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F03 Geck - How do i make a script that uses onadd/addperk? please help.


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What i'm trying to do specifically, is make skill book equivalents for SPECIAL stats. So 7 books and each one correlates to a specific attribute depending on what type of book it is. I always thought the implant system was cool in new vegas so i wanted to make there be a way to get the attribute increases in f03 via expensive price. I know how to make the books themselves but i'm clueless as to the script that would either add a point into the attribute similar to how bobbleheads increase stats, or make a script that works similarly to a perk of intense training? I'm not entirely sure how to go about this, scripting is my weak spot when it comes to GECK.... I am a amateur modder, so i'm asking for help. Thanks in advance. 

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I haven't done much with equip scripts, but here's an idea.



  • Make them consumable chems
  • Attach an object script to each chem

For Strength:

Begin OnEquip player 
	player.modav Strength 1


I think these OnEquip scripts run once, if not, or to be sure:

short doOnce
Begin OnEquip player 
	if doOnce == 0
		player.modav Strength 1
		set doOnce to 1


I don't think there are any issues using modav in this way.

For reference:



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Thanks for the reply, unfortunately it isnt working. Probably something i'm missing on my end, or doing wrong. I attached pictures maybe you can see the issue? (i should clarify i tried both scrips singularly, and then both at once in the same script file basically in the order you put it/ also tried tweaking the script type - from object to effect, and no results. think i did all possible combinations.)



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Ok, I may have given bad advice. Never worked those types of scripts for this kind of purpose but it's something I need to learn for a mod I'm making. So 2 birds one stone kind of thing. I'll have a go in the geck later and take some screenshots of what works

Good idea. We don't get many good mods in fallout usually. I think people will like it. 

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It's all working here.

There's a config file and use of the ButcherPete's MessageExAlt. If you don't want BP as a requirement, you can replace that with your own message objects. But everyone should or eventually will have BP so no harm as a requirement.  Just so much easier or messages.

Command Extender is required for the config file. It's to allow users to use the books even at vanilla special max 10. I use mods that allow that and will want to use yours whenever it's out.  

You don't need to do anything with the above script at all except if you want to change the ini name.

For the book object, just copy what I did for all your books. The equip script will work for all books -- just change the scriptname, special stat, and message text per book.

The scripts are maybe overly commented because I don't know what you know about BP and CE. But they are fairly basic scripts.

Good luck with the rest of it. Looking forward to using it. Be cool if a few were scattered around the wasteland. 

If you have any other questions, go ahead.


You'll find detailed info for all functions at https://geckwiki.com


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For anyone that was looking for the answer. OnEquip won't work with ingestibles. 

The solution:

  • Create an object script
  • Write an equip block in the object script

In the script:

  • Get it to do what you want
  • Remove the item(If you want)

Then attach the script to your item.



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On 8/5/2024 at 6:53 AM, Drarack said:

Ok no problem, let me know if it works. 

I got the command extender and butcher pete mods in my data folder but I'm not entirely sure how to edit the script parameter for strength in the GECK when i open the script. i dont see the word anywhere in the script so i dont know what to do, or how i would configure it for other stats. I apologize if this is frustrating to answer i can't stress how new i am to this, i have been teaching myself to do all this stuff just from youtube videos and the bethsoft geck site, and even those are very hard to follow.  I have no background in modding or coding. 

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