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Account/IP Suspension??


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Hello I was installing mods and I got this message when I was installing a modlist

"Your access to Nexus Mods has been temporarily suspended due to an abnormally high number of requests coming from your IP address"

I still have the premium with you guys so I thought I bypass this by having a premium account? 

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Premium doesn't bypass the restriction on number of requests, but when installing a Collection the number of requests you're allowed to make  is huge.

If I recall correctly, they recently doubled it to avoid similar problems.

Edited by showler
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Sorry I meant being able to have multiple downloads lol

So do I just need to wait I guess a day to be able to download again? I waited more than 10 minutes (like 20 minutes) and I had still got that message earlier 

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If you actually manage to exceed the limit, then you get an hourly quota until the reset the next day.  The hourly quota is lot smaller and will drive you bonkers if you watch the downloading but is not bad if you're leaving the computer to run/download overnight.

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