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What happened to VaultPariah


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Usually a result of/some combination of: being mad about the creation club, frustrations with mod users, frustrations with the nexus as a platform, or just for the feeling of finality so they can properly focus on other goals.

Or they were banned, at which point I think you can request to have your files removed.

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I made a google search...  It might be so that everything is really gone and cannot be found anywhere, well not under the name of VaultPariah but if I separated the name and looked for Vault Pariah, more stuff did pop up.

Some stuff may be included in other mods?  Well I did find this one?  What exact are you looking for?

Edited by Pellape
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This is the way it is. Well what I have to say will not make anyone happier really.

I did start making mods 2004 and between 2004-2011, lots of cool mods where made for Morrowind and Oblivion. Most of those where uploaded to sites that no longer exist. Attempts where made to save them and special sites did pop up to do that and a lot of Morrowind mods where saved but what did happen to the Oblivion mods? Well that site came up and disappeared later and all stuff with it. Does it really matter today? Well it really does as we cannot enjoy them any longer if we would like to play them again, and I assure you, this was a lot of high quality and damn good mods and some very unique stuff as well. Lots of hours, weeks, well years of work just popped out from existence. But that is just old stuff, is that really playable today? Well yes, it sure is. Most of that stuff did work perfect and would still do so. A whole generation of mods made by the pioneers within the Bethesda game modding community. Still, there is a lot of damn new cool mods. Stuff comes and goes and that is the way it is.

Would it be possible to remake some of them? Well honestly, if we had a couple of thousand years to our disposal, I guess so.  Luckily for me that sometimes replay both Oblivion and Morrowind, my favorites are still available, well except one. I made a painting resource that still is available, released 2006, but I also made a painting replacer or exchanger rather, which took several weeks to make if not month's. The mod page is still up, but when Nexus moved to a new site, with better URL's, well more structured site like we have now, the file was lost and a couple of other files. I even asked Wrye if he still had a copy, and he did look at his old drives. A friend at my ESO guild did had a copy, and he had a drive failure 1 week before I asked him, so if I knew he had it, I should have asked him 1 single damn week earlier and then I would have been able to save it.  😕  Was it good? (No screenshots available) Well Wrye did write about it at TES-Wiki, well at uesp to be more precise. I am just happy I still have the frames, that I also started to export to F4, before I gave up that game. Who is Wrye?? He made the first mod manager.

Any clues how it did look like? Well a bit like this, as I made new ones for my house mod, but still, so many cool objectives where lost, and I am still a bit pissed over it. I did ask Nexus if they could find the file, I also asked at Nexus forum and at Reddit, before I started to bother Wrye about it. But in the other hand, it was fun to get in contact with him, no doubt and he was very helpful. Wrye did not only made a mod manager, he did a lot more than that. I could make a long list of good modder's and their work, but I stop there.  😕  Well no need to cry over spilled milk, is it?  😉   YES it is. I am still pissed.  It was not just quick edits, each single texture and painting was edited, with the right or almost perfect light, saturation and contrast, as I usually do not use many filters, except when it fits. I am a former 3D art student and when I see a picture, I do see what is missing and I usually know how to fix it, so it looks better and it is very fun doing it as well. I love when the result really appeals to my own eyes as that is the only thing that matters, well to me at least.  😄  I bet to you as well when you make stuff you like your self?

New paintings made between 2020-2022


My new library...


Well, I warn you, this post will not make anyone happier.  😄  But Pekka...  You do have tons of paintings made? Yes, but still, it is not the same, even if the new ones looks similar to the old ones...  Still: Paintings will not enhance game play in any way, well, it has some esthetic enhance and no impact on performance at all. Most canvas where just 1024x512 and that was enough for sure and still is. It does not matter. I did like them and they where superior over Bethesda's ugly paintings with to big and ugly frames. If they where not so ugly, I had never bothered about it in the first place.

Ohh, the book covers?  I made those as well...  😉  I did start making them with that style 2005, a lot of those is gone as well.



Edited by Pellape
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