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Game freezes terminally


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hi y'all

sorry to bother you with this, but I am at my wits end. My game on a character is at a point where it freezes terminally. Sounds are still playing, but nothing moves anymore. Interestingly, if I load an earlier save, tha game will be playable for some time, but it will freeze after a seemingly defined amount of time. So it appears that the game cannot go beyond this certain point of time, when it just decides to stop working.

So, recent save: approx. 20 seconds until freeze

Older save (10min earlier than recent save): 10min 20sec until freeze


I tried removing some mods, tinkering with SSE Enginge Fixes, cleaning the save etc. to no avail.



Did anyone ever experience this behaviour? Does anyone have an idea how I could information on why it freezes?



just in case I'll post my modlist here, too


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24 minutes ago, 7531Leonidas said:

There are two, one for SE.

There's actually one Skyrim community there, but with LE, SE, and VR-and-consoles subforums inside it.  Not surprisingly, most threads there involve SE these days.

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