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Skyrim SE not launching off of Vortex, Steam, or skse64_loader


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Skyrim SE is not launching off of Vortex, Steam, or skse64_loader. I tried setting the launcher to admin because it loaded when I tried opening Skyrim from Steam, but nothing.

Every time I try to open it from anything Steam has a stop button instead of a play button, which means it's running, but after a few seconds it turns into the play button again.


It worked before with no problems but then I installed a LOT of Mihail's Monsters mods and I installed The Great Cities 2.01 and it's patch for JK Skyrim, and now it doesn't. I also turned my PC off after installing the mods before testing.

I just restarted my PC and when I tried launching from Vortex it opened Steam, then the Skyrim SE Launcher, and then when I pressed Start it closed and Skyrim never opened. Idk if this helps. I set Skyrim SE to administrator. Nothing.

Edit: It's not the mods. I made a blank profile and it still did the same thing. Skyrim opens if I open it through the Skyrim SE app in my files but not through Vortex.


I'm going to reinstall everything again 😂

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