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Help with script compiling


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I am trying to compile a modified script for Bathing in Skyrim SE with PCA. But I am running into a lot of errors. I have downloaded a lot of scripts from Github for SkyUI, Frostfall and Camp etc. I put the scripts into their correct data folder (I can compile other scripts just fine). What am I still missing here?

Script "Bathing - Haz Improved Water Detection mzinBatheQuest.psc":

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PCA compilation errors:

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The very 1st error is usually what you need to pay attention to.  The rest can be artifacts of that 1st error.

D:\Games\The Elder Scrolls - Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\SKI_ConfigManager.psc(290,15): RequestInputDialogData is not a function or does not exist
D:\Games\The Elder Scrolls - Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\SKI_ConfigManager.psc(339,15): SetInputText is not a function or does not exist
D:\Games\The Elder Scrolls - Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\_campinternal.psc(94,46): TakeDown is not a function or does not exist
D:\Games\The Elder Scrolls - Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\tentsystem.psc(17,9): UpdateTentUseState is not a function or does not exist

Note that they are not in the bathing script.  Instead they point to missing scripts from the SkyUI SDK, which is preventing the compilation of some "camping" mod.

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Thank you for your answer. Much appreciated!

Yeah, I found numerous posts from modders over the last couple of years regarding compilation issues with SkyUI SDK. I downloaded various source scripts from the SkyUI github. The big question is: did I download the correct files? How can I find out which ones are the correct SKYUI source files?

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btw Campfire doe not require SkyUI as a master, unless the compiler spat the dummy.. you might wanna double check you downloaded the right PSC there too


oops wait? I will fix it


Edited by PeterMartyr
fixed campfire link
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Ok, you got to stop right there.   Where did you get those SKI_*.psc files?  There is a Github page somewhere that posts entire SkyUI decompiled code, and YOU DONT WANT THAT.

You want SkyUI SDK found here.


The way compiler works, is recursive.  If the script you are trying to compile has dependencies in another script, that other script needs to be compilable as well.   Means compiler needs to be able to resolve its dependencies as well.   

Which is why, if you compare the SKI_*.psc files you got now against the ones in SDK, those in SDK have stub functions that have zero dependencies.  Just make sure you don't try to compile those SDK files.

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Thank you all for your input. I really do appreciate it.

I have now downloaded:

The download links on https://skyrimsurvival.com/home/campfire/mod-developers/ seem to be dead, but are they maybe obsolete thanks to https://github.com/chesko256/Campfire?

The compilation now looks better. It now throws only these two errors types:

  • D:\Games\The Elder Scrolls - Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\_frost_legacyarmordatastore.psc(3098,2):LinkedArrayAddArmor is not a function or does not exist
  • D:\Games\The Elder Scrolls - Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\_frost_legacyarmordatastore.psc(3359,1): LinkedArrayRemoveArmor is not a function or does not exist

I guess I am still missing some scripts? Which mod could they come from? Or shall I try to comment out the dozens of corresponding function lines in _frost_legacyarmordatastore.psc for the compilation process?



_frost_legacyarmordatastore.7zFetching info...

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I have finally managed to compile the original Bathing script thanks to these two workaround files here:


They got rid of the last remaining compilation check errors.

Thank you all for your inputs! Wouldn't have been able to solve this without.

Edited by Terenzz
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