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How to make a "lure" Grenade?


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So I'd like to make a creature lure Grenade that causes certain typed (animals  insects, maybe humanoids or certain abominations) to group up on it, also lowering their hostility radius/perception towards the player so they'll largely ignore you.  Think the bile bombs from left for dead.


Thinking it'd be an inactivate script targeting a formlist a la the paladin toaster/pulse Grenade effect.  But I'm not sure how stuff like aggro radius works or interfaces with scripts- maybe have an invisible target for them to hit for a few seconds or something?

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i mean it sounds like maybe you'll have to adjust the packages for the NPCs also if there are any if you plan to do this to NPCs animals, etc etc. or add a package in order to tell the NPC to go over there by the "lure grenade"


when you say lure do you mean like a rock to lure a target over that direction?

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My first thought was also AI packages, but packages apply to a base object, and any individual actor might be one of a dozen instances of that base object.

You mentioned Bile Bombs, which might actually be the perfect idea- perhaps the grenade can spawn a non-moving Invisible Actor that forces nearby hostiles to go after it. You could check for factions or creature type to limit the targets affected by the "taunt" from the invisible actor.

How you could get a taunt is a whole other problem. The Startcombat has to target a specific ref and most actors dont have specific reference ids.

My most hare-brained idea is to have the invisible actor be a stationary turret that shoots at targets with an invisible projectile that makes no sound and does no damage, using factions to specify who they're hostile to, and consequently lure.

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My thought is that the lure operates like a Grenade, and/or placed explosive.  Affected creatures within a given radius are lured in and forced to ignore stuff further away (possibly also frenzied?) for a short duration after detonation.


The invisible turret idea sounds interesting, and a good way to get around the lack of refs.  That was sort of the big issue since I want it to be dynamic.  No mesh, no collision, hostile to certain creature factions- and given constant attacks, even if they do zero damage, would probably trigger hostile behavior.

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First, I think this idea is bad, as in it could fack up normal operation of AI packages. What happen if this process, this lure grenade affect creatures with specific, storyquest, routines. Say, near Sloan, you throw this grenade and all the Deathclaws in Sloan running out toward it, killing all the NPCs on the way. Or Nipton, you do it and the Legions dog that in the group of Vulpes suddenly run out toward you. Or Black Mountain, where all the actives are creatures type, not NPC, wont it affect Tabitha? Same deal with Jacobstown and Marcus standing out in the wild open.

Second, if your mod require this whole lure grenade thing to work, then expect a litany of bug reports in your comment section after release

Finally, just to be constructive. You could take reference from the Flare gun and its effect to drive away abomination in Lonesome Road. Your invisible turret thing could just shoot bullets with effect opposite of Flare gun, like making it super aggressive or something.

Or make something like a mine, with super wide radius but minimum damage. Once it's boom, all creatures in range get 1dmg and therefore change to aggressive and run to where it explode. This is like AoE effect, no exclude sheesh~ Simple, but doable.

Edited by laclongquan
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