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The War for Freedom


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Post #61



At the edge of Seekahomecity, a fortified metropolis, was Seekahomebase and at center of that was the highly secret Seekahomecore. There floated Sharryprime in her bubblechair as she studied a holographic projection of the Hopedisk that was, more formerly, known as the Hopediskworld.

Sara13 has regained much knowledge, that was previously suppressed, in a fashion most sudden. Does this concern you?”

The voice seemed to come from the very air itself and from all around at once.

Seekagoddessgods: “Yes and what also concerns us is the influence of the Celestiaraynbahybria of the Dibblys; it was born out of the very process that created the Hopediskworld.”

Sharryprime: “That most, dwelling on-in the Hopedisk believe is actually part of the NewEarth of HopeEarth which is not so though the Hopedisk floats above it in mid orbit.”

Seekagoddessgods: “We pick up a hint of concern in your mind. We assure you we are most protective of the Multi'dibbly. The appearance of the Plastico Entities, and the doggybiobots, seem to have been done in preparation for special needs; in one case dealing with the harshness of Stanecape.”

Sharryprime: “Perhaps the influence of Dibblysmum was at work here. As it is the first doggybiobots came from a Greybowcube and the first GreenGIplastico from that one spiral-tower. They did not originate from the same location or in the same manner.”

Seekagoddessgods: “As always we would wish for more information but will do our best to provide you with more resources especially of the Seekar kind. Continue to seek the hidden Seekavaults and Seekasanctuaries along with any other lost Seekasites. Have you tracked how the wildfolk happened to come to be equipped with steamcraft and gungum guns?”

Sharryprime. “The wildhumans have been organising Wildclans. Perhaps they are the ones who have been crafting those and other tech that is beyond the capacity of most wildfolk, or tamefolk, to make. We can find no evidence of any dangerous factions arising and are confident that we can work positively with the Wildclansfolk, as they call themselves.

Seekagoddessgods: “We must disengage, now, as we have need to focus our energies elsewhere. Despite your optimism about these Wildclans, we would have you gain deeper intelligence about them to verify just how dangerous they can be to the Seekapledge, Seekaprogram and Seekaplan. Stay loyal, diligent and focused!”

Then Sharryprime could no longer psysense, psychic sense, their presence. She scowled softly!

Seekaother whispered softly to her mind being a gender neutral voice. “That, I suggest, went as well as it could have done. The Seekagoddessgods does not seem to suspect that the Seekars have been aiding the local peoples to advance their technologies in a practical fashion.”

Sharryprime: “The Seekagoddessgods are paranoid and have been since the TTTs took place and, with them, the Great Betrayal. Where are they situated? Once Sharryprime13x13 was greatly trusted by them and still we are, compared to others, but you already know this.”

Seekaother: “As you know, we were those that the Seekagoddessgods turned against as scapegoats because we served the Great Betrayer though we were no part of the betrayal.”

Sharryprime: “I suspect that there has always been an important link between the TTTs and events out in the greater expanse of Hopediskworld. I have had an odd inkling that a strong, unexpected, clue will arise that will linked to that question. I must go but I look forward to our next 4Dchess game.”

Seekaother: “Likewise; take care!”

Sharryprime: “You also!”


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Post #62


Notes: To be extended-edited

Hopediskworld also known as the Hopedisk.

The star shaped supercontinent of Hopetralia.

Hopecapes of subcontinents (eight points of the star shaped supercontinent of Hopetralia).

Hopegulfs (Between the Hopecapes).

Hopeseas {Outwards from the Hopecapes and the Hopegulfs).


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Post #63



Saraba13 had dug up an area of ground with the assistance of the eagerly curious, three, Dibblys there. Normal activity had been pushed back with Wildmilitiaguards keeping back curious wildfolk. Unearthed was the top of a vertical cylinder and some of its uppermost high sides. A curved, square, door was found in its side but only as a thin, very shallow, outline.

The door 'opened' by dematerialising, vanishing away with a shimmering side-effect. Saraba13 went into the big, cylinder shaped, chamber as did the three Dibblys as floating spheres. An aspect of the EverWanderer joined them as Melandias and with him came three EverFollowers.

It was a standard kind of surface entrance to an underground Risengodzi site of most Risengodzi Factions including the Humanagodzi ones. Yet this, and other standardised, features did nothing to reveal what was truly down there, beneath them.

The door rematerialised into solidity. The chamber descended with the soft humming, and a downward flashing arrow symbol being the only indicators of movement taking place. There were other symbol plates but no symbols flashed on them, each one being able to display different information.

The humming stopped, the door dematerialised, and they moved out into a great, dome shaped, chamber that was largely a series of basic shaped utilities and features not so easily explained. A hulking creature crouched there in amazing super power armour, a big device in the hands of its upper two arms.

Saraba03o13 spoke for Saraba13. “Symbolzi is Humanagodzi in nature as in our general usage of a subset of such but it is not of the Seekagodzi, the Hardisgodzi, the Manisgodzi or even we Seekagodzi when we dared to name ourselves the Wisehighgodzi out of foolish conceit.”

Melandias responded. “Could it be of the Antigodzi or Domnigodzi whose madness helped lead to the Doomswars and then the Damnation War?”

Saraba08o13 spoke this time. “Any Humanagodzi that joined those factions, or other fallen ones, tended to change symbol-sets. During the Damnation War the Antigodzi created creatures, like the one you see there, to attack their enemies including the just as fallen Domnigodzi. Of course they both fought the Progodzi Forces. Aaahhh, yes, that is not a symbol one sees often. Original Zigodzi it goes back before the Origodzi, the original Risengodzi who became so through means that they never revealed before they vanished away so mysteriously.”

They crossed the great floor that was a kind of entrance lobby. As they did a tall, elegantly angular, figure materialised wearing metallic golden robes that went nicely with his shoes.

The golden skinned, hairless, humanoid was of the Ordergodzi who served as a Low-Low Tier Faction famed for serving other Risengodzi Factions. He, his single head-horn indicated his gender, bowed from the waist but only briefly; this was a gesture that indicated he was unsure of their status but wished no show no offence.

He spoke in Panglish. “Excuse me if I have chosen the wrong language to address you with but you did come from the surface where Panglish is commonly spoken. Now, and then, others have come from the surface though not in the fashion that you did otherwise I would have better prepared the lobby chamber for guests.”

Saraba03o13 responded. “Yes, we did come from there. How long since your last arrived came to this place?”


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Post #64



He spoke, in his oddly elegant fashion. “Over three thousand years ago, during the Third Doomswar. They managed to adjust to life in life-chambers built for them and in other facilities in this depotplex where artefacts were sent to be assessed before being sent onto a variety of secret locations. My name is Otovo'orderus0111 and I am far too lowly to have been told what was truly taking place in this great, wondrous, complex.”

He sighed. “Now, who did win the Third Doomswar, that was hopefully the very last of them?”

Saraba03o13 shook her head, just a little. “Nobody truly won that last, of the Doomswars, and that was followed by the one, and only, Damnation War that ended in a massive Celestial Intervention. Much knowledge, of that time, has been lost to us Risengodzi; indeed, we seem to have lost information from history before that. The Risengodzi, those of us who survive, are scattered and often in hiding as they recover from what was, seemingly, a most terrible experience; or so all reliable evidence convinces those of us who continue to communicate with one another. We are of the Seekars who serve the Seekagodzi and are devoted to the Seekagoddessgods. In the Seekahomeworld is an Ordergodzi Colony.”

Otovo'orderus0111 smiled richly. “Very good, my own people; I look forward to being with them.”

Saraba03o13 sighed. “What are you really?”

The other shrugged and frowned. “Once I was of the Ordergodzi until I became a follower of the EverDiviner whose words were both impressive and pleasing. It was unfortunate that it turned out that the EverDiviner, through that one's aspects, is of the EverCursed. The EverDiviner brought us here, or the aspect known as Divini'Tellisa did so at least. Phoophiboo, over there, he came with us as an EverMinion and not an EverFollower as I was declared to be though, in a practical sense, I was treated like a minion.”

Melandias joined in the conversation. “An interesting story though not quite the truth.”

Then he raised his hands, clenched them together into a fist, and unleashed a bolt of energy. It struck the other figure who cried out in shock, and pain, before dissolving away.

He went on speaking as he unclutched his hands and dropped them. “The EverDiviner is not of the EverCursed but the EverDeceiver is. That was a weakened aspect of the EverDeceiver. All we observed was a case of intended deception but we all know that. Yet why bother to approach us in such a seemingly pointless manner.”

The big, hulking, creature yawned and stretched. “He is always doing strange acts and is trying to trick people but never really fools anybody. That is he did because now he is gone and you must have done it.”

Saraba01o13 said. “Hello sweetie lovely good looking.”

The entity laughed in an odd manner and then yawned again. “Me is Phoophiboo but likes that name! Me has been sleeping a long time! Now me is thirsty, hungry and in want of good things to have, to play with, to be comfortable with or so Shebemany says you would give me. Kisses and hugs, kisses and hugs! Dibblys are wonderful! Saraba13 is very nice as are the EverBlessed.”

Melandias smiled. “Well, we call ourselves the EverRedemptive, others being called the EverBlessed, but thank you for the compliment! Now, most importantly, we start with the hugs and kisses along with water and snacks.”

So that is how it began with small gifts coming soon after.

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Post #65



EverEye gained a greater view of the whole of Hopenorth as if from above, a general observation, while an ever expanding number of EverEyelets obtained sharper, closer, examinations of specific areas.

The necroforma had withdrawn into its own escape place of caverns including lumnicaverns who transferred sunlight was dimmed down to cause it no harm while helping to grow its strange, adapted, crops and livestock. Where the bloodpodplants, and bloodpodbeasts, came from were as geng created lifeforms designed to fill the need for medical supplies of blood replacements. How the necroforma had gained them was a mystery even to that entity as they had appeared one day seemingly from nowhere.

Zomfleshies, entities that had failed to zommutate more than lightly, were generally more intelligent than full on zombies and less aggressive. They were a large minority that served necroformas in a wide range of ways and now a few, of them, tended the new supplies of blood. There were also podulabeasts, delivered, that provided podulameat that were nutritionally balanced.

Normally peaceful nombies lumbered along, carrying produce to where it was consumed inside necrofog. Then they returned after being refreshed to where zomfleshies looked after them with great care.

There was a small minority, amongst the zomfleshies and nombies community, of zomimmune humans of different degrees of infestation effect having taken place with them. They were very useful to the necroforma and yet there was something more to that which had them remain safe in their odd situation.

The necroforma seemed content to remain in its new habitat.


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Post #66



A large force of marauders, distorted zomimmunes whose type of immunity had led to physical defects not always obvious, came rushing towards the CCSZ. As they, in distorted vehicles covered in zombie killing spikes and antizombie caging, machinegun turrets blazed away and rockets flew along with rocket-grenades.

A raider bus exploded as an antitank missile struck it. The other machines were smaller except for what had been a recycle materials collection vehicle, RMCV, sporting a what looked like an oversized pipegun of a cannon. When the marauders tried to fire it, it exploded and destroyed the truck along with the crazed marauders onboard.

The surviving marauders attempted to turn back and escape but did so in a way that impeded their plans as their vehicles got in each others ways. As Sarafo13 kept firing along with Seekaguards and local based Militiaguards. A former sun-buggy smashed into the side of a typical family sedan with its oddly bulky shape.

Less than half of the necrobominations escaped even as another uglified vehicle blew apart.

Sarafo02o13 spoke to others around her. “Some malignancy was driving them onwards and yet relented to allow them to try to escape. Not that it felt any sympathy for the manipulated ones that suffered but I deepsensed that it had been testing our defences in a way most chaotic and arbitrary.”

The Malignanter that had manipulated the rogue tigerchimps, and apedogs, had vanished away so as to leave no traces behind itself. Now Sarafo13, who was now 13 of herself, began to suspect that what had been influencing the poor hybrid creatures, was not really a true Malignanter at all. It had somehow been drawn into the dimensional pocket zone. She was not the only one to have started to have such doubts, realising that the entity was only part Malignanter.

Sarafo07o13 spoke. “So we were fooled into thinking what manipulated the apedogs, and tigerchimps, was a true Malignanter but that discovery begs far more questions than it answers. What ever it truly is, it is back causing trouble but why and is it doing so willingly or not? There is also the question of 'Taratacacrant' and what knowledge might be buried deep in her mind.”

Taratacacrant, apparently the real one, was in a healing capsule after it was realised, under closest examination, that she was deeply damaged. She was now in a special secured medical facility in the Freecomplexity. Cardicrant was now living with Wildcacarant and one named Caracacrant who turned out to be a clone-sibling of him though she was female. There was also Sarasacrant who was the real Taratacacrant's sister; she had moved into the same location. It was a semiwilderness, underground, settlement with noidfolk living there of different kinds; there were also others there including a few humans.

Taratacacrant was not going to be able to speak, any deep truth, any time soon or so it seemed at that moment.

There was a great flash of energies being of the Celestiaraynbahybria and then much of Cassingville, and not just the CCSZ, became strongly an outer zone of the Freecomplexity.

Bad news came as a black-red flash of energies blasted across a large area of Stanecape. The nature of these energies seemed to be both alike to those of the Celestiaraynbahybria but also very much counter to that one.

Fortress Hopebow was suddenly surrounded by much greater threat and air convoys could no longer go to-from it. As it was, one such convoy limped into the fortress having been lightly damaged which turned out to be lucky or was it?


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Post #67



EverEye gained a greater view of the whole of Hopenorth as if from above, a general observation, while an ever expanding number of EverEyelets obtained sharper, closer, examinations of specific areas.

In the cargo hold, of a big-medium aeroship, raged a firefight as black-grey creatures hurled themselves at armabodysuited Seekaguards, Seekarobots, Seekadroids and zigzagging, flying, Seekadrones. Somehow the staneavore monsters had gotten on board but by no conventional means. Brief lasting laser beams, laserpulses, did great damage to those strange lifeforms but bullets, shells and other projectiles did their own deal of harm.

It was good that the valuable cargo was in armoured canisters as handgrenades exploded amongst them along with grenadeshells while projectiles, including shrapnel, deflected off them. Some were damaged and would end up being adapted for other uses.

An eight legged thing spat acid at a robot that burned briefly before being splashed with 'antiacid' by another one. A drone struck into a elongated humanoid as it tried to strike at it with a great jagged extension of its armour shelled body. The staneavores, once a force used by the dreaded StaneEmpire, used no armour or weapons other than that of their own bodies which had always been the case with such creatures. It was said that during the final fall, of the damned empire, such entities had turned upon the corrupted elites of Staners; they had not been the only ones to do so but those, that had done so, had often ended up fighting each other.

Then the last staneavore was gone as reports came in of trouble in the cargo holds of two other aeroship freighters, aerofreighters.

Every time a staneavore perished it vanished away with an odd flash of black-grey and sharp red energies. It was believed that they were summoned into existence on any mortal plain and death caused, what anchored them there, to be lost; that is they were hurled back, truly alive or not, back to where they had come from.

Out in the Stanecape there were swarms, of staneavores and other stanemonsters, causing havoc but that was far from everywhere. Other entities had risen into existence, just as dangerous, but they attacked all others including stanemonsters. Great, glistening, black tentacles had come thrusting up from the ground along with massive, quasiliving, stanestructures seemingly returned from their destruction.

It was as if, in some truly insane manner, aspects of the long dead StaneEmpire were being reborn but not in any ordered way as it had been during the reign of that regime.

Mummiats came swarming out of great step-pyramids that had thrust out of the ground but these were darkly empowered, being far more dangerous than they normally were. With them came strange fleshgolems, of three different sizes with the smallest being the weakest and most common. Each had four arms, two wielding spikeclubs and two round spikeshields. With them came twisted stanemonsters of different kinds.

Yet they appeared to have very little interest in attacking stanewildfolk who were either all clumped together protectively, along with other lifeforms or making a retreat along ancient, underground, ways protected by just as old warding emblems that still seemed to work.

At this moment the Stanegodzi awoke, from deep sleep in a very well protected and concealed location, but they were not pleased at what was going on; this was especially true of the Stanegoddessgods!


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Post #68



The lobby chamber glowed brightly from materialised ceiling panels and amazing quasiwindows showed scenes through a wide grid pattern that seemed to be a safety feature of some kind; if so it was probably in place because of the kind of visitors who might try to jump through what was, in some cases, apparently an open window. Such places had often had a great variety of types of visitor, some being most unlikely to find in them.

The advanced holographic projection, of Hopediskworld, hung vertically with the supper surface facing them. Except that while certain features were familiar, others were not.

Other holographic projections showed strange, powerful looking, machines that turned out, according to the information with them, to be truly massive robotic constructors.

Utilities, furnishings, and other features were solid-projections able to be used as real ones would be. Pot-plants, autovendors, ornately framed 3Dpaintings, thinner framed 3Dphotos, statues, body-cubicles, butterflies fluttering through the air, display cases with exhibition items and more were to be seen or even used in varied ways. Odd, melodious, music played softly in the background being a mixture of metal chimes, panpipes and inexplicable sources of music mixed with sounds of flowing water.

Phoophiboo nodded, smiled, even as he finished eating yet another chocolate flavoured foodbar. He smacked his lips, rather dramatically, and then burped. “Those are just like those foodbars from some of the autovendors.”

Saraba03o13 nodded. “They are standard type foodbars that multiple type entities can consume and be sustained by. We are the Seekakind of Seekagodzi, Seekars, Seekafolk and also a few others. We mostly dwell in the Seekahomeworld. That is our Risengodzi World as many Risengodzi Factions had whether of the Zigodzi or not.”

Phoophiboo nodded. “Shebemany says that Risengodzi were made so by Zigodzi who were not Risengodzi. They were the Foregodzi who were also followers of the mysterious Zegodze who in turn served faithfully the even more mysterious Zagodza. The Zzzgodzzz Sagapic is largely lost but remnants speak of how most went from being true immortals to true eternals.”

He paused as if to collect his thoughts. “They left behind plans to create a new multiworld home for themselves and for chosen to share it with them. That would have been the very multiworld that the Hopediskworld is in orbit above one of its worlds. The Zzzgodzzz abandoned it apart from one Zigodzi Faction that ended up remaining behind for some reason as the Foregodzi. Those were lots of words that came out of my mouth just like that!”

Saraba13 stopped in surprise at those words.

The three Dibblys were bobbing up and down in apparent agitation.

Melandias, an aspect of the EverWanderer, sighed. “There is more than one Hopediskworld but, as far as we EverKind know, at least three as the Hopemultidiskworld. Can we talk with Shebemany, please?”

The voice came apparently from many directions at once and sounded like a small crowd of different individual women speaking all at once in a very precise fashion.

What you see, there, was the first conceptual design of what was to be the very first Hopediskworld, or at least its top surface.”

The view changed to show a great, shallow, dome that was the bowl shaped under hull of that artificial realm. There were multiple odd features of which only some were discernible as massive hatches, downward facing scanner dishes and so much else including pairs of great, folded up, double jointed robotic arms.

Shebemany: “That would be the working underbelly, of that theoretical diskworld. It would then have helped construct the Hopemultiworld, the true goal of the Great Future Hope Program of Projects, the GFHPP.”


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Post #69



The lobby was turning out to be a public relations oriented one where various interested parties, including tourists, would visit who were mortals and lesser Risengodzi be they semigodzi, demigodzi or subgodzi, the first only coming as avatars called avagodzi.

There was a kind of a flowchart diagram with an arrangement of Godzi types. At top, to the right, were the Zagodza, Zegodze and Zigodzi but also the Zogodzo plus Zugodzu.

At top, to the middle, were the Foregodzi as in Zigodzi who had not become true eternals, who had not ceased to be Zigodzi. The Foregodzi had been the first of the Origodzi, the original Risengodzi that the Humanagodzi had been no part of. They were the first of the new Zigodzi Factions.

At top, to the right, were the mysterious Aragodzi with the four that were serving extensions of them being the Eregodzi, Irigodzi, Orogodzi and Urugodzi; it was known that they became less powerful, more common, and less mysterious as the progression went across those groups. Yet even before they had seemingly vanished away, the Aragodzi had been reclusive except for some few exceptions; the Urugodzi being the most met outside of the Arahomeworld.

There were a few Risengodzi Factions mentioned below the middle including the Wisehighgodzi who were noted to actually be the Seekagodzi; so much for the Seekagoddessgods' desire to change Seekakind's image. There were a very few Humanagodzi Factions mentioned being the Wisehighgodzi/Seekagodzi, the Hardisgodzi, the Manisgodzi and the

Hardisgodzi though many were missed out though a few would have arisen after the flowchart was created, others seemed to be a puzzling absence.

In a kind of miscellaneous mixture were the Ordergodzi, Artigodzi, Zavagodzi, the Biogiagodzi and the largest faction of the Multigodzi. As with the Humanagodzi there were both understandable, and odd, absences of certain faction names.

Below that were some odd questions:

Is any of this real of true reality or is it quasireality?

Is this a testing quasireality and if yes is it functioning as it was planned to?

An historical unfolding of events and incidents? Was any of it real?

What next or is next what has already happened that will take place all over again?

Iself, am Iself going mad?”

Saraba01o13 studied the flowchart, if that is what it really was, and recorded it just as the whole lobby was being recorded in different ways.

A big 3Dphoto showed five individual women in advanced but ancient type armaspacesuits. Transparent, at least then, bubblehelmets showed blonde haired women of seemingly young nature. Labels spoke of them as being Sara, Sharry, Rena, Terri and Rhonda. By the look of it they could have been sisters. They were noted as being members of Shiftcrew Alpha of the Bridgecrew of StarArkship the SSAS Seekar Hopefar. They stood in front of a multiple paneled wall with many controls covered with safety-security screens. They wore professional smiles on their faces that did not quite reach their eyes.

Were they the originals of what later became those of the same, base, names?

They all kept on looking around even as Saraba13 kept getting a deeper sense of growing disturbance at what the 13 of her were learning there; or was that relearning?


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Post #70



EverEye gained a greater view of the whole of Hopenorth as if from above, a general observation, while an ever expanding number of EverEyelets obtained sharper, closer, examinations of specific areas.

Except for various forms of teleportation, Fortress Hopebow had become largely isolated. It had also become reinforced with various factions be they Seekar, EverFolk or of others.

GreenGIplastico had a large garrison force there and doggybiobots were busy there, including as soldiers. The Celestiaraynbahybria assisted as much as Celestial Mandate-Protocols would allow for Shehershe to do so. Refugees kept moving into special, protected, areas in what would turn out to be long term homelands.

Out there, in Stanecape, exotic forces were often raging against each other and seemed more intent on that then on fighting Stanewildfolk or outlanders, outsiders. Yet the fortress was assaulted on a frequent basis with different sized forces of chaotically risen forces or what seemed to be more organised ones. It seemed that long hidden remnants, of the StaneEmpire, were arising to the surface to wage war once more.

The very StaneEmpire seemed to be returning, in chaotic disorder, as structures went on arising from beneath the ground as quasiliving, silicon based, structures.

An EverEyelet caught sight of a tentacled creature fighting for its life as it was attacked, from all sides, by distorted stanemonsters. The EverEyelets, of the EverEye, were not forced to remain concealed under all conditions so it became visible and unleashed a pulsating beam of energy.

One of the stanemonsters screamed in agony and retreated away in fear. The observational entity had chosen not to kill or even to do any real damage. Again, and again, the EverEyelet struck until the young tentacled entity was no longer at risk. Then the EverEyelet beamed healing energies at the wounded entity that also comforted it and boosted it in other ways.

As the EverEye had deepsensed, through the EverEyelet, the tentacled creature was a very young male child of the tritutentacular; each such creature had three types of tentacles there being three of each kind unless more were needed.

A whole clustering of tritutentaculars had been driven from their nesting living territory; they had become refugees escaping, with other lifeforms, to the shallower subsurface.

His name was Tentacurious because he was always curious to a point that it sometimes got him into trouble.

So it was that the EverEyelet escorted Tentacurious to Fortress Hopebow where the entity would find sanctuary and efforts would continue to rejoin him with his kind. Other EverEyelets set out to help find Tentacurious' people.


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