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missing masters


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i auto-updated vortex today, to 1.12.0-beta.1, and now its showing a warning about missing masters.  Every mod in my load is missing masters starfield.esm and blueprintShips-starfield.esm.  i have not changed anything, it was in working order before the auto-update.   I can launch game via vortex sfse button (as i normally do), but no mods get loaded.  i feel like there's probably something obvious i'm just missing... is there something else i need to download/update or change to get this working again?  any help would be greatly appreciated..

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i understand that, i'm using the release version of the game.. was using the beta version of vortex.  i downgraded to stable version of vortex and it seems to have helped.  otherwise, i was just launching from sfse in game folder. 

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The problem is a Vortex issue - it should be noted that there are currently NO mod managers that provide official support for the game - those that are currently listed as being in BETA are purely experimental and are under development.  So, it is expected that there WILL be issues, and those issues need to be reported to the appropriate mod manager development team.  If one wishes to maximize the possibility of NOT having issues at this time, then one needs to use the in-game mod management system - it is really a poor substitute for a fully supported mod manager, but since there are none of those at this moment, it, at least, IS fully supported.

As for your issue, if you are adamant about using Vortex at this point in time, then it would seem you would need to roll back to the previous version, but remember, that too is not yet supported (nor are any other managers) so you really are on your own, and it would be likely that you will encounter issues

And yes, people do not like to hear that, but that is simply the way it is, and wishful thinking and wanting it to be otherwise cannot change it - only the release of a final fully supported mod manager can.

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4 hours ago, smr1957 said:

The problem is a Vortex issue - it should be noted that there are currently NO mod managers that provide official support for the game - those that are currently listed as being in BETA are purely experimental and are under development.  So, it is expected that there WILL be issues, and those issues need to be reported to the appropriate mod manager development team.  If one wishes to maximize the possibility of NOT having issues at this time, then one needs to use the in-game mod management system - it is really a poor substitute for a fully supported mod manager, but since there are none of those at this moment, it, at least, IS fully supported.

As for your issue, if you are adamant about using Vortex at this point in time, then it would seem you would need to roll back to the previous version, but remember, that too is not yet supported (nor are any other managers) so you really are on your own, and it would be likely that you will encounter issues

And yes, people do not like to hear that, but that is simply the way it is, and wishful thinking and wanting it to be otherwise cannot change it - only the release of a final fully supported mod manager can.

i appreciate the breakdown and the insights.  although, to be clear, i wasn't complaining... just looking to the community for a possible workaround and guidance. 

rolling back to vortex 1.11.7 seems to have worked for me.  hope that's somewhat helpful to any others with same issue. 

thanks everyone for taking the time to comment and help...i'm grateful for it all and it really does make a difference

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Glad that you got the issue resolved, phlehks!  I think people should also know, that even once mod managers and all tools are made to be completely compatible, modding the game (as it is with other games), will still be a pain in the butt at times!  That's just the nature of modding in general, the thing so many of us love - and hate - all at the same time!  (Just wait for when we all start creating the really large builds - think of all the fun then - LOL!)

Good luck and enjoy!

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I have the exact same issue, but I also discovered that it appears to just be a simple case of false reporting on Vortex's part. Mods still install and uninstall fine and the game boots up just fine with a normal mod order and without issues.

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On 7/19/2024 at 5:44 PM, burntwater said:

I have the exact same issue, but I also discovered that it appears to just be a simple case of false reporting on Vortex's part. Mods still install and uninstall fine and the game boots up just fine with a normal mod order and without issues.

interesting... when i tried to load a save, with the error, it showed a pop-up telling me this save relied on mods that were no longer available....which was every mod in my order.  luckily, reverting to older vortex seems to have fixed it.

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