Even as Seekaguards dealt with troubles in the Seekawilds, SeekateamA03 struggled to bring down a swarm of shadabeasts in a murky, hulking junk pile, version of Subvault #1.3. It was just outside of Seekaoutpost01 but still inside the contained transmultidimensional zone.

Distorted Shazgodfolk statues loomed over the action as one, by one, the shadascorp type shadabeasts were captured after from each was 'exorcised' a darkside elemental entity of unidentified type. Killing, the shadabeasts, would have been far easier but this was considered a brutally needless act. The shadascorps were being converted, in Seekakeep, to friendly, productively working, creatures known as seekascorps.

When a shadabeast died it was killed not by the Seekaquesters but by a glistening black spine, very large and glistening, that came from something more terrible than any shadabeast.

The black, glistening, monster came out from behind a monolithic statue. It was easily twice as big as any of the shadascorps but it was generally of the same shape and features. One difference was that its tail could fling the large, black, spines that regenerated with unpleasant speed. It began to grow in size and power, began to flash with sharp red energies springing around its body. Then it charged towards the Seekaquesters there. They blazed away with heavy intensity of laserguns but, though it screamed out in agony and rage, it kept on coming at them.

The nightmare ended for a number of sleeping Seekachampions.

Sharry, in Seekahome, hugged a permainfant to herself and spoke quietly to a projected Gavag who was sitting across from her on the same doublebed. “It was a warning!? It was a threat!? It was a message! It could even have been an attack!? SeekateamA03 has yet to go beyond the three dimensional zones inside the new Seekaoutpost01. They have not even gone as far as Sacred Vault #2. Yet there was a feeling, inside the dream, that it reflected a strong realism of one of the outside dimensional zones.”

Gavag was there but also he, and the new doppelshifter squad, was projected into the Seekawilds to assist the Seekaguards there along with their mannoid allies. Partly through SVR, the new Seekasneakers had got into training as wildness infiltrators. Gavag, and the Seekasneakers, were also in their own base that was at the edge of Seekahomebase.

Gavag, who held another sleeping permainfant. “Why do I get the vague, but persistent, impression that we doppelshifters met the likes of the entity that you describe but before we went to Craterburg?. My memories are hazy but according to what I can put together, it cloned shadabeasts from itself so why would it kill one by putting a big spine projectile through it?”


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Post #88



Sharry frowned softly. “Neat trick but it would need to take into itself, somehow, resources to do so; that is to both keep itself strong and to sustain any cloning. That does not explain how shadascorps got into Sacred Vault #1.”

Gavag nodded. “Well, the STA3 has not even finished going through Sacred Vault #1 in any real fashion, if it is the real one that is?”

Sharry arched her eyebrows. “What do you mean by that?”

Gavag sighed. “One could easily think that anything called a 'Sacred Vault' would have something more 'sacred' in it than rows of machines and containers full of smaller items.”

Sharry smiled. “A very good point! We were the Shazgods and we are said, by others, to be very canny just as Shaztecs describe the Shazgods as having been though a few used the term 'cunning' instead. Another point is why try to protect 'Sacred Vaults' with just doppelform guards and yet they are served by Shazgodtech. The Shazgods were also, accurately, called at least a bit crazy.”

He shook his head. “You are not crazy, none of you Seekachampions are!”

The blonde nodded. “Nor are we Shazgods anymore or Risengods or are we part of an insane conspiracy anymore as led by the EverGods!”

Gavag frowned softly. “The EverGods were the ones who created, from original doppelgangers the new doppelkind of doppelshifters, doppelformers and other kinds; that is the original new types.”

Sharry yawned. “Interesting! I wonder if any of us met coincidentally or has all of this been planned from the start. Now, lets get some sleep. There will be lots to do tomorrow as it is going to be the big birthday for all of the permayoungs.”

Snuggled up with each other, and the permainfants, they soon went to sleep!


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Post #89



Display domes were being opened, in Sacred Subvault #1.1 to reveal warmachines once hidden by false holographic projections. Other mechanisms were, in some cases, real as in collectors automatons and automators of automations. Yet more opened, as facades, to expose inside suits of power armour, small battle vehicles, towable machines, larger type portable weapons and big spare parts. The cubecanisters opened to reveal military type equipment-supplies.

Then it was revealed, inside one of the fake machines, a cylinder shaped elevator shaft with an elevator chamber inside of it of the same, vertical, shape. Seekachampions went down first to find the real Sacred Sublevel #1.1 and the differences were obvious.

The great mechanisms of softly glittering humanoids lined the sublevel in three long rows and were either four armed, two legged ones or four armed, four legged, ones. With them were racks of very big weapons, tools and other devices for clearly the mechanisms were multipurpose in nature. There was exotitech type supertech there of alien influenced designs, some being more 'alien' than others. There were very big cubecanisters full of related equipment-supplies.

Sharry shook her head in wonder. “Shazgodfolk were preparing to wage a campaign of some kind. Was it to recover their power in Shazzantacca or did they have greater ambitions than that? The trouble is in discovering some kind of historical timeline to work out just when, in local history, were these vaults set up the way that they were.”

Then they saw the great emblem on one wall with its symbols and words in Panglish along with three other common languages of Doomsworld. They were both of a surprising nature for they were of a faction called the Gaiareclaimers of the Gaiaregainers Movement. Had the 'Shazgods' been all along been pretending to be such while having a secret agenda?

The Seekachampions caught flashes of long lost memories of a splintering of the Shazgods between factions. There were those who would serve Shazzasha, that was a very powerful, prime, avatar of Shadowadis. There were those who would depart hurriedly from there to gain safety from Shadowadis' influence. Then there were those who decided to fight including the secret Gaiagodfolk who the Seekars were strongly linked to somehow, but how?

STA3 explored, more thoroughly, that sublevel now named Subvault #1.1b just as the previously known version was now noted as being Subvault #1.1a for the sake of convenience; nobody wanted to renumber the whole of Sacred Vault #1.

Beyond that sublevel were more surprises to come, some even more so than that of Sublevel #1.1b.


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Post #90



The EverWanderer dropped and rolled forward even as a dog ceased to be one to become its true self as a shadowmimic. As cousins to shadowshifters, shadowmimics were far harder to detect in their deceptive form and were more powerful in other ways but were greatly outnumbered by the other. He rose into a crouch, using one of his oversized revolver like pistols to send the shadow entity back to its shadowy hell.

Genuine Shaztecs, and fewer Zhastecs, were mostly trying to escape while fewer were fighting against the creatures. Except that the shadowmimics were being activated, from outside of them, even amongst groups of resisters. There were screams of pain, shouts of anger, battle chants, gunfire and small blasts of explosions taking place.

Ever since the EverWanderer had entered the templecity, of Shazzantacca, he had deepsensed that there was a subtle wrongness about it, that it was somehow out of kilter in a way that it supposedly should not have been. When the EverFollower, in the Sacred Vaults, had sent a report to him it had included news of the transmultidimensional splintering of them. It had come to him, then, that the 'splintering' could well have encompassed more than those vaults. Then it had proven that Shazzantacca was inside that zone which begged the question of just what else was and what were other ramifications of that discovery.

Twice more he blasted away as two EverFollowers joined him to fire away with their own variations of mortal weapons in appearance. They wore hoodrobes with both being women as one fired off what looked to be a quadruple barrelled shotgun and the other a lever action carbine. Like his false revolver pistols they shot pulsebeams of energy being of different kinds and effects.

What had brought on the activation of the shadowmimics that must have been infiltrating the templecity for years and how had they managed to do so?

A trio of Shaztec warrior archers ran past with their composite shortbows and with them were two, big, battlehounds.

A rather garish statue, quite big, began to transform into a larger than standard shadowmimic. The EverWanderer unleashed firepower upon it, at once, and so did the two EverFollowers. It screamed out in malignant rage before being destroyed.

A greater statue, in the distance, began to distort.

The EverWanderer shook his head in wonder. “Just how much of this version, of Shazzantacca, is real?”

A shadowdragon flew overhead, not being a shadowmimic, and the question became only one of a few, related, ones.

It was time to find a way to rescue non malignant inhabitants of the templecity!


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