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Bandwidth Is Subpar


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If I am correct in understanding that you have the bandwidth capped at "1.5-3MB/s" for people you can't strong-arm into giving you money, why then do I get 200-650 KB/s? It is not a problem with my connection not being able to handle it... so I'm assuming you have the aforementioned people capped at lower speeds when they download mods in excess of what you deem appropriate. The reason I say this, is because after having taken a hiatus from using Nexus, Vortex, and even playing Fallout 4, I had come back to find that the capped bandwidth had changed from what I remember being 2 MB/s, to the aforementioned limits. When I first recently started using Vortex, it lived up to the 1.5 MB/s a second limit, though never once climbing above that. After having used it to try and update my mods to play my original saved game that requires those mods, it now very rarely climbs above what I purported the speeds to generally download at. It is 11:00 P.M. where I'm at, and the local network doesn't usually have a heavy load at this time, regardless of the fact that even when it does I still have speeds at or above 14 MB/s, generally speaking, of course.

This is also the first time I've attempted to communicate anything to anyone involved with Nexus mods, and I know first impressions are key.   😉 
I am saying this because I can't imagine someone working for you has a bone to pick with me, or is treating me unfairly, etc. Though at this point, the sky's the limit.

In the image below—taken from a screenshot—it finally climbed above 800 KB/s. But this is not generally the case.

Am I mistaken in my assumption that further non-disclosed capping of network speeds is something that happens?

As for the badge: finally, one I can wear with pride.



Edited by mudus
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I have found that download speeds can vary from day to day, and sometimes from mod to mod..... Also gotta keep in mind that you don't have a direct link to nexus, the data has to make a fair few hops before it finally gets to your machine. A choke point ANYWHERE along that route will slow your speed.

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