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Keep Getting told "Nah, I don't think so." from various quest giving NPCs like Whiterun Steward and DB questline


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Sorry, but the manner in which the question is posed is not helpful.  A very vague one-line description and a plugin dump.  Give more detail.   At what stage of game are you at, have you completed any quests in the areaa, are you using an alternate start mod?  (Nobody is going to go looking through your 300+ dump).  If so, which, and how did you start this game? Also, to which dialogue lines are you getting that response?   Give exact examples.  

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Alternate Start LAL and MMX LAL.   

Not getting the response to dialogue lines.  That line is instant.

I noticed Nazir also says it in Text but not in voice as his Voice Actor doesn't have a "nah i don't think so" voice line.  But the text still displays.

HOpe this helps and sorry for placing this in the wrong spot.  Literallly first time poster

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Using RDO i can confirm that those who would not speak to me will if I set them to Ally now.

Default they were all at 0=Acquaintance 

And ofc just saw im missing RDO and USSEP patch.  Surprised LOOT didn't yell at me for that.

Installing that to see if everything works as normal but worstcase i can change NPCs dispo to me and they talk to me now !


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