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identify the (xx) load order number for baseIds

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"XX" or "XXXXX" in regards to console commands denotes that the object is from an official plugin (also known as DLC). Usually found in the BaseID or RefID of items or characters, these first two numbers change depending on the order of installation or the order the of ESP files in the data files section of the game launcher.

So the baseID for the https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Ash_Hopper_(Dragonborn) is represente as "xx01b657" because the first two to hex will be 02, 03, or 04 depending on if Dragonborn is 02,03,or 04 in the load order. Is there a way to find the load order for Dragonborn or should I search 0201b657, 0301b657, and 0401b657 until I find the Ash Hopper?

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