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Vortex no longer properly installs mods after the last update

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Ever since the last update, Vortex seems unable to properly install even the simplest of mods, let alone collections. No collections has worked for me on Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 4, Fallout NV, and Skyrim SE. Only Fallout 3 Rebirth works.

I have done a clean install of all these games and Vortex (including deleting the relevant files by hand) and nothing works.

I just tried a very simple installation: CBBE and Botox for Skyrim. CBBE worked, Botox didn't (all plugins enabled of course, I'm not an amateur).

Over the past week I tried pretty much every body enhancer available on the Nexus and apart from the simplest CBBE nothing works. The files download, the mods install, the plugins enable yet nothing happens in game.

I'm getting really tired of this. Any suggestions apart from getting drunk which is now Plan B?

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If the files are being correctly deployed into your game folder then it's possible you've got a broken game and need to verify the files with Steam. 

It's also possible you've got junk in your Data folder which is overwriting whatever you are trying to change.

I'd suggest using "Purge" in Vortex to temporarily remove your mods.

Open the game folder and delete the "Data" folder.

Re-verify your game via Steam/GOG/etc to get a fresh copy of the files. 

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I've been at this for two weeks now, and I simply can't get Vortex to work properly.

I've installed Vortex fresh several times, deleted all files and mods, reinstalled Skyrim SE from scratch two or three times a day. Each time I delete ALL Skyrim SE files on my HDD (in the Steam folder, Documents folder and the %AppData% Vortex folder).

Now just, I started a simple new game through SKSE64 in Vortex (only mod installed) and Vortex had deleted all but 5 files of the Anniversary Edition on its own. I mean they were no longer physically present in the Data folder.

Simple gonna give up on Vortex.

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Which OS are you using?  I have seen reports that W11 will not disable OneDrive - maybe it or some other cloud (like Steam's cloud backup) is preventing you from really starting over?  Try to disable all cloud/automatic/scheduled backup for your game and Vortex.

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