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The War for Freedom


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Post #71


Notes: To be extended-edited

Is any of this real of true reality or is it quasireality?

Is this a testing quasireality and if yes is it functioning as it was planned to?

An historical unfolding of events and incidents? Was any of it real?

What next or is next what has already happened that will take place all over again?

Iself, am Iself going mad?”


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Post #72



Plastico'dibbly did not get them to see Celestia'dibbly who was in the Seekaenclave in that realm that was 'inside' the spiral-tower. Trouble was brewing between different factions there though most were at peace and supportive of the situation as it was.

It turned out, somehow unsurprising, that each of the three fractious factions was led by a Dibbly; that is Shynba'dibbly, Antina'dibbly and Doomsna'dibbly. Celestia'dibbly had trapped them in that realm hoping that they would be happy enough there not to cause any more trouble.

Greenplastico'dibbly showed up at a great, multicoloured, flagstone court. The green sphere came with Greenbowspheres, being one herself, and with them came a GreenGIplastico Taskforce. It came with all of its standard troops and machines including robots. Helicopters had been following the ground forces and now they landed while drones kept sentry duty above.

Doggygoodtroopers came with them as a small taskforce in their own right.

Then there was a mixed force of plasticobeings, of many colours, be they dragons, trolls, soldiers, hunters, dinosaurs, robots, walking trees, flying sharks, bulbous headed alien humanoids, odd warmachines often on legs instead of wheels or tracks or both. Cowboys, cowgirls, amazon warriors, knights on warhorses, gangsters armed with tommyguns, Viking warriors including shield-maidens, goblins and many others.

They were to wait at the Great Central Square that normally would be filled with a great, temporary, market place; it would be after the enlarged army departed after the reinforcements came.

Saraha13, the 13 of her, were in armapowersuits. Seekatroopers were there as light but well armoured-armed infantry. They utilised light hoverflyers that could hovershift very low, hoverdrive higher than that or even hoverfly above that. There were also Seekarobots and Seekadroids with them.

Plastico'dibbly spoke to Saraha01o13 and Mesandiar who looked like a female version of Melandias, as his sister might if he had one. She had appeared, along with some other EverKind, to assist in that mission.

Dibblys are confused for they want, but do not want to, go to war with each other. That is other than Tricky'dibbly who might, or might not, be here somewhere. It is hard for even other Dibblys to know what that secondary Dibbly might be up to of the Multi'dibbly.”

Saraha01o13 responded. “So there are Secondary Dibblys! Are others Primary Dibblys.”

Plastico'dibbly bobble nodded for the Dibblys seemed to be experimenting with body language through the spheres. “Primaries, Secondaries and Followers. Plastico'dibbly is a Secondary Dibbly and Greenplastico'dibbly is a Follower Dibbly. Others are Troubler Dibblys.”

Mesandiar spoke. “Celestia'dibbly, what is Shehershe?”

Plastico'dibbly: “Celestia'dibbly is both herself and all Dibblys. It is hard to say just how that is for we Celestiaraynbahybrias are most complicated, especially the Primaries.”

Mesandiar: “So are we EverPrimes!”

Saraha01o13 smiled. “The same is true of us Seekaprimes!”

Plastico'dibbly: “Weself, as a Celestiaraynbahybria, are even more complicated than most are. Dibblysmum says weself need not worry about that because Celestial Goddessgods are on our side.”

Saraba01o13 kissed Plastico'dibbly. “Excellent way of speaking of yourself is 'weself'. Maybe we, Sara13, will speak of ourselves as weself and so will we who are Saraba13 of Sara13.”

Then came a living army made up of wildfolk, and tamefolk, being tigerchimps and apedog soldiers as the hard core along with wildman plus wildhuman fighters. There were chimpnoids, croconoids and other, tougher, type animanoids but who were also able to be more aggressive. They were equipped with adapted body-armour and armed with gungum guns, springdartguns, bows and a few other types. They came in steamwagons and steamcarts including ones equipped with bigger guns.

Plastico'dibbly sounded mildly surprised. “Shynba'dibbly has joined the Dibbly Good Alliance, the DGA, against Antina'dibbly and Doomsna'dibbly; or so it seems as even Celestia'dibbly does not quite know what is going on. She fears Tricky'dibbly is up to no good.”

In the distance a blazing, bright, beam of intensified light struck down from above at a Plastico forest but was largely reflected away, harmlessly, by an energy shield.

Plastico'dibbly seemed alarmed. “It is the Plastico's greatest fears as in the Great Magnifying Glass in the Sky, the GMGS.”

Mesandiar sighed. “Clearly something to be most fearful of.”

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Post #73



All the Dibblybabies were now with Sharry01o13 except the ones representing Doomsna'dibbly, Antina'dibbly and Tricky'dibbly. Shynba'dibbly had joined the Free Alliance in what was now called the Spiralrealm that was becoming an aspect of the Freecomplexity. She had sent an exotic force to reinforce the taskforce, in the great square, and the taskforce had set out once dragonfolk had arrived to assist.

So the Multi'dibbly babies were there with Sharry01o1 until Sharry02o13, Sharry03o13 and Sharry04o13 arrived to assist her. That is with all the Seekapets, pets, Permayoungs and others there. Seekacarers, who cared for a few there, and other kinds of Seekaservers. That included wildfolk, tamefolk and those between the two. There were a few Seekaspecials along with their Seekacarers.

Sharry01o13, now in a much enlarged-adapted bubblechair, faced the human like Dibblybabies, noting that there were empty places for all those that were not there, at least not physically; they being all there, if some only metaphysically so.

There were plenty of them being Primaries, Secondaries, Followers and a few that were not in those categories. Yet, just as many places were empty.

Sharry01o13 sighed dramatically. “Gosh, if all you Dibblybabies were here then you could all get fussed over and even spoiled with hugs, kisses, gifts and good things to consume.”

As she had hoped for, with a shimmering side-effect, most of the places were filled now with Dibblybabies. It had taken that type of careful canniness. She found herself knowing the identity of all of them, there, and that some empty spaces were just there in case they were needed. Doomsna'dibbly was not there but Antina'dibbly was and Tricky'dibbly wore a sign stating 'me is probably-possibly not Tricky'dibbly', showing just how tricky she was.

The Dibblybabies all went to sleep except for one called Sleepy'dibbly who was already taking yet another long nap.

Sharry13 carefully considered what had taken place.


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Post #74



EverEye gained a greater view of the whole of Hopenorth as if from above, a general observation, while an ever expanding number of EverEyelets obtained sharper, closer, examinations of specific areas.

In the Seekahomeworld two forces fought each other with brutal intent to destroy each other but in an off-on fashion. The Hightragodzi were enhanced-distorted by a malignant physical-mental-spiritual energy. Two Seekataskforces, along with allies, were now moving towards the newly renamed Hightraburg, being one of five such fortified metropolises. Alphaforce was heading towards the Great Wall of Skulls while Betaforce was heading towards the Alishana Abandonment Zone. Many, smaller, units moved with the Seekar Alliance general operational thrust.

In the Spiralrealm the Dibblys made great effort to not only do no harm to each other but to do the opposite. Gifts-gifties were exchanged along with half hearted, maybe no, threats that quickly came to nothing.

Antina'dibbly, who had activated the Great Magnifying Glass in the Sky, the GMGS, had done the same with the energy field that had negated it doing any damage.

Doomsna'dibbly sent lots of exotic gifts, to other Dibblys, and the Doomsna'dibbly Dibblybaby came to be with Sharry01o13 along with the other Dibblybabies already there.

Yet there was still a dangerous presence out there, in the Spiralrealm.

Stanecape, in the area of Fortress Hopebow, had become oddly quiet but continued to have a threatening feel about it that was growing stronger. More refugee groups arrived along with reinforcements and other resources.

Then there was the curious archival place, with its great lobby chamber, where investigating continued into just what was there and how-why that place had come to exist in the first place.


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Post #75



In the Cassingvillezone, as it was now often increasingly, Hardislogod Hardis'siseroto communicated to those in the CCSZ and started to negotiate a treaty. Hardis'siseroto admitted, with reluctance, that it had been attempting to keep the Undoafirst firmly-gently restrained with increasing difficulty.

Undoaba'dibbly dwelt with Undoafirst, having yet to show up with Sharry01o13 as a Dibblybaby. Why this was so, the Dibblys were reluctant to discuss as they were other subjects.

Saragu13 were with Dibblyspheres, their new name, representing Celestia'dibbly, Liynba'dibbly, Raynba'diibbly and Faynba'dibbly but also Plastico'dibbly along with Yellowplastico'dibbly.

YellowWIplastico were securitors of security guards, workers and servitors and they were in the area assisting CCNS to fix and connect up local network-systems long lost to it. Seekaservers were also there, to assist in that process, and Seekaguards to help protect the area. Doggygoodworkers, and Doggygoodguards, served with them to do the same.

Colourful, glowing, statues were there of the Santaclause Family be that the father, the mother, the daughter and the son. With them were Santaelves, Santadragons and Santarobots. The Xmas cultural icons, of the Hopegrand Empire, had before them each a large handle-sack of gifts being dark blue, for the father, dark purple for the mother, light blue for the son and light purple for the daughter.

Saragu03o13 was speaking to a cluster of Dibblyspheres being a Celestiasphere, a Liynbasphere, Raynbasphere, a Faynbasphere and a Trickybasphere. “Fatherclaus had gifts for men, Motherclaus for women, Daughterclaus for girls and Sonclause for boys. It seems that in Cassingville that neuters had yet to become part of the Xmas Clausefamily though they had done so in other parts of the Hopegrand Empire.”

The Dibblys were fascinated with the ideas of Xmas and the Clausefamily though this was possibly because of the theme of getting gifts.

Tricky'dibbly: “We Dibblys could change that so that they could have gifts as well. Multi'dibbly has vague memories of the Hopegrand Empire and the Xmas Clausefamily. Except we are not sure in which Hopediskworld Cycle that they existed in for real.”

Saragu03o1 smiled. “It was in the Second Cycle which indicates just how long, in general Hopediskworld terms, that Cassingville has been here. By internal related time it has probably been not so long at all but now the two time streams are flush with one another.”

She went on. “From what we Seekars can tell, the Hopediskworld is trapped in a timespace loop of some kind that allows for surviving remnants, from before, and a mixture of changes; much is always scrubbed away but not destroyed and yet where has it all been going?”

The Dibblys all went. “Gosh! We Dibblys think the same way and Dibblysmum agrees with us.”

Tricky'dibbly: “There is a set of recycle bins over there; what if they are recycled like that?”

Saragu03o1 smiled. “Like bioplastic drink bottles, shopping bags, cups and more items were of the same material designed to recycle.”

Celestia'dibbly: “Maybe changed more than that!?”

Holographic safety signs came to life as another network-system was reactivated.

A Doggygoodworker trudged past holding a stepladder on one shoulder while humming Doggydogood theme music.

They were at the very edge of the CCSZ and the protected area that was the Freecomplexity.

In the distance loomed two, hulkingly large, humanoids having each three heads, six arms, a great tail ending in glowing spike, three glowing head horns along with three eyes on each head.

Saragu03o1 frowned. “Seekadominators were great monsters that attacked many of our people, in our Seekahomeworld, during the TTTs; those two are Seekadominators.”


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Post #76



EverEye gained a greater view of the whole of Hopenorth as if from above, a general observation, while an ever expanding number of EverEyelets obtained sharper, closer, examinations of specific areas.

Large numbers, of Seekadominators, had suddenly emerged in Stanecape, Cassingvillezone, the Seekahomeworld and the Spiralrealm. They were in far larger numbers in Stanecape than in the other locations. The Seekahomeworld had large numbers, of those enemies, but far less than in Stanecape. The Seekadominators, in the Spiralrealm and in Cassingvillezone, were in much smaller numbers but were still very dangerous.

Autocannons, spinlasers, pulseguns, railguns and other weapons mass fired upon those assaulting the fortress, in Stanecape.

As a large force attacked Fortress Hopebow, with the hulking Seekaprimedoms came three quarters as big Seekasemidoms, half as big Seekademidoms and one quarter as large Seekasubdoms. Altogether they were known as Seekadominators or, for short, Seekadoms.

During the TTTs, of the Seekahomeworld, the smaller Seekadoms had only shown up after the big ones had.

A mass of black-grey entities, of an amazing range of shapes and horrors, came with them and it became clear, soon, that the Seekadoms were controlling them though not how they were doing this; they, in turn, were being controlled by another force.

Sana13 had been involved in the Stanecape situation with out splintering into larger numbers but now Sanace13 was in Fortress Hopebow. The 13, of him, were in armapowersuits and were examining the battle through consoles linked to large instruments.

Sana04o13 spoke from his console. “Yes, the same type of feint, subtle, energy signature that was picked up when the Seekadominators were attacking during the TTTs. This time we have stronger readings, from different sites, actively cross confirming the same conclusions: what is happening is direct materialisation by powerful Seekakind psychonic power but it shows a good deal of subtle, negative, distortion to it.”

From all five zones, where fighting against Seekadominators was taking place, came data about the monstrous creatures.

At times a destroyed Seekaprimedom would be replaced by one Seekasemidom, two Seekademidoms or three Seekasubdoms or, even, by a short existing impression of a Seekaprimedom.

Such only happened to the Seekaprimedoms, a calculated reason for this being that only the Seekaprimedoms had enough 'quasimass' to return but only, successfully, as smaller types of Seekadoms thus attempts to return as Seekaprimedoms failed. Why there were variations of smaller Seekadoms, the smaller the more numerous, was still under investigation with out even coming up with any reliable hypothesis.

The disturbing discovery was that the manifestations were coming from the

shielded off, secluded, Seekagoddessgods indicating possible betrayal; the distortions, shown in the energy signatures, suggested that the truth might not be so straight forward.

More data had to be urgently obtained even as both Alphaforce and Betaforce, in the Seekahomeworld, were driven to a halt, being forced to dig in to defend themselves.


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Post #77



Redplastico'Dibbly, as linked to Antina'dibbly and now to Plastico'dibbly, launched a rear attack, of RedSIplastico Forces, against Seekadominators; that is those attempting to penetrate into the CCSZ. So far they had failed to do so and now when Seekaprimedoms were destroyed, they no longer attempted to return or returned.

As RedSIplastico helicopters shot overhead, the last of the Seekadoms was destroyed with ease as they had been becoming weaker. It was as if that power that had manifested them had ceased to support their existence in any way.

The same scenario, inclusive of Redplastico'Dibbly and the RedSIplastico, played out in the Spiralrealm. That is except that other forces attacked the enemy along side the RedSIplastico. Even as the last Seekadom vanished away a more peaceful time began in the Spiralrealm.

The Seekadominators, attacking Fortress Hopebow, abruptly were no more. The entities, that had been controlled by them, fled away as the bombardment of them ceased.

As if the Seekagoddessgods, if it was truly them, now had more energies to focus more sharply, the Seekadoms attacking both Alphaforce and Betaforce became stronger and larger in number.

It was soon evident that the Seekadoms, in Stanecape, were being assaulted by other forces even as they attacked Fortress Hopebow. In grateful response, to all the Stanewildfolk rescued as refugees, a large force of them had struck at the rear of the enemy.

With them was a RedSIplastico force, the 'SI' standing now for Service Issue instead of Stolen Issue, that had also equipped some of the Stanewildfolk.


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Post #78



Shebemany began to find, process and summarise-report lost data found in the archival complex that was proving to be much larger, complicated and odder than first contemplated.

Professor Sharry Armstrong sat, on-in a swivel-chair, as a holographic projection; she was seen to be older than than was the younger version, of herself, as a shift crew of a bridgecrew of the SSAS Seekar Hopefar.

The Foregodzi, as they title themselves, have made first contact, with us, through what they call a phasemessanger. They wish to start negotiations towards a mutually positive alliance. It is as Seekaother warned us it would happen.”

A holographic projection, of an exotic device, materialised that was greatly bigger than the Seekastarprobe that it had intercepted. This was despite that the Seekastarprobe was nine kilometres long, most of it being made up of engines, communications and other hardware. While the smaller craft was of general human design, the greater craft was a softly shimmering 'organic metallic' form that seemed to have been extruded into existence; that is not manufactured-assembled in the human fashion.

Sharry spoke again. “Seekaother has stated that the Foregodzi are really one of the Zigodzi Factions of the Zzzgodzzz but were the only one to be rejected as the Zzzgodzzz went on to start the process of going from true immortals to true eternals. The Foregodzi have stated that those Zzzgodzzz have already become true eternals but that is not true.”

Foregodzi statements that they took with them Zogodzo, and Zugodzu, as followers are a lie. Foregodzi followers came from another, unknown, origin perhaps linked with the mysterious force known as 13GeneG31 who also assisted in misleading the Foregodzi Zigodzi Faction in the first place.”

The holographic images flickered slightly with a brief show of distortion.

Shebemany spoke: “There was a limit to how much Iself can fix the data fragments that I found in the secondary data dumpsites: Iself continues to find more of them. They were dumped in what must have been a great hurry even by terms of very advanced computer technologies; I calculate it as taking less than one standard minute in which a truly vast amount of data was dumped before most of it was destroyed, in a secondary process.”


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Post #79



Have changed the previous post, hopefully for the better.


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Post #80



Elemental dragons blitzed the sky, swiping away Seekadoms even as 200mm calibre rocket-shells blasted them apart. The left overs, of local Hightraforces along other Hightrafolk in the area, were seeking refugee in Seekaforce controlled areas but some came to both Seekataskforces but they also went to places that the destructive entities staid away from.

The Seekadoms were attacking Hightrakind that were supposed to be their allies. Or so word had come from Hightraburg that was the fortified capital city of the Hightrafaction. Then any communications had been cut off with any of the Five Hightracities.

Seekadoms avoided the Great Wall of Skulls, that was ring shaped and domed at the center. Alphaforce was close enough, to the wall and dome, to see them on the far horizon. It was likely that the Seekadominators could neither penetrate into the domed area or have good reason to do so; it was a great, monuments dotted, semiwilderness garden. Seekakeepers tended to that place, Seekaguards guarded it and both dwelt there along with other types of Seekakind.

Betaforce was near to the glowing morgue light of the Alishana Abandonment Zone. Once a thriving, semirural, zone of small settlements and farms, it was now devoid of life; that is except for toxic mutants of flora-fauna-fungi kinds. Most peoples, and fauna, had escaped while flora, and fungi, had proven to be more resistant to the mutating influences. It was now surrounded by a high, wide, strong wall that was dotted with towers along with fewer, bigger, forts. A Seekaguardians manned the forts along with other Seekakind.

Seekataskteams attempted to investigate exotic energy signals while Seekascouts explored changed, even distorted, environments though a few were much like they had been before the TTTs had taken place.


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