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Post #51



Sharry13o13 mind-spoke to all of Sara13's Second Five. “One of you needs must go into the spiral-tower to meet Sargagras the entity that is part Undoakind. That one is part Celestial and powerful enough to semiconsciously manifest such as those turrets from a Predoomsdays movie that heitshe has watched multiple times. As you know each Celestiaraynbahybria projects avatars of Liynbari, Raynbari and Faynbari nature being also of the Whitebowi, Rainbowi and Greybowi. Together they can project far more powerful avatars but the Liynbari is more powerful than the Raynbari that is the same with the Faynbari; together they are the Celestibari. Sargagras is also made up elements of a whole Celestibari.”

She went on. “We need to know just how this entity came to exist. If Raynba'diibbly, and Faynba'dibbly, had anything to do with it they can not remember being so connected. They have, reluctantly, mentioned one Liynba'dibbly who is more powerful than Raynba'diibbly as she is so with Faynba'dibbly though even the last is very much so. Has there been some problematic issues linked with this Celestiaraynbahybria? If so I have never heard of this happening before but we are discussing the Truecelestials so we must be careful in how we approach this mystery.”

The working, on the damaged rivership, continued with careful haste. A teleportcube materialised only to soon depart, leaving behind itself a cubecanister; both were as large as previously sent ones had been. It was full of Seekar provided equipment-supplies being mostly supplies. An outpost was going to be established outside of the spiral-tower being a combined effort of Wildclansfolk, Seekars and GreenGIplastico factions. The clear space, around the zistructure and in clearings close to it. Wildfolk would also live in forest areas that would be part of the settlement. More plans were being made but some outcomes would come as a surprise despite them.

The basic machinegun turrets would be used, in future, by the Wildmilitia that would convert them to being manually operated by Wildmilitiaguards.

Saraha prepared to enter the ancient spiral-tower as part of a Seekar Taskteam.


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Post #52


Notes: to be expanded-edited

Brotish Empire

---BCE: Brotish Constitutional Empire

---BDE: Brotish Dynastic Empire

CCNS: Central Cassingville Network-System

CCSZ: Central Cassingville Sanctuary Zone

CRHG: Celestiaraynbahybria Goddess


---DGA: Doggygoodartisans

---DGC: Doggygoodcommander

---DGF: Doggygoodfarmer

---DGG: Doggygoodguard

---DGL: Doggygoodleader

---DGSG: Doggygoodsage

---DGT: Doggygoodtrooper

---DGW: Doggygoodworker

Note: Doggydogooders never become noted as acronyms

EMP: Electromagnetic Pulse

NCO: Non Commissioned Officer

USA: United States of America of the OldEarth of TerraEarth

VBTVBT: Very Big Thing of Very Big Thingies


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Post #53



Saraba thrust a shovel into the hard earth and then turned it. Around her apenoids, of different kinds, were busy doing the same as the ground was soon to be used to grow mixed crops in the permaculture fashion.

Except that there were 13 Saraba avatars there who were tending the new peremacultural areas, looking identical except for different colour patterned scarfs with their armabodysuits. Their bubblehelmets were withdrawn to expose their heads to the open air.

Armabodysuits were multipurpose in nature and could be augmented to better fit certain uses. These suits had general augments but also ones suited to labouring. The armabodysuits were also power assisted though they were not armapowersuits. The 13 of them had no reason, at first, to use their special abilities let alone their powers.

They were now in an outer bubblezone of the Freecomplexity that was less secure than middle, or inner, ones but also easier to go into-out of.

Chimpnoids, monkeynoids, tigerchimps, apedogs and other kinds of noidfolk were there along with wildmans somewhat like ancient Neanderthals. A few wildhumans were there, operating a clean steamdigger using a roller belt scoops set up. The crew let some monkeynoids pretend to be operating it while making sure they did not get close to doing so.

The neandmans, of three genders, were big and strong with the neuters being more so than the males and they being more so than the females or so it generally went. They were building huts, and bigger hutments, along with other structures. They were being assisted by chimpnoids.

Saraba13 was not just there to do some labouring but to check out some odd sensor readings picked up recently in the area. There was to be a planting of melon vines in that soil, when it was ready. Mixamelons were a mixture of dull, sweet, sour and salty variations.

A Rainbowsphere, and Greybowsphere, floated up to be close to Saraba03o13. She gave each a kiss causing each to jiggle up-down with delight. Then a glowing white sphere joined them and so she met a Whitebowsphere for the first time in a very long time; that had been back when she bore not just another name but another body while she lived out a very different life. The Whitebowsphere was really a Liynbasphere. She kissed it and it also jiggled with delight.

So it was the Raynba'diibbly, and Faynba'dibbly, were joined by Liynba'dibbly so that the three now always showed up together in what ever fashion that they did so; yet there turned out to be more than that to show up in future.

The newcomers were joined by Whitebowspheres, Rainbowspheres and Greybowspheres that assisted in the workings there. They materialised useful materials, devices and other supplies. They planted podbushes, multipodtrees, platformtrees, hometrees, plantamals, while bringing forth podulabeasts, chickens, four legged wingless packbirds, noidfolk followers and dragons.

Liynba'dibbly spoke to Saraba03o13 while she paused to listen and to drink some water. “Celestia'dibbly presents all of us together, of that which makes her up.”

Saraba03o13 smiled. “That would be you three lovelies, wouldn't it?”

Liynba'dibbly responded. “More than the three of us for when Celestia'dibbly came to be created, to be born in a Celestial manner, she was to prove not to be a standard Celestiaraynbahybria Goddess or CRHG as some of you mortals dare to call us. There are two other aspects of her. Our Celestial mummy, of mummies, says that we are all very special but some Truecelestials are wary of us though not the Primecelestials. Our creation is linked, somehow, to that of this Multiworld often known as Multinewhope but also to that of the NewEarths, the DoomsEarths inside them and the Doomsworld.”

Saraba03o13 spoke. “We Seekars once crewed the StarArkship the SSAS Seekar Hopefar that is now the basis of the Seekahomeworld except for its powercoredrive that was lost to our control during the creation process of Multinewhope. The process got out of the control of the Risengodzi and partners who took part in the great program of projects; that included such as the EverFolk, the Eternaljoyfor and the Neutracelestials. There was secret, even infiltrating, type involvement in the program that helped lead to at disaster; while the direct Celestial Intervention cleared up most of it, the Doomsworld still exists but also other troublesome aspects.”

That was when Saraba09o13 struck something hard with the tip of her shovel!


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Post #54



EverEyelets circulated through the Seekahomeworld, having been given access by the Seekacommand with authority to do so granted by the Seekagodzi. The Hightratroopers, trapped in the fortress, surrendered as did other Hightrafolk. The self styled Hightralords were holed up in a great fortified city that had been long abandoned, for good reason.

A large Seekataskforce was heading that way in a aeroships and smaller aeroboats that were hybrid helicopter airships and airboats. They had hub-rotor equipped hubcopters with them along with gliderplanes, paraplanes and other, smaller, machines of the kind.

It had only been just over 280 years since the Seekars had come out of statuscapsules. Very soon after Seekafolk, and other lifeforms, were doing the same. The Cleansing had been successful with wildlife-wildfolk showing no signs of the threat. Compuautorobotic network-systems had not only carried out the Cleansing but had serve-supported sites, especially in the Seekahomeland.

Due to a limited resources, especially that of hitech and especially supertech, expansion had been slow at first. Seekafolk ended up using far less advanced, sophisticated, than that of the Seekars though even Seekars ended up using midtech or even hilotech. Old type dirt highways had expanded out, at first, along with duorailways with neocoal burning steam-trains using them. The few remaining smart-highways, smart-monorailways and other advanced transportation networks often needed repair work done on them. The same was true of other types of networks.

Thorps, hamlets, villages, towns sprung out at first, with thorps being the smallest and towns being the biggest, of that list. Only a very few cities emerged at first apart from the already established ones such as Seekahomecity, Seekaville and Seekaburg; the first was easily the largest of the cities but only partly inhabited at first.

EverEyelets studied mass graves, battlegrounds, ruins, and other signs of the Troubled Troublesome Times, the TTT. The skeletal remains, of great monsters, were found in broken, abandoned, Seekasites. Hulking warrobots, battered and burned, lay next to crashed, military, aircraft like massive battlebombers. The plague, pestilence, infestation was added to the invasion of monsters. Yet none seemed to truly know from where the threats had come to be in the Seekahomeworld or how they had gotten to be there.

A few sites were sealed off, inside security-quarantine bubbles that the Seekars had set up the Seekaguardians to make sure that none tried to get into them. Seekaguardians were supported by Seekaguards and other types of Seekars.

Then there were the big, smooth, craters where disintegration superweapons had been used against focused threats of the TTT.

The Eyelets kept on searching, investigating and recording data.


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Post #55



Odd reports came, from varied sources, that the Undoaforces had stopped moving upwards, towards the surface, and had seemingly retreated. Except that nobody seemed to take the threat as over. An explanation came as local forces had been gathering, organising and striking at the threat in increasingly effective ways. The enemy seemingly just vanished away. Reconnaissance efforts were undertaken to try to discover if they were still there and where they had gone to; so far the results had been disappointing.

Wallfortress Alphastane was the central focus of defence efforts with Citadel Passingkari being secondary to it and Fortress Hopebow being far further out in Stanecape. Haraldonero viewed a holomaptable, in Alphastane, that showed data on important defensive sites being mostly fortified outposts. Refugees continued to arrive, in convoys of different kinds, but at outposts that then arranged for better transportation to take them as far as Passingkari. Drones, scouts, heavier recon units, logistics convoys, patrols of different kinds, kept on the move.

A rainstorm had come in from the north, sweeping southward across Stanecape. Rainbirds were singing on the battlements of the wallfortress.

Jumpjets flew up from jumppads, or landed at the same, as VTOLJs being virtual take off and landing jets. They were different kinds, of jumpjets, and they were supposedly all weather flying machines. If the rainstorm grew stronger, with its winds, they could end up being grounded anyway. Some were carrying resupplies to outposts while others carried out short ranged patrols, for aircraft. Their electrojets made them very quiet as they operated.

Rain was starting to fall on the great, sloping, wall and water was flowing lightly down it. As it fell on parts, of Stanecape, it had odd effects as adapmutant plants sprang up from normally arid ground, they being adapted to survive with outside help. Water ran down narrow tunnels dug for that purpose; the water flowed into underground catchments where mutifolk would use it for drinking, agriculture and other purposes.

There were whispers of hidden, isolated, often partly mutated, Stanefolk living in such subsurface pockets. That is them and a few Shaztecs of that long fallen empire. As for the nocturnal humans, the big eyed Zhastecs, they had vanished away and it was generally believed that they had returned to their deeper, ancestral, homelands.

Fumes sprung up from distorted grounds while tough thornisplants opened their spiky edged flowers to drink in the rainwater. Thornisbushes, thornistrees, thornisvines and thornisgrass were all communally linked almost as one, growing quite thickly together and being hosts to cooperative thorniscreatures.

The restless dead stirred, phantom like, in the remains of the supercity of Necropolis where once the Staner Elites, of the Stanestari Empire often known as the StaneEmpire, had buried their own. Then so had the echelons that had served the elites and then the commoners but only in secondary areas of less luxurious make.

The bent over, part melted, Stanepire was said to be about the size of the ancient Mount Everest of TerraEarth of the HomeEarths. Water flowed down its bulk, flowed off the top most part of it that was bent and vanished into holes that gaped in parts of it.

There were craters, leftovers of the Stanecataclysm, that filled up with fresh water that would slowly drain away after the rainstorm had passed over.

A great statue-tower, a grotesque figure of Stanetemple focused on worshipping a winged Stanegod, had been leaning dangerously for over a century and now toppled with a great crash. The figure ended up with its face down in a great stretch of mud.

Flash floods caused no real harm because local life had long learned to be careful of what happened when the rainstorms came.

At first what happened, with the growing powder of wind and water, was the kind of thing that had happened in past rainstorms.


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Post #56



Saraha, of Sara13's Second Five, entered the spiral-tower; she did so with other Seekars, making their way through truly ancient, exotically ornamented, Risengodzi chambers interconnected by grand hallways. GreenGIplastico soldiers were on sentry duty along with their robots while workers were busy driving compact electric vehicles out into the open that were full of equipment-supplies; that is except some that carried more of the bioplastic entities.

They went through a transdimensional type 'airlock' or transdilock as in transdimensional lock. They entered a large chamber, a power-door hummed closed behind them, an odd tingling sensation went through the group and then another power-door opened; the latter was direct opposite to the former as in an airlock.

It was a BITO, bigger inside than outside, type chamber though the truth was not so simple as that. The space stretched out into the distance with some areas being of plastic and others being natural but also ones that were a mixture of both. Great bioplastic domes, spiral-towers, cone-towers, cubes, pyramids and globes studded the landscape directly around them. Plastic skyscrapers, looking as if they had come from the 1950sAD of TerraEarth, vied with medieval type castles and cathedrals. Closer at hand was an amusement park with a large ferris wheel, a roller coaster and other rides with some looking very hectic.

Noidfolk were busy as wildfolk, tamefolk and even mannoids of more human like appearance. Wildlife, and tamelife, was common being mostly flora of trees, bushes and grasses. GreenGIplastico were common but so were other bioplastic entities of yellow as civil service, blue as workers and more than that.

Some naked, flesh pink, human adults walked past but were bioplastic nudists by the look of it . Soon they were joined bu those of other racial type skin shades. They were so far the most accurate, intricate detailed, of the bioplastic figures.

Then there was a large, glowing, sphere of generally rainbow patterns but with some grey and bright white areas. “I am Celestia'dibbly being Liynba'dibbly, Raynba'diibbly and Faynba'dibbly but also two others unnamed for now. Undoaba'dibbly dwells here also. We produced the spark life animated Folkplastico and made also a sanctuary for much life as you can see. We would become part of Freecomplexity.”

Saraha nodded. “That is a most wise and wonderful idea.”

Celestia'dibbly: “Myself knows that but thank you! Myself doesn't know how but refugees came here from Seekahomeworld when terrible things and thingies happened there. They came through a rift-gate that was the only way to escape from Allizgod, Maker of Great Horrors. Myself knows little of that one except that maybe that is not its real name. Maybe it was sent to Seekahomeworld to cause great troubles so as to divert attention away from what others were up to.”

Saraha felt an odd sensation go through her, a stirring of hope quickly suppressed. “Where are the refugees from Seekahomeworld.”

Celestia'dibbly responded. “At the Seekaenclave or living amongst others. Seekars are all in the enclave where a few of them are in statuscapsules. Myself guessed you might be interested but hopes you like our wonderful realm.”

Saraha smiled richly. “It is very wonderful!”

Then she kissed the globe and it both whirled plus wiggled with delight. “You can kiss me again, lots and lots of times like right now.”

So she did, causing the predictable responses in doing so.

Saraha smiled. “So you produce the GreenGIplastico Forces so as to protect your home.”

Celestia'dibbly had a twangy nature to her voice but not so pronounced as with the other three, known, Dibblys.”

The sphere spoke again. “Undoaba'dibbly is an honorary Dibbly! The GreenGIplastico are to help protect this part of Hopenorth and to serve it in other ways; we could trade goods and that sort of thing. We work with EverFolk and you Seekakind but also with others.”


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Post #57



Saraha smiled some more. “Those naked ones?”

Celestia'dibbly: “They are anatomically correct models of humans used for many purposes by humans or so it was in the Hopegrand Empire. All of the Plastico first created by them, at least here in this mortal timespace cycle. Do you know what the great big 'star shaped supercontinent' really is?”

Saraha sighed softly with a low tone of melodrama. “It floats above the multiworld proper, above NewTerra though many assume it is more directly part of it. Two sides there are with Hopetralia facing upwards and Doomstralia facing downwards. The story of Multinewhope is true as is the fact that there are the NewEarths and at core of them the DoomsEarths that, together, make up the real Doomsworld.”

Celestia'dibbly sounded a little upset. “Myself hoped you would be surprised.”

Saraha gave jumped into the air. “Gosh, that is amazing!”

Celestia'dibbly: “That is much better a response. Seekahomeworld is at the center of, and the core of, Central Hopetralia, sort of!”

Sarah went on speaking. “A few folks are locked into thinking that Hopetralia is directly part of HopeEarth and we do not know why this is; one needs to be careful when speaking with such people. We Seekars compute that it is to do with how that the disk was created; it is really a disk with waters surrounding the star shaped continent of Hopetralia. We call it the Hopedisk. The underside have no surface continent or waters for all would fall downwards away from the great disk.”

Celestia'dibbly: “How it was created?”

Saraha: “As a kind of prototype of the bigger Multinewhope. Many were made to think it is part of Multinewhope for testing reasons. We Seekars do not consider that was a wise idea and, thankfully, the effect is wearing off. We have been, with great care, helping to strengthen that process. Most peoples do not even consider such matters, being too deeply involved in surviving or such matters being beyond their comprehension.”

Celestia'dibbly. “That is what the Plasticogodzi say when it come to the true nature of this realm as a prototype. They put the animating, self awareness, spark into the Plasticokind which is one name for them. The Plasticogodzi were not always of the Plastico but were forced to become so to survive after the Doomsdays damaged them very badly; they were already so thanks to the Damnation War.”

Saraha sighed, dramatically. “You are very very clever but who are you really?”

The sphere spoke. “Myself is Plastico'dibbly and Celestia'dibbly is over in the Seekaenclave. Will you give me more kisses?”

Saraha kissed the sphere three times with predictable results.

They made their way along a wide street made of bioplastic flagstones that looked quite accurate. It was turning out that while the organic life was really that, that there were some accurate, spark-animated bioplastic, copies also functioning there; the former easily outnumbered the latter.

Plastico'dibbly: “Good to have lots of natural life here as in biolifeforms for somehow it bolsters the spark-animated bioplastic ones, especially as they are first generating into fuller existence.”

Saraha responded. “Its the auric life fields generated by all biolifeforms that is probably doing so but you Dibblys could be helping also because you are so wondrous.”

Plastico'dibbly responded. “Myself wishes that was true but Shynba'dibbly is troubled-troublesome and Antina'dibbly even more so. Worst of all is Doomsna'dibbly. Its good that the one Primary Dibbly, an three Secondary Dibblys, are far more powerful than them and that myself supports the primes and secondaries. When Celestia'dibbly was created oneself was splintered into what mortals might call a 'multiple personality'.”


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Post #58



Plastico'dibbly went on. “Myself doesn't really know what that means.”

The Seekar nodded. “Mortal ways can be very confusing even to wonderful Dibblys.”

The sphere nodded, in her own fashion. “Not even Celestia'dibbly knows, for sure, just how many Dibblys there are, as she calls them though she knows that at least one, of them, is helping to cause trouble.”

Saraha frowned softly. “Do you mean as in alliance with other troublesome entities?”

Plastico nodded. “Yes but even Celestia'dibbly doesn't know for sure who-what they are.”

A trio of GreenGIplastico supersonic sprintjets shot overhead. Sprintjets were STOLJs being short take off and landing jets. Then went three more along with a third trio.

Plastico'dibbly sounded annoyed and frustrated. “Them is dealing with RedSIplastico air attackers. With GreenGIplastico, the 'GI' stands for general issue of equipment-supplies but with the RedSIplastico the 'SI' stands for stolen issue of the same. Those RedSIplastico steal bioplastic node-mines and caches of the same. They steal ideas but change some of them also. They are coloured dull, moderately dull, blood red. Greenplastico'dibbly is an honorary Dibbly who commands the GreenGIplastico along with GreenGIcommand. Wildmilitia, Seekamilitia and Tamemilitia fight alongside them along with Celestiabowfolk, Whitebowfolk Rainbowfolk and Greybowfolk.”

Saraha nodded thoughtfully. “Then there must be a Redplastico'Dibbly.”

Plastico'dibbly responded. “Not sure about that but it makes sense, I suppose. I will summon transport to take us all to Celestia'dibbly and to the Seekaleaders of the Seekaenclave.”

Sarah nodded. “A very smart idea from a very smart Dibbly.”

Plastico'dibbly responded with Dibbly type modesty. "That is very true!"


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Post #59



The Seekars experienced a 'remembering' of formerly suppressed memories and knowledge. Saraha's conversation, with Plastico'dibbly who had first pretended to be Celestia'dibbly, had brought forth awareness of the true nature of the star shaped Hopetralia and the Hopedisk. There was still much knowledge to be regained but it had proven to be a decisive breakthrough.

As for the exotic creation of Celestia'dibbly, also known by other terms such as Multi'dibbly and the Dibblys, the explanations as given by Plastico'dibbly led to more questions than answers.

The taskgroup, that had been trying to reach Tradetopiacity, was now going to be focused on the odd BITO realm existing 'inside' the truly ancient, Risengodzi created, spiral-tower.

The Freecomplexity continued to expand-evolve so that it linked up with the Spiralworld that was 'inside' the spiral-tower for it was slowly-steadily expanding-evolving.

The Seekars were surprised to find out that the Seekahomeworld, that had been, slowly-steadily, doing the same but now the pace was increasing in the same manner.

The rainstorm continued to sweep southwards with EverEyelets starting to pick up minor exotic phenomena that at first was not very alarming at all.


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Post #60



Stanefolk refugees began to arrive at Fortress Hopebow in increasing numbers and were welcome to live in crystal lit-warmed caverns below the fortress. The newcomers were soon at work both using resources and gaining new ones through their own labours. The Freecomplexity was soon absorbing both the fortress and the cavern network below it along with other, related, areas; this zone would become an outer one.

The rainstorm was getting heavier, harder hitting, and yet that was not the main trouble despite flash floods striking some areas along formerly dry riverbeds. Bizarre growths had begun to spring up, and out of, the ground be they flora, fauna, fungi or some kind of hybrids; not all were dangerous but enough were so as to force the exodus, of Stanewildfolk, from a growing number of zones.

Grey-black structures began to rise, inexplicably, from the ground. They were quasiliving, Staner created, building-entities far more basic, and primitive, than that of the Alphastane Wallfortress but dangerous enough in their own way. From some came shambling, mummy like, mummiats clumsily clutching ritualistic steel weapons that were always rusty. The same was true of their steel platelet armour over foal smelling, green tinged, bandages. The weapons were all crazy shaped melee ones of an amazing variety. So far the mummiats had proven to be easy to drive off or destroy but the bizarre monsters, sprouting from the ground, varied in just how dangerous they were.

Guns blazed from Fortress Hopebow's outer, ground level, defences. Heavy machineguns ripped apart monstrous creatures of burned black and ashen grey. Mummiats were killed off by sniper fire being always shot in the head which caused, for them, instant death.

Then some creatures began to vanish with soft, multiple coloured, flashes of energy.

The attack, on Hopebow, is too well coordinated to be accidental.” An aspect, of the EverCommander, was standing in the Fortress Hopebow command chamber and watching a row of 3Dscreens and a single neomirror. She was Lieutenant Colonel Sarriet Braven by mortal identification. “Yet the coordination is clumsy and driven with no concern for the fate of those pushed into battle; they are seen as expendable!”

An aspect, of the EverEnforcer, was there along with one of the EverWanderer but there were also Seekars though no Seekaprimes at that time.

The Dibblys appeared to be rescuing some of the attacking creatures but not the mummiats that appeared to be suffering as they were. Then one of them vanished with a flash only to be quickly followed by another.

A Celestiasphere, representing Celestia'dibbly, and the other Dibblys through her, materialised. “The Stanecurse was never fully resolved, settled, by the Stanecataclysm or by what came after. Now resolution is being brought to conclusion. The Stanecursed arise from nightmarish rest to be given a chance of merciful death or even a second chance. The Celestial Goddessgods choose what fate goes to what entity but through we Dibblys and our mummies who is actually one mummy. We call her Dibblysmum.”

Sarriet nodded. “A very good name you have chosen for your wonderful mummies who are one mummy.”

Celestia'dibbly nodded, as a sphere. “A very smart choice but one that, maybe, Dibblysmum made for us for we Dibblys could not fully agree with one another. A GreenGIplastico Taskforce could be seeded here and be joined by other Plastico kinds for they are very able to survive even in the very harsh Stanelands. The doggybiobots could come here also for they are even more immune to its terrible ways.”

So it was that new plans were soon being made even as the attack, outside, continued as a one sided massacre or at least it was so at that time.


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