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The War for Freedom


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Post #11



RISENGODKIND of Risengodzi

Risengoddesses [one per Risenfaction]

Risenprimegods, Risengods as living gods directly serving any Risengoddess


Risenhigods, Risenmidgods, Risenlogods

Risensemigods, Risendemigods, Risensubgods




Seekagodzi including the Seekagoddessgods (see above for how the Seekagodzi are organised with the term 'Seeka' replacing that of 'Risen').


---Seekaservers of the Seekaservice

---Seekaservitors, Seekaworkers

---Seekapolice Seekapolicers


---Seekaforcers of the Seekaforce

------Seekaguardia Seekaguards

------Seekascouts, Seekarangers

------Seekatroopers, Seekagrenadiers, Seekatankers, Seekafliers


Seekarobots, Seekadroids



Wildlife of Flora, Fauna and Fungi.



-Hybridnoids such as tigerchimps


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Post #12



Sanaba squatted behind a boulder with a set of scan-binoculars aimed at the Shadoismist spurting upwards from part melted, part craggy, rocky ground. Shadz was there as an eccentric offshoot of the Shadoista and was very nervous, as heitshe often was; this was understandable as the Shadoistalords wanted Shadz caught and brought to them for questioning.

They were in a great lumnicavern, being a lumnisupercavern, being quite dimly lit by sunshine channeled through that opticcrystal from the source of that light. It said much that what ever was inside the Shadoismist, a kind of shadowmist, seemed to need to be protected even that weak sunlight; or was that its real purpose in being there?

He wore a dark, dull green, hoodrobe that was a very smart type tunic to use across Hopenorth because of a range of obstacles, challenges and even threats. Concealment of one's status, level of wealth, factional membership and more was a good step towards survival; on top of that were dangerous lifeforms from tiny ones right up to monstrously big ones plus, of course, human ones. The hoodrobes were more than they seemed to be on the surface.

Sanaba spoke quietly, in the common language of Panlingo. “Do you think that Shadoista are trying to invade the Stanecape surface?”

Shadz tried to straighten out hisitsher lumpy humanoid shape, beneath a stretchable type hoodrobe, but only with limited success. “Doesn't quite feel right as an idea. Shadoista should, by my knowledge, be safe-secure, in their own deep underground homelands. Ever since they ceased to worship Shadowadis, they have kept away from even the subsurface levels let along the surface ones.”

An EverCarer, being the protector supporter of Shadz, also crouched next to himither; it seemed quite fitting that she wore a hoodrobe of darkest brown colouration.

They caught a glimpse of a greyscale globe being covered with moving grey patterns of different shades of the colour. Somehow all quickly knew it was Faynbari it was of a Faynbasphere said to be the antithesis of the Raynbari whose origin, like so much else in the Multiverse, was a mystery to the vast majority capable of considering such matters.

Sanaba sighed, just a little. “Where there is Raynbari there is often to be found Faynbari and visa-versa.”

As Raynbari often showed up as Rainbowspheres, Faynbari did so with Greybowspheres. Not all Rainbowspheres were of Raynbari but all true ones had links to the Raynbari; the same was true with Greybowspheres and the Faynbari.

A Rainbowsphere popped out of mid air, with a soft shimmering, and spoke softly though still in a twangy fashion. “Is a Faynbari as a Greybowsphere as I sent to you information, warnings, of.”

The EverCarer spoke quietly and yet her voice carried very well. “You are very helpful and EverMentality agrees with you, rainbow sweetie.”

Shadz nodded over eagerly so that the EverCarer reached out to helpfully steady hisitsher head. “Rainbows are lovely and wonderful. I pick up impression that Faynbari made friends, sort of, with Shadoista and other shadowfolk that serve them but do not worship them. They escaped from far deeper places where Shadowadis is fighting Malignadis in the most terrible fashion of Anticelestials battling each other. Yet there are others, down deep there, who may have tricked Shadowadis, and Malignadis, into fighting each other. A twisted alliance of fallen entities who became trapped, long ago, down there thanks to the Damnation War. Those are more impressions I gain through the Shadoista.”


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Post #13


TWFF[One][4.2][11][11] Follows directly on from previous post.

Shadowfolk, of common kind, came out into the open only to behave as many non shadowfolk did. There were many shadownoids, of squat humanoids, of dull black colouration. Soon they were building shelters, starting the cultivation of fungi, tending to odd shadowbeasts of livestock and stacking up odd, offwhite, containers of resources. Walls were soon rising around the settlement.

There were fewer shadowmans, of more human types than were the Shadowlords, being taller than the shadownoids and more intelligent. Shadownoid artisans were busy but so were shadowman artificers who would create more sophisticated devices with the assistance of special trained shadownoids.

Despite the surface structures, much activity would be carried out below ground for, like icebergs, they would be mostly beneath the surface. Shadowdiggers were soon hurling hard earth up from below to form mounds of it that was soon being used as a resource.

A Faynbasphere was suddenly floating, with them, in the air. Clearly having been found out they made their way to the new, emerging, settlement. Once there, inside the now half built ringwall,

Shadz slept, all curled up against the EverCarer who sat cross legged while she meditated. The others went to the assistance of the locals. Sanaba was joined by Sanace and then by Sanadi. Those three aspects, of Sana13, used their psychic based psychonic powers to shift big, heavy, items and to reshape certain basic materials, transforming them into useful objects.

The Raynbasphere, and Faynbasphere, worked together to create very dull rainbow patterned structures, filling some with resources as provided by the Raynbari and Faynbari though very far away from there. Celestial Mandate-Protocols limited just how much, of what, could be done for the local mortals. That was directly but other kinds of assistance could be called for from such as Noncelestial sources. The EverFolk were guided by the same mandate-protocols but in a rather unique fashion in Celestial terms.

A very large, 7x7x7 cubic metre, teleportcube materialised and then dematerialised to leave behind itself a 6.5x6.5x6.5 cubic metre cubecanister full of resources. The shadowfolk were at home with using the same kind of items that wildfolk utilised easily and so it was that they gained blankets, hand-axes, coils of rope, rolls of healing bandage, work knives of different lengths and more of the same.

Dometents were very useful as were timber axes, pickaxes and a slowly-steadily expanding range of available tools gained through ancient, surviving, mechanisms of the Risengodzi.

Various types of body armouring were for humanoids but could also be fitted to be used by other shapes of lifeforms. There were melee weapons such as maces, flails, lances, spears and battleaxes but also shortbows plus arrows. Like the armour, the weapons had some exotic features about them but so did other goods.

There were also Seekafolk artisan made goods such as springdartguns, springdarts, small power wind-cylinder set-ups, pale electric lamps, cool-bright burning candles, two wheeled handcarts and a short range of toolkits.

The three Sana13 aspects began to teach new skills to shadowfolk artisans to add to their already fine assortment of them.

They began to pick up useful information about why the shadowfolk had come up from deeper underground. The truth was that they had been pushed before others who in turn were being pressured by yet others to move. There were was not only displacements, of populations, upwards but more directly to the south while staying underground.


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Post #14


TWFF[One][4.3][12][12] Follows directly on from previous post.

There came further reports on both Shadowadis and Malignadis but it seemed that they were no longer fighting each other. Instead they were both waging war against a much bigger third party.

Armies of shadowfolk, and malignafolk, struggled to defend truly ancient fortifications built by demigodzi of the Artigodzi of the Zigodzi of the Risengodzi. The self repairing fortifications were holding up strong against the brutal offensive by? Then came seemingly contradictory reports indicating that the defenders, along with allied entities, were fighting others of their own kind.

Other refugees arrived, from below, along with Faynbaspheres as it became clearer that as shadowfolk, and malignafolk, along with others that they had begun to change due to Faynbari influence. They focused their service, to the Faynbari, through what was known as the Faynbadis, doing so because it was familiar to them to do so.

As the settlement grew in size, it became both more elaborate and fortified including downward facing, underground, ones such as thick barrier flooring. Medical facilities expanded as did industrial, storage, accommodation and other types.

Shadowfolk, and malignafolk, were becoming faynbafolk even as they became boosted mindwise as in increased intelligence levels and in a growing sense of self confidence.

More Seekars arrive in a timespaceporter type transport that also brought resources for them to use as specialists and generalists with secondary specialisations. Seekaguards, Seekaworkers, Seekaservers, Seekaspecialists came along with Seekadroid androids and Seekarobot robots. The timespaceporter vanished away with some interesting passengers aboard including one Faynbasphere and some faynbafolk.

Sana13 was not picking up any great sense of threat from those they met and yet they could not shake the sense that matters were going to get far worse. So they were not at all surprised when more EverFolk appeared in an EverTransserver outwardly shaped like a large dometent even as it materialised.

There were single aspects of the EverDefender and the EverEnforcer along EverFollowers, EverServers, EverWorkers, EverGuards, EverSpecialists and EverMinions. Such as the EverDefender, and EverEnforcer, were EverPrimes as was the EverWanderer but the status of the former varied, in some ways, from that of the latter.

All EverFolk, as Celestials, were quite powerful even when it came to the minions but were rarely found in large numbers in any of the mortal realms; that was due to the Celestial Mandate-Protocols.

For the moment the situation remained both peaceful and safe in that place!


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Post #15



Bullets shot through the air from gungum cartridges using guns, gungum being detonated by special means of sparkcrystals; it was both waterproof and fireproof. That meant he was dealing with elite killers as he noted their autocarbines of automatic carbines. They came at him in head to toe armabodysuits baring what was most likely a working facade symbol that their faction sometimes used as mercenaries.

They were truly malignant with cold, hard, eyes.

The damphir had once been a human but that was centuries ago. Yet he was not malignant as the humans were that were generally known as malignamans. He raised his large revolver pistol and unleashed a single, large, bullet. Despite his armour, an enemy was killed with a great hole being ripped through his chest.

The Hardstrike Mercenaries is what they called themselves being of the Hardstrike Mercenary Corporation.

Cardicrant had been testing stolen serums on poor rogue animanoids after giving them antidotes in the form of foodbits. The antidotes had not worked out as he hoped they would though one had weakened the malignancy of the victims.

Clearly somebody did not like what he was up to!

Crouching behind a large rock, he went to reload but to his consternation he had only three standard cartridges left. He was reluctant to use his more exotic types as they were meant for dealing with more dangerous threats than even those mercs were. So he put away the half reloaded revopistol into its holster and drew out a springdartpistol preloadedd with 100 springdarts in a spring-box magazine.

The damphir shot up into a treetop with such speed it was not even a blur of motion. Then he was waiting for more mercs to come after him.

Instead there came to him the sounds of automatic guns shooting, small explosions and even the odd humming of energy guns. There was also the battle cries of animanoids who no doubt would be using such as bows, spears, slings and even rocks.

The Hardstrike Mercenaries retreated in an orderly, highly disciplined, manner of the iceminded malignant. They took their dead, and wounded, with them along with all of their refined, expensive, gear.

Cardicrant reached ground level only to find himself surrounded by wildfolk warriors pointing all sorts of weapons at him. He slipped his springdartpistol away, surrendering though he could have fought; the damphir did not wish to hurt any of the wildfolk.

Seekarangers emerged from the forest with gear much like that of the mercenaries had but it was more sophisticated looking. They also bore elaborate triplecarbines of different combinations of devices of which not all were weapons.

A woman stepped forward and spoke in a stern voice. “If Sharry had not spoken for you we would be inclined to shoot you dead here and now for your hurting of wildfolk. We are Seekasubgods, living subgods, and we know quite well how to take down a damphir; if we had killed you, you would not have been the first to die at our hands.”

Cardicrant knew that the officer, he sensed she was such though she carried no rank symbols, was not threatening but simply stating the truth. “Sharry13, who is this one.”

The woman spoke again. “I am Lieutenant Sharrisia, one of her great granddaughters, and she is a Seekasemigod as linked directly to the Seekagoddess of the Seekagoddessgods. She is 13 that are one that is almost one. We have a teleportcraft close by and will soon have you before one of the Sharry aspects."


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Post #16


TWFF[One][5.2][14][14] Follows directly on from previous post.

The damphir knew that variations, of vampiric kind, had often interacted with the Risengodzi, of the living gods, and then had come odd developments from that process. The Damphgodzi had been one result; were any of them still surviving?

The teleportcraft was a medium sized teleportboat though still quite large. There were more Seekarangers, there, along with Seekaguards, the Seekacrew and some few other Seekars; this included special androids and robots.

There was such a factor as 'teleportation geography' or teleportgraphy; some coordinates were easier to teleport to, and from, than were others; teleportgraphy was also linked to energy cost and savings.

So a group of Seekars set out to go to the new Seekaoutpost in compact vehicles robocarts that could be used as vehicles or remoterobots, dumb robots needing guidance. In a few robocarts, being guided as remoterobots, were extra resources.

Using solar power paneling melded into the upper hull, of the curious shaped craft of a gracefully ugly oblong, had helped it charge electricity for its teleportation to come; the emergency energy reserves had not been touched.

The machine dematerialised and, but 120 seconds later, rematerialised in a large teleport reception chamber. From there it used its hovershift ability to move out of there and into a far bigger hanger, garage-workshop type chamber. There were many vehicles there but most were ground, hover, flyer or other kinds of less advanced machines.

Seekaspecialists, of techies and mechies, were tending to some of the vehicles including robocarts and other robovehicles. The majority of vehicles were general purpose with modularble and augmentable.

Seekaguards escorted him to a particular transvator under heavy security. He himself was accompanied by guards wearing armapowersuits. These were far more resources expensive, and dangerous, than were armabodysuits. Clearly he was seen as a potential threat by at least some of the Seekars.

The large transvator chamber went upwards, elevator fashion, and then moved horizontally. It stopped twice for security scan sensor sessions but then halted a third time to a long, wide, hallway. Past more armapowersuited guards they went but these were black clad Seekasecuritors. The Seekaguards stopped, turned and went back to where they had come from.

Sharry13of13 floated in a globular device that had the upper half as a transparent dome showing her from the waist upwards.

She spoke. “So you are one Cardicrant being a damphir of at least a thousand standard years old.”

Cardicrant bowed briefly from his waist up. “As you are an aspect of Sharry13 who is a Seekasemigod directly linked to the Seekagoddess of the Seekagoddessgods. Would that not make you a Seekasemigoddess?”

Sharry13o13 snorted softly. “Typical damphir attitude of sticking to proper status titles.”

Cardicrant sighed. “A left over from the Damphgodzi, curse them for their brutal indulgences except for a minority. I did not put all those crude traps into place that effected far too many animanoid, and hybridnoid, adult males gone rogue.”

He slowly, carefully, pulled out from his hoodrobe a long, silvery metallic, rod. “I used this after leaving drugged foodbits out for three, small, groups of rogue adult males. That was after I took blood, tissue and other type samples from them. The serum filled needledarts caused them no harm. As it is I used diluted serums on them.”


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Post #17


TWFF[One][5.3][15][15] Follows directly on from previous post.

The damphir was starting to realise that he was feeling somehow 'odd' as in not as he was used to feeling. He shook his head as if to clear his mind but then realised that his mind was 'clearer' than it had been for a very long time.

Sharry13o13 spoke with an odd tone to her voice. “A Damphgodzi individual, of some tier higher than yours, has been manipulating your mind or at least has been trying to do so with mixed results. You are a Damphdemigod!”

Cardicrant shrugged. “It is not a fact that I would deny but neither is it one that I would brag about. When the majority of damphirs, and others with them, rose against the Damphgodzi, except for a minority who joined the rebellion, I became a rebel. Then I killed a Damphdemigod who was an enemy infiltrator making his way into the rebel ranks. He was my brother and we were once very close but then we changed in very different ways as he fell to the darkside and I stumbled to the lightside. That killing changed my path yet again as I departed from my home realm.”

It came to him that the story he was relating was, perhaps, not the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Upon noticing the odd shaped bed, now placed close to him, Cardicrant decided that he was both tired and in need of at least a nap. So he lay down on the advanced medibed, a highly sophisticated medical bed, and was soon asleep.

Sharry13o13 spoke. “Now to find out just who, what, we have before us. The real Cardicrant vanished during an investigative hunt to the east of here; that was over 230 standard years ago. The exact vanishing date was never found out because he was working covertly at the time. He was supposed to check in, with his people, at regular periods but then one passed. His people were concerned but not alarmed because it was fairly common that a single check in would be missed. Upon the second, missed, one they sent out an investigative rescue group and then two more when a third check in was missed. They found his dead associates in a village and some evidence of his being at various places but no more than that. What was left of his associates were desiccated bodies of the kind left by being vamped to death. They were resurrected by the Goddessgods but even then they could no real assistance to the investigation other than that Cardicrant had begun to act rather strangely; he had been acting increasing alone until a point where they had not known where he was, or doing, for months let alone met him in person. Now, is this the real Cardicrant for he seems to have a commonality with the genuine example?”

So it was that an intensive investigation began!


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Post #18


Added new notification to Post #1 about teleportcubes and cubecanisters that came with them in writings before this.



With out any success, the two enemy forces hurled powerful projectiles, of different types, at the truly ancient, steeply outward sloping, fortress wall. It curved horizontally adding to its deflecting, of physical projectiles, and energy ones. There were more of the former than the latter being of an odd mixture of technologies as great stones, cannon shells and odd crystal globes that exploded upon striking the barrier. Pulses, and pulsebeams as in short duration beams, also struck the truly ancient barrier.

An aspect of the EverEnforcer, of an EverPrime, studied an ancient neomirror that was like a non reversed mirror in appearance and effect. It showed the long ranged battle as the Shadowkind, and Malignakind, dug in separately from each other; clearly they were so wary of each other that they had put up some defensive works facing each other. The EverEnforcer could hardly blame the Shadowkind for fearing the too often crazy aggressive Malignakind but what the last, were they just reacting to their supposed allies' actions?

She spoke as one Warlord Haraldonero in head to toes super power armour. Around her EverFollowers had taken up their own character roles as officers, aides, bodyguards and of other kinds. There were EverServers doing the same as subofficers just as nonofficers were actually EverMinions. Most were in other chambers.

Haraldonero spoke quietly but her voice carried easily. “Their attacks are futile and they know it. We will send them coordinates of two, ancient, mortal created fortresses found in opposite directions from each other. That is one to the west and one to the east. The data has been sent to the commanders of the two forces.”

The Malignakind, not just Malignafolk, ceased firing as did the Shadowkind who were not all Shadowfolk. A short time later the two forces were moving both away from the wall and from each other.

Haraldonero spoke again. “Two fragments from larger, scattered, military forces. They knew their attacks were futile and they were, in their own way, seeking to gain our attention so much so that we would communicate with them. If we had struck back, with the long range weapons of the wall, we could easily have destroyed them. As it is we have gained a few, valuable, clues to what is going on deep below Stanecape proper.”

He paused, for a short but noticeable time, as if collecting his thoughts but then spoke. “The force that is challenging them seems intent not on invading territories but going through them. Problem is they are carrying out destructive acts of ransacking the areas for resources. The armada is made up of landships, hoverships and aeroships, along with related craft such as rafts and boats; it is following a Jadeway, taking advantage of its exotic effects on any that travel along them.”

Travelling along a Jadeway was like always travelling horizontally even if the Jadeway sloped. If it went underwater, the travelers remained dry and could breathe if they moved close enough to the Jadeway surfaces. There were stories of Jadeways having been distorted into vertical loops, onto their sides and so forth with out being of any difficulty to travel along; or so it was most of the time!

The EverFolk were both amused and bemused with how many folk used Jadeways as extremely exotic highways though their real purpose was very different than that; the Risengodzi had not only allowed that use of the Jadeways, as highways, but had altered them to be more useful as such. This act, of generosity, ended up helping those living gods in turn.


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Post #19


TWFF[One][6.2][17][17] Follows directly on from previous post.

When the two, recently departed, forces returned the EverEnforcer communicated with the EverKeeper who tended to the needs of the barrierwall, of a quasiliving entity, and also its wants, as few as they were; the fuller waking, of the wall that was a fortress, in it self, was becoming more awake-alive as a quasiliving entity.

There were Godzifolk there that had once served specific Risengodzi Factions or who had always served all Risengodzi. They now worked with that aspect of the EverKeeper as an EverPrime as did her own EverFolk. Yet there were also many mortals who had become part of the large community, of many settlements, internal to that truly massive structure.

So it was quickly agreed that the two forces would be given strongly regulated, but comfortable, sanctuaries to be safe in. This compassionate act would lead to odd results.

They had quickly returned because strange, cold minded, mercenary forces had reached those fortresses already and their scouts had warned the two forces to retreat. Barrages, of rockets and rocketshells, had been the real convincing argument. Yet there had also been bolts of psymagic, psychic magic, power such as fear generating ones; these had been very effective for both the Shadowadis and Malignadis ruled through the use of the 'carrot and the stick'.

The neomirror image changed to show a large military force, as led by a EverFollower of the EverEnforcer, being a core of EverServers and more combat focused EverTroopers. With them were Seekacommanders leading Seekatroopers, Seekaservers and other Seekars such as Seekasappers of combat engineers being in larger numbers. They moved in armoured-armed machines that hoverflew fairly close to the resealing highway that they were following. Recently 'somebody' had been doing fixing up work on those smart-highways but there was a good chance it was more than one faction doing so for their own reasons that might, or might not, match those of the others.

EverFolk and Seekars were two of those factions but the 'enemy' could be doing the same to make easier the movement of their ground forces. Refugees were taking advantage of the situation and their groups were following the smart-highways as much as they could do so.

Haraldonero spoke. “We need more data on just what is going on, and beneath, Stanecape. EverEye has an aspect operating here, now, indicating EverCommand finds this situation to be enough of concern for them to request the services, from the EverMentality, of the EverEye.”

EverFolk ways were very different from those of most peoples of that world and multiple others; they were far from being what they appeared to be while on that area of that world. They were, in essence, very alien to mortal ways. Yet they knew much about mortal ways, including those of humans, and they were no strangers to the Risengodzi.

He said more. “Many newhumans, and related humanic peoples, are on their way to reinforce us be they from the UoE (Union of Empires), the BCE (Brotish Constitutional Empire) and the UCoC (United Commonwealth of Citystates). The biggest contingent will be from the Brotish Imperial Enclave of Hopesoutheast.”

The Brotish had semiautonomous colonies there along with the more regulated enclave.

Newhumans were not the same as the orihumans, original humans, who had become the Humanagodzi, of the Risengodzi, before joining with the Zigodzi. Far from all Risengodzi ended up as Zigodzi and some were to cease being so. Humanic existence, through the newhumans, was heavily bound with that of Humanagodzi who all joined the Zigodzi; it had always been so.


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Post #20



Warlord Haraldonero turned to his official second in command, a human woman shaped EverFollower named Vicewarlord Rommellus. “The ice-mind mercenaries that now occupy the two fortresses, out in Stanecape, could they be linked to those that tried to kill the damphir Cardicrant!? Until this moment there have been no reports, of such entities, from the whole of Hopenorth if not from the whole of this supercontinent. At least not enough of them, or not alarming enough, to be brought to we EverFolk's attention.”

The friendly military force drew to a halt as rocketshells, and rockets, fell through the sky towards them. Rocketshells did not engage their rockets until after they left the barrels of the adapted artillery pieces that fired them, this being for safety reasons. Antimissile lasers spat out briefly existing pulsebeams but not before antimissile missiles had launched to explode amongst the incoming rockets. Then the brief attack ended as quickly as it had begun.

Rommellus snorted softly. “A testing barrage indicating enemy scouts are close enough to be observing our taskforce and to act as spotters.”

A report from the taskforce informed them that no radio communications had been picked up in the area indicating the enemy were very well trained and equipped.

Haraldonero nodded. “The threat, of ambush, depends upon just how many of those mercenaries there are, their gear and... who-what is with them as allies, if there are any. As the EverEnforcer, oneself has a niggling feeling, at the edge of one's mind, that oneself is missing an important clue. Yes, the 13 Undoagodzi of the Platinum Undoatorces were spoken of as being iceminds by deliberate design. The now cursed EverGoddessgods did take a twisted part in their creation.”

That was after the great majority, of EverFolk, had turned against them including a fair few EverGodfolk as part of the 'higher tiers' of the EverFolk. Then there had been the actions of EverKind that were not considered to be EverFolk though EverFolk were also of the EverKind.

A trembling sensation went through the truly ancient structure and so emerged the true name of it as the Alphastane Wallfortress. The great, quasiliving, entity was becoming more fully both awake and alert after being semiconsciously asleep for multiple centuries.


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