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What is punk?


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I've seen Good Charlotte at Leeds Festival - they are most definitely not punk, whatever their 14-year-old fans may claim (one suspects that they've never heard real punk), or whatever label the music industry wants to slap on them to sell their records to would-be rebels.


And it's 'woman', not 'man' :P

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Bad Charlotte / Crap 182 / and the rest of them are most definately not punk. They should not even be in the same sentence honestly. These bands are actually a mix between alternative rock and emo. You can bet if something is popular it most definately is not punk. Punk is more of an attitude which then is pumped into the music. It's striving to be different than, and absolutely not associated with the rest of mainstream society droning with their fashion and popularity and the latest teen magazine which rules their current trend. Those that are punk do not follow trends. Heres a few examples of bands that are considered true punk.


Agent Orange

Black Flag

No Identity

Rise Against (recent band last few years)

Strike Anywhere (recent band last few years)

The Exploited


Tiger Army (more along the lines of psycho billy)

The F**K Ups



strung out


Operation Ivy

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Ok, since we'd already started discussing punk in another thread, I've moved the posts from the thread in the Newbie forum into this one.



My favourite punk band are probably the Dead Kennedys, depending on whether you consider the Stranglers to be punk or not. Some people might say the Stranglers are too melodic to be 'punk'....

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