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Survival Mode Freezing Fix


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> first off - I do not use the in game survival mode. It's sucks IMHO. I disable it and use - Frostfall / Camping / Realistic Needs & Diseases.

The mod you linked too - in the bug section and in the posts -> Seem to have a whole lot of issues and thus not surprised w/the so called Bethesda "update".

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SHORT ANSWER -> 100 % yes, better than the so called "survival mode".

As with any and all mods - make sure to read the REQUIREMENTS - and double check to insure they are met.

. o O ( I cannot tell you how many times, people forgot to do the above. )


> Camping

> Realistic Needs and Diseases

... I have used all the above since they first came out. Totally recommend them. Again, just make sure you read all the requirements.

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