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Orbit change

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How can I get SF to recognize an orbit change correctly?

For example, I fly from Mercury to Mars (no fast travel). When I have arrived in Mars orbit, SF still thinks I am in Mercury orbit. The marker is in the Mercury orbit, the map opens in the Mercury orbit and I also get the Mercury orbit via GetCurrentLocation().
Neither FastTravel() or .moveto, setposition to my current ship or Save/Reload work. I get the planets loaded in 3D, but no debris, asteroids or ship traffic.

In this context it would be interesting to know which vanilla scripts are called when I use the vanilla travel function. Everything is loaded correctly with this function.

Maybe someone can help me.

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Despite what some mods may claim, if there was no load screen you didn't change orbits.  Every planet has an associated orbit cell, and to change from the location SSol_PMercury_Orbit to to SSol_PMars_Orbit you have to change cells, which means a loading screen. 

Think of it in terms of bubbles.  Each planet is surrounded by a space bubble.  Mechanically there is nothing between these bubbles.  The space between them does not exist as far as the game is concerned, you have to teleport (load screen) from one bubble to the next.  Yes, this is stupid, the entire solar system should be one bubble so you can fly anywhere you want between planets, but that's not the way Bethesda built the game.  There is evidence in the game files, tons of planet data that is never used, that the "one system bubble" was considered, but instead they went with extra loading screens.

So it is baked into the game.  The only way you are going to see all the stuff around Mars is for the game to move you into the Mars orbit bubble, which means a load screen.  I'm not going to say that some clever modder might not figure a way around this, but it's very unlikely given the way Bethesda built the game.

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Hello, thanks for the answer. I have already found out why this does not work.

Here is the answer I already posted on my mod page (Impulse Drive) on Nexus:

~Why do no debris/asteroids/ship traffic appear when I manually approach a planet/moon?~

Example ship traffic:
There are arrival markers in the game, which are objects that, when activated, spawn ships. There is, for example, the MarsArrivalMarker. When this is activated, ships spawn, your ship is scanned for contraband, etc., and it is activated when the vanilla fast travel to Mars is activated. The marker is of course not activated if, for example, you warp into Mercury Orbit and then fly to Mars manually. This is why the ship traffic is not available. You can easily check this by opening the console and entering 'player.moveto 24e1d7'. Then you are immediately taken into Mars orbit and the ship traffic with all the associated features is available.  And that's what the vanilla fast travel does: Player.moveto marker.

Therefore it is not possible to create these special things like debris/asteroids/ship traffic by flying manually. These objects are only activated by fast travel and are not permanently present, such as the stations. Bethesda has not planned for you to fly manually from planet to planet.

~Why is my ship marker not being updated on the map?~

When you warp into the system and then manually fly into the orbit of a planet, the marker is updated, but as soon as you land on a planet/moon/station, take off again and fly to another planet manually, the marker is not updated and is stuck to the previous planet. SF does not recognize that you are in a different orbit. This seems to be a vanilla problem, shall we say a vanilla bug? Hmmm, Bethesda did not intend for the player to travel this way. So I'm not surprised that there are unwanted side effects.  I tried several things to update the marker (FastTravel(), Save/Reload,ReloadCell() etc.), nothing could make the SF engine update the marker.

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