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Vortex will not start up anymore and I have NO idea why.


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A few days ago I tried upening up vortex version 1.13.5 and install a mod for skyrim se.
Well, it shows the "VORTEX MOD MANAGER" window that only should appear for a few seconds before the actuall program is launched, but for me it just stays on that window.
Basically Vortex never launches no matter how long I wait.
In task manager it says 0% activity except for 25% memory usage.

> tried new install location
> tried older Vortex version
> tried disabling antivirus
> I did not update windows (I use win10 and it always worked just fine) and there are no new updates right now.

Basially, no major changes were introduced to my PC that should have caused any issues, it.. just stopped working.
I did what I could, but it seems like my journey with Vortex has come to an end. It's like my PC is rejecting this software.
Has anyone had a similar experience ?


I also get this in CMD when launching the Vortex.exe with --safe-mode


Edited by zaFi03
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Errors like this tend to be broken .NET frameworks. Try the solution here: https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/Vortex/wiki/MODDINGWIKI-Users-Troubleshooting-NET-6-Install-Issues

If that doesn't work, you could try going to %appdata%\Vortex and renaming that folder to something like "Vortex_backup". If it starts up after doing that Vortex's internal state has been corrupted. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/14/2025 at 9:19 AM, Pickysaurus said:

Errors like this tend to be broken .NET frameworks. Try the solution here: https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/Vortex/wiki/MODDINGWIKI-Users-Troubleshooting-NET-6-Install-Issues

If that doesn't work, you could try going to %appdata%\Vortex and renaming that folder to something like "Vortex_backup". If it starts up after doing that Vortex's internal state has been corrupted. 

%appdata%\Vortex and renaming that folder to something like "Vortex_backup". ----> this is the only thing that ended up working. Can I continue using vortex like this or is there something alse I should do ?

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