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Unrestricting custom worldspace for outpost builder


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The likely reason for the restriction is that POIs are temporary RESETTING cells. 

Unless you can find a way to force POI cells to not reset without trashing a game, building in them would be rather foolish:


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It depends if your POI is placed in a fixed location or dynamically generated by the PCM.

If its a fixed location check it for keywords LocTypeSettlement and OutpostPreventPlacement.

If its a non persistent location generated by PCM then your SOL as everytihng is likley to reset when it unloads.

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As far as im aware its a fixed location. Dont know how to make a location any other way currently. 
Did create a location, linking it to the cells and added keywords Loctypeoutpost and LocTypesettlement. Should i not use the settlement one? (Saw it in another mod who had managed to make an exterior workshop for their player home. Though even though i tried to match settings up it wasn't working for me) 

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