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Stardew Valley Alpha Test


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Good news for the residents of Pelican Town - We're excited to open up the latest build of the Nexus Mods App to the Stardew Valley community!

Before playing with the App, you need to know a few things. Please don't skip over this information as it may negatively impact your experience.

  • This is alpha software, meaning it is still very early in development and may have bugs or issues that could break your mod setup. We've done our best to patch up any major problems, but there will always be a few "gotchas" we haven't accounted for.
  • The app only works on Windows (10+) or Linux. MacOS support is coming later!
  • The current build only supports Stardew Valley on Steam or GOG.com - more games are planned to be added soon, so don't worry if you don't see your favourites yet!
  • Please only use the app on a clean installation of Stardew Valley. This means removing SMAPI and any mods you have installed before managing it with the app. This is important as the state of the game folder will be the state the app will roll back to when mods are removed.
  • As we release new versions you may be required to reset your loadout and start over. We'll do our best to avoid this though and it won't be a requirement in the final release!
  • The app will work on Steam Deck but the experience isn't optimised yet, let us know how you get on!


What can I do with the app?
The Nexus Mods App is available as an alpha pre-release on Windows or Linux and includes these features:

  • Install mods for Stardew Valley on Steam and GOG (Xbox Game Pass support is coming later).
  • Log in to your Nexus Mods account and download mods directly from the website.
  • Cleanly enable and disable mods in your loadout.
  • Easily roll your game to a non-modded state by un-managing the game or uninstalling the app.
  • Get diagnostic information about common issues in your load order, including:
  • Missing dependencies
  • SMAPI or game version issues
  • Potentially dangerous mod installed (XNB edits)
  • In-app editing of config files (e.g. config.json)


Planned Features
This version is a development snapshot and doesn't represent the final version so some common features will be missing but we already plan to add these in later. Some examples of these include:

  • Multiple loadouts (modlists) per game.
  • Updating mods.
  • Deleting downloaded mods from your Mod Library.
  • Support for the Xbox Game Pass (PC) version of Stardew Valley.
  • Sorting, searching and filtering the table views.
  • "Rewind" - a global undo feature that will allow you to walk back changes to your loadout one at a time or jump back to a specific point in time.
  • Collections support
  • More games!

Known Issues
There are a few quirks we're already aware of in this release build, we've already got plans to address them:

  • When uninstalling the app, the main UI will appear on the screen for a few seconds. You don't need to touch anything, this is just the app making sure it has undone all changes it made to your games. In future builds this will happen without the UI showing.
  • Table sort orders do not save. We'll be properly recording this preference in future.

Get the Nexus Mods App!
You can download the latest build from here: https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/NexusMods.App/releases


Feedback and Support
Your feedback is our compass, so please don't be shy in letting us know your thoughts.

There are several ways you can get in touch with us:

Join the App Discord - Create a thread on the forums - Raise an issue on GitHub

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