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Archive Invalidation not Working


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I'm running the Steam version of the game. I have the next gen update, so game version 1.10.984.0.1. I'm using F4SE and it's working fine. I am NOT using MO2. I have a shortcut to the F4se loader and it launches the game with no issues... except, no matter what I do, I can't get archive invalidation working!

 My Fallout4Custom.ini:


Any help much appreciated.

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I can load mods just fine - it's just the archive invalidation that's not working, so mods with loose files don't work. I was going to check out FallUI, but that's loose files.

I even did my own little mod. I edited the main menu music file to make it quieter and my new version isn't being picked up. I created an archive, but I don't think the game loaded it. I have to do a bit more testing in that regard.

I'm an unusual case: I just discovered that I owned FO4 a few days ago when I was cleaning up my Steam library. It appears I got it as a gift several years ago and never played it. I've been busy modding Oblivion. So I'm brand new on the latest version and a brand new install.

I'm mainly using the unofficial patch, but since this is my first play-through, I also grabbed a F4se mod to enable achievements. Both of those are working fine.

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That's odd, but there are still some things you might try. First to check whether the ini-entries are still there. If so, you can try to delete the 3 ini-files. FO4 creates new ones when started. Add the entries again and see what happens. You can check the file integrity through Steam. If nothing helps there is still the option of a clean new install. That means after uninstalling the game to delete the entire game folder, the Fallout 4 folder under ....\Documents\ My Games (you might make a copy of your savegames before, but if you go this way I would suggest to start a new playthrough) and the Fallout folder under C:\Users\*your username*\AppData\Local. Then reinstall and a first start. Afterwards you could try to change the inis again and load a F4SE-independent mod with loose files (at best with textures that are easily noticed in game). Start your game and see what happens. No F4SE and no unofficial patches at this time.

Edited by subaverage
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I'll try deleting the ini files to get the game to regenerate them - good idea, thanks.

I've been thinking of doing a clean install as well. The game did work as intended originally. I remember because I got annoyed with the tutorial videos pretty quickly. LOL It wasn't long before I ran into really really long load times, so I installed a mod to fix those. That might be what's causing my problems. I tried removing it, but that didn't help.

Seriously, the load times are horrendous. I thought the game had hung a couple of times.

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Got it sorted by renaming the various game folders and having Steam validate the files, which installed a fresh copy of the game. When it was done, my ini files were the same, so I don't know why it didn't work when I regenerated them. I was even able to copy my last saved game back into the new instance and continue playing. I really didn't want to restart.

Also discovered that


controls the likelihood that the SPECIAL intro videos will play. If you set it to 1, they will play every time you load the game. Setting that to 0 will shut them off. I didn't add sIntroSequence to my custom ini because having the Bethesda logo pop up makes sure archive invalidation works and my quieter main menu music plays.

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