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Any mod recommendations for a new user?


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42 minutes ago, AaronOfMpls said:

As for where exactly it will be...  MO2 puts it in your Overwrite folder when you first save the preset.  You can then move it to a mod folder from there.

Myself, I have a RaceMenu presets folder in my MO2 mods, loaded right after RaceMenu itself in MO's left pane.

Yep, I admit I have it cluttering my overwrite. Its considered bad practise, but I am too lazy to be bothered. Same with some bodyslides (only the ones I will never publish).

Do not follow my example and keep your overwrite tidy 😄 !

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16 minutes ago, drsemmel said:

Do not follow my example and keep your overwrite tidy 😄 !

Yup, I keep mine empty.  I move mod settings files to their own mod folders next to their parent mod, RaceMenu presets to RaceMenu presets (next to RaceMenu), etc.





And I have a lot of RaceMenu presets ... most of which I copied over from LE, since they're completely compatible as long as they don't use any parts or sliders that aren't in my game.  (The .slot ones are my oldest, saved about 10 years ago with a very early version of RaceMenu, from before they changed the extension to .jslot.)



(The file path and the file manager program might look a little odd, since I'm on Linux.)

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@AaronOfMpls So many presets - I have just a handful (but some evolved over time ^^)

You don´t wanna know, how cluttered my overwrite is (and I´d be embarassed to show it lol). But its mainly conversions and chargen stuff.
The other day, I finally moved my nemesis output out of there 😄


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I recently completed adding ENB and other mods to change the lighting and textures in my game. Skyrim looks way better now. Also, I'm cruising with adding mods to my game! I'm still being cautious with it, though. I haven't run into any issues yet, so that's good. I'll make my presets into mods once I get some good screenshots made. I already have the folders set up, so I should get the preset mods published by either today or tomorrow.

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16 minutes ago, RedHeadAngel said:

I posted the mods if anyone wants to check them out. I think they came out very well.

It looks like Nexus Mods is still processing your files, but I'll come back later and check them out. Thanks  for sharing them 🙂

(I'm doing some Red Dead Online at the moment anyway.)

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I'd suggest the age-old Immersive Armors Mod(https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3479). 


Also Nether's Follower Framework(https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/55653).

This one's dope because it works with Guild Starter(https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/99857). You can have multiple followers and start your own guild this way. 


I'd also like you to check out PROTEUS. Take a gander. I'm sure you'll find some use out of it. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/62934


- 0verboss

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8 hours ago, RedHeadAngel said:

I posted the mods if anyone wants to check them out. I think they came out very well.

Wow, that was fast 🙂  Downloaded your RM preset - looks really nice!  What ENB did you end up using?

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7 hours ago, drsemmel said:

Wow, that was fast 🙂  Downloaded your RM preset - looks really nice!  What ENB did you end up using?

Thanks! I used NAT.ENB III - Natural and Atmospheric Tamriel ENB 3.1.1C. It really makes the environment in the game pop! 

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10 minutes ago, RedHeadAngel said:

Thanks! I used NAT.ENB III - Natural and Atmospheric Tamriel ENB 3.1.1C. It really makes the environment in the game pop! 

Nat3 is a good choice! I use Rudy ENB for NAT 3 with Enhanced Volumetric Lighting and Shadows (EVLaS).
Yes, ENB is such a drastic change from vanilla imho - I´d be never able to go back again.

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