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Got CTD problems if someone has some free time, help would be appreciated.


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I have been having CTD problems for a month now trying to figure it out on my own but ive reached a dead end and cant do further on my own. According to BF4 Classic and FO4Edit the problem lies in meshes skeleton.nif and others (see attached files), and Loot_Raider_Corpse_Female. Dont know if it says anything, to anyone since the problems seem to occur inside Fallout4.esm, i tried deleting it and reinstallng via steam. Worth mentioning that at one time some files from my Fallout 4 folder dissapeared for no reason, maybe anti-virus schenanigans, got them back trough file verification. The specific crash started about the time i installed diverse wasteland mod and manufacturing extended expanded, though i doubt the latter has something to do with it. If you can help and need some informasion dont be shy ;).modlist.txt

plugins.txt crash-2024-11-05-19-18-02.log crash-2024-11-05-19-18-02-AUTOSCAN.md

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I don't believe that the problem is within the Fallout4.esm. The last of your files mentions the skeleton.nif and physics. So in case you don't have any mods that base on a special skeleton (like Fusion Girl) you could try to rename the skeleton.nif in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\meshes\actors\character\characterassets" to something else, disable the "HighFPSPhysicsFix" and cap the framerate to 60 fps again. The game will now use the vanilla skeleton.

You mention mods that you installed and afterwards experienced the crashes. So it would be worth a try to disable these mods again.

Edited by subaverage
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1)   Fallout4.ESM is the engine.    All errors will originate with the engine - since that is what is driving the game.

2)  Mods can alter things the engine runs.    Again, it's not the engine but the mods that are altering what the engine is being asked to run.


If the engine (Fallout4.ESM) is the culprit - you should be able to reproduce the error with 0 mods - i.e. just playing the base game unmodded.

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It's not easy trying to find the mod that can crash your game. Also some programs do try to stop crashes.


Can help that out. There are other similar mods. For me, I tried not to push the most textures beyond 2k. I traced every single mod on nexus and looked through the post, and found a few mods that can crash the game, including one for a grass mod that one texture caused a crash. Cut down on mods I didn't really need. And was able to get a stable game, nextgen. 

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Gave your plugins list a quick look.
AWKCR will cause crashes, it's an old, now bloated and redundant mod
Scrap Everything disables precombines, that will also introduce instability and crashes.

Edited by MZO9400
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