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Slower Movement in Interiors


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The default is caps on = walk and caps off = run. However, if you turn caps lock on (walk) and save your game, the next time you start the game and load up your save you'll be in walk mode regardless of whether the caps lock is on or off at that point.

You can also bring up your Pip-Boy and toggle caps lock on or off to flip the caps lock state without changing your run/walk state. It's a quick and easy way to flip it if you prefer caps lock on or off to correspond to a particular state.

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I know about manual walking, but it's too slow to be practical, especially for combat. I just want to be slightly slower indoors so it doesn't feel like I'm zooming through the halls (especially with stuff like Stewie's Tweaks and sprint mods) while still retaining the ability to do overworld travel at default speeds.

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The usual method to slow move in combat is to crouch, not to walk. For one thing, if you crouch and attack, even if you dont pay attention, there's a chance to stealth crit hit condition get applied and you can get it. But walking or running attack wont ever get stealth crit hit.

And the usual walk speeed is fine because it's been caliberated for other perks like light armor etc to affect speed. If raise walk speed too much, when those perk applied it could lead to Flash-like speed.

And finally, when I do the walking speed, I pay attention to MY courier, not other NPCs. In which case slow speed like that is fine, and fast speed is actually defeating the whole f*#@ing point~

Edited by laclongquan
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