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Any mods yet to avoid main questline or address its replayability?


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Are there any mods yet for Cyberpunk 2077 that works around the main questline, like Skyrim's Skyrim Unbound or FO4's Start Me Up mods?

I liked my first playthrough of Cyberpunk, but the main quest has a really strong narrative focus that (if you play immersively) encourages you to get to the ending of the game ASAP since your character is supposedly dying and running out of time (or at least that's the premise of the story).

For me, this also makes the game not very replayable (sure, there are different endings but they all basically end the same way). Are there any mods yet that help with this? I found the above linked Skyrim and FO4 mods helped a lot to give more narrative freedom, and when combined with other mods (specifically on the Skyrim side) could create a more open-ended sandbox playthrough where you created your own story and goals.


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