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Getting NPCs to start conversations when standing above you


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I've just discovered an issue where NPCs won't trigger conversations with you unless you're on the same "plane" or level as them - it doesn't matter how far you set the trigger distance in the ai package.

I'm trying to get an NPC to talk down to you from the top of a cliff but it simply won't work no matter what I do. Anyone know a way to get this to work?

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Not a great place for getting answers btw. There might be a discord that might be more useful.

I just read your other question on the ede perk, and I think you might be able to do it with a script. Basically use some condition like if ede is currently the player's companion, removeperk. if not, addperk 


With this question, if there is some distance issue going on, you might have to use a script because the geck is limited.

I never had this issue but I could try point you in the right direction from functions I've encountered.

One idea is to have a custom trigger point at the bottom of the mountain. Here's some relevant functions to search in the geckwiki.




Check out their related functions which will be a the bottom of the page.

There may be other relevant events too.


Just another idea:

Could you add a script to the npc that could make it talk to the player under this distance condition:

The players xy position being at a specific distance to the npc xy position ignoring the z height position. Which you can get with Pythagoras theorum. 

The functions for that



distance = (npcx - pcx)*(npcx - pcx) + (npcy - pcy)*(npcy - pcy)

distance = fSQRT distance

Edited by Drarack
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