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Why does nobody make house mods anymore ?

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There have been a small handful this last month, and a steady trickle every month before that for quite some time. They might not be as popular as they once were, but it's not like they've stopped completely.


Edited by sullyvanj93
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We’re still around, But Ive noted a majority of the ones in my circles have moved on to other avenues in nv modding just for…something different? A new challenging avenue to learn. armors & weapon conversions, texture importing, normal map fixes, making furniture from scratch just to see if they can, The works.

   House mods have a higher likelihood of being so labor intensive, and with extensive walkthrough resources for the semantics of the process being hard to find- I think that what little new blood the NV community might’ve got from the show may have been discouraged, and all the “Old Blood” still cycling around got bored. 
   And while, Yeah, It took me years of consistently f*#@ing around and finding out with the GECK, scraping through defunct forum threads, and looking pathetically at my more experienced friends who were far more familiar with certain intricacies to get the knowledge I have now.
  Even then, With all this experience.
When I preplanned a whole project for a reactive settlement for a player home, Quests, House upgrades, NPCS, It was supposed to be my love letter to the game and community. the dialogue tree crashes the GECK, I cant add new topics.
  Its been three whole years and none of my friends have an idea on how to solve it, Even asked the project lead for The Frontier. He had no idea either.
 My one lead was a bethesda .net forum for the exact issue but it got shut down and I wasnt able to see the thread.

All and all, It demotivated me to the point that I haven’t started any new housing projects.
Reduxes? Sure. I slapped together a lived in space in the Lucky 38 in under a week. I moved to slowly chipping on skyrim city reimagines to soothe the burn to my ego. 
long long winded post but this post has been floating around in my mind for the last few days after seeing it  

TLDR I guess;

Making houses could be more popular but with how old NV is now, How daunting the process is to get into for newer creators, Ontop of how little resources are easily accessible for compared to say, The skyrim CKs community. People aren’t really driven to make them. There’s a few sporadically here and there over a months time, I always enjoy looking at the new ones but it seems like there’s a feeling they dont really a…need to make them anymore? 

Most players just scrape for one that fits their aesthetics and needs and call it good. And the few consistent modders who focused on them previously, Have stepped to other avenues. 
God willing s2 of the show gets them inspired to do them, I need to see more people go as insane as I do over decorating areas. 

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From where I sit that's a classic case of Feature Creep if there's ever one.

When you do House mods why would you need dialog part anyway? Save that for quest mod, or companion mod.

There's only two things need in house mod: navmesh (which shouldnt be complex, considering the small cell, and possibly optional) and art style (to ensure the structures in the cell has a definite theme to it)

When your esp (or esm) has a dial, or qust sections, Feature Creep definitely is crawling on you.

Edited by laclongquan
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A house mod is one of the easiest things to create, building an interior cell is the first thing Bethesda's GECK tutorial covers, yeah things can get complicated if the author adds a quest to get it but then it becomes a quest mod with the house as a reward.

This took two of us a few weeks, if that. A lot of that time was taken up with retextures and lighting as it's an exterior so the weather had to be done along with the lights turning themselves on and off depending on time of day. If we'd have used existing assets and put it in an interior it would have taken a couple of days. There's nothing complicated here and everything other than the retexturing is covered by Bethesda's tutorials. 

House mods are a great way to learn modding, and the ease of creating them means people can have homes that are perfect for them if they're willing to make an effort.  


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  • 2 weeks later...

Currently making a house mod but I'm not sure if I will upload it, it's a ranch outside of the northern passage and very, very lore friendly with a lot of storage because I grew sick of house mods having 5 containers so I said screw that and got into modding to provide myself with a nice house

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iv got 4 House mods in tha WIP 2 TWW 2 NV.......don't know when ill release but not anytime soon ...i already have like 3 out already ........2 for TTW 1 for FNV

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I use anything from RemcoVerbeek. He released a home back in May. There's over a dozen since then. As for me, I'm actually looking to release something in the next couple weeks.

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On 8/7/2024 at 3:47 AM, StillSummit said:

Currently making a house mod but I'm not sure if I will upload it, it's a ranch outside of the northern passage and very, very lore friendly with a lot of storage because I grew sick of house mods having 5 containers so I said screw that and got into modding to provide myself with a nice house

That was a middle to late game position if it's ever one. if you want to release it, I suggest change its position to somewhere central of the map so it's fast to run from there to anywhere after a house rest.

Novac is certainly nice, but there's too many already. 188 Trading Post  has very nice mod affect it, like Adobe, or etc...

Between Sloan road to Hunter Farm, you might want placing there, though the nearby deathclaws is a big deterrent

Grub and Gulp has a nice static shack standing there and it's nicely overlooked most of the time.

The ruin right above Great Khan Armory is also a good one. I think only one mod affect it, the Adobe Red Rock Canyon, I think.

Sure, all three is like middle game position, but these days everyone seem to do stealthboy/Turbo and run the heck through north GS, or Sloan (risky AF, what with those deathclaws on the road), so it's not actually that middle game~

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