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Weird Dismemberment Issue


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I have many mods installed for RDR2, and one of them is NITRO by wickedhorseman. I only use the dismemberment file from that mod because that's the only one that matters to me, it allows all body parts of the NPC's to be dismembered rather than just two. So for example when I use the explosive arrow it works just fine, but then when I shoot the dynamite boxes like in the mission "Preaching Forgiveness as He Went" it kills them but for whatever reason none of them are dismembered. I never had that issue before, but just recently I've been seeing it. Have you guys encountered that issue too? And if so, could it be something from the NITRO mod or is there a conflict that's causing it?  

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I managed to fix it. It looked like the problem was that I also had the WhyEm's DLC mod installed as well as its compatibility patch for Maverick Weapons and somehow that was causing the issue. So I ended up deleted WhyEm's DLC with that patch and reinstalled Maverick Weapons & also Catalog and now it's all good.  

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30 minutes ago, Dragon32 said:

If you haven't already seen the LML conflict checker - https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/5180 - it may help in the future for problems like this. You could have a look at what's conflicting with a LML mod like Nitro. I really like it. 

I mentioned a while ago that I was able to fix the issue, so it's all good now.

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