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Water Current Cube/Sphere still has current in game after being deleted, causing random teleports and ctds when swimming

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Hi, I’m looking for help with a current marker that still creates current ingame but does not appear on the creation kit. This current affects the player when swimming and teleports him to god knows where and even CTD sometimes.
Here’s a video of it ingame:
To give a context:
I'm currently finishing a custom worldspace that has an underwater environment in it. It has a large depth and I tried to add a water current to the worldspace cell to “gently” push the player to the bottom (using the Z with a negative value). I used the Water Current Primitive on the main toolbar and created a sphere with water current. I made a small sphere and despite the problem that the current WILL still keep pushing the player down even outside the sphere,it pushed the player to the bottom as intended. I guess it was ok. So I decided to make a larger one, with a higher current to really push the player to the bottom, where he would need to find another escape route. This one was not good so I deleted it. I then made a larger one to cover all the underwater environment (something about 3 or 4 cells of the worldspace) . This one also worked well but messed up entirely exactly on the spot of the deleted water current sphere, on that spot after the player touches what was the deleted water current sphere it will move him to a random place, teleporting him across the map. I removed all of the other water current objects and cleanse the plugin on ssedit, they still affect the game, the usage count of the watercurrenzonemarker static object is 0, so on creation kit this water current object seems to not exist.
But ingame the water current exists and affects the player, when swimming next to where it was the player is teleported randomly on the near map, sometimes getting stuck on static objects, sometimes it ctds and other spots with deleted water current objects still push the player downwards, even after deletion.

Here’s a list of things that already tried:
Clean the mod on ssedit
Search through ssedit on each cell to find if the watercurrent object is still there
Delete all current water markers
Change each cells settings of water currents 
Remade the navmesh
Removed the “marker” option of the static object watercurrentzonemarker and added a nif to it,  to see if it would render somewhere (i also tried to deleted it entirely but its a default object so i can’t)
Changed the water type of the worldspace
Changed the water type of each cell
Removed the water from the worldspace and added back
Lowered the sea levels, saved and the water current is gone, so is the water…but ok, i then add the sea levels back, the problem remains
Remade the LOD (????? idk i’m kind out of options here)
I’m now thinking that maybe some deleted objects will have settings that persist on the mod file even after deletion, in this case, the water current settings seems to be permanently affected by the sphere object, even after deletion. 
I saw a post on another forum of a similar error,titled “Player teleports randomly when entering water in the cell”.  but it had no solution, i guess the author, like me, ended up using a backup. Has anyone encountered a similar issue and solved it? Any advice would be appreciated. 

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I made another custom worldspace, everything underwater. I added the Water Current Sphere    and set its current to -1, ingame it works exactly as supposed to, the player slowly sinks to the bottom. Then i deleted the current sphere and saved, the current persists and the player still sinks even with the current marker deleted. Cleaning the plugin on ssedit didn’t change it.  
This is more of a warning than an ask for help now, if you plan to use the water current objects of the main tool bar: https://ck.uesp.net/wiki/Main_Toolbar_Cheat_Sheet beware, they will affect the water even after deletion.

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