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Games from Heroic Games Launcher Not Recognized

Go to solution Solved by erri120,

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I am experiencing an issue with the Nexus Mods App where two of my games are not being recognized. I have installed the AUR version of the Heroic Games Launcher and downloaded both Cyberpunk 2077 and Stardew Valley via GOG (Heroic Games Launcher). Both games are located in their default installation directories.

Additionally, I have Baldur's Gate 3 installed via Steam, and it is recognized by the Nexus Mods App without any issues. However, the two games installed through Heroic are not showing up, despite being properly installed in their standard paths.

I am using the latest version of the Nexus Mods App (0.6.3), so I assume the issue is not related to an outdated version.

I am unsure what might be causing this problem and would appreciate your assistance in making these games visible in the Nexus Mods App.

Thank you in advance for your support!

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A cursory look at the log points to this. It looks like something is weird in your Heroic configuration. 

00:00:00.397 [ERROR] (NexusMods.StandardGameLocators.HeroicGogLocator) While looking for games: Unable to parse in /home/jyber/.config/heroic/gog_store/installed.json: `Installed { Platform = linux, Executable = , InstallPath = /home/jyber/Games/Heroic/Stardew Valley, InstallSize = 675.15 MiB, IsDlc = False, Version =, AppName = 1453375253, InstalledDLCs = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Object], Language = en, VersionEtag = , BuildId = , PinnedVersion = False }`:
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
   at System.Text.Json.JsonElement.GetProperty(String propertyName)
   at GameFinder.Launcher.Heroic.HeroicGOGHandler.Parse(Installed installed, AbsolutePath configPath, IFileSystem fileSystem)
   at GameFinder.Launcher.Heroic.HeroicGOGHandler.ParseInstalledJsonFile(AbsolutePath path, AbsolutePath configPath)+MoveNext()

There are no log messages related to CP2077 but that's likely the same issue. 

Could you see if you can find the /home/jyber/.config/heroic/gog_store/installed.json file and post it here? 

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