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identify the (xx) load order number for baseIds

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If you're using skse and want a search function similar to help console command, you can use my mod Dylbill's papyrus functions: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/65410 

It includes this function in DbSkseFunctions.psc: 

;Get all forms who's name (with GetName()) match the sFormName.
;nameMatchMode 0 = exact match, 1 = name contains sFormName.  
;formTypeMatchMode 1 = forms that have a type in formTypes.
;formTypeMatchMode 0 = forms that do not have a type in formTypes.
;formTypeMatchMode -1 (or if formTypes == none) = formType filter is ignored completely, get all forms regardless of type that match (or contain) sFormName.
Form[] Function GetAllFormsWithName(string sFormName, int nameMatchMode = 0, int[] formTypes = none, int formTypeMatchMode = 0) Global Native

Then you can use DbMiscFunctions.GetFormIDHex(Form akForm) for each form in the array to get the ids in hex format.

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